

A Study on the Identity Construction of Scavengers

【作者】 胡全柱

【导师】 陆小聪;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本研究运用深度访谈法、文献法与观察法等研究方法,以认同理论和社会认同理论为视角,以拾荒者在面临他人对其身份持有强烈的社会歧视和偏见的情况下如何建构自我身份为核心研究问题,试图从身份主体的角度构建一个底层社会民众身份建构的分析框架,从而为底层社会研究提供新的解释路径。身处底层社会的拾荒者所遭受的他人对其身份的强烈社会歧视和偏见,属于拾荒者的社会身份范畴;拾荒者在面对他人的社会歧视和偏见时对拾荒者身份的感知和理解,属于拾荒者的自我身份范畴;在这样的身份感知和理解的基础上,拾荒者通过运用一系列资源、行动策略以及身份建构机制来建构自我身份以抵抗他人对其身份的社会歧视和偏见。本研究根据拾荒动机的不同,将拾荒者分为被动选择型、主动选择型与过渡型。被动选择型拾荒者自我身份认知图式包括三种:第一种为拾荒者身份遭受社会歧视和偏见,认同拾荒者身份的道德性和正当性,但不愿意认同和接受自己的拾荒者身份;第二种为拾荒者身份遭受社会歧视和偏见,且否定拾荒者身份的道德性和正当性,更不认同和接受自己的拾荒者身份;第三种为拾荒者身份遭受社会歧视和偏见,但肯定拾荒者身份的道德性和正当性,认同和接受自己的拾荒者身份。主动选择型拾荒者自我身份认知图式包括两种:一种为根据经济理性的思维方式,从相对优势和相对劣势两个方面来建构拾荒者身份认知图式;从相对优势方面来说,这种身份与“经济利益”、“富裕”、“自由”等积极社会意义相关联,而从拾荒者身份的相对劣势方面来说,它又与“肮脏”、“丢人”等消极社会意义相关联;接受和认同自己的拾荒者身份,因而身份主体与身份得到了统一;另一种为拾荒者身份必然地遭受普遍的社会歧视和偏见,它与“最孬”、“最低”、“最脏”等消极社会意义相关联,拾荒者身份被赋予的消极社会意义是主要的,甚至是其身份内涵的全部。过渡型拾荒者自我身份认知图式包括一种:拾荒者身份与“下贱”的消极社会意义相关联;在拾荒者群体内部,相对而言,游走收购型拾荒者身份要比直接捡拾型拾荒者身份“高尚”一些;接受和认同他人的拾荒者身份,但却拒斥和否定自我拾荒者身份。不论是被动选择型拾荒者,主动选择型拾荒者还是过渡型拾荒者,他们的自我身份认知图式呈现出相同的认知维度,即拾荒者身份遭受到来自他人的社会歧视和偏见,并与一些消极社会意义相联系。这说明,尽管在提倡社会宽容和价值多元的当今社会里有极少数拾荒者的成功案例,但在更大的社会系统中,拾荒者作为一种集体身份,已被社会性地污名化,并作为一种社会现实客观地存在着。无论个体出于什么动机,只要成为一个拾荒者,他就不可避免地感受到被污名化的集体身份之制约。语言化和行为化的社会歧视和偏见是拾荒者共同面临的外部环境。对此,被动选择型拾荒者通常采用两种方式予以抵抗:建构自我认同的拾荒者身份与寻求另种身份。前者通过赋予拾荒者身份以积极社会意义、改变自身形象以及与他者比较等行动策略来实现;后者被寻求的身份比拾荒者身份具有更高的社会地位,且二者不处于同一社会空间。主动选择型拾荒者根据四种逻辑采取不同行动策略建构自我身份以抵抗他人对其拾荒者身份的社会歧视和偏见,即经济逻辑下的“济利益最重要”行动策略、减负逻辑下的“能动就动”行动策略、自由逻辑下的“更自由”行动策略与休闲逻辑下“作为生活方式”行动策略。过渡型拾荒者应用隐瞒拾荒者身份、赋予拾荒者身份积极社会意义以及寻求另种身份等行动策略来建构自我身份以抵抗他人对其拾荒者身份的社会歧视和偏见。用于建构自我身份的资源主要有积极的社会意义、通过比较获得的相对优越感、更高社会地位的身份、经济利益、传统养育文化、自由观、休闲观等。此外,三种类型的拾荒者在建构自我身份时所采用的行动策略、可资利用的资源以及身份建构机制等具有某种程度的相似性。矛盾性身份是一个新概念,指在身份相对于该身份主体的关系中,身份主体在对自我身份认同缺失的条件下继续建构或维持的身份,它具有如下本质要素:第一,它涉及的是身份主体与身份的关系;第二,身份主体不认同该身份;第三,身份主体又继续建构或维持该身份,无论出于何种原因;第四,它是在与身份主体的关系中形成与维持。它具有矛盾性、主体性和动态性特征。矛盾性身份的形成是矛盾性身份认同缺失机制与身份延续机制共同运作的结果,二者构成矛盾性身份的形成机制。矛盾性身份认同缺失机制包括他人贬低、自我贬低与身份落差。矛盾性身份延续机制包括必然性身份依赖、选择性身份依赖与过渡性身份依赖。矛盾性身份的维持是在矛盾性身份形成以后通过身份平衡机制的运作才成为可能的。身份平衡机制包括身份正当化、身份比较、身份寻求与自我说服。矛盾性身份的客观存在是矛盾性身份的形成机制与身份平衡机制组合式运作的结果。

【Abstract】 This study attempts to construct an analyzing framework of the underclass’identity construction from the perspective of identity body, by using deep interview, literature and observation, under the direction of Identity Theory and Social Identity Theory, and at the core of how to construct scavengers’self identity facing others’social discrimination and prejudice against their identity.The social discrimination and prejudice against the identity of scavengers as the underclass belongs to social identity; their perception and understanding of their own identity belongs to self identity; on the base of such perception and understanding, they use some resources, strategies and identity-constructing mechanisms to construct their self identity in order to resist.According to their different motives, the scavengers are divided into the passive, the active and the transitional. The cognitive schemes of the self identity of the passive scavengers include: a. scavenger identity suffers social discrimination and prejudice; its morality and legitimacy is identified; their own scavenger identity isn’t identified and accepted; b. scavenger identity suffers social discrimination and prejudice; its morality and legitimacy is denied; their own scavenger identity isn’t identified and accepted; c. scavenger identity suffers social discrimination and prejudice; its morality and legitimacy is identified; their own scavenger identity is identified and accepted. The cognitive schemes of the self identity of the active scavengers include: a. the cognitive scheme is constructed by economic rationality, and from the two aspects of relative advantage and relative disadvantage; the relative advantage refers to the identity associated with positive social meanings such as“economic interest”,“richness”and“freedom”and the relative disadvantage refers to it associated with negative social meanings such as“dirtiness”and“disgrace”; it is identified and accepted with the result of the unity of identity body and identity; b. the scavenger identity necessarily suffers social discrimination and prejudice and it’s associated with negative social meanings such as“being the worst”,“being the lowest”and“being the dirtiest”; the negative social meanings are main, and even it means nothing but them. The cognitive scheme of the self identity of the transitional scavengers include: the identity is associated with the negative social meaning“disgrace”; inside the group of scavengers, relatively, the identity of wandering-buying scavengers is a little higher than that of the picking-up ones; others’scavenger identity but one’s own scavenger identity is identified and accepted.Whether they are passive, active or transitional, their cognitive schemes of the self identity have the same dimension that scavenger identity suffers social discrimination and prejudice, and is associated with negative social meanings. It shows though some successful scavengers are known in the era of social tolerance and multi-value, scavenger identity, in the greater social system, as a collective identity, is socially stigmatized and exists as social reality. No matter what motive of the individual, as a scavenger, he is inevitably restricted by the stigmatized collective identity.The social discrimination and prejudice in the form of language and behavior is the common environment all scavengers face. The passive scavengers take two kinds of measures to resist: construction of self-identified scavenger identity and construction of another identity; the former is achieved by some strategies such as endowing positive social meanings to scavenger identity, changing self image and comparing with others; the latter is higher than the scavenger identity, and the two identities are not in the same social space. According with the four logics, the active scavengers take different strategies to construct their self identity to resist:“the greatest importance attached to economic interest”under the logic of economy,“being able to move if possible”under the logic of alleviating burdens on offspring,“being more free”under the logic of freedom, and“being a life style”under the logic of leisure. The transitional scavengers take such strategies as hiding scavenger identity, endowing positive social meanings to scavenger identity, and constructing another identity to construct their self identity to resist.The resources used to construct self identity by the scavengers are positive social meanings, relative sense of advantage, identities with higher social class, economic interest, traditional bringing-up culture, freedom idea, and leisure idea. Besides, some similarity appears in the strategies,resources and identity-constructing mechanisms used to construct their self identity by the three kinds of scavengers.Contradictory identity is new, and it refers to the one the identity body continues constructing or maintaining under the condition of the lack of identity in self identity between identity body and identity. Its essential characteristics are as follows: a. it is involved in the relationship between identity body and identity; b. the identity body doesn’t identify it; c. the identity body continues constructing or maintaining it in any case; d. it forms and continues in the relationship with the identity body. It’s characterized by contradiction, subject and dynamic state.The formation of the contradictory identity is the result of identity-lacking mechanisms and identity-continuing mechanisms which constitute its forming mechanism. The identity-lacking mechanisms of the contradictory identity include other demeaning, self demeaning and identity fall. The identity-continuing mechanisms of the contradictory identity include necessary dependence on identity, selective dependence on identity and transitional dependence on identity. The maintenance of the contradictory identity is possible on the condition that identity-balancing mechanisms run. They include identity legitimization, identity comparison, identity seeking and self persuasion. The composite operation of the forming mechanism and the identity-balancing mechanisms results in the realistic existence of the contradictory identity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

