

Differential Law-The Historical Practice of Forest Right System

【作者】 王扬

【导师】 张佩国;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 人类学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本书根据安徽省绩溪县善庄镇择塘村近八个月的“林权”田野调查所完成。本书的研究主题属于“林权”范畴。但问题的核心不是“林权”的语义分析,也不是“林权”的法理建构,而是开展“林权”之于中国经验的历史实践研究。本书采用“整体生存伦理”作为研究策略,努力把“国家视角”和“民间视角”结合起来,通过“在场式”田野工作,以“事件束”为切入点,把“林权”置于宗族、村落、信仰、法律、村治、市场、水利等整体历史—文化纬度,积极挖掘“在地范畴”,全面审视徽州文化场境下“林权”实践及其再生产。调查结果表明,“林权”的国家法“表达”和民间法“实践”的发生背离,这既是“整体生存伦理”考察的背景,也是“整体生存伦理”实践的结果。当然,本书研究宗旨不在于揭示“表达”和“实践”的二元化,而在于考察“整体生存伦理”场境下林权实践“法律内卷化”,即由于国家法的规则理性与民间法的秩序逻辑之间的文化区隔,造成有法律而少秩序的制度性事实。其具体表现为:催生山林独联体,激发林权纠纷、引起械斗上访、灰色势力镶嵌村庄、林权集中少数能人、冲击村庄治理、影响法律权威、恶化生态环境等等。本书尝试着呈现“林权”研究新发现:其一,林权证还是一种形式性财产,充其量只是林权的“象征资本”;其二,“山林独联体”无法实现西方产权形态,反倒造成林业经济迟缓和生态效益下降;其三,外来资本“镶嵌”村族共同体,正在冲击农村治理及其稳定:其四,中国“身份性”林权尚未(甚至难以)让渡于“契约性”林权,“祖山”仍是农民“道义经济”的生存依赖;其五,“整体生存伦理”场境下“林权”实践还会导致“邻接性”权利(例如水权、矿权)的再生产。其六,“法律内卷化”是转型时期国家法与民间法“嵌合”实践的结果,也将有效推进中国“回应型”法治建设。

【Abstract】 The book based on the Zetang fieldwork of Shanzhuang town of Anhui Province for eight months.The study is "forest rights" category, the core of the problem is not the semantic analysis of "forest rights", not the legal construct of "forest rights" as well, but as the Practice of Chinese experience about" forest rights".This article, " Overall survival ethic" as research policy,Combine "national Perspective" and "civil perspective".by "the presence of type" field work, effectively find "local areas", "incident beam" as the starting point, put "forest rights"into clan, village, religion,law, village governance, markets, water and other general historical-cultural dimension, look at comprehensively the "legal" logic of the practice and reproduction of forest rights under the Huizhou cultural environmentSurvey showed that "forest rights" national law "expression" and the civil law "practice" have occurrence of departure, this is not only " Overall survival ethic" study background, but also" Overall survival ethic " practice, its mind is not the dual departure of "express" and "practice", but showed "law involution" of "forest rights practice "under "overall survival ethic" Environment, that is because between the rational rules of national law and order logic of civil law exist the cultural differentiation, resulting have laws but disorder. The specific performance is:the right of joint household registration forest stimulate forest rights disputes, the right to petition fights forest, gray forces mounted village, forest rights concentrated in a few capable, shock village governance, reduce legal authority, deterioration of ecological environment, birth of independent forest body, and so on.This article attempts to present several new findings:First, forest rights is only property "sign",at best is a "symbolic capital"; Second, as a "divided mountain", it is difficult to follow and implement Western-style form of property rights, or even cause forestry economic slow down and ecological benefits worsed; Third, foreign capital "broke into" villages (clans) community, it may be impact the rural areas governance and social stability in different degrees; Fourth, forest rights is difficult to achieve the "capacity to contract movement" alienation because of China’s rural "social acquaintance", "Zu Mountain" will continue to be farmers "survival first" back garden; the five, "under" Overall survival ethic "Environment the "forest rights" practice will lead to "adjacent "property (such as water rights, mineral rights) reproduction. Sixth, the "law involution" resulted in the State Law and Civil Law "chimeric" practice during a transition period of China, it will effectively promote China’s "response type" rule of law too.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】D922.63;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】552
  • 攻读期成果

