

The Research of Image’s Constituent of Chu Ci

【作者】 罗建新

【导师】 邵炳军;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 作为诗歌之本体的意象实际上包涵了四个组成要素:属于意层面的情与理和属于象层面的物与事,而所谓“意象构成”即是此四要素相互发生关系,生成文本形态的单一意象与复合意象的过程。基于此种认知,可以认为,“楚辞意象构成”这一论题主要包括取象、寄意、象与意的契合以及文本中的意象安置、组合等层面的内容。总体而言,“楚辞”作者所取之象可划分为物象与事象两大类型。其中,物象又包括自然物象与人工物象,前者指相对于主体之外的客观物,主要有动植物、地理天文、季候时节等,后者指属于人的及与人发生关联之物,主要有性别、器官、生理特点、疾病、衣饰、器物及社会角色等;而事象则包括实存事象与虚拟事象,前者指天地间的实存事,主要有历史事象与现实事象;后者指主体所虚拟想象之物事,主要有神灵鬼怪、灵禽瑞兽及登天神游诸事。“楚辞”所取之象沾染了浓郁的南楚地域文化色彩,其范畴较为丰富广阔,且具有鲜明的虚拟想象性特征。这些特征的出现与南土地理环境、楚文化特征、战国之际南北文化融合的时代背景及楚人审美心理与创作主体个人修养等因素有关。身处战国末世的“楚辞”作者,为抒泄个体之忧愁烦郁,常将诸多情与理寄寓象中,以自明与自救。就具体文本而言,其所寄予之情主要有慕清自守之绪、生逢国衰之忧、激愤不平之怨、忠贞不渝之情等,而所寓之理则主要有从历史文化中汲取的经验如历史鉴戒观念、历史发展思想及其在个体人生经历中所总结处的某些规律、认知、哲理等。为准确地传递出这些意,“楚辞”作者采取了直抒其意与讬象寓意两种方式来设置篇题,安排文辞。倘若以格式塔心理学派之观点为参照,当可见出,“楚辞”作者所取之象与所寄之意是借助于“异质同构”的心理认同而发生契合的。亦即,在创作准备阶段,象本身具有某种特征,这些特征能让人产生出不同的情感体验或理性认知,尽管这种体验或认知本是发生在人大脑皮质中的生理现象,但在主体心理认知领域中却被体验为是象本身所具有的性质。如此一来,象与意便借助于大脑皮层的反应这一媒介,以“相似”的心理体验而发生契合。在“楚辞”中,象与意的契合形态可分为象之形貌与主体情感体验、象之形貌与主体理性认知、象之性质与主体情感体验、象之性质与主体理性认知相契合等四种类型。当然,因作者、读者审美体验之差别与意象本身所具有的浑融性特征,这种区分实际上是相对而言的。从文艺心理学角度看,实现象、意契合的主要媒介是作为主体的人的联想思维。亦即,象能让主体衍生出诸多联想,如接近联想、相似联想、对比联想等,而这些联想能在审美视域中与主体所欲寄托之意相契合,从而沟通象、意,并经由创作主体之艺术加工而生成审美意象。在生成观念中的“意中之象”后,“楚辞”作者对其进行了安置经营工作,这主要体现在意象位置与意象组合两个层面。就前者而言,其可据传递旨意之需,于文本的篇首、篇腹、篇尾诸部分自由安置意象,这在体制上标志着中国诗歌之独立;就后者而言,其组合意象之方式可划分为并置式、归纳式、演绎式等三种主要类型,在每种类型中,“楚辞”作者有意识按照特定的逻辑关系,或叠用,或交替,对之进行多样、立体组合,构成了庞大而复杂的意象体系。从“意象构成”角度看,“楚辞”之于中国诗歌而言当具有转型意义。其拓展了取象范畴,开阔了创作主体的审美视野,提供了借助于诗歌来寄寓主体复杂多样的情感体验与理性认知的可能性,使得中国诗歌能够在题材、主题、类型的多样性上能有着更大的发展。不仅如此,“楚辞”作者之创作目的及创作实践皆表明其是自觉创作而非自发吟唱,这就标志着文学自发阶段的结束及其感性自觉阶段的开端。“楚辞”作者的这种主观、能动的文学创作活动,能让主体在意象经营过程中自觉关注“物”、“我”交融的创作心理历程,从而使其意象经营显示出多角度性、多层次性,这也奠定了古代诗歌意象的基本范式,促进了中国古典诗歌意象经营艺术的多元化发展。

【Abstract】 The idea-image, as the ontological characteristics of poetry, includes four elements:“emotional experiences”and“cognitive rationalities”belongs to the“idea”level and“objects”and“phenomena”belongs to the“image”level. The idea-image constitution refers to each of these four elements relations and generates a single image and composite image in text. Based on this thought, the idea-image constitution of Chu-Ci includes the following contents, such as choosing“image”, expressing“idea”, the conjunction of the idea and image, and the idea-image setting and assembling in text, and so on.The image by the Chu-Ci authors selected can be divided into the“objects”and“phenomena”.“Objects”includes“natural objects”and“artificial objects”. The former referring to purely objective that relatives to the outside of the“subject”, such as plants and animals, geographical and astronomical names, climate and season, and so on; the latter referring to human affairs and things associated with the human beings, such as gender, organs, physiological characteristics, disease, clothing, utensils and social role, etc.“phenomena”includes“real phenomena”and“virtual phenomena”. The former referring to real things happened in the world, including mainly“historical phenomena”and“reality phenomena”, the latter referring to the virtual things by the creation subject, including mainly immortals and ghosts, benevolent animals, imaginary things by author such as touching the sky and spirit traveling successfully around the universe, etc. Generally speaking, the selecting image behaviors of Chu-Ci authors have the characters of strong regional culture accumulation, the abundantly and widely selected range, and the brightly imagination and fiction, It has relationships with geographical environment and cultural characteristics of CHU, the communication between southern culture an northern culture in Warring States Period, the aesthetic psychology of Chu people and author’s personal accomplishment, and so forth. In order to express the unfortunate and worried feeling, the authors of Chu-Ci in the warring states mid-late period often place lots of“emotional experiences”and“cognitive rationalities”in“image”for save themselves. The“emotional experiences”mainly includes the feeling of admiring model and maintaining ethics, the sadness in improper times and states decay, the resentment because of injustice, the emotion of unswervingly loyal to his country, and such. The“cognitive rationalities”mainly includes the experiences learning from history and culture, the rules generalizing from his life experiences, and the like. For transmitting these“idea”accurately, the Chu-Ci authors take two ways that immediate expression of idea and indirectly expression of idea by means of image to set the topic and arrange articles.If taking the viewpoint of Gestalt psychology as a reference, we can find that the ideas and images selected by the Chu-Ci authors can agree with the psychological identity of different qualities sharing same structure. Namely, in the preparatory state which precedes the act of writing poetry,“images”have some characteristics that can let the creation subject produce different emotional experiences and cognitive rationalities. It’s essentially a physiological phenomenon growing out of Cerebral Cortex, though can be experienced as the nature of images in the cognitive psychological field of the creation subject. Thus,“images”can conform to“ideas”by psychological experiences that show similarity with the medium of cerebral cortex. There are mainly four compatible forms in Chu-Ci, such as the conjunction of image’s appearance and the creation subject’s emotional experiences, the conjunction of image’s appearance and the creation subject’s cognitive rationalities, the conjunction of image’s nature and the creation subject’s emotional experiences, the conjunction of image’s nature and the creation subject’s cognitive rationalities, and everything. Because the aesthetic experience difference of authors and readers, including the fusion characteristic of idea-image itself, this distinction is actually relative.After the image in mind formatting, the Chu-Ci authors resettle and operate them. This work is mainly embodied in arranging the position of idea-image and combining them. The former is concerned with placing idea-image freely on the starting position of the text, or the middle, or the end. It marked the poetry independence in certain. The latter is concerned with the combination patterns of images, and it can be divided into three main types: co-representation, induction, deduction. According to the specific logical relationship, the Chu-Ci authors consciously constitute s the complex images system by coordinating or alternating ways within each type.From the perspective of idea-image’s constituent,“Chu-Ci”has the transformation meanings to Chinese poetry. It expanded the category of selecting image, and opened the author’s vision, and enriched the implications of expressing ideas, and improved the artistic expression. This shows that Chinese poetry began to get rid of the rite and possess preliminary independence. It makes China poetry begins with the diversified evolution tendency in theme and type. More than that, the subjective motile literary creation of Chu-Ci authors let them consciously pay attention to the creation idea course which have the identity of things with persons in the course of managing the idea-image, and it make the image management of Chu-Ci authors show the multi-angle and multilevel features. It established the basic paradigm of ancient Chinese poetry idea-image, and promoted the diversified development of Chinese poetry idea-image’s management.

【关键词】 楚辞意象构成中国诗歌转型
【Key words】 Chu-Ciidea-image’s constituentchinese poetrytransformation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

