

Study and Implement of the Inspection Robot Control System for Power Transmission Line

【作者】 任志斌

【导师】 阮毅;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 架空高压输电线路的巡检是一项劳动强度大、涉及面广的作业任务。迄今为止,国内外主要依靠巡检人员携带各种检测设备沿线执行检测任务,效率低、成本高、误检率及漏检率较大,因此,高压线巡检机器人替代人工巡检是当前电力系统部门十分希望解决的问题。高压线巡检机器人属于具有广泛应用前景的特种机器人,旨在为高压输电线路的检测提供一套自动作业系统,代替检测人员对线路进行巡检任务,从而减轻巡检作业的劳动强度,降低检测成本,提高检测质量和效率,改善检测作业的安全性,从而提高线路的管理和维护水平。巡检机器人沿架空线路移动,利用所携带的仪器对杆塔、导线、绝缘子、线路金具及线路四周环境等进行检测,并收集相关信息,使检测人员或计算机能据此判断线路的情况。当前国内外对巡检机器人的研究尚未成熟,还有很多关键技术尚待解决,特别是国内的研究起步较晚,目前仍处于试验研究阶段,与实际应用还存在一定距离。本文的研究目的是研制出适应线路作业环境、可在多个档距段作业的巡检机器人,从而实现整个输电线路上真正意义的自动巡检。针对高压输电线路的环境特点和巡检机器人研发过程中存在的技术难点,采用了双臂的巡检机器人本体机构,该机器人由轮爪机构、手臂机构、导轨支架机构和控制箱组成,机器人本体通过手臂末端的轮爪机构悬挂在线路上,具有沿线移动和越障作业功能。机器人在沿线移动时,根据线路的情况,选择滚轮滚动方式或爬行方式,在遇到障碍物时,可通过双臂的交替运动翻越障碍物,继续行进。另外,机器人结构采用了双臂同侧悬挂的设计方案,因此在越障时可将机器人悬挂在线路外侧,增大了机器人作业空间。针对线上工作任务,讨论了机器人动作方式和动作步骤,并进行了运动学分析,分析结果表明,对于具体的任务,巡检机器人可采用基本动作组合的运动方式完成。在此基础上,对涉及巡检机器人线上移动条件、线上爬行条件和姿态平衡条件进行了讨论。巡检机器人的控制是巡检机器人研究的重要内容,所设计的巡检机器人以高压输电线的地线为作业路径,机器人的控制系统采用分级控制结构,分别包括远程管理主机、机器人本体主控机和电机及驱动。远程管理主机的作用主要是利用无线通讯装置对在野外线路上进行巡检工作的机器人进行监视和远程控制。机器人本体主控机采用PC104工业控制计算机,在远程控制方式下,它接收远程主机的控制命令,将其解释为各个电机的运动序列,并依次发送给驱动器执行。机器人在自主越障时,它根据线路库、作业规划库、动作规划库、动作库和传感器检测信息,自主进行机器人动作规划,电机按规划动作。另外,机器人本体主控机还通过图像采集卡采集机器人巡检图像,并将图像实时地传输给远程管理主机进行监视。电机驱动器采用位置、速度、电流闭环工作方式,能够很方便的适应位置﹑速度和电流控制方面的应用。巡检机器人要求驱动器能满足响应速度快﹑运行稳定及精度高等性能指标,其关键是通过转矩控制来满足要求。本文研究了一种基于精确计算换相时的占空比实现抑制转矩脉动的控制方法,在实验系统中,采用以英飞凌公司的XC167CS芯片组成的伺服系统证明所提出的方法对于提高系统的性能是有效的。研制的高压输电线路巡检机器人样机做了一系列的实验,包括独立单元模块实验,实验室内模拟环境调试实验,实际500KV高压输电线路机器人线上巡检实验。实验结果表明:本文所设计的巡检机器人控制系统易于操作和控制,对线路作业环境具有良好的适应能力,机器人在移动能力、越障能力上都显示出良好的性能,采用的控制方法取得了预期的效果,对线路作业环境表现出良好的适应性。整个机器人系统的性能达到了设计要求,体现出较好的实用性和市场应用前景。

【Abstract】 It is tedious, dangerous and difficult to inspect power transmission lines. So far, most of the inspections are completed by workers. Obviously, manual inspection have many disadvantages: low efficiency, high cost, etal. Now as the development of robot technology, it is necessary to develop line-inspecting robot, which can inspect the power transmission lines automatically.Inspection robot for power lines is a kind of special robot which is a highly efficient robot system to complete the inspection tasks with high quality, high efficiency and low cost. The robot can not only move on the line, but also it can observe the power lines and transmit the video signal to supervision station automatically. Then, these images are converted to provide the status of power lines and relative devices from which people can detect the damages of power transmission line.Many researchers have introduced various design of inspection robot. However, the practical applications of them are limited and many problems of technique are required to be solved. This article research goal is to develop the robot so that automatical inspection on the entire transmission line becomes the reality.In this dissertation, the working environment of power transmission lines and the key technologies of inspection robot are discussed in detail. The mechanical structure of inspection robot is proposed which includes the wheel and claw mechanism, arm mechanism, guide and support mechanism and control box. The structure of the robot is designed to be capable of navigating on the lines and surmounting obstacles. The robot can choose rolling or crawling way according to line’s situation. When meeting the obstacle, robot can cross obstacle, and continue to march forward. Inspection robot for power transmission lines must plan its behaviors to negotiate obstacles according to obstacle when it is crawling along the power transmission line. For this purpose, based on the structure of transmission lines, two arms are designed to be suspended on the same side of the wire which can avoid the inference of the affiliated facilities like the towers.The locomotion mode and steps of the robot on the power line are analyzed when robot is working on the line. Then the typical tasks are discussed and presented by kinetics analysis. The discussion results show that each step can be divided into several basic movement of the robot. And the feasibility of the mechanical configuration is validated simultaneously.The control system is an important part of the inspection robot system. A three-layers control system is proposed, which includes supervision and management system on the ground station、robot control、actuations directly controlled by microprocessors. The roles of the upper layer are to receive the inspection images in real-time, conduct the fault detection, monitor the operations of the robot and remotely control robot operations. Based on the embedded computer (PC104), the middle layer plays the role of analyzing, distributing and coordinating. It receives and analyses the commands from the upper layer, then distributes the tasks to individual lower level actuator controllers. Under the auto-operation mode, it makes its own decisions for planning the sequence of operations according to knowledge data base without the upper layer’s involvement. The remote ground system is installed on the ground station based on a portable computer. Embedded computer correspond with remote ground system through the wireless network. From the human-machine interface on the ground system, the operator on the ground can monitor the states of the robot and remote control the robot if necessary.Robot servo system is the use of motor torque generated by motor directly or indirectly to drive robot for the implementation of the various sports bodies to achieve the set or track position. In this design, three loops of control strategy are adopted, that is, torque control, speed control loop and position control loop. Robot joint is required to satisfy the measures of performance of fast response speed、running stably and high accuracy. Torque control of the motor is the main issue of the high accuracy servo drive systems. In this paper, relationship of duty cycle value, back EMF and torque is analyzed. A way based on PWM duty cycle is introduced to eliminate torque ripple. Experimental results: based on a single-chip microcomputer XC167CI, control system is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for the control. Finally, the general controller is applied in the inspection robot used for power transmission line,which can achieve satisfactory performances.A series of experiments are completed, including module unit experiments, laboratory overall system debugging and the 500KV field experiment for inspection task.The experiment and test results show that the inspection robot system has possessed the capabilities of navigation and inspection tasks on the power lines. The project has fulfilled the technical requirement of power transmission system and has a good application prospect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

