

A Study on the Hindustan Jade in the Middle of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 张煜

【导师】 仲星明;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 美术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 痕都斯坦玉器是中原玉器发展史上对中亚和西亚地区玉器型式的指称,也是对中原玉器艺术形式演变产生最重要影响的一种外来类型。本文选取了清中期这个具有强盛国力与深刻文化内涵的时期作为时期限定,对痕都斯坦玉器进行跨文化的意义分析和形态比较,从多个角度和层面来解读痕都斯坦玉器的起源、演化、风格及其与当时的政治、历史、文化、哲学的关系,从根源上对痕都斯坦玉器的形式、意义、东传与再创造做系统的分析和研究。本文构架分为四个部分来进行展开:历史渊源阐述、地区风格界定、清代痕玉表现、后期的价值与影响。在各部分的论证中以强调考据与义理结合、宏观与微观结合、平行比较与影响比较结合,希望达致以下预期结果:(一)探究痕都斯坦玉器型成的地域考证、前承渊源与形制特征;(二)对其艺术巅峰的时代地域特征、文化影响、社会制度等进行归纳整理;(三)探究清代中原玉器自身发展与痕玉传入所带来的审美理念交流与冲突、两者互为借鉴的过程,以及异域文化对于中原玉器型态演变的揭示;(四)以痕都斯坦玉器所显现的造物精神与中原玉器“载道”、“藏礼”文化精神相印证,通过与清史资料相结合,验证清高宗对其欣赏中所蕴涵的治国理想与文化价值。清中期痕都斯坦玉器在反映当时政治、文化生活的广度和深度上,具有文字所缺乏的直观性与形象性,能够补充文献难以记述的细部与微观,对正确全面评价清代工艺美术史大有裨益,是文字之外的一种更为生动和具体的记录历史的方式。并且,其形式的特殊性为后人在了解不同地区文化互为交流、演化乃至回归的循环上,提供了完整的实物参照,其存在的作用与意义深刻而久远。

【Abstract】 In the development of China jade’s history, Hindustan Jade is the title to jade from Central Asia and West Asia, and it’s the most significant impact of a foreign type to chinese culture. This dissertation chooses Qing middle period with its strong power and profound cultural connotation as a time limit, compare the Hindustan Jade with cross-cultural analysis and morphological comparison, From various angles and dimensions to explain the origin of Hindustan Jade, evolution, style and its relationship with the prevailing political, historical, cultural, and philosophical relationship, and do a systematic analysis and research to Hindustan Jade from origin of its form, meaning, spread eastward and re-creation.This dissertation is divided into four parts to expand: historical origins explained, regional style definition, performance of Hindustan Jade’s in Qing Dynasty, value and impact of late. In various parts of the argument in order to emphasize the combination of textual and meaning, macro-and micro-combined, parallel comparison and comparison with the impact. And hope to achieve the following expected results:(A) Find the formation of Hindustan Jade geographical research, the former bearing and characteristics of origin and shape.(B) Collect and analysis geographical features, cultural and religious influence, and social system which achieve its artistic pinnacle.(C) Find the exchange and conflict between chinese jade and Hindustan Jade in the middle of Qing Dynasty, and the process of drawing on each other, and jade as the carrier of different cultures decorative patterns. Finally find the law of evolution from different culture’s decorative patterns period.(D) Compare the creation of the emerging spirit of Hindustan Jade with "contains," "manner" contained in Chinese Jade. Through the file inductive between the Qing’s history and Zaobanchu, verify the Qing Gaozong view of establish ideal country and cultural values to the object.Between the the lack of text, Hindustan Jade of Mid-Qing can reflect the political and cultural life breadth and depth. It will be good to evaluation the Crafts’s history of Qing Qynasty, and it is the process of a more vivid and record way to express the history outside text.

【关键词】 痕都斯坦玉器清中期风格历史价值
【Key words】 HindustanJadeQing middle periodstylevalue
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

