

【作者】 连赟

【导师】 伍国栋;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 音乐学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在这个世界文化大碰撞、大冲突、大融合的时代,社会经济和科学技术飞速发展,各种思想、理论、学说、观念风云际会,特殊音乐教育获得了千载难逢的发展机遇。然而,我国无论是音乐界还是教育界,对全国约1500万眇盲、聋哑、弱智等学龄残疾儿童的音乐教育一直少有关注,相关理论研究和教育实践远远落后于世界发达国家水平。出于对当下特殊人群的关注和人际平等的思考,论文以中国数千年特殊音乐教育的历史发展和时代变迁为题材,采取史料梳理和个案调查相结合的方法,对中国特殊音乐教育进行了现象考察、理性分析和策略研究,力图客观而系统地再现中国特殊音乐教育发展的历史脉络,以期促进中国特殊音乐教育变革与发展。论文大体上分为三个部分:前四章从特殊音乐教育的学科概念和相关理论入手,对中国特殊音乐教育的历史与现状进行全面考察,是文章的主体部分;第五章和第六章主要研究当今世界特殊音乐教育发展潮流和中国特殊音乐教育存在的诸多现实问题;论文最后则重点就如何推进中国特殊音乐教育健康发展进行了深入探讨。绪论首先对古今中外特殊音乐教育进行了简要论述,阐释了论文选题的理论价值和实践意义,并以此引出研究思路。继而对国内外相关课题研究进行了全面分析评价,交待了论文研究的理论基础、研究方法和主要创新点,客观地指出了写作过程中遇到的困难、论文中的问题与不足。第一章主要解决了特殊音乐教育是什么、为什么教和如何教等三个基本问题,界定了特殊音乐教育的对象群,明确了特殊音乐教育的学科概念、主要理论和常用模式,厘清了特殊音乐教育与普通音乐教育和音乐治疗的关系,并着重指出开展特殊音乐教育的重要意义和作用。第二章对新中国成立以前长达数千年的中国残疾人音乐教育状况进行了史料研究,分析了中国古代残疾人音乐教育在培养对象、培养目标和教学模式等方面的特点。接着,论文对近代中国特殊音乐教育发展史进行了论述,指出西方传教士对中国现代特殊音乐教育发展的贡献,初步探讨了解放前中国特殊教育学校建设、学制规定、师资培养、教学内容、课程设置、生源情况,以及民间特殊音乐教育状况等。第三章对新中国成立以来的特殊音乐教育发展进行了全面阐述。解放后,中国政府对旧社会各类特殊教育学校的接管和改造,建立健全相关政策措施,构建政府特殊教育行政管理体系,加强师资培养和学科建设,极大地推动了中国特殊音乐教育的发展。十年动乱期间,中国特殊音乐教育陷入了历史倒退,教育质量急剧下降。改革开放后,中央政府重新确立了特殊教育政策方针和指导原则,九年制义务教育在特殊教育领域全面推开,中国特殊音乐教育劫后重生,发展迅速。第四章主要以京、沪、宁三地五所特殊教育学校为研究对象,采用实地听课、现场考察、师生访谈和问卷调查等方式,全面考察各校在硬件设施建设、音乐师资培养、音乐课程安排、教育方式、教学科研等方面情况。第五章通过研究美、英、日等特殊教育和音乐教育水平较为发达国家的现状,总结了当今世界特殊音乐教育发展所呈现出的五大趋势,并从体制、制度和基本状况等几个方面对中外特殊音乐教育进行比较,客观地指出了中国特殊音乐教育中的问题和不足。第六章以前五章研究为基础,对中国当代特殊音乐教育体制和相关问题进行整体省察,揭露了中国特殊音乐教育在教育制度、行政体制、基础设施、职业选择、师资培养、理论研究、教材编写、教育理念和教学方式等各个方面存在的问题和弊端,继而从文化环境、传统观念、经济体制和全球化背景等客观层面进行深度窥析。第七章是论文的主要落脚点。本章从教育的功能本位这一基本命题出发,对当前扭曲的教育目标进行了归位思考。在对个别化教育理论进行探讨的同时,论文提出了多元理论融合的思想,以此为基础,对中国当前特殊音乐教育在教学机构、师资培养、课程设计、教学方法和考核评价等方面提出了初步构想。余论部分则以“认识”为统揽,着重分析影响中国特殊音乐教育的核心要素,并从宏观层面对中国当代特殊音乐教育的未来发展进行了理性思考。

【Abstract】 In today’s world with great cultural collision and integration, and with rapid socio-economic and technology development, various ideas, theories, doctrines, concepts have appeared. The Special Music Education (SME) gains a rare opportunity for its development. However, Chinese musicologists and educationists have paid little attention to the music education of about 15 million physically and/or mentally disabled children in China. Relevant theoretical research and education in practice lag far behind the advanced countries. Given the growing concerns on this‘special’group and the equality of the society, the thesis takes the historical development and evolution of music education on the disabled in China as a topic. By utilizing a method that combines historical research with case investigations, it carries out phenomenon examination, reasoning analysis and strategic research on Chinese SME. The author attempts to reveal the history of Chinese SME objectively and systematically, to boost the development and reform in Chinese SME system.This paper is generally divided into three sections. The first four chapters are the core part of this paper. Starting from the discipline concepts and theories of the SME, the author reviews the history and current situation of Chinese SME comprehensively; Chapter V and VI analyze the worldwide trends in the SME and investigate many practical problems faced by Chinese SME. The last chapter focuses on how to promote a better environment for Chinese SME.The introduction briefly discusses the history of the SME, explaining the theoretical value and practical significance of the dissertation topics, and thus leads to research ideas. Then, it gives a comprehensive literature review on the SME, outlines the theoretical foundation, research methodology, and main contributions of this study. Meantime, it also points out the difficulties faced by the authors in the writing process and the problems and weaknesses of this study.The first chapter intends to answer three basic questions: what is the SME, why should we teach and how to teach. The author clearly defines the concept for the SME discipline, the audience of the SME, main theories and commonly-used educational modules.Moreover, he points out the relationship among the SME, ordinary music education and music therapy, emphasizing on the importance and effects of the SME.Chapter II conducts a review on the historical situation and development of Chinese SME. The chapter also analyzes the characteristics of target audience, training objectives and educational modules of the SME in ancient China. Then, it discusses the development of the SME in modern China and points out the special contributions made by the Western missionary. Last, it presents the historical situation of the SME prior to the founding of New China, including the construction of Chinese special education schools, the education system, the funding system, the course contents, folk education conditions of the SME and so forth.The third chapter elaborates the development and evolution since the founding of New China. After the liberation, the Chinese government took over and transformed all kinds of special education schools, established and refined operational policies and regulations, constructed a new administration system for special education, strengthened the training system for teachers and the discipline construction, promoted Chinese SME development enormously; during the 10 year turmoil, Chinese SME fell back for several years. The education quality collapsed. After the passage of the reform and open policy, the central government re-established education policies and guiding principles for special education system. The 9-year compulsory education system also covered the SME sector. After the rebirth of Chinese SME, it has experienced a rapid growth.The fourth chapter mainly takes five special education schools, selected from Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, as the object of study. By using methods such as attending lectures, scene inspections, interviews with teachers and students, and questionnaire surveys, the author investigates various situations in the educational facilities, training programs for teachers, the arrangement of music classes, the educational modules, the research in teaching.The fifth chapter studies the current situation of the SME in developed countries, such as the U.S.A, England and Japan, and it summarizes five worldwide trends in the SME system. Further, from the viewpoint of education system, structure and basic conditions, it compares Chinese SME with others and points out the problems and shortcomings presented in Chinese SME system.The sixth chapter, based on previous five chapters, inspects the whole SME system and problems raised from the system. It reveals a number of problems related to education system, administrative system, training system, vocational choice, academic research, teaching methods, etc. Moreover, it conducts a deep analysis from several other perspectives, such as culture, traditions, economic regime, globalization and so forth.The seventh chapter shows the intent and purpose of this research. Staring from the nature of education, it critiques the distortion of education goals and presents several thoughts to ponder. While discussing the theories on individualizing education, the paper proposes a multi-dimensional theory merging a number of thoughts together. Taking this theory as a foundation, it proposes preliminary conception for teaching organizations, the training system, curriculum projects, teaching methods and performance appraisal in Chinese SME system.The concluding part is the master line by“understanding”. It analyzes emphatically the essential factors that affect Chinese SME system and discusses objectively the future development in Chinese SME from macroscopic views.

  • 【分类号】G760;J60-4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2560

