

Study on Diamond Bit with Steel Bonded Carbide Type of Matrix for Percussive-Rotary Drilling

【作者】 杨展

【导师】 汤凤林; 段隆臣;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 冲击回转钻进方法是一种先进、高效、优质、低耗的钻进方法,特别是在硬岩层中钻进时效果更为明显,对提高钻进效率、提高岩矿芯采取率、防止孔斜、减少岩矿芯堵塞有很好的效果。在我国,冲击回转钻进的研究起步于七十年代,得到了地质部门的积极推广应用。在当时,由于金刚石钻探技术刚刚处于推广应用阶段,对金刚石本身的性质、金刚石抗冲击破碎能力以及金刚石钻头的认识还有限,不少研究人员认为金刚石钻头不能应用于冲击回转钻进中。因此,国内的地质、冶金等部门都围绕着硬质合金钻头开展冲击器的研究和冲击回转钻进工艺技术的研究,取得了一系列的研究成果,使不同种类的性能良好的冲击器得以问世,冲击回转钻进技术得到长足发展。现代钻进技术的发展和深部地质找矿的需求,使得冲击回转钻进和绳索取芯钻进工艺必须采用金刚石钻头进行钻进。但是,多少年以来却很少有人专门研究冲击回转钻进用金刚石钻头,既没有研究成果,也没有专利技术,这样就限制了在深孔、硬岩中冲击回转钻进的优越性的发挥。本论文旨在研究冲击回转钻进用的金刚石钻头胎体材料及其热压金刚石钻头,期望为冲击回转钻进做出应有的贡献。论文首先叙述了传统热压金刚石钻头的设计思路与制造工艺技术,包括钻头的唇面形状、钻头的胎体成分与性能、钻头的水路、金刚石参数以及钻头的热压工艺。并在叙述中加以分析,找出普通热压金刚石钻头的结构参数与岩层相适应的规律性,对比研究普通回转钻进与冲击回转钻进的差异和区别,为研制冲击回转金刚石钻头提供了有益的依据。论文着重研究与分析了冲击回转钻进的胎体成分及其性能。阐述了冲击回转钻进的特点和冲击回转钻进对钻头性能的要求,结合文献资料分析了冲击功的大小对金刚石钻头及其钻进的影响,分析了冲击回转钻进金刚石钻头应该具有的结构特点和胎体性能要求。在分析钢结硬质合金的性能和特点的基础上,借鉴钢结硬质合金的成分与性能,并将其引入到热压金刚石钻头的胎体试验研究中。钢结硬质合金的成分及性能,与热压金刚石钻头胎体的成分和应有的性能都十分相近。鉴于此,进行了初步的试验与研究,并对钢结硬质合金的两相基本组成部分——硬质相与粘结相进行了重点试验研究,得出了钢结硬质合金型胎体的基本成分及其含量比。论文对提高胎体性能提出了研究途径,并进行了试验研究。采用复式骨架材料作为硬质相,即以碳化钨、碳化钛和YG8作为胎体硬质相,在提高胎体的耐磨性的同时,提高金刚石的出刃效果。借鉴高锰钢粘结相的成分与特性,确保胎体的综合机械性能。采用铜-锡-稀土预合金粉替代663-Cu预合金粉,提高胎体的合金化程度和致密性能,减少低熔点合金的偏析与流失。采用SiC纤维材料,提高胎体的硬度、强度与耐磨性。通过多次的试验与研究,取得了研究冲击回转钻进钻头胎体的基本而又有价值的成果,为研究与试制冲击回转钻进钻头奠定了扎实的基础。论文阐述了普通金刚石钻头的研制现状,比较深入地阐述了热压金刚石钻头制造中,钻头的质量不仅与胎体配方密切相关,而且与热压工艺参数密切相关,两者是相互影响、密不可分的一个整体。文中分析了热压工艺参数中烧结温度、压力、升温速度、保温时间以及出炉温度对胎体合金化的影响。热压参数的设计与胎体成分密切相关,对胎体性能有着至关重要的影响,是保证钻头质量的最后一道工序。这些研究为设计冲击回转钻进钻头提供了十分有益的启迪。论文深入地分析、研究了冲击回转钻进钻头胎体性能的研究方法,经过对配方均匀设计和混料回归试验设计进行对比分析,决定采用混料回归试验设计方法中的极端顶点法研究试验钻头胎体成分及其性能。分析研究中,采用数学方法和表格设计方法进行了对比,其设计结果完全一致。说明混料回归试验设计方法是一种先进的、适合摸索胎体成分与胎体性能之间变化规律的可靠方法,是宏观控制胎体性能的一种很好的试验研究方法。通过试验研究确定了胎体的硬质相和粘结相成分及其含量比。通过对胎体成分与性能进行试验,并对试验结果进行回归分析和规划求解,得出了胎体硬度、耐磨性和抗冲击韧性与胎体成分间的数学模型及其相关性。显著性检验的结果表明,该研究结果令人满意,具有很好的实用性。为使设计的钻头能满足冲击器的冲击力作用,除了试验研究胎体抗冲击韧性外,研究中还专门考虑了胎体在轴向冲击力作用下的抵抗冲击动载破坏的能力。试验结果表明,所试验胎体的抗冲击性能足以抵抗冲击器的冲击力作用,能够保证正常的冲击回转钻进。论文分析了大陆科学钻探工程中所使用钻头的磨损情况,从中得出用于冲击回转钻进中的钻头,除了具备普通回转钻进所需要的性能外,必须考虑钻头工作层的结构,必须强化工作层的耐冲击性能和保径性能。因此,设计出具有创新性的CJ-A型和CJ-B型两种结构的孕镶金刚石钻头。为了验证钻头设计的合理性和钻头的制造质量,针对试验矿区的地质条件、岩石性质,设计与试制了野外钻进试验用的金刚石钻头,并进行了野外钻进试验。对从矿区采集回的岩石样进行性能测试,包括:用WYY-1型压入硬度计测定岩样的压入硬度值,用WYQ-1型岩石摆球硬度计测试岩样的摆球硬度和塑性系数。根据测试的岩样力学性质,基本确定岩石的可钻性级别为Ⅷ-Ⅸ级。而对于岩样的研磨性,从岩样的表面分析,矿物结构及结晶分析可知,造岩矿物颗粒以中等粒度为主,颗粒比较均匀,属于中等略偏高的研磨性岩石。据此设计了与岩性相适应的钻头胎体性能,在已有研究的基础上对配方进行适当的调整后,胎体配方与热压工艺最后确定为:硬质相含量调整为42%,铜-锡-稀土合金为24%,镍-锰含量10%,铁-磷合金含量13%,钴-钼-钛含量11%。烧结温度980℃,压力18MPa,保温时间6min,出炉温度800℃。钻头在福建地质八队某矿区进行了冲击回转钻进试验,钻进结果:平均钻进时效达到2.29m/h,钻头的平均使用寿命达到63.82m;与当时的其他两家钻头厂的钻头相比,有比较明显的优势。钻头设计与试验达到了预计的目的。当然,论文还存在许多不足,例如野外试验的钻头数量较少,试验的矿区和岩性种类不多,这是本课题组应该加强改进的地方。同时,对岩石的力学性能分析中,由于缺乏研磨性试验设备,缺少岩石研磨性测试数据,只是通过岩样的薄片分析,从矿物成分及其含量、颗粒大小、矿物结构构造等直观分析得出研磨性的高低,缺乏科学性,这是今后研究中应该避免的地方。

【Abstract】 Percussive-rotary drilling, a kind of advanced, high efficiency and low cost drilling technique, shows obvious advantages when drilling in hard formations, that has an excellent effects not only with respect to the improvement of drilling efficiency and core recovery percent but also the prevention of hole deviation and core blockage. Research on percussive-rotary drilling can be retraced to the late 1970s in China when it was popularized by geological department positively. At that time, the outlook that diamond bits could not be used for percussive-rotary drilling were hold by many researchers due to their limited recognition on diamond performances, ability of anti-impacting and anti-crushing as well as diamond bits because the application of diamond drilling technologies was still in its infancy. In recent years, investigations on impacters and percussive-rotary drilling technology centering on tungsten carbide bits have been implemented by geological and metallurgical departments etc. and a series of research results, such as different types of impacters with good qualities were obtained, which means percussive-rotary drilling technology has been considerably developed.Percussive-rotary drilling, wire line coring drilling and diamond drilling system have became indispensable to subsurface geological prospecting because of the development of modern drilling technologies. However, very few studies have been performed particularly on diamond bits used for percussive-rotary drilling for years such that there are neither corresponding research results nor patents were reported up to now, which restricts the superiority when percussive-rotary drilling are used for deep hole and hard formation. This paper aims to research into diamond bits used for percussive-rotary drilling in order to make contributions to percussive-rotary drilling technology.Design ideas and manufacturing technologies of traditional hot-pressed diamond bits were firstly depicted in this paper including shape of bit face, bit matrix compositions and matrix performances, bit waterway, diamond parameters and hot-pressing process. Analyses were also contained to find out the adaptive law between structural parameters of ordinary hot-pressed diamond bits and rock formations. Besides, comparative study was performed to find the difference between common rotary drilling and percussive-rotary drilling, which offers useful bases for trial-manufacture of diamond bit used for percussive-rotary drilling.Matrix compositions and their performances of diamond bit for percussive-rotary drilling were mainly studied in this paper. Characteristics of percussive-rotary drilling and requirements for diamond bit properties were elaborated. The effect of impact energy on diamond bits and drilling process were also analyzed combining correlative references in addition to the analyses of structural characteristics and matrix performances requirements of diamond bit for percussive-rotary drilling.Based on the analyses of performance and characters of steel bonded carbide, steel bonded carbide compositions were introduced to making hot-pressed diamond bit during matrix experiments. Primary experiments were performed and two basic phases of steel bonded carbide, namely hard phase and binding phase were studied intensively to achieve bit matrix formula of steel bonded carbide type.Research method for improvement of matrix performance was supplied and corresponding experiments were carried out. Compound skeleton material was used as hard phase of matrix, including tungsten carbide, titanium carbide and YG8, to improve matrix wear resistance as well as exposure of diamond grits. Draw lessons from high manganese steel with respect to its components and properties of binding phase in order to insure the proper overall mechanical performance. Copper-tin-rare earth pre-alloyed powder was used as the substitution for 663-Cu powder in order to improve matrix alloying extent and compact texture as well as reducing element segregation and components loss of alloy with low melting point. Silicon carbide fiber material was employed to improve matrix hardness, intensity and wear resistance.Basic and valuable research results on bit matrix for percussive-rotary drilling were obtained through a number of experiments, which lays a solid foundation for study and trial manufacture of bits used for percussive rotary drilling.Current research status about ordinary diamond bits were set forth in this paper, including more thorough expatiation that bit quality is not only closely associated with matrix formula but also well correlated to hot-pressing parameters. The influences of sintering parameters such as sintering temperature, pressure, heating-up speed, heat preservation time and outlet temperature on matrix alloying were analyzed, which indicates that the design of hot-pressing parameters is closely related to matrix composition and has substantial effect on matrix performance. These research processes can supply beneficial enlightenment for design of bit used in percussive-rotary drilling.Extreme vertices method of mixture regression was chosen to design bit matrix formula experiments after comparing with formula uniform design method. Mathematic analyses and tabling method were both used and compared to achieve consistent results. It can be seen that mixture regression method is an advanced and credible means to investigate the variation patterns between matrix components and matrix performances.Matrix composition of hard phase and that of binding phase in terms of mass percent were determined through experimental study. Regression analyses and nonlinear programming method were implemented to analyze the experimental results such that mathematic models between matrix hardness, wear resistance, anti-impact toughness and matrix components were obtained respectively. Significance test indicated that this research results are satisfying and reasonable.The ability of anti-dynamic impact loading of bit matrix under axial impact force was also taken into account particularly besides matrix anti-impact toughness to ensure enough ability of resisting impact force from impacter. Results showed that the anti-impact ability of matrix tested was completely sufficient and could guarantee normal percussive-rotary drilling.Wearing conditions of bits employed by China Continental Scientific Drilling project were analyzed in this paper, from which the conclusion was obtained that the structure of bit working lining must be considered to strengthen its anti-impact capability and gauge protection ability in addition to thinking about its other necessary performances for common rotary drilling. As a result, two types of diamond impregnated bit, CJ-A and CJ-B, were designed.To validate the rationality of the design technology and quality of bit, diamond bits for field tests were designed and trial-produced and field drilling were carried out in accordance with the geologic condition and property of rock formation of field drilling mining area. Property tests on rock samples from mining area contained indentation hardness using WYY-1 rock pression sclerometer, pendulum ball hardness and plasticity coefficients using WYQ-1 rock pendulum ball sclerometer. Rock drillability was rated gradeⅧ-Ⅸaccording to the tested rock mechanical properties. With regard to abrasiveness of rock sample, because most of its mineral particles were uniform and medium granularity through surface analyzing of rock samples as well as their mineral structure and crystallization, this kind of rock can be treated as medium to high abrasive rock formation.Matrix performance that adapts to certain rock formation was designed accordingly. Proper adjustment of matrix formula based on previous research was performed and final matrix formula and hot-pressing technology were determined as:42% hard phase,24% copper-tin-rare earth pre-alloyed powder,10% nickel and manganese,13% iron-phosphorus alloy,11% cobalt-molybdenum-titanium; sintering temperature was 980℃, pressure was 18MPa, heat preservation time was 7min and outlet temperature was 800℃.Bits produced with final formula were tested by field drilling in the mining area of eighth geological prospecting party, Fujian province. The result was that average penetration rate was 2.29m/h; average bit life was 63.82m. So this kind of bits has more obvious advantages than that made by the other two bit factories. The expected goal of design and experiments has been reached.


