

Research on the Key Technology of Web Collaboration Oriented on Spatial Information

【作者】 李圣文

【导师】 吴信才;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自从第一个地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)于上世纪60年代在加拿大诞生以来,地理系统信息平台和应用系统在计算机技术发展的支撑下在近50多年内取得了惊人的进步,已经被逐渐应用于环境评估、资源调查、大众服务、定位导航、灾害预测、国土管理、城市规划、电信通讯、交通运输、水利电力、农林牧业、统计和商业金融等领域。近年来,随着Internet技术的发展和信息系统的普及,用户提出了共享分布在不同地域、不同部门的空间数据和处理功能需求。这种空间数据的共享和互操作使得空间信息不再局限于服务专业用户,而是更容易地被广泛的普通用户访问和使用。同时许多部门都根据自己的业务需求开发了地理信息应用系统,实现了空间数据共享,且在实际工作中发挥了很大的作用。然而,随着应用程度的不断深入,也暴露出了许多问题。这些问题主要体现在如下几个方面:1)WebGIS的协同能力有限WebGIS技术主要关注地图的发布和展示,在操纵方式和功能方面考虑较少,因此往往只能提供功能相对简单的查询操作,或少量的空间数据的操作,不能实现复杂的一体化空间信息操作,更不能满足分布式环境下互操作的要求。2)空间信息和业务协同的力度不够空间应用系统间相对独立,系统间缺乏良好的共享能力和互操作性,不同的空间应用系统使用不同空间信息处理平台建立与维护数据,空间数据模型差异和不同空间信息应用系统对空间数据的要求都直接影响深层次的互操作。应用系统内耦合度较高,在开发和设计时较少的考虑与第三方系统的融合和互操作,形成现有系统间协同操作的障碍,难以灵活地组合不同应用系统提供的功能以为更多的应用提供统一服务。3)缺少支撑空间信息的工作流引擎地理信息系统拥有丰富的空间数据和属性数据,并且具有丰富的空间操作和空间分析能力,但却缺乏良好的共享机制,更缺少对复杂的信息处理过程进行建模和管理的有效机制。而工作流技术在这些方面则有着明显的优势,因此引入工作流技术对空间信息操作和空间数据直接予以支撑,以对空间信息应用系统中的流程进行建模和管理是非常有必要的,也具有非常积极的意义和前景。4)空间信息协同系统中的安全性考虑不足现在地理信息平台和空间信息应用系统对于分布式协同环境下的安全性方面考虑较少,主要涉及到认证、权限控制等系列问题5)缺少灵活的Web空间应用框架空间信息应用系统的开发大多数是针对特定的应用环境的,缺少满足多数空间信息系统的基础框架,难以实现业务过程的业务端的实时构造,灵活的适应多变的业务过程,并在基础框架上快速构建空间信息应用系统。在此背景下,要求空间信息应用逐渐由传统下的系统从数据高耦合、集中式、封闭式的模式向松耦合、分布式、开放式模式的方向发展。在Web Service和OpenGIS规范的支撑下,空间信息应用系统架构和应用模式正面临着新的机遇与挑战。基于这些新的理论和方法来管理、整合并实现空间信息数据共享,建立协同的空间信息应用机制,实现一体化的空间信息应用与服务模式、提供空间信息应用系统的快速构建也逐渐成为该领域在现阶段的首要任务。本文“面向空间信息工作流的Web协同关键技术研究”在国家863计划项目——“面向网络海量空间信息的大型GIS"研究成果的基础上,使用空间信息服务和工作流技术协同技术,构建一体化的空间信息工作流服务,并力图在一个Web环境下提供集成应用基础框架,为空间信息应用系统的快速开发提供工具和手段,为解决我国当前Web环境下GIS协同应用所面临的一系列问题提供一个有效的解决方案。具体研究内容如下:1)深入研究了空间数据共享的模式,分析了现有空间信息服务的层次和体系结构,提出基于数据中心模式的空间信息服务架构模型,讨论并描述了数据中心模式下的空间信息服务架构的四层体系结构。2)空间信息工作流将空间信息和工作流实现了有机的集成。首先讨论了空间信息工作流技术,随后给出空间信息工作流的模型,最后分析了数据中心模式下的空间信息服务的定义、描述和规范。3)在讨论了基于角色的访问控制和工作流下的访问控制基础上,结合地理本体建模,提出了基于本体的权限管理技术,阐述了认证方法、安全子模型的架构和本体化方法权限计算算法,并给出算法示例。这种算法不仅能描述空间信息中的复杂安全访问策略,而且能够处理访问控制的约束条件,从而提高了系统的安全性,增强了GIS环境下空间信息安全控制的智能性。4)讨论了引擎的业务规则,并重点讨论了多agent多实例下的工作流实例并发问题,并给出了相关算法。在此基础上利用空间信息来描述了空间信息工作流下的智能高度,随后给出了算法描述和实例分析。本章最后一节讨论了工作流引擎扩展的模型和方法。5)空间信息服务最终以Web的方式形成人机界面,完成多层次、多方式的协同。本文结合前文的模型,给出了Web下的应用协同框架,讨论了框架扩展的方法。随后,介绍了该框架下搭建系统的方法,并给出了空间信息业务端的相关模型。在空间信息应用系统开发过程中,引入采用面向空间服务的表单方法来快速构建业务端,有效的避免了重复开发,加快了系统建设速度。6)讨论了工作流模型实现的表结构,然后给出了原型系统web框架界面功能的展示、权限管理相关功能的描述,最后介绍了业务端系统的相关实现细节。基于空间信息服务的表单可以结合空间信息工作流来快速构建业务端,有效的避免了重复开发,加快了系统建设速度。系统模型已经在MapGIS中得到成功应用,实践中取得了很好的效果。本文将工作流技术引入空间信息服务领域,研究利用工作流技术改善和优化空间信息服务,应用工作流技术来解决空间信息服务目前存在的一些难点问题如难以共享、服务聚合复杂、安全性考虑较少、协同支持程度低和开发复杂等问题进行了有益的探索。并对面向空间信息服务的Web下协同技术的关键实现技术进行了深入的研究,将工作流技术、本体、业务端构建等引入智能空间信息服务的研究中,主要创新点体现在以下几个方面:1)把空间信息服务、数据中心模式有机地融合在一起,指出了空间信息服务协同的概念,提出了数据中心模式下的空间信息服务的集成方法和体系结构,分析了该体系结构的组成以及特点,为基于空间信息服务的GIS集成做出了有益的探索。2)对空间信息服务协同的基础即工作流技术进行了深入探讨,研究了空间信息服务下工作流的交互方法,给出了空间信息工作流的定义和服务原语,以及常用GIS功能服务的接口定义,并对服务粒度的划分进行了探讨,建立了支持空间信息服务工作流引擎模型,给出了算法描述,为GIS空间信息服务协同奠定了服务基础。3)将本体化方法引入到协同环境下的系统授权管理中,提出本体化空间信息授权管理机制,给出了实现模型。4)讨论了空间信息服务和业务模型的集成相关问题。并有针对的给出了空间信息服务业务端快速构建的概念,在此基础上提出面向服务的业务端构建模型,实现了特定环境下GIS Web业务端的快速构建。5)将Web技术引入空间信息协同服务应用的研究中,探讨了基于Web的空间信息协同服务的体系结构,并提出了相应的平台设计框架,实现了web协同系统的原型。

【Abstract】 Since the first geographic information system has been developed in Canada in 1960s, the geographic information system platform and application system has made remarkable development along with the development of computer technology in the past 50 years. Now it has been increasingly applied to in environmental assessment, resource surveys, public services, GPS navigation, disaster prediction, land management, urban planning, communications, transportation, water conservancy, electric power, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, statistics and commercial finance and other fields.In recent years, with the development of Internet technology and information systems, users want to share the spatial data and processing functions distributed in different regions and different departments. This spatial data sharing and interoperability makes the spatial information services are no longer confined to professional users, but to common users to access and use easily. Currently, many departments have developed geographic information application systems according to their business needs based on the spatial data sharement, and these systems have played a significant role during practical work. However, with the deeply application, there are also many problems. These problems are mainly reflected in the following aspects:1) WebGIS’s limited synergyWebGIS technology is focused on the release and display of maps, and considers less in the manipulation methods and functions. So it usually only provides simple query functions or a small amount of spatial data operations, but cannot implement complex spatial information operations, as well as to meet the interoperability requirements in distributed environment.2) Insufficient cooperation degree between spatial information and businessSpatial applications systems are relatively independent each other. There lacks good share ability and interoperability among these spatial systems because that different spatial application systems use different platform to establish and maintain spatial data. The different spatial data model and different demands for spatial data will both impact on the interoperability in deep level. The current application systems have a high coupling degree, considering less to the integration and interoperability to third party systems, so that it is difficult to combine different systems to get a unified service for more applications.3) The inadequate capacity of Geographic Information Services combination As the network and application systems change dynamically, the geographical information services based on them also change dynamically. So in practice we often use dynamic aggregation of spatial information operations in order to adapt to system expansion. Therefore, an effective combination of spatial information resources of space applications is important to spatial information application.4) Lack of workflow engine to support spatial informationGeographic information systems have abundant spatial data and attribute information, as well as abundant spatial operations and spatial analysis capabilities. However, they lack of good sharing mechanism, as well as effective mechanisms on modeling and managing complex information processing process. The workflow technology has a clear advantage in these areas, so it’s very important to introduce workflow technology into spatial information systems to model and manage workflow in spatial information system.5) Inadequate security consideration in spatial collaborative information systemsNow geographic information systems consider less on security in distributed collaborative environment, mainly including authentication, access control and other problems.6) Lack of a flexible spatial applications frameworkThe development of spatial information systems are mostly for special application environments, and there lack a basic framework to satisfy most spatial systems. This results on difficulty to implement business end in real time to adapt to the varied business process.In the support of Web Service and OpenGIS specifications, the architecture and application model of spatial information system is facing new opportunities and challenges. It requires that systems change from traditional data high-coupling, centralized, closed modes to data loose-coupled, distributed, and open modes. So it becomes the primary task to manage spatial data sharement, establish collaborative mechanism, and achieve a unified service model for spatial information so as to build spatial application systems quickly based on these new theories and methods.This paper -- "Research on spatial information-oriented Web collaborative workflow" is a sub task to "large-scale distributed GIS" standing on fruits of the national 863 project-"network-oriented large-scale spatial information GIS". Its main purpose is to establish a unified spatial information workflow service together with collaboration technology between spatial information service and workflow, as well as to provide an integrated application infrastructure framework for spatial information application system to provide tools for rapid development. So that it can give an effective solution to the problems emerging from the current WebGIS applications.Specific studies are as follows:1) Study deeply on spatial data sharing model, analysis the architecture of current spatial information services, put forward a spatial information service model based on data-centralized model, then discuss and describe its four-layer architecture concretely. 2) Integrate spatial information and workflow technology, then put forward a spatial information workflow model and analysis the definition, description and specification of spatial information service under data-centralized model.3) Discuss the access control based on role and workflow, put forward authority management methods based on ontology, describe authentication methods, security model structure, as well as authority computation algorithm based on ontology, and gives an example finally. This algorithm can not only describe the complex secure access policies of spatial information, but also be able to handle access control constraints, thereby enhancing the system’s security and strengthen spatial information security control intelligence in GIS.4) Discuss business rules of the workflow engine, with a focus on the workflow instance concurrency issues under multi-agent and multi-instance, and then put forward the relevant algorithms. On this basis, describe the highly intelligent work process with spatial information workflow, and then give the algorithm description and case analysis.5) Users can use the spatial information services through Web so as to implement multi-level and multi-way collaboration. This paper establishes a web collaborative application framework, and discusses the expansion approach of the framework. Subsequently, introduce how to build a system under this framework, and then gives related model of spatial information business end. During the spatial information systems’development process, building business end quickly with spatial service-oriented form method can avoid duplication of development and accelerate the system construction.6) Discuss the table structure implemented by workflow model, and then give a prototype framework, describe rights management-related functions, finally introduce the implementation details about custom forms. Forms based on spatial information services can build business end quickly by combining with spatial information workflow. This technology can avoid duplication of development and accelerate the system construction. The model has been successfully applied in MAPGIS in practice and achieves good results.This paper introduces workflow technology into the spatial information field, research’s on how to improve spatial information service combined with workflow technology, so that it can solve a series problems such as difficulty in sharing, service combination complexly, less consideration in security, less degree in cooperation and complex development. We deeply research the key technology of Web collaboration of spatial information service, and introduce the workflow technology, business end establishment and ontology into intelligent spatial information service. The main innovation is reflected in the following areas:1) Combine spatial information services and data-centralized mode gracefully, put forward the concept of collaborative spatial information services; present the integration method and architecture of spatial information service under data-centralized mode, together with analyzing the composition and characteristics of this architecture, so as to make a useful exploration of integrating GIS based on spatial information services. 2) Discuss the workflow technology deeply since it’s the basis of collaborative spatial information services, study the interactive method of workflow with spatial information services, point to the definition and service primitive of spatial information workflow, as well as the interface definition of common GIS function services, discuss service granularity, establish a spatial information workflow engine, describe its algorithm relatively, and make foundation to collaborative spatial information service.3) Introduce ontology-based method into the collaborative environment to manage system license, put forward the spatial information authorization mechanism based on ontology, and then give the implementation model.4) Discuss the related integration issues about spatial information services and business model and design a method to establish spatial information business end quickly. On the base of this, put forward a service-oriented business model and implement the quick establishment of GIS Web business end under some special environment.5) Point out that the spatial information services collaboration is a systematic project, discuss how to introduce Web technology into the spatial information service applications, study the architecture of Web-based collaborative spatial information services, arid then put forward the corresponding platform framework so as to implement a web collaboration system prototype.

【关键词】 地理信息系统空间信息服务工作流Web协同
【Key words】 GISGeo Web ServiceWorkflowWebCollaboratien

