

Research on Key Technologies of the New Full-hydraulic Multi-functional Roofbolter

【作者】 贺立军

【导师】 汤凤林; 王越之;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 锚杆钻机是锚杆支护工程施工的关键设备之一,影响着支护质量的好坏与支护速度的快慢。不同的支护工程应选择不同型号的锚杆钻机,目前国产的锚杆钻机形式单一,多为分体式,扭矩偏小,机体笨重,移动不便,而国外进口的锚杆钻机虽功能及性能先进,但价格昂贵。随着电气液压技术在工程机械领域的应用,研究一款新型多功能的液压锚杆钻机,能适应岩土锚固工程中各种施工需要,具备全液压履带行走,大扭矩,能实现液压冲击回转钻进等特点,该课题已成为国民基础设施建设中的迫切需要。针对这一状况,湖北傲蓝德特种专业工程有限公司及武汉蓝海兴业工程机械有限公司决定共同投资研究和开发新型全液压多功能锚杆钻机,本论文就是来源于该研究项目课题,本人为该项科研项目负责人之一。多功能锚杆钻机的关键技术研究是指新型锚杆钻机的功能及结构设计、全机的液压系统设计和冲击回转钻进的液压系统油路的仿真等。论文主要研究内容包括岩土锚固工程的应用及冲击回转特点分析、锚杆钻机的功能及结构设计和部件有限元分析、整机液压系统设计及基于冲击回转的液压系统油路的仿真、钻机的研制及试机等。本论文首先对锚杆钻机的发展历史和国内外的研究现状进行了分析,总结了锚杆钻机的发展方向。并对国内锚固工程施工领域内的国内外多款锚杆钻机进行了详细的市场调研,收集并分析了各类锚杆钻机的特点,找出国内锚杆钻机与国外锚杆钻机的差距,提出了开发新型全液压多功能锚杆钻机的研究方法及路线。其次在新型多功能锚杆钻机研制之前,对其国内锚固工程领域的应用市场及冲击回转钻进的相关理论进行了研究和分析。通过对岩土锚固工程特点及应用了解,总结了岩土锚固工程的特点有:柔性可调、超前预支护、施工快捷、深层控制、主动控制、随机补强及经济性好。锚固工程的应用范围有:地下洞室岩体加固、边坡稳定、深基坑支护、坝基及坝体加固和抗浮结构等。以上研究目标旨在为拟研制的多功能锚杆钻机进行市场定位。通过对冲击回转钻进的机理及影响冲击回转钻进因素的研究,总结出冲击回转钻进以及其它各种形式的机械钻进方式,都是基于同一个岩石破碎的过程,即利用钻具吃入岩层,将岩块分离成岩石小颗粒,并对冲击回转切削作用下的岩石所表现出的物理性质与机械性质进行了分析。总结了影响冲击回转钻进效果的主要因素有地层岩土性质、钻具、扭矩、转速、给进压力、冲击器的性能、冲洗介质等。以上小节旨在为新型多功能锚杆钻机使用冲击回转钻进技术进行必要的理论分析。通过对国外多款多功能锚杆钻机的研究,总结了其共同的特点,即:1、通常配有顶部回转冲击动力头装置;2、功率大,扭矩大、钻孔速度快;3、通常配有自动钻杆拆卸装置;4、外型尺寸小、多角度施工;5、多种钻探工艺选择;6、操作简单、可靠性高。总结了多功能锚杆钻机施工用途:即:1、地质工程中斜面锚固;2、基坑支护中板桩锚固;3、铁路填土地基的拉杆锚固;4、管棚施工;5、地基的钻孔注浆;6、隧道施工的止水及岩盘加固等注浆作业;7、隧道施工中探测和排放涌水及瓦斯;8、勘察钻探和岩芯取样;9、找水及水井钻进。通过对以上研究确定了我们拟研制的多功能锚杆钻机设计要求:1、新型锚杆钻机具备的功能有:各类锚固工程钻孔施工(含地下厂房中顶拱锚索施工特殊钻孔功能)、地基及地质勘察施工、灌浆与高压灌浆施工、找水及水井钻进施工、微型桩钻孔施工。2、新型锚杆钻机能实现的钻探工艺有:液压冲击回转钻进工法、空气潜孔锤钻进工法、全套管钻进工法、取芯钻进工法、长螺旋干式钻孔工法、泥浆正循环钻进工法等。在功能设计合理的基础上,完成了对新型多功能锚杆钻机的结构设计,该设计包括钻机的钻架及其变幅机构分析与设计、钻机的动力头分析与设计、钻机的给进及起拔机构分析与设计、钻杆的夹持及拧卸机构分析与设计、钻机的行驶及底盘机构分析与设计、钻机的操作台分析与设计。钻机变幅机构由立面摆动、滑移伸缩以及旋摆3个部分组成,立面摆动机构可以实现钻机的塔架在立面内由平行摆动到垂直姿态;滑移伸缩机构可以实现钻机塔架相对于滑架直线滑移1000mm;旋摆机构可以实现六角头摆动柱绕着其轴线旋转0°-180。,并且也可以实现钻架沿自身轴线方向摆动移动角度,即为±15°。动力头选用大扭矩的冲击回转式的动力头。给进及起拔机构采用液压缸-链条倍速给进方式,给进行程长达3500mm,给进力可达51.5KN,起拔力可达110KN。钻杆的夹持及拧卸机构采用全液压式的机构,操作方便、快捷。行驶及底盘机构采用发动机驱动的履带式行走装置,爬坡能力为0-30°,行驶速度为0-4.6km/H。操作台设计能够满足操纵方便、占用空间小的要求。另一方面,考虑到顶部冲击回转钻进大臂的受力工况较复杂,采用COSMOS/Works软件对滑架、大臂及摆动柱进行了有限元分析。分析结果显示各部分的安全系数均超过了最低系数,表明结构是安全的,为样机的试制提供了可行性依据。整机的液压系统设计也是新型多功能锚杆钻机的关键技术。在对钻机液压系统的设计中,完成了对整台钻机的基本回路即压力控制基本回路、方向控制基本回路、速度流量控制基本回路的分析和设计;并对钻机的回转油路、履带行走油路、给进油路、调整油路、辅助油路进行了分析和设计,在完成以上所有设计后,进行了液压系统的主要元器件液压缸、动力头液压马达、液压泵选择及液压辅助元器件滤油器、液压油箱、管路、液压介质的计算与选择。该项研究解决了使用德国欧钻公司冲击动力头与液压系统及结构匹配的难题,并借用AMESim软件对液压系统进行可行性及可靠性分析。本次研究引入了模块化及个性化设计理念,该科研课题试制了两台样机,两台样机的主体结构基本相同,其中一台是采用国产无冲击回转动力头,其最大扭矩为12000Nm,另一台采用德国欧钻公司冲击回转动力头,其最大扭矩为12200Nm。其创新设计思路是多功能锚杆钻机可以根据客户不同需求,配备不同的动力头,以满足各种施工要求。在样机的试制过程中,通过对动力头的特性综合分析,采用与其性能相匹配的液压元器件及动力系统总装。在对国产动力头钻机的工业试机过程中,在四川西昌官地电站右岸导流洞的顶部锚索钻孔施工中对顶部锚索施工进行了测试,在四川西昌官地电站右岸高边坡防护工程中施工中对深孔大扭矩的要求进行了测试,在贵州董青电站进场公路爆破孔施工中对大直径垂直钻孔功能进行了测试,在广西某基坑抢险工程中自钻锚杆支护施工中对钻机移动、多角度,多方位要求进行了测试。以上试机的主要施工参数有施工角度-90。-+90。,钻孔直径110m-150m,钻孔深度10m-40m,钻孔数量12-300个,主要穿越的地层流沙岩、石灰岩、白云岩。通过以上试机,表明了该新型全液压多功能钻机设计合理,具有钻孔速度快、移动及操作方便、能满足特殊要求及多功能等特点,达到本次科研项目的研究目标。尽管论文对多功能全液压锚杆钻机进行了较深入的研究,但仍有一些问题有待进一步探讨和研究:1、对顶部液压冲击回转钻进技术钻进机理分析和研究,虽然前人已经做的比较详细,但是随着施工工艺的多样化,需要进一步开展相关的实验研究;2、样机采用两种动力头,由于时间有限,仅完成了对国产动力头钻机的试机,进口动力头钻机由于样机刚完成销售,还未收集相关试机数据,没有对两种动力头的性能做出详细的分析研究,找出两种动力头的差距,以便进行国产冲击回转动力头的研究,解决冲击回转动力头的核心技术问题;3、对于选用德国欧钻冲击回转动力头的样机,因为存在一定冲击振动,可以运用有限元对钻机的主要构件进行模态分析,以便更好的指导样机的设计。本文的创新点有:1、该新型多功能锚杆钻机具有创新性,其最大的特点有:液压履带行走功能,最大扭矩12000Nm,施工角度可全方位调节。2、本次研究引入了模块化及个性化设计理念,试制了两台样机,两台样机的主体结构基本相同,其中一台是采用国产无冲击回转动力头,价格便宜,另一台采用德国欧钻公司冲击回转动力头,价格较贵,为多功能锚杆钻机配备不同的动力头满足各种施工要求提供了一个思路;3、以科研为生产服务原则,开发了我国第一台配备欧钻公司大扭矩冲击回转动力头的新型全液压多功能锚杆钻机,在性能接近国际同类产品的前提下,使用户购机成本直接下降了60%,使本项科研具有良好的经济效益。

【Abstract】 Roofbolter is one of the key equipments for the construction of bolt support, which influences support quality and support speed. Different support engineering should choose different types of roofbolter. Currently, the roofbolters made in China are with singular forms, and mostly are split-type with short torque, cumbersome and inconvenient for moving. While the imported roofbolters from abroad have advanced function and performance, but they are expensive. With the application of electric hydraulic technology in the field of construction machinery, a new multi-functional hydraulic roofbolter is urgently needed in the national infrastructure construction, which can adapt a variety of construction needs in geotechnical anchor engineering, achieve hydraulic impact rotary drilling, and are equipped with full hydraulic crawler and long torque. According to this situation, Hubei Allround Special Professional Engineering Company Ltd. and Wuhan Lanhai Mechanical Engineering Company Ltd. decided to jointly invest, research and develop of a new multi-functional full-hydraulic roofbolter. The present paper was originated from this research project topic, and I am one of the persons in charge of the project.The key technical researches of the multi-functional roofbolter refer to the design of the structure and function, as well as the simulation of the hydraulic system oil-jet on basis of the impact rotary drilling. In this present paper, major research contents include applications of anchorage geotechnical construction, characteristic analysis of the impact of rotary drilling, the component and function design of roofbolter, Finite Element Analysis of components, design of the roofbolter hydraulic system and simulation of hydraulic oil-jet on basis of the percussive-rotary drilling, development and trial of the roofbolter.First of all, it is systematically analyzed that the developing history and the present situation of the roofbolter in China and abroad, and the developing direction of the roofbolter has been identified. Also, the detailed market researches are carried out for a variety of the roofbolters in China and abroad in the field of geotechnical anchoring construction. A variety of roofbolter characteristics are collected and investigated. The gaps between the foreign roofbolter and domestic roofbolter are identified. On basis of the above-mentioned studies, researching methods and steps of the new full- hydraulic multi-functional roofbolter are proposed.Secondly, before the development of the new full- hydraulic multi-functional roofbolter, it is studied and analyzed that the application market of the proposed developing roofbolter and related theories of the percussive-rotary drilling. By studying the characteristics and application of geotechnical anchoring construction, the features of geotechnical anchoring construction are summarized as follows:adjustable flexible, advance pre-support, fast construction, deep control, active control, random reinforcement and good economy. And the applications of geotechnical anchoring construction include:underground cavern rock reinforcement, slope stability construction, deep foundation pit construction, the dam foundation and dam reinforcement construction, anti-floating structural construction and so on. The above section is designed to position the proposed multi-functional roofbolter in the market. Through the research of the percussive-rotary drilling mechanism and the affecting factors, it is summarized that the percussive-rotary drilling and the other mechanical drilling methods are based on the same process of rock broken, which is that the drilling tools go into the rock, and the rock blocks are separated into small rock particles. Moreover, physical properties and mechanical properties of the rock are analyzed, which is cut through the percussive-rotary drilling process. The main effect factors of the percussive-rotary drilling are as follows:geotechnical property, drilling tools, torque, speed, feeding pressure, performance of impact devices, washing medium and so on. The above section is designed to provide the necessary theoretical analysis in the percussive-rotary drilling of the new multi-functional roofbolter.Through the functional analysis of a variety of the foreign roofbolters, the characteristics of the multi-functional roofbolter are summarized as follows:1. The top percussive-rotary power head is usually equipped; 2. High power, long torque and high drilling speed; 3. Automatic drill pipe removal device is usually equipped; 4. Small size appearance and multi-angle construction; 5. A variety of drilling process options; 6. Simple operation and high reliability. The construction purposes of the multi-functional roofbolter are summarized as follows:1. Slope anchoring of the geotechnical construction; 2. Sheet piles anchoring in the foundation pit; 3. Drag rod anchoring of the railway fill foundation; 4. Pipe-roof construction; 5. Foundation drilling and grouting; 6. Grouting work of the tunnel construction sealing and rock reinforcement; 7. Tunnel construction in the detection and emission of gushing water and gas; 8. Investigation drilling and rock core sampling; 9. Identification of water source and water wells drilling. Through the above research, the design requirements of the proposed multi-functional roofbolter are identified:1. The functions of the new roofbolter include all kinds of Anchor Drilling (contains a special drilling anchor crown features for underground buildings), construction of the foundation and geological investigation, grouting and high-pressure grouting, identifying water source and drilling wells, and micro-pile drilling capabilities.2. Drilling technologies that the new roofbolter can achieves are as follows:hydraulic impact rotary drilling method, the air-the-hole hammer drilling method, a full set of pipes drilling method, core drilling method, a long spiral dry-drilling method, mud-positive-cycle drilling method and so on. On the basis of the reasonable function design, the structural design of the new roofbolter has been completed, which includes the analysis and design of the drill rig frame and the luffing mechanism, the analysis and design of drill power header, the analysis and design of the drilling rig to pull in and out, the analysis and design of the drill pipe clamp and screw discharge mechanism, rig driving and chassis institutional analysis and design, the analysis and design of the rig console. The rig luffing mechanism is made up of facade swing, sliding telescopic and rotary swing. The facade swing mechanism can make the rig tower oscillate from horizontal to vertical posture in facade plane. The sliding stretch mechanism can make the rig tower to slip 1000mm relative to the carriage in a straight line. Having rotary swing mechanism, hexagon head swing column can rotate 0°-180°around its axis, and the rig tower can swing moving angle along its own axis, which is±15°. The impact rotary power head with long torque is chosen as power head. Feed and extraction structures use speed feed mode with hydraulic cylinder-chain. The feed moving distance is up to 3500mm and the feed force and the extraction force can reach 51.5KN and 110KN respectively. The clamp and screw discharge mechanisms of drill shaft adopt full hydraulic structure, which can be operated easily and rapidly. Moving and chassis units use crawler walking device with engine, the slope climbing capacity is from 0°to 30°, and the driving speed is from Okm/H to 4.6km/H. The console is designed to meet the requirements of convenient operation and small occupied space. On the other hand, because that the force conditions of the big arm are relatively complex in the impact rotary drilling, finite element analysis of the sliding frame, swing arm and column is carried out with COSMOS/Works software. Analysis results reveal that the all safety factors of the various parts in the roofbolter are more than 1, which shows that the structures are safe. The analysis provides a feasible basis for the prototype trial.The hydraulic system design of the roofbolter is also a key technology of the new multi-functional roofbolter. The basic hydraulic oil-jet of the roofbolter is analyzed and designed in the roofbolter hydraulic system designing process, which includes the pressure control basic oil-jet, directional control basic oil-jet, the speed and flow control basic oil-jet. And the important oil-jets of the roofbolter are provided with an analysis and design, which include the rotary oil-jet, the crawler walking track oil-jet, the supply oil-jet, the adjusting oil-jet, the auxiliary oil-jet and so on. Upon completion of all above designs, main components of the hydraulic system are calculated and selected, which include hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic power head motors, hydraulic pumps and hydraulic auxiliary components that include oil filter, hydraulic oil tank, piping, hydraulic medium and so on. For the first time in China, this research apply the imported percussive-rotary power head in the multi-functional roofbolter, which solves the matching problems of hydraulic system and structure in using process of Germany Eurodrill percussive-rotary power head. Moreover, the feasibility and reliability of hydraulic system are analyzed with AMESim software.In this research, the modular and personalized design concept has been introduced. Two prototypes have been manufactured in the research topic, whose main structures are basically same. One prototype adopts a domestic rotary power head whose maximum torque is 12000Nm and the other one adopts the percussive-rotary power head produced by Germany Eurodrill Company whose maximum torque is 12200Nm. The innovative design idea is that the multi-functional roofbolter is equipped with different power heads according to the different needs of the customers in order to meet a variety of construction requirements. In the prototype of the trial process, hydraulic components and power systems matching to the prototype property are adopted through a comprehensive analysis of the power head characteristics. In the industrial trial process with the domestic power head, the top anchoring construction has been tested in the diversion holes on the right bank of Guandi Power Station in Sichuan Xichang. The requirements of the deep hole and high-torque drilling have been tested in protection project on the right bank of high land area in Sichuan Xichang. Large-diameter vertical borehole function has been tested in construction blasting process on approach road at Dongqing Station in Guizhou. The roofbolter moving, multi-angle, multi-faceted requirements have been tested in self-drilling supporting anchoring construction of a rescue excavation project in Guangxi. The main construction parameters of the above tests are construction angle from -90°to +90°, borehole diameter from 110m to 150m, borehole depth from 10m to 40m, and the number of borehole from 12 to 300. And the main strata crossed are sand rock, limestone and dolomite. The industrial trial shows that the design of the new fully hydraulic multi-function rig is reasonable, which has many functions such as fast drilling speed, convenient moving and simple operation, multiple functions and capabilities to satisfy special requirements. And, it fits to the aims and product requirements on this research project.Although in this paper the full-hydraulic multi-functional roofbolter already has been studied deeply, some other aspects still need to be further explored and studied:1.The drilling mechanism of the hydraulic percussive-rotary drilling technology need to be analyzed and studied. Although, this aspect has been analyzed in detail previously, with the diversification of construction technology, some relating studies should be carried out further; 2. Prototype uses two kinds of power head, but due to limited time, only the roofbolter equipped with a domestic power head is tested. The prototype equipped with the imported power head has been just sold recently, and the related test data have not been collected yet. The performances of two kinds of power head in details should be analyzed and studied to find the difference between them, which can contribute to the research of the domestic percussive-rotary power head and solve problems of the core technology of the percussive-rotary power head; 3. For the prototype equipped with Germany Europe percussive-rotary power head, because of the impact shock, finite element can be chosen to conduct modal analysis of the main components of the roofbolter, which is useful to better guide the design of prototype.The innovation aspects of this paper are as follows:1. The multi-functional roofbolter is highly innovative, whose largest features include the hydraulic crawler walking function, the high torque (12000Nm) and the all-round angle construction; 2. The modular and personalized design concept is introduced to the research. Two prototypes have been manufactured, whose main structures are basically same. One prototype adopts a domestic rotary power head whose price is lower and the other one adopts the percussive-rotary power head produced by Germany Eurodrill Company whose price is higher. This provides an idea that the roofbolter can be equipped with different power head in order to meet a variety of construction requirements; 3. According to the principle that scientific research services production, a new full-hydraulic multi-functional roofbolter was developed for the first time in China. It is equipped with the high-rotary percussive-rotary power head produced by Germany Eurodrill Company. On the premise of capability close to the similar products on the international level, users can directly reduce the machine purchase cost by 60%, which shows that this research project contributes to good economic benefits.


