

Research on Innovative Behavior and System Dynamics Model Construction of University Scientific and Researching Innovation Team

【作者】 林莉

【导师】 王振维;

【作者基本信息】 第三军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “创新团队”作为我国科学研究领域中新出现的一种重要学术组织形式和人才培养模式,最早是根据科研工作需要自发形成的。随着科技创新体系的不断发展,创新团队对科技创新和人才培养的重要作用日益凸显,开始在各类大学、科研院所、企业得到广泛应用和发展。2004年,国家教育部《长江学者和创新团队发展计划》的启动,有力地引领了高校创新团队的建设,有关高校不仅高度重视已有学术团队的建设,还积极组建新的创新团队,不断出台对创新团队的扶持方案,大力促进高校创新团队的发展。与此同时,越来越多的学者也相继展开了高校创新团队建设与管理相关问题的研究。在现有的创新团队研究文献中,一般性的管理对策和经验性的总结居多,涉及团队行为的相关研究也只倾向于一般团队共有行为的研究,关于创新团队创新行为方面的研究目前还处于“黑箱”状态。因此,开展对创新团队创新行为的研究,深入探索创新团队创新行为之间的内在规律和互动关系,对促进我国高校创新团队的建设与发展,提高科技创新绩效,提升创新组织行为学方面的研究水平都具有十分重要的意义。本研究采用定性与定量相结合的方法,主要进行了以下四个方面的研究:①文献研究。对高校科研创新团队与团队行为的相关文献进行了研究,并对我国高校科研创新团队与团队行为研究的现状进行了深入系统的分析;对研究涉及的相关概念、相关理论及其在本研究的内在关联性等方面进行了探讨和分析,确定了研究的理论基础;②高校科研创新团队创新行为的访谈研究。以重庆市高校科研创新团队作为研究对象,对创新团队所在高校的科研管理者、理论研究者、创新团队带头人及成员进行深度访谈,运用扎根理论的基本思想和方法对访谈资料进行了分析,得到了高校科研创新团队主要的创新行为(合作与协作、沟通与交流、持续学习、组织与实施)及其影响因素等相关资料,并对四种创新行为之间的关系进行了深入分析;③高校科研创新团队创新行为系统动力学模型的构建。利用系统动力学模型具有的适用于处理长期性和周期性问题、适用于对数据不足问题的研究、适用于处理精度要求不高的复杂社会经济问题等特点,对“合作与协作、沟通与交流、持续学习、组织与实施”这四种典型的高校科研创新团队创新行为之间的自发性调整过程进行了分析,建立了创新团队创新行为因果关系图,并以群体认知系统理论关于团队自发性转变的认知过程为假设基础,配合其他相关研究的辅助性假设,引进四种典型创新团队创新行为的相关变量,建立了系统动力学模型,对模型的可信度进行了初步检验;④高校科研创新团队创新行为系统动力学模型的情境模拟。利用系统动力学模型能借助于计算机仿真技术,在无法求得精确解的情况下仍能获得主要信息的特点,分别模拟了沟通效率、绩效差距、创新动机、学习效果和整体运行效果发生变化时高校科研创新团队创新行为的自组织过程。通过对创新行为系统动力学模型的情境模拟,有以下发现:①即使团队的其他环境因素不利于创新,在沟通频率较高、沟通效率较好的情况下,团队的各项行为会逐渐稳定,并呈良性发展,团队整体的创新能力就会逐渐增强;②绩效差距既是创新行为的结果,也是创新行为的影响因素;③创新动机的变化会引起团队创新气氛、成员之间的合作、沟通效果、绩效差距等一系列变量的变化;④团队成员个人的学习是团队学习效果的主要影响因素;⑤团队整体运行较好时,各种影响因素都对团队创新行为有积极的推动作用,使团队整体创新能力增强。结合以上研究发现,作者建议要创造一个有利于沟通与交流的平台,增加成员之间沟通的频率,提高信息反馈的有效性;要加强对绩效差距的调控;要不断强化团队成员的创新动机,提高创新的能动性;要抓好团队成员的个人学习,同时改善其他影响因素,提高团队整体学习效果;要从整体上把握团队的运行情况,提高解决问题的针对性。

【Abstract】 As an important academic organization form and personnel training mode in Chinese scientific research field, Innovation Team is first formed spontaneously based on the scientific need. With the continuously development of science and technology innovation system, innovation team plays an increasingly important role in science and technology innovation and personnel training and widely applied and developed in colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises. In 2004, Chinese Ministry of Education started up Cheung Kong Scholars and Innovation Team Program, which renders strong support to the construction of innovation team in institutions of higher learning. All these institutions pay great attention to the development of existing research teams. What’s more, they positively set up some new innovation teams and give great support to them. Meanwhile, more and more scholars launch a research on construction and management of innovation team in colleges and universities. Among all these research literatures about innovation team, there are more common management countermeasures and experiential summary. The relevant studies involved in team behavior are inclined to mutual action. With regard to the research of innovation behavior in innovation team, it is still in black-box condition. Therefore, the research on innovation behavior in innovation team not only benefits to further exploring the inherent law and interaction among them, but also has very important significance to promote the construction and development of Chinese university science and technology innovation team, enhance science and technology innovation benefit, and upgrade research level on innovation organizational behavior.By the use of the methods of combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the author launched researches as follows:①Literature research. The author studies the literatures of scientific and researching innovation team and systematically and deeply analyzed team performance and its research status in quo in colleges and universities and in-depth, discusses and analyzes the related concepts, theories and their internal relevant in this study and establish the theoretical foundation for this study.②The interview study on innovative behavior of university scientific and researching innovation team. Colleges and universities scientific innovation team in Chongqing are taken as research objects. Data were collected by deeply interviewing with the management staff, theory researchers, leaders and members in the universities having innovation team, and were analyzed by the basic thoughts and method of grounded theory, thus the author got the main innovation behaviors and related materials. And then, the relationship among innovation behaviors and their mechanism were discussed in details.③The construction of system dynamics model of innovation behavior of scientific and researching innovation team in university. The system dynamics model can be applied to deal with the problems which are long-term, periodic, data deficient or in complex socioeconomic. Making use of the features, the author analyses the spontaneous adjustment process among cooperation, communication and exchange, continuous learning, organization and implementation, and draws up a causality graph. And then, based on the hypothesis of cognitive process of self transformation of teams in Group Cognitive System and other auxiliary hypothesis of related study, the author imports some relevant variable and then builds a system dynamics model. After that, the reliability of the model is tested initially.④The situation simulation of system dynamics model of innovation behavior of scientific and researching innovation team in university. The system dynamics model can obtain main information in the condition unable to obtain exact solution by means of computer simulation technology. The author simulates the self-organization process of the innovation behavior when the efficiency of communication, performance gap, creative motivation, learning effect and whole operation performance change separately.Through simulation, the following was found:①The whole innovation capacity of innovation team will be gradually increased even if other environmental factors are not conducive to innovation, but with high frequency and communication efficiency of communication, the behavior of the team will gradually stabilize, and be positively promoted.②T he performance gap is not only the result but the factors of innovation behavior.③The change of innovative motivation will cause the change of a series of varieties, the team climate for innovation, cooperation among its members, communication effectiveness and the performance gap.④The individual learning of team members is the main factor for learning effect.⑤As the team performance well, all of the factors play a positive role to innovative behavior in pushing forward to enhance the team innovation capability. Combination of the above, the author suggests to create an platform for communication to increase the frequency of communication between members and improve the effectiveness of feedback, to strengthen regulation of performance gap, to continuously enhance the innovative motivation of team members for creative initiation, to improve the individual learning of team members while improving other factors, to grasp the overall operation of the team for improving pertinence of problem-solving.


