

Research on Complicated Electromagnetic Environment and Its Applications for Launch Mission

【作者】 李宗利

【导师】 孟新;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(空间科学与应用研究中心) , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在发射任务中,由于测试发射、测控及通信等系统中的电子设备众多,使电磁环境异常复杂,导致常常存在电磁不兼容现象,影响发射任务的正常进行,严重时导致发射任务失败;另外,随着电子战的兴起,国外间谍卫星对发射任务的侦测及有意电子干扰不可避免地影响发射场的电磁安全,对我国航天发射任务构成严重威胁,而目前我国对发射场中复杂电磁环境的研究还处于空白,因此,针对发射任务中的复杂电磁环境,本研究工作以发射任务中复杂电磁环境分析监测、复杂电磁环境建模仿真以及复杂电磁环境下的试验技术为重点,主要研究内容是:根据发射任务技术特点,分析了发射任务电磁环境构成及特征,在此基础上,研究了发射场电磁兼容预测分析的理论方法,给出了干扰预测的数学模型;探讨了发射场复杂电磁环境的动态监测技术,给出了发射任务监测的系统组成及电磁兼容性试验方法,并提出采用仿真技术弥补实际监测的不足。以发射场复杂电磁环境构成要素分析结果为基础,分析了发射任务中复杂电磁环境仿真实体,采用脉冲描述字PDW构建了雷达电磁环境、信号耦合及噪声干扰等实体的功能模型。基于HLA设计了复杂电磁环境下发射试验技术仿真系统最小原型,以某型火箭的实际飞行试验为蓝本进行了测试发射仿真场景设计和推演分析。从复杂电磁环境下测量控制任务中天地数传的可靠性出发,构建了CCSDS AOS天地测控通信链路仿真模型,采用SCPS-TP的SNACK技术对现有TCP协议进行了适应性改进和仿真对比分析。根据发射任务复杂电磁环境分析、复杂电磁环境对发射任务的影响和复杂电磁环境仿真研究结果,研究复杂电磁环境下的发射任务试验技术对策,进一步分析了测试发射过程和测控系统的电磁环境特点,提出了在复杂电磁环境下的指挥控制策略、测试发射技术解决方案以及基于PCM体制和CCSDS AOS体制的测量控制技术应对措施。为应对复杂电磁环境的挑战,分析了发射场复杂电磁环境构建的试验设施,提出了发射场复杂电磁环境构建设想,指出现阶段发射任务复杂电磁环境研究应采取仿真建模和试验相结合的方法,通过仿真推演研究复杂电磁环境对发射试验的影响。

【Abstract】 Because of large numbers of electronic instruments are used in launch mission, the electromagnetic environment became more and more complex. Electromagnetic interference among the equipments exists in launch site and is unfavorable to launch mission. Even more launch mission may be frustrated because of electromagnetic interference. On the other hand, with the electro-war arisen electromagnetic safety in launch site is affected inevitably because of hostile electronic sense and electromagnetic interference from the overseas spy satellite. Also resulting in the spaceflight launch mission in our country is threatened seriously. But research on CEME (Complicated Electromagnetic Environmentin) in launch site is vacant at present. Thus research on CEME in launch mission is the purpose of this work. In detail, analysis and measurement of CEME in launch mission, modeling and simulation of CEME in launch mission, and test technique under CEME, are the main research topics. The contents are presents as follows:The radiant sub-systems and characteristics of CEME in launch mission are analyzed according to the technical characteristics of launch mission. Then, the theory and method to predict the EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) in launch site are studied and the models for prediction are given. The dynamic measurement techniques of the electromagnetic environment in the launch site are discussed. The EMC measurement system in launch mission and the EMC experiment method are presented. And the viewpoint that the simulation should be used to complement the limitation of the real measurement is proposed.Based on the elements analysis of CEME in launch site, the simulation entities of CEME in launch missions are analyzed. The radar electromagnetic environment, signal coupling and noise jam are modeled using PDW (Pulse Describe Word). The mini-prototype of CEME launch test technology simulation system is designed based on HLA (High Level Architecture). The simulation scene refer to the real rocket launch test is designed and the launch test technology of launch site is simulated. The reliability of the data transport between satellites and ground terminals is another important issue in the TT&C (Tracking Telemetering&Command) of the launch site, constructs the space-ground telemetry, telecommand and communication links simulation model by the CCSDS (The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) AOS (Advanced Orbiting Systems) specification, and modifies the regular TCP (Transport Control Protocol) of the ground network using SCPS-TP (Space Communications Protocol Specification-Transport Protocol) SNACK (Selective Negative Acknowledgement) technology, makes it adapt to the space communication environment, and compares the throughput, data sending rate performance in high BER (Bit Error Rate) of them.Based on above results, countermeasures to carry out launch mission under CEME are studied. The characteristics of electromagnetic environment in test and launch process, measurement and control system are analyzed in detail. The countermeasures in command and control, test and launch, measurement and control based on PCM (Pulse Coded Modulation) and CCSDS AOS standard are put forward. The conceivableness to construct CEME in launch site is advanced to reply serious challenge of CEME. At present the research on CEME in launch mission should combined simulation and test.Accordingly how the CEME affects launch mission can be analyzed with simulation.


