

Experimental Study and Theoretic Research on Seismic Performance of the Superimposed Slab Shear Wall

【作者】 连星

【导师】 叶献国;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 叠合板式剪力墙结构体系是一种新型的住宅体系,该结构体系与传统的剪力墙体系相比,便于质量控制,建造速度快,对环境污染小,造价较低,工业化生产水平高,在施工过程中大量减少了模板的使用,利用该体系施工而成的墙体将在取代传统的剪力墙方面具有强大竞争力和广阔的应用前景。叠合板式剪力墙在实际工程应用之前,一般要编制相应的技术规程,叠合板式剪力墙技术规程与传统的剪力墙体系设计规范都包含一个相似的规定,但由于是一种全新的住宅体系,需要对其进行详细的试验研究和理论分析。在此背景下,对叠合板式剪力墙的抗震性能进行具有重要的现实意义。本文结合国家自然科学基金项目(编号:90715016)和建设部科学技术项目计划(编号:2008-K3-2),对叠合板式剪力墙的抗震试验和抗震分析作了以下的研究:(1)通过对4个叠合板式剪力墙和2个普通剪力墙模型在低周反复荷载下的对比试验研究,考查了竖向荷载、水平配筋率、纵向配筋率、边缘约束构件构造措施等对该种剪力墙力学性能的影响;较系统地分析了试件的破坏形态、变形能力、承载力、延性、刚度退化、滞回特性、耗能能力等抗震性能。本文根据试验中各墙体在水平荷载作用下裂缝宽度的变化规律提出叠合板式墙体裂缝宽度的控制标准,对叠合板式墙体的裂缝的开展机理也进行了探讨。此外,通过对试验各墙体在水平荷载作用下的位移变化分析,提出了叠合板式墙体的位移控制标准。(2)在上述试验分析研究的基础上,本文建立了该种墙体分析和设计方法,提出合理的构造措施,指导工程实践;推导了其开裂承载力、极限承载力、抗侧刚度等计算公式,为实际工程应用提供了依据。并基于理论公式及试验数据,建立了往复荷载作用下构件的三折线型恢复力模型,与试验结果较为吻合。并基于小波变换原理,提出了一种基于小波变换的恢复力模型特征参数的计算方法。(3)为了评价结构或构件在遭受地震作用后的破坏状态,判断结构或构件受损情况,采用基于刚度的破损指标和基于位移及耗能的破损指标计算模型对构件进行了分析比较,两种不同的破损指标计算结果与试验现象符合良好。基于刚度的破损指标计算较为简便,可优先考虑使用。并基于小波变换原理,提出了一个基于小波变换的破损指标计算模型,并用此指标对4个两种不同边缘约束措施的叠合板式剪力墙和2个普通剪力墙模型的损伤进行了分析,计算结果与低周反复荷载下的试验结果吻合良好。该指标不仅可以反映试件不同加载阶段的损伤程度,还可以为判断结构何时屈服提供一定的依据。同时在上述基础上建立了考虑损伤的剪力墙单元力学模型,并利用该模型编制相应程序,计算结果与试验结果吻合较好。(4)最后,在试验研究基础上,采用ANSYS有限元分析程序,对叠合板式剪力墙在单向加载下的性能作了非线性分析,从理论计算角度进一步了解其在水平荷载作用下的开裂、变形及破坏全过程,有限元分析与试验结果符合较好。同时利用CANNY程序对低周反复荷载试验进行了摸拟计算,考察所采用的力学分析模型和计算参数的正确性,结果表明这些模型和参数能比较准确模拟剪力墙在低周反复荷载作用下的变形特征,为叠合板式剪力墙的抗震时程分析提供了依据。通过上述的试验研究和理论分析,本文为编制《叠合板式混凝土剪力墙结构技术规程》的地方行业标准提供可靠的科学依据,同时也为实际工程应用提供了依据。

【Abstract】 The superimposed slab shear wall system was a new apartment structural system. This structural system possessed several advantages compared to normal shear wall system, such as good quality control, speedy construction, low-cost of constructions, the high level industrialization of production and reduction of the form work during the process of construction. As a result, the superimposed slab shear wall system could replace the normal shear wall system and be utilized widely. Before the practical engineer application, the standards for superimposed slab concrete shear wall structure must be revised. The new standards would include a similar content as those for the normal shear wall system. As a total new system, systematically analytical study to the superimposed slab shear walls was necessary.Under this background, the study to the superimposed slab shear walls had vital practical significance. Supported by National Science Foundation(No:90715016) and MOHURD Science and Technology Project Plan(No:2008-K3-2), this paper studied seismic design by simulation and experiments.(1)Based on comparative experimental studies on superimposed slab shear walls and two general shear walls under low cyclic loading, the effects of vertical loads, horizontal reinforcement, vertical reinforcement and edge restricted measure were taken in to account. Such as the structural failure feature, deformation capacity, bearing capacity, ductility, stiffness, hysteresis property, energy dissipation were analyzed systematically. The theory of crack in the wall was analyzed and the control criterion of wall cracks width was brought forward based on the results of wall experiments. Additionally the control criterion of displacement was brought forward based on the results of wall experimental study.(2)Based on the above mentioned experimental analysis results, the analysis and design methods of the superimposed slab shear walls were presented. The reasonable constitution measures were given to guide construction. The cracking bearing capacity, ultimate bearing capacity and stiffness resistance to side load were inferred to instruct the practical engineer application. Based on the theoretic formulas and testing data, the three trilinear restoring models under low cyclic load were established. The models showed good agreement with the testing results. Based on wavelet transform, a calculating method about character parameter of the restoring force model was also advanced.(3)In order to appraise and judge the damage of the structure or component after earthquake, the seismic damage model based on stiffness and the seismic damage model based on displacement and energy for these shear walls were analyzed and compared. The calculating results of the two different seismic damage indexes and the experimental phenomenon were in good agreement. The seismic damage model based on stiffness computed more easily and could be used first. Based on wavelet transform, a damage model for these shear walls was advanced. This seismic damage model for four superimposed slab shear walls with edge restricted measures of two different forms and two general shear walls were analyzed. The calculating results of this seismic damage indexes and the experimental phenomenon were in good agreement. This damage index could not only represent the damage extent at every load stage, but also be referred to judge when the structure was yielded. On the basis of the above, the shear wall element model with damage is presented. By use of the model, the calculated results were closed to the test results.(4)At last, based on the test, nonlinear finite element analysis of the shear walls under unidirectional load was carried out by ANSYS program in order to study the crack, deformation and failure feature in theory computing. The finite element computing results agreed with the test well. Then the simulation of low cyclic loading test using CANNY program was carried out to validate the selected element analytical models and analytical parameters. The result showed that the analytical models and parameters were accurate and powerful in simulating the deformation response of the walls. The result also provided base for elasto-plastic time history analysis on the superimposed slab shear walls.Based on the above mentioned analysis results, this paper provided the reliable scientific basis for the local standards Technical specification for superimposed slab concrete shear wall structure. In addition, this paper also provided instruction for the practical engineer application.

  • 【分类号】TU398.2;TU311.3
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】494
  • 攻读期成果

