

The Theory of the Febrile Disease and Clinical Experience in Jiangsu

【作者】 苗裕

【导师】 杨进;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在人类同疾病斗争的过程中,对传染性外感热病的诊治始终占据着很重要的地位。我国历史上发生的强烈传染性温病的流行,对中华民族造成的危害之大是其他任何疾病所不能比拟的。全国中医看江苏,上自后汉,下迄民国,江苏历代医人三千余家,是我国中医发展较快,基础较好的省份之一。江苏历代医家无论在学术理论的探讨,或是对临证各科的创新阐微,都曾有过不少建树,做过不少贡献。在众多建树中,温病学科有着首当其冲的地位。江苏是温病学科的发源地,在该领域中,江苏医家的造诣始终处于领先地位。本文以江苏历代医家学术思想及临床经验研究为目标,在广泛收集中医文献及其他相关资料的基础上,将大量文献资料整理、分类成各个学术流派,并对其相关内容进行一定的挖掘、分析,阐明了江苏温病流派的学术特点,归纳总结各个流派代表医家的学术思想精华,挖掘其在新型感染病及传染病的应用价值。本文通过充分挖掘江苏历代医史文献资料,针对温病学说的特点,就温病各家之说与流派问题作了深入探讨。将大量的温病学原著,按其学术渊源及主要特点,划分成若干学术流派,如温疫学派、温热学派、伏气学派等,以及近现代温病学家学术观点整理总结和温病学科现代研究进展。在本论文中,通过对江苏各个温病流派代表医家的生平事迹、及其代表著作、临床经验集等的搜集和调研,力图较准确的归纳、剖析其学术思想精华。由于江苏众多医家因研究时代,生长环境,历史背景不同,各自的实践体会有别,对温病病因病机的认识、诊治方法及潜方用药的习惯各不相同,故本论文在汇集各家各派的学术理论特点和诊治经验上下功夫,力求做到融会贯通、兼收并蓄。努力挖掘江苏医家与前人、内地、伤寒等医家学术思想及诊治疾病方面不同之处,寻求整理江苏温病医家切实有效但又非尽人皆知的诊疗特色,并结合现代疾病的发病及诊疗特点,以期给临床实践带来启迪。同时关注随着社会的发展,疾病谱相应的发生了较大变化,不但出现了新型温病,一些原有温病由于气候、环境及医疗的一些因素在病因、临床表现等方面与原来流行的疾病已有所不同。陆续出现了如SARS、禽流感、甲型H1N1流感、耐药性结核等新型、重型感染病,随着突发流行性疾病与病毒变异的加速,中医温病学从病邪侵犯人体而反映的征象进行辨证论治的干预优势越来越明显。本文归纳、总结、整理江苏温病流派的温病理论基础上,挖掘叶天士、吴鞠通、吴又可、薛生白等众多医家学术思想在现代新发传染病及感染病中的应用,通过现代科研及技术手段,加之临床实际,证明江苏医家的学术思想、温病学家切实有效的诊疗特色即使在二十一世纪的今天,仍可有效的指导临床实践,具有较高的临床实用价值。随着社会的发展、人类的不断进步,温病学科也取得了突飞猛进的发展。江苏现代温病医家不断创新的新治则、治法及新观点,努力开拓前沿,以期更好的促进学术的更新与发展以及更有效的指导临床实践。中医温病学的发展历程曲折而复杂,江苏温病学家为此作出了巨大的贡献,研究江苏温病流派学术思想可以更好的学习、研究、应用温病理论的规律及思维方法,对新发感染性热病进行创新性理论拓展和温病理论体系的充实、完善都具有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 In the human struggle with the disease, the right diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases caused by external fever is always important. The strong temperature infectious disease epidemic in our history, the Chinese nation so great is the harm caused by any other disease can not be compared. Jiangsu Province is the birthplace of Febrile Diseases Branch, in the field, Jiangsu Doctors are always in leading position.In this paper, Jiangsu ancient physicians and clinical experience in the academic study of the ideological goal of the extensive collection of Chinese literature and other relevant information, based on large amounts of literature order, classification into the various academic schools and relevant content for some of its excavation, analysis to clarify the academic schools of Jiangsu febrile disease characteristics, summarized the various schools of academic thought on behalf of physicians essence, digging in the new infectious diseases and infectious diseases of the application.This paper discusses the History of Medicine, Jiangsu ancient literature, against the Febrile Diseases. It also discusses the characteristics of the febrile disease. Febrile Diseases will be a large number of original, according to their academic origins and main features, divided into a number of academic schools, such as the plague school, warm school, volt air school and others, as well as the academic point of view of modern house Febrile Diseases order summary and temperature Disease progress of modern research disciplines.In this paper, through the schools of Jiangsu Province on behalf of all febrile disease doctor family life story, and their representatives, books, sets, etc. to collect clinical experience and research, trying to more accurate categorization, analysis of their academic ideological essence. As a result of research in Jiangsu many physicians age, growing environment, historical background is different from the practice of their own experiences are different pairs of warm understanding of disease etiology and pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment methods and potential side drug habits vary, so this paper is the pooling of Gejia characteristics of the factions of the academic theories and treatment of hard experience, and strive to achieve mastery, eclectic. Efforts to unearth the physicians and their predecessors in Jiangsu, China’s mainland, typhoid and other physicians diagnosis and treatment of diseases of academic ideas and differences, to find order in Jiangsu temperature cure his patients at home but effective diagnosis and treatment of non-well-known characteristics, combined with modern diseases and treatment characteristics, with a view to clinical practice to bring enlightenment.At the same time concerned with the development of society, disease spectrum corresponding major changes, not only appeared a new type of warm diseases, some of the original temperature and disease due to climate, environmental and medical factors in the etiology, clinical presentation and so popular with the original the disease have been different. Gradually emerged, such as SRSA, avian flu, influenza A H1N1 influenza, drug-resistant tuberculosis, and other new, heavy infections, with the sudden epidemic disease and the virus will mutate to accelerate, Chinese Febrile Diseases from the Evils which reflects signs of violations of the human body to syndrome differentiation and treatment interventions have become increasingly evident. This sum, sum up, finishing schools of Jiangsu warm febrile disease patients based on the theory, digging Ye Tianshi, Wu Ju Tong, Wu can also, XUE Sheng Bai, and many other physicians in the modern academic thought, emerging infectious diseases and infectious disease applications, through the of modern scientific research and technological means, combined with clinical practice, proof of academic thought, Jiangsu physicians, Febrile Diseases and effective diagnosis and treatment of family characteristics, even in the twenty-first century, can still be effective to guide clinical practice, with a high clinical value.With the development of society, the continuous progress of mankind, Febrile Diseases Branch has also made rapid development. Jiangsu master in Febrile Diseases reform medical treatment of his patients, and strive to develop cutting-edge, with a view to better promote the renewal and development of academic as well as more effective guidance in clinical practice.The development of the Febrile Diseases is complex. Jiangsu Febrile Diseases Branch has made tremendous contributions to research schools of academic thought, Jiangsu febrile disease can be better learning, research, and application of warm disease theory of rules and way of thinking right Emerging infectious fever, the theory of innovation to expand and enrich the theoretical system temperature and disease, improve has certain practical significance.

【关键词】 温病江苏流派学术思想临床经验
【Key words】 Febrile DiseasesJiangsuschoolsacademic thoughtclinical experience

