

Geochemical Land Quality Evaluation and Analyze Based on GIS in the South of Songnen Plain

【作者】 陈延良

【导师】 唐守正;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 土壤是农业生产的基础,耕地是人们赖以生存、不可替代的最基本的生产资料。人口多,土地少,尤其是可耕作土地的有效使用面积越来越少,是我国的国情。同时,由于过去对土地的粗放经营,对资源环境造成严重的浪费和污染。保障农产品生产、保持农业持续发展和提高耕地综合生产能力,亟需对耕地土壤质量及环境状况进行全面调查,通过土地质量地球化学评价,查清耕地基础生产能力、土壤肥力状况、环境质量状况及土壤障碍因素,可为制定农业安全生产规划、农业结构调整规划、农业可持续发展规划以及耕地质量保护与建设、耕地的改良与利用等提供科学依据。本文通过具有强大空间数据操作、管理与分析功能的GIS与土地质量和农业生产管理结合起来,依据土地有益元素、有毒有害元素和有机污染物含量水平为主要评价指标,以地质背景、大气质量、水体质量和生物效应为辅,对松嫩平原土地生产功能和土地质量级别进行评估,使松嫩平原区的黑土资源优势向经济和生态环境两个方面的优势持续、高效地发展。研究工作取得了一定进展,主要有:1.耕地地力评价。本文松嫩平原南部土地质量地球化学评估是以黑龙江省松嫩平原南部8.15万km2的黑土地土地质量评估为主,在省级评估成果基础上,兼顾巴彦县县级和巴彦县华山乡乡级土地质量评估试点研究,依据土地有益元素、有毒有害元素和有机污染物含量水平为主要评价指标,以地质背景、大气质量、水体质量和生物效应为辅,通过GIS技术,对土地生产功能和土地质量级别进行评估。松嫩平原南部土地土壤中所需大量元素P、Corg为严重缺乏,必需微量元素Zn、Cu、B、Mo缺乏区面积占到了50%以上,为严重缺乏。有益元素Co和Ni较为缺乏,F、I和Se三种健康元素含量总体上以适中为主,该区评价较为缺乏,土壤pH中性偏微碱性,八项重金属元素达到国家土壤环境质量一级标准以上的土壤占工作区总面积均达到96%以上,以六六六和DDT作为代表,土壤中有机污染物在农作物中的蓄积量很少。根据分等方案对黑龙江省松嫩平原南部土地质量进行地球化学评估综合分等,将评估区土壤分为优质、优良、良好、中等、差等五个等级。优质土壤占总面积比为4.84%,优良土壤占总面积的56.33%,良好土壤占9.39%,中等土壤占总面积的18.96%,差等土壤占14.48%。从结果看出,松嫩平原南部的土地质地适中,结构良好,是宜农土壤。从对兰西县和华山乡的土壤情况的考察,我们得到结论显示此两级土地情况与省级土壤情况大致相当,从而从基础层面验证了省级土壤评估中各评估指标与隶属函数之间的契合度。2.推荐施肥。利用GIS对松嫩平原南部土地状况进行分等定级研究,用全球卫星定位系统(GPS)定位,通过空间分析(缓冲区分析、领域分析、网络分析)、因子分析、主成分分析、相关分析等方法,探寻土地利用与土壤地球化学元素的变化趋势,同时研究了基于养分等级的推荐施肥方法。根据已测得结果并经过分析,我们可以看出,松嫩平原南部土壤的元素分布特征及丰缺情况,并据此可以推荐适宜肥料。由于松嫩平原南部土壤肥力指标P、Corg为严重缺乏,我们推荐农民使用磷肥和有机肥混合施用。

【Abstract】 Soil is the fundamental of agricultural production and land is the unsubstitutional product material that all the people rely on Its environmental quality has a direct influence on agricultural structure, land output and quality of its produces. Along with the development of society and the increasingly pressure from population, resources and environment, the demands of agricultural produces and its quality are heavier and heavier. Land, along with population, resources, environment and foodstuff is becoming the hot issue attracting the focuses of the entire world.Utilizing land resources reasonably, in our country, is a basic national policy and basic conditions to society development. And it is important to the development of society and to the national economy and people’s livelihood. In order to gear to the agricultural structure adjustment promote non-harmful agricultural produces, keep sustainable development of agriculture and enhance the general productivity of land, it’s urgent to conduct a comprehensive survey on soil quality and its environmental conditions. Only when we have an all-sided understanding of the land fundamental capacity, soil fertility, environmental conditions and soil obstacles can we work out scientific specifications and regulations for safe agricultural production, agricultural sustainable development and soil improvement and proper use This dissertation, taking the south part of Songnen Plain as an example and employing advanced technology of computer and GIS(Geographical Information System)carried out the survey of land capacity and its assessment.Some of the achievements of this dissertation Can be summarized as follows:1.Soil fertility assessment.This paper takes south part of Songnen Plain as the example as a ease study, collects and standardizes relative information of maps, data, texts and documents. The assessment units are created by overlaying soil map with land use map. The indicators are backed with various parameters such as useful elements, harmful elements, and organic pollutions and so on. According the GIS technology, we make the evaluation of the grand quality and generative ability.The results show that, south part of Songnen Plain adapt to farm because of its fitting elements quantum and pH value.2. Recommended fertilization.We use GIS technology to order the grade of the soil status, and the GPS for orientation. Using many analysis methods, we continually study the changing trend of the soil and chemical elements, and the fertilization methods for different grade of the ground at the same time.According to the study, a suggestion would be made that, because of the lack of P and Corg, we should use these kinds of fertilizers to keep a good condition of these soil.


