

The Evaluation, Monitor and Developing Research for the Eco-tourism Resources of Xingkai Lake

【作者】 曾涛

【导师】 邸雪颖;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 湿地是人类生存发展重要的生态环境和自然资源,是保障国家、全球生态安全和经济社会可持续发展的重要战略资源,是功能独特而不可替代的自然综合体。正是由于这个原因,湿地的研究受到各国政府、科研机构及社会各届的关注,已经成为全世界的热点和焦点。生态学、地理学、旅游学、遥感学、经济数学等诸多学科的加入,使之成为一个交叉学科。目前,各学科的研究重点集中在有效的利用和开发湿地资源,保护和恢复湿地功能,或者尽最大可能降低对湿地生态系统的破坏,维护湿地脆弱的生态系统等方面。生态旅游正是顺应了这一要求,是湿地景观最重要、最合理的可持续利用方式之一。国内外关于湿地生态旅游资源方面的研究较少,现有的研究缺乏系统性,尤其在湖泊湿地生态旅游资源方面的研究刚刚开始。本文以兴凯湖国家级湿地自然保护区生态旅游资源为研究对象,在全面调查、广泛收集相关资料的基础上,采用调查分析法、层次分析法、旅游图表法、聚类分析法、遥感技术等研究方法,通过对兴凯湖国家级湿地自然保护区生态旅游资源评价、监测及开发的研究,旨在对湖泊湿地生态旅游的基本理论和实践进行探讨。(1)建立了湖泊湿地生态旅游资源分类标准。①参照中华人民共和国国家标准《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》(GB/T18972---2003),简称《标准》,以兴凯湖为例,依据湖泊湿地的特点,对《标准》中的资源分类进行了调整补充,建立分类释义表,共分为8个主类,22个亚类,50个基本类型,建立了湖泊湿地生态旅游资源分类标准。并按此分类标准将兴凯湖115个旅游资源个体进行归类。②分析了兴凯湖湿地的生态旅游资源构成特点。结论为,生物景观资源类型(占标准类型的63.64%)、水域风光类型(占到标准类型43.75%)是兴凯湖湿地旅游资源的主体,建筑与设施旅游资源类型比例较大,人文景系资源潜力较大,非物质类资源亟待开发。从资源丰度上看,湿地主类资源齐全,亚类资源较多(占标准亚类的70.96%),资源基类覆盖面较广(占标准基类32.25%),在全国、全省属于旅游资源相对丰沛区域。(2)对兴凯湖湿地生态旅游资源进行评价。①对兴凯湖湿地的生态旅游资源进行了总体定性评价,概括出了其五大特点,即季节分明各具特色的四季景观、丰富的野生动植物景观、奇特的地质遗迹景观、悠久的历史文化资源和巨大的冬季冰雪景观。②对兴凯湖湿地的生态旅游资源单体进行了评价,运用了《标准》中的旅游资源评价体系,将旅游资源普查中确定的115个资源单体进行分级,评出了五级资源6个,四级资源7个,三级资源16个,一级和二级资源42个,总计有71个资源为入级资源,占资源总数的61.74%。得出的结论为兴凯湖湿地的生态旅游资源数量大、类型齐、品质高,并月.具有原生态的特点。③选取评价因子,运用层次分析法(AHP)确定因子的权重,建立适应湖泊湿地的生态旅游资源评价体系,并运用此体系对兴凯湖湿地生态旅游资源进行评价。构建了3个层次的评价指标体系,设立了生态价值、资源价值、开发价值和湖泊湿地特色价值4个评价项目层指标,因素层设定21个评价因子,设立了分等定级的标准,并利用此体系对兴凯湖湿地的生态旅游资源进行了评价,评价的最终得分为75.35分,评价结果为优良,说明兴凯湖湿地生态旅游资源丰富,开发潜力巨大。(3)对兴凯湖湿地生态旅游资源的动态变化进行监测。①在对2001年9月25日、2004年6月5日和2007年6月14日TM遥感影像进行数据提取的基础上,分别对兴凯湖湿地的10种湿地景观类型,即林地、草甸、灌木、旱地、村镇、水田、水域、沼泽、未利用地和休闲地进行了湿地景观变化特征分析,从景观变化方面来看,研究区在2001-2007年间景观格局总体上趋于稳定,林地和未利用地受人为干扰逐渐增加,其中,灌木和沼泽景观分别减少了10124.46ha和11300.49ha,水田和休闲地面积大幅度增加15174.81ha和7044.3ha,水域作为主导景观,变化不大。②选取了2001年-2007年斑块数(NP)、平均斑块面积(MPS)、斑块面积标准差(PSSD)、斑块面积变异系数(PSCV)、面积加权的平均形状因子(AWMSI)和平均形状指数(MSI)6种景观格局指数进行了湿地景观格局指数分析。在景观指数分析方面看,水域景观的异质性低,景观较为完整,对兴凯湖地区景观有着明显的影响和控制作用;其它景观相比之下较为破碎,异质性高。水域的面积、平均形状指数在2001-2007年间变化不大,趋于平和。林地和未利用地近年来受人为干扰程度逐渐增大,草甸景观的破碎化程度开始变高,灌木景观变得更为复杂,更不规则。而沼泽景观受人为干扰加大,景观变得更为简单、规则。林地和未利用地景观向更加规则方向发展。③运用马尔科夫模型对兴凯湖湿地2010-2016年的景观动态变化进行了预测,结果显示,在保持2001-2004年的干扰强度下,耕地将呈现出快速增长的趋势,天然湿地和林地将有不同程度的下降,其它景观变化不大。④对景观格局变化的驱动力进行了分析。兴凯湖湿地景观格局变化是在自然驱动力和人为活动影响的双重作用下的结果。其中,由于气候变化造成了湿地水文变化,从而间接影响湿地景观格局,而人类对湿地的开发及经济驱动是湿地景观动态变化的主要驱动因子。(4)因地制宜制定兴凯湖湿地生态旅游资源的开发利用策略。①对兴凯湖湿地生态旅游资源进行SWOT分析,归纳出兴凯湖湿地生态旅游资源的六大优势,五大劣势,四大机遇及三大威胁。②确定了开发六原则,并提出了努力将兴凯湖湿地自然保护区建设成国家AAAA级景区、创建国际生态旅游度假基地的战略构想。③旅游产品布局上围绕“一弧六点”展开,确立了六大旅游景区,即以北大荒文化旅游为重点的当壁镇景区,以湿地生态观光旅游及农家乐旅游为重点的莲花景区,以会议旅游和休闲度假湖滨旅游为重点的二闸景区,以农业观光和休闲度假湖滨旅游为主的金沙滩景区和以科考、探秘及边防体验为主的龙王庙景区。④通过游客市场调查,确定了产品开发的重点,即开发中要主打生态牌;要突出特色;坚持旅游项目多样性;交通先行及旅游服务网络化建设等。⑤制订了旅游产品策划的五大原则,并据此进行了四季旅游产品策划,提出12项生态旅游产品,春季的湿地观岛节,天鹅湖主题游,兴凯湖开湖游;夏季的百里金沙主题游,十里莲花游,渔歌唱晚游;秋季的白鱼宴主题游,湖畔“铁人”三项赛,金秋主题游;冬季的冰湖之旅,冰上汽车拉力赛及冬季渔猎游。⑥在生态旅游环境控制的研究上,提出了环境控制的五大原则,旅游环境容量控制及质量控制的重点,并提出了景区分级及景区资源分类的控制思路。

【Abstract】 As the essential ecological environment and natural resources, wetlands play an important role in human’s survival and development. They are also significant strategic resources for supporting the national and global ecological security and the sustainable development of economy and society. They are natural comprehensive and irreplaceable systems with unique functions. Therefore, the wetland research has been one of hotspots and issues for different governments, research institutions and the public. The involvements of geography, tourism, remote sensing and mathematical economics lead to a new multidisciplinary wetland science. At present, the research focuses on the efficient wetland utilization and development, wetland conservation and restoration, reduction of wetland ecosystem damage and wetland maintenance. In light of this kind of requests, the eco-tourism is the most important and reasonable sustainable way of wetland resource development.There are few references on wetland eco-tourism resources in corresponding researches and the current issues are not systematic. The research on lake and wetland eco-tourism is at an initial stage.On the basis of comprehensive survey and investigations, the eco-tourism resources in Xingkai Lake National Wetland Nature Reserve were evaluated by different methods including survey analysis, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), tourism chart, cluster analysis, remote sensing. The research objectives were to discuss and explore the basic theories and practices of the lake wetland eco-tourism with a case study in the assessment, monitoring and development of eco-tourism resources in Xingkai Lake National Wetland Nature Reserve. The results were as follows:(1) Establishing the classification standards of the eco-tourism resources for lakes and wetlands.①According to the Standard of Classification, Survey and Evaluation of Tourism Resources (GB/T18972-2003) in P.R.C, (hereafter refer to Standard), Xingkai Lake were taken as a specific example, based on the characteristics of lake wetlands. There were some supplements for the resources classification in the Standard and category interpretation forms were established. The forms were divided into 8 main categories,22 subcategories and 50 basic types to accomplish the classification standard for lake and wetland eco-tourism resources. Referring to the standard,115 tourism resources in the Xingkai Lake were classified.②Analyzing the structure characteristics of eco-tourism resources of the wetlands in Xingkai Lake. The major tourism resources were biological landscape (accounting for 63.64%) and water scenery resources (accounting for 43.75%) and building and facilities tourism resources had a large proportion in the area. There were more potential in humanities landscape resources and non-material resources were in the urgent need of development. From the perspective of the resources, there were complete major category resources, more subcategory resources (accounting for 70.96% of standard subcategory). There was a large part of area covered by basic resources (accounting for 32.25% of the standard basic category) and belonged to abundant area of tourism resource in Heilongjiang province, even in China.(2) Evaluating the eco-tourism resources in Xingkai Lake wetland.①A comprehensive and qualitative evaluation on the wetland eco-tourism resources in Xingkai Lake was carried out and five major characteristics were summarized, namely,4 distinctive seasonal landscape, abundant wildlife landscape, spectacular geological landscape, culture resources with long history and unique ice-snow landscapes in winter.②Individual evaluation on eco-tourism resources in Xingkai Lake wetland. The tourism resources evaluation system in the Standard was used to classify the 115 resource individuals in tourism resources survey and 6 five-level resources,7 four-level resources,16 three-level resources,42 one and two-level resources, and a total of 71 resources were listed as level resources, accounting for 61.74% of the total resources. The wetland resources in Xingkai Lake were characterized with large quantity, complete types, high quality and natural feature.③Selecting the evaluation factors and determining the weight of factors by AHP to establish accurate evaluation system which was suitable for the eco-tourism resources of wetlands in Xingkai Lake. A three-level evaluation index system were set up and 4 evaluative program-level indexes of ecology value, resource value, developing value and the charscteristic value of lake wetlands were determined. There were 21 evaluation factors and standards for classification and grading were established. The system was used to evaluate the eco-tourism resources of the wetlands of Xingkai Lake and the final score was 75.35. The excellent evaluation results indicated that eco-tourism resources are abundant and the developing potential is great.(3) Dynamic monitoring the wetland eco-tourism resources in Xingkai Lak.①On the basis of remote sensing images of the 25/9/2001,5/6/2004 and 14/6/2007, we analyzed 10 kinds of wetland landscape types(woodlands, meadows, shrubs, dry lands, towns and villages, paddy fields, water area, marshes, unused lands and fallow lands). The results showed that the overall landscape pattern in research area was steady from 2001 to 2007 and man-made interferences to woodlands and unused lands increased gradually. The area of shrubs and marsh declined respectively by 10124.46ha and 11300.49ha, paddy fields and fallow land areas increased significantly by 15174.81ha and 7044.3ha, water area did not change greatly as the dominant landscape.②Choosing the number of 6 kinds of landscape pattern indexes, namely, patches (NP), mean patch size (MPS), patch size standard deviation (PSSD), plaque area coefficient of variation (PSCV), area-weighted average shape factor (AWMSI) and mean shape index (MSI) from 2001 to 2007 and analyzing the indexes of wetland landscape patterns. We found that the average heterogeneity of water landscape was low and landscape was more complete which had significant controlling effects on the Xingkai Lake landscape. Compare with it, other landscapes were more fragile and the heterogeneity was high. The average shape index of water areas was tending to even from 2001 to 2007. In recent years, effects of human disturbance on woodlands and unused lands increased gradually and the fragmentation of meadow was significant, the landscape of shrubs became more complex and irregular. While more human disturbance influenced the marshes and the landscape was more simple and regular. The landscape of forest lands and unused lands developed to a more regular direction.③Predicting the dynamic changes of landscapes from 2010 to 2016 with Markov Model and the results showed that croplands would show a fast growing trend with maintaining the interference strength of 2001-2004, natural wetlands and woodlands decrease differently and other landscapes change little.④Analyzing the driving force of landscape patterns. The landscape-pattern change of the wetlands of Xingkai Lake was the result of dual effects of natural and human activities. Climate change led to the change of wetland hydrology and thus indirectly affected wetland landscape patterns, while the human development on wetlands and economic driving force were main driving factors for the wetland landscape dynamic change.(4) Accomplishing the reasonable developing strategies of the eco-tourism resources in Xingkai Lake wetlands.①Summarizing six major advantages, five weaknesses, four opportunities and three threats of the eco-tourism resources in Xingkai Lake wetlands with the SWOT analyses②Identifying six principles of development and putting efforts on constructing Wetland Nature Reserve of Xingkai Lake into a national AAAA level spot and creating the strategy suitable for the international eco-tourism resort.③Spreading tourism product layout around "an arc, six points", establishing six major tourism areas including the Dangbizhen Resort of the cultural tourism of Great Northern Wilderness, the Lotus Resort of wetland eco-tour and farm travelling, the Two Brake Resort of the conference tourism and lakeside travel for leisure, the Golden Sand Beach Resort of farming and leisure travel in lakefronts and the Dragon King Temple Resort of exploring mysteries and frontier experience.④Determining the focus of product development with the survey of tourist markets, namely, developing major eco-brands, highlighting the characteristics, upholding the diversity of tourism projects, providing excellent travel service of traffic and network construction.⑤Establishing five major principles for tourism products and carrying out the travel product plans of four seasons, planning 12 eco-tourism products(the Island-Visiting Festival of Wetland,Swan Lake Tour, the Open Lake Swim of Xingkai Lake in spring; Golden Sands Tour, Lotus Tour, Fishing accompanied by songs at night in summer; Whitefish Dinner Tour, Three items of "Iron Man" in lakesides, Autumn Tour; the Glacial Lake Tour, the Rally on ice and Fishing & Hunting in winter).⑥Deciding five major principles for environmental controlling, tourism capacity, environmental capacity and quality control and proposing the critical ideas of grading systems and resource classifications.


