

Study on the Plant Landscape of Sunny Island

【作者】 张俊玲

【导师】 卓丽环;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究应用植物学、生态学、景观学、规划设计、艺术美学等理论,运用多学科交叉的集成分析,综合考虑自然、地理、历史、人文等因素,分析当前太阳岛风景区植物群落的特点,探寻植物景观形成的缘由,总结优秀植物景观的实践经验。在此基础上,总结了太阳岛风景区的植物景观特色,针对植物景观存在的问题,提出植物景观的优化策略,以指导太阳岛风景区植物景观整合优化,同时,也可以为该地区的城市绿地改造与建设提供方法与思路。本研究的主要成果如下:1.太阳岛风景区的植物群落类型太阳岛风景区的地带性植被为森林草原带,是森林与草原的交替地带。这里的植被特征为平原性森林草原,或榆树森林草原,或森林草甸草原。本区不仅是森林与草原的交错地带,也是温带与寒温带的交错地带,因此,植物地理区系成分也比较复杂,具有蒙古、华北、长白和兴安4个植物区系的成分。太阳岛风景区主要的自然群落类型为温带落叶阔叶林、榆树疏林、羊草-杂类草草甸、小叶樟-杂类草草甸、拂子茅-羊草草甸、寸草苔-杂草草甸、小叶樟-三棱草沼泽化草甸、芦苇沼泽化草甸、柳丛、沉水植物、浮水植物和挺水植物。太阳岛风景区人工木本植物主要的植被型为针叶林、针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林与落叶灌丛。植物群落的类型主要源于东北东部山地的自然植物群落类型;木本植物群落中共有木本维管束植物146种,隶属33科70属,其中裸子植物3科7属14种,被子植物30科63属132种;按树种类型来看,常绿针叶树3科13种,落叶针叶乔木1科1种,落叶阔叶乔木23科35种,落叶阔叶小乔木和灌木40科91种,藤本3科4种;松科(Pinaceae)、杨柳科(Salicaceae)、木犀科(Oleaceae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)、槭树科(Aceraceae)是太阳岛风景区木本植物的优势科。人工木本群落中较常见的木本植物75种,其中乔木树种有48种,灌木27种。出现频率10%以上的乔木树种有12种,灌木有11种;出现频率相对较高的亚乔木相对较少,仅8种;乔灌比接近1:1,常绿乔木与落叶乔木的比为1:4;垂直结构有“乔灌草”、“乔草”、“乔灌”三种形式,其中乔灌草”的结构形式近50%;树种的平均胸径为13.86cm,近60%的树种在10cm以下,35%的乔木树种胸径在10-20cm之间,5%的乔木树种胸径在20-30cm之间,乔木树种胸径在30cm以上的占2%。;季相结构比较丰富,不同植物呈现出不同的树形、树姿、叶色、花色、花期、果型、果色、果期、枝色、皮色,其色彩与形态变化比较丰富。2.太阳岛风景区的植物景观类型与组成根据太阳岛风景区的自然概况和植物群落的组成特点,将植物景观分为天然植物景观、半天然植物景观及人工植物景观。天然植物景观主要由自然群落构成,是以草原草甸、沼泽草甸群落为主,柳丛、水生植物为辅,温带落叶阔叶林点缀其中的森林草原景观,空间开敞,富于自然野趣,是太阳岛风景区的特色景观,表现大自然之美;半天然植物景观是依托自然的环境与自然植物群落,适当加以人工改造或植物配置,尊重自然,师法自然群落的组成与结构,以柳丛与水生植物景观为主要构成,表现植物景观的自然美;人工植物景观以陆地的木本植物群落为主,草本植物均为人工栽培,因此少了天然植物景观的特征。同时人工木本植物群落还要考虑绿地的生态功能,其植物配置满足景区游人交通、空间活动的功能需求,不同的树种选择与配置方式直接决定了人工植物景观的特征。3.太阳岛风景区的植物景观评价运用SD法对太阳岛风景区的植物景观进行景观评价,对所选群落景观总体评价大多是具较好的新奇感、空间感、层次感、宁静感和美感。SD得分较高的9个样本中,天然植物景观(2个)、半天然植物景观(2个)、人工植物景观中落叶阔叶林(3个)和针阔混交林(2个)评价较高。这些植物景观特点大部分是空间视线开敞、主次有致、层次清晰,具有丰富的林缘线、林冠线和枝下高线。得分较低的样本大部分评价是不够丰富的,新奇感、韵律感、动感、通透感均较弱。4个样本中,要么是景观视线、空间不够通透,郁闭度较高,或者是群落选择的树种多,种植杂乱,景观层次不分明;生长状况欠佳、生命力差的群落等评价较低,群落的这些特征都降低了植物景观的观赏价值。通过因子分析法,得出了影响太阳岛风景区植物景观的四个主要因子:感知因子、空间因子、美学因子与整体因子。这四个因子是太阳岛风景区植物景观的主要影响因子。4.太阳岛风景区的植物景观特色与景观优化太阳岛植物景观的特色是天然植物景观与人工植物景观差异较大,但是也存在着景观上的连续性;不同的景区因景观环境的差异,植物景观也各具特色;四季景观分明,寒地植物景观特色突出。尽管太阳岛风景区的植物景观有一定的特色,但是还存在许多问题,针对所存在的问题,提出植物景观优化调整的策略:首先要保护自然群落及其生境;重点调整现有群落的树种的组成与数量,如优势种的调整,增加群落的类型;增加亚乔木与耐阴的灌木种类与数量,丰富群落的结构;引种太阳岛风景区与东北东部山地的野生花卉资源,营造自然草原森林的地带性植物景观;加强配置的艺术性,使植物景观疏密有致,层次分明,季相景观多样,全面改善太阳岛风景区的植物景观。

【Abstract】 The research applied theories about botany, ecology, landscape, planning and design and integrated analysis of overlapping multidisciplinary. The paper synthesized the factors of nature, geography, history and humanity, which analyzed the charicters of plant communities and landscape of the Sunny Island, probed the reason of plant communities and landscape, summerized practice experiment from the excellent communities and discerned the transforming trend of communities. On the basis of the above circumstances, the paper summarized plant features of the Sunny Island, thinked out the optimizing tactics and putted foword the concrete scheme on the regional properties of plant landscape so as to direct the plant landscape optimizing. In the mean time, the reserch result can provide method and idea to the urban green land rebuiding and construct. This research main research results are as follows:1. The artificial woody plant composition of the Sunny IslandThere are 146 kinds of the woody plants vascular altogether Subordinating 33 branches and 70 genus. The gymnosperm has 3 branches 7 genuses 14 species and the angiosperm has 30 branches 63 genuses 132 species. According to the tree type, the ever-green coniferous trees have 3 branches 13 species, deciduous leaf coniferous trees have 1 branch 1 species, deciduous broad leaf trees have 23 branches 35 species, deciduous broad leaf short trees and brush have 40 branches 91 species and the vine plants have 3 branches 4 species. Pinaceae, Salicaceae, Oleacea, Rosaceae, Caprifoliaceae and Aceraceae are the dominant branches of the Sunny Island.The common woody plants are 75 species, in which trees are 48 species and shrubs are 27 species. The the trees of frequency 10% tree tree seed to have 12 kinds. The secondary trees of frequency relative high are less. Trere are only 8 species. The ratio of the arbor to shrub is 1:1.The ratio of the ever green trees to delicious leaf is 1:4. The vertical structure has 3 kinds of structures,that is "arbor-shrubs-grass" " arbor-grass" " arbor-shrubs". The average diameter at chest height of trees is 13.86cm, apeoximate 70% of which are belowl0cm,35% of which are between 10-20cm,5% of which are between 20-30cm,2% of which are above 30cm. The seasonal aspect structure is quite rich. The different plant presents differently at all kinds of examples, such as tree shape、tree posture、leaf colour、flower colour flower date、fruit shape、fruit colour、fruit date、branch colour and bark color so on.2.The analysis on the plant landscape of Sunny IslandAccording to profiles and characteristics of plant communities of the Sunny Island, the plant landscape was divided into natural plant landscape, semi-natural plant landscape and artificial plants landscape. Natural plant community is mainly constituted of the natural communities, which is based on grassland meadow and swamp meadow communities, willow plexus and aquatic plants secondarily, temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest embellished in forest-steppe landscape. It is open space and undomesticated whose features of the manifestation of the beauty of nature. Semi-natural plant landscape is relying on the natural environment and natural plant communities, which is appropriately artificial modification or plant configuration, respecting nature, spellcaster natural communities in the composition and structure. It is performance of the natural beauty of botanical landscape to willow bundles and aquatic plants as the main features in landscape. The artificial plant landscape of woody plant communities upland, mainly of herbaceous plants which are cultivated lacking in natural vegetation landscape characteristics. At the same time, artificial woody plant communities should also consider the ecological function, whose plant configuration meet scenic visitors traffic, space activities of the functional requirements. Different species selection and arrangement styles directly determines the characteristics of artificial plants landscape. During the reconstruction of the concessionaire a few times, the formation of artificial plants landscape subjected to different era plant design idea and formed the various landscape modern plants.3. The evaluation on the plant landscape of Sunny IslandThe paper evaluated the plant landscape in Sunny Island by SD. The general evaluation on the choosed communities is novel、spatial、hierarchical peaceful andbeautiful.Among the nine communities of higher scores, there are tow Natural communities、tow Riparian communities、tow Broad-leaved and Coniferous mixed forests and three Eciduous Broad-leaved forests. The landscape charicters of these communities are space-openning、primary and secondary differentiating,and ababdent lines of the edge, crown cover and high trunk.The evaluation of the samples of lower scores is less abundant, less rhythm, less moving, less clear. Among the 4 species, the landscape view less clear and higher canopy closure or the types of trees is over more and p osition is mixed and disorderly or unsatisfactory growth condition bad vitality got lowest evaluation.All the charicters above reduced the evaluation of the plant landscape.Through the factor analysis, the paper summerized four main factors such as perception factor, space factor, aesthetics factor and entirety factor.4.The landscape architecture charicteristics and optimizing of communities in Sunny IslandThe paper summerized the andscape architecture charicteristics through systematic study on the communities and landscape of the Sunny Island. The nature and the artificial plant landscape is distinct and zonality psilophytes and artificial xylophyte landscape coexistence. The artificial xylophyte community take the indigenous plant primarily and introduced variety auxiliary. The plant landscape manifests the region characteristic. The plant landscape manifests the continuity and the mobility. The four seasons landscape is distinct and the coldly plant landscape characteristic is prominent. In this foundation, proposed the plant landscape optimization strategy. Protects the natural vegetation community, highlights the Sunny Island the region plant landscape characteristic.Footholds zonality communies, imitates the nature, simulates natural community structure, contribute the community to the natural succession. Directed the exotic to carry on the disposition suitably, rich community structure and function to enhance plant disposition artistry and landscape ornamental. Further consummated the winter plant landscape and prominents coldly plant landscape characteristic.


