

Study on the Deveolpment Strategy of Biomass Energy in State-Owned Forest Region of Heilongjiang Provice

【作者】 姜洋

【导师】 曹玉昆;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国对新能源开发利用的重视,生物质能源等可再生能源在能源供应结构中的比重不断提高,发展生物质能源能够缓解能源危机,改善能源结构不合理状况,保护日益恶化的生态环境,是调节经济发展与能源短缺矛盾的必由之路。国有林区蕴藏着丰富的林业生物质能源,顺应形势的变化,发展生物质能源是国有林区前所未有的发展机遇与挑战。本文以国有林区发展林业生质物质能源为切入点,以制订国有林区生物质能源战略为手段,探索林区经济发展新的增长点,实现国有林区节约利用现有森林资源,增加职工群众收入,调节林区能源消耗结构,实现新的烧柴革命,保护生态环境,构建和谐的社会主义新林区的目标。本文在分析国内外相关生物质能源研究现状基础上,确立了以黑龙江省国有林区为研究对象,以国有林区林业生物质能源发展战略为研究核心的研究思路。论文以战略管理理论、可持续发展理论、生态学理论等为理论支撑,首先剖析黑龙江省国有林区生物质能源发展现状、存在问题,并运用灰色关联度分析法和灰色数列GM(1,1)模型对生物质能源的发展趋势进行了预测,结果表明生物质能源在黑龙江省国有林区发展前景良好。在定性分析基础上,运用SWOT分析法,对黑龙江省国有林区发展生物质能源的战略环境进行了分析。在此基础上,从战略目标、战略思路、战略原则、战略规模、战略重点、战略步骤等方面构建了黑龙江省国有林区发展生物质能源的战略体系。其中,运用超效率DEA模型确定了发展战略的二元梯度发展模式;运用QSPM矩阵法对生物质能源发展战略重点进行了分析,研究表明:目前黑龙江省国有林区生物质能源发展正处于成长阶段,生物质能源林基地建设和林业剩余物的可持续利用系重点发展方向。第三,提出了油料能源林基地建设和生物质固体成型燃料生产这两大战略重点的具体举措。提出了生物质固体成型燃料生产和生物质油料能源林基地建设的战略实施方案。在阐述两个方案的实施过程基础之上,以铁力林业局生产固体成型燃料发展生物质能源为实例,以双丰林业局文冠果能源林基地建设为实例,进一步阐述和分析了生物质能源的发展给林区经济和林区职工生活质量所带来的改变。论文最后分析了黑龙江省国有林区生物质能源发展战略过程中将面临的内外部风险,在此基础上从政策保障、技术保障、社会环境保障、人才支撑体系和完善信息化服务平台等几个主要方面构建发展战略的保障措施。本文中战略体系的构建从理论意义上拓展了国有林区发展林业理论研究的广度和深度。从实践意义上推动了国有林区寻求新绿色革命的发展之路。同时保障措施的构建,保证了生物质能源发展战略的顺利实施,促进了黑龙江省国有林区经济的可持续发展。总之,林业生物质能源的研究才刚刚起步,黑龙江省国有林区生物质能源的科学持续发展需要构建科学的发展战略体系。构建一套完整的生物质能源发展战略体系,给科学和生产企业提供一个理论与实践参考,同时为国有林区发展生物质能源提供理论借鉴,以期促进黑龙江省国有林区科学可持续发展。

【Abstract】 With China’s emphasis on new energy development and utilization, the proportion of o renewable energy sources such as biomass energy in the energy supply structure is getting unceasing enhancement. It is the necessary way of adjusting contradictions of economic development and energy shortage to develop biomass energy to relieve the energy crisis, improve unreasonable energy structure and protect the rapidly worsening ecological environment. As the state-owned forest area is rich in forest biomass energy, it is an unprecedented development opportunity and challenge to develop biomass energy to conform to the situation changes. With developing forest biomass energy in state-owned forest area as the breakthrough point, making forest biomass energy strategy as a means, the paper tries to explore new growth point of economic development of forest area and achieve the purpose of saving forest resources, increasing income, adjusting energy consumption structure, enforcing forest new firewood revolution, protecting the ecological environment and constructing the goals of harmonious socialist new forest area.Based on the analysis of research status quo of relevant biomass energy home and abroad, the paper establishes state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang province as the research object, and forest biomass energy development strategy in state-owned forest area as the research core and applies the theories such as the strategic management theories, the sustainable development theory and the ecology theory as the theoretical support. Firstly it analyzes the present situation, developing trend of biomass energy development in Heilongjiang state-owned forest area and utilized the pessimistic interrelatedness analytic method and the pessimistic sequence GM (1,1) model to predict biomass energy developing trend. The result indicated that the biomass energy source had good prospects for development in the national forest area of Heilongjiang Province.Based on the qualitative analysis, the paper makes a analysis of the strategic environment of developing biomass energy in the national forest area of Heilongjiang Province with the SWOT analysis method.Secondly, the paper constructs strategy system framework of biomass energy development of state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang from strategic target, strategy idea, strategic principles, strategies scale and the strategic key and so on. Among them, binary gradient development pattern of development strategy is determined by using ultra efficiency DEA model. The key biomass energy development strategy is analyzed by using the QSPM matrix method. The research shows that biomass energy development of state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang is in the stage of growth. Biomass energy forest base construction and The forestry surplus’s sustainable use is the prioritize direction. Thirdly, the paper puts forward the concrete measures of biomass energy forest base construction and biomass solid forming fuel production and strategic plan for producing biomass solid forming fuel and establishing the base of biomass energy forest base. Based on elaborating above two plans implementation,taking Tieli forestry bureau for example of producing biomass solid forming fuel to develop biomass energy and Shuangfeng forestry bureau for example of Shiny-leaved yellowhorn energy forest base construction, the paper further explains and analyzes that the development of biomass energy bring the change for economy of forestry area and the life quality of forest workers.This paper finally analyzes the internal and external risk during the process of developing energy development strategy in the state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang. The development strategy safeguard measures are constructed from policy, technology, social environment protection, human resource support system and perfecting the informationization service platform and so on.The strategic system framework, from theory meanings, expands breadth and depth of forest theory research of forestry development in state-owned forest area. From the practical significance, it promotes developing road for looking for new green revolution. While safeguard measures construction ensures the smooth implementation of biomass energy development strategy, and promotes the sustainable development of economy in Heilongjiang state-owned forest area.All in all, forest biomass energy research has just started. The scientific and sustainable development of biomass energy in Heilongjiang state-owned forest area needs to construct a scientific development. Constructing a complete set of biomass energy development strategy can provide a theory and practice for science and production enterprise for reference and provide theoretical reference for biomass energy development in state-owned forest area in order to promote the scientific and sustainable development in Heilongjiang state-owned forest area.


