

Based on the System Efficiency of Rural Social Security System in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 刘晶

【导师】 王兆君;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “三农”问题是我国经济社会发展的重要问题,是制约我国经济社会协调发展的瓶颈之一,关系到我国现代化的成败。“三农”问题的核心是农民问题。我国在经济高速发展、人民生活水平显著提高的同时,出现了一定程度的社会不公平现象,而农民得不到社会保障有效的保护,成为社会上最大的弱势群体,是目前社会不公平的最突出表现。对于社会保障制度,人们一直关注于其公平性,效率问题没有引起足够的重视,国内外农村社会保障的实践,特别是我国农村社会保障制度建设的实践证明,忽视效率的社会保障安排将会引发制度危机。黑龙江是农业大省,乡村人口1777.7万人,占总人口的46.5%,贫困群体规模大,全省约有240万农民人均纯收入在相对贫困线(人均纯收入870元)以下,占农业人口的12.7%。因此,在经济相对落后、农业人口众多、农村经济比重较大的黑龙江省建立完善符合实际的农村社会保障制度意义重大。然而在黑龙江省范围内建立高水平的农村社会保障制度有很大难度,而从制度效率的视角研究黑龙江省这样的传统农业地区社会保障制度建设问题,就成为一项具有重要意义的研究课题。本研究以福利经济学、社会保障学等经济与管理理论为理论基础,采用归纳与综合分析、理论与实践分析、规范与实证分析、定性与定量分析等研究方法,系统分析黑龙江省农村社会保障制度变迁与发展现状,并对黑龙江省农村社会保障水平进行了评价与分析,还用数据包络法对黑龙江省农村社会保障制度效率进行了实证分析。同时,运用层次分析法对黑龙江省农村社会保障制度建设的优先序进行了评价,进而构建了黑龙江省农村社会保障制度体系框架。按此框架,论文分别就黑龙江省农村最低生活保障制度建设、新型农村合作医疗制度建设、农村养老保险制度建设,从制度效率视角进行了深入、具体的研究,并在实证分析的基础上,基于经济可行性,提出了适合黑龙江省农村实际的农村最低生活保障、新型农村合作医疗和农村养老保险的农村社会保障制度模式,并对该制度模式的运行提出环境保障对策。希望本研究不仅为完善黑龙江省农村社会保障制度建设提供参考,也为具有相似情况省区提供有益的借鉴,为丰富和发展我国社会保障制度建设理论与实践提供有益的启示和帮助。

【Abstract】 "Three Farming" issue is an important issue for the development of China’s economy and society, and it is one of the bottlenecks which restricts the coordinated development of China’s economy and society, that is to say it related to the success of China’s modernization. The core of the "Three Farming" issue is the farmer problem. In our china, the economy developed rapidly and the people’s living standards improved obviously simultaneously, there has been a certain degree of social injustice phenmena, while farmers do not have an effective protection of social security which has become the largest vulnerable groups in society, so we can know it is the unfairness of our society’s most outstanding performance at the moment.For the social security system, people has been paying more attention to the fairness, while the efficiency problem has not given rise to enough attention, the practice of rural social security at home and abroad, especially the proving of the practice to the building of the rural social security system in our China, neglecting the efficiency for the social security arrangements will lead to an institutional crisis.Heilongjiang is a major agricultural province, rural population is 17.777 million, accounting for 46.5% of the total population, poverty groups is a large scale, about 240 million farmers’per capita net income bellowing the relative poverty line (per capita net income 870 yuan) in our province, which accounts for 12.7% of the agricultural population. Therefore, establishing and consummating realistic rural social security system has a great significance in the Heilongjiang Province which presents relatively backward economy、larger agricultural population、and biggish proportion of the rural economy. However, there has great difficulity in establishing high level rural social security system in the area of Heilongjiang Province, from the aspect of the system efficiency, studying the building problem of the social security system in Heilongjiang Province which is a traditional agricultural area, thus it has become an important research topic.In this study, it is based on the economy such as welfare economics、social security and the theoretical basis such as management theory, adopting inductive and comprehensive analysis、theory and practice analysis、normative and empirical analysis、qualitative and quantitative analysis, systematicly analyze the Institutional Change and Development of the rural social security system in Heilongjiang Province in the status quo, and use the empirical analysis to analyze the rural social security level in Heilongjiang Province, at the same time using the data envelopment analysis to analyze the efficiency of the rural social security system in Heilongjiang Province, On this basis, putting to use the arrangement analysis to analyze the priority sequence of construction of the rural social security system in Heilongjiang Province, and then constructing the frame system of rural social security system in the Heilongjiang Province. According to the frame system, the paper puts forward the actual rural social security system mode which is suitable for the rural areas of Heilongjiang province, as we known, which respectively studied the minimum living security system in rural areas in Heilongjiang Province、the building of the new model rural cooperative medical treatment system、and the building of the rural endowment insurance system, moreover from the perspective of the efficiency of the system, it is on the basis of economic feasibility, and most importantly it puts forward countermeasure for the operation of the system mode. Hoping for this research will not only providing reference for perfecting the rural social security system in Heilongjiang province, but also providing beneficial experiences for other provinces which have similar situation, and then offers useful inspiration or help for enriching and developing the theory and the practice of the social security system in our country.


