

Study on Internal Anti-Corrosion Technology of TaHe Oil Field Gathering System

【作者】 马培红

【导师】 袁宗明;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油大学 , 油气储运工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 塔河油田地层水矿化度高、呈酸性、产出介质含C02和H2S等腐蚀性气体,集输系统处于盐碱地带,塔河油田集输系统腐蚀环境十分复杂。.在过去的时间里,不少人对塔河油田的腐蚀问题进行过种种研究,油田本身也采取了防腐措施,但效果较差,腐蚀事件时有发生,且有越来越严重的趋势。究其原因,过去的研究和采取的防腐措施基本脱节,没有将腐蚀研究和防腐措施作为一个有机的统一体紧密地联系起来。由于各油气田的腐蚀环境和腐蚀本体存在差异,几乎不可能找到一种对所有油气田都能有效的防腐措施,因此,针对具体的油气田的腐蚀问题,开展腐蚀与防腐研究是十分必要的,也才是有意义的。通过对国内外在二氧化碳和硫化氢腐蚀研究成果方面的调研、学习,为本课题的研究提供了思想准备。论文进行了大量的试验研究。首先,开展了二氧化碳和硫化氢的腐蚀试验研究。对盐与二氧化碳共同作用下的腐蚀问题,完成了普通条件下的腐蚀试验,即模拟塔河油田大多数区块的腐蚀环境进行试验;然后,完成了腐蚀介质矿化度对腐蚀速率的影响试验,即在塔河油田极端矿化度条件下与二氧化碳共同作用的腐蚀试验;也即是覆盖了塔河油田输送介质温度条件下与二氧化碳共同作用的腐蚀试验;接着,在完成了普通条件下的腐蚀试验的基础上,开展了盐、二氧化碳和硫化氢共同作用下的腐蚀试验;最后,完成了腐蚀介质矿化度、温度对腐蚀速率的影响试验。在分析研究塔河油田产出液中各种离子组成和含量的基础上,本文研究了结垢理论和结垢预测方法,采用饱和指标法对塔河油田典型生产井的碳酸钙结垢趋势进行了预测,并以此为基础进行了模拟现场条件的防垢试验研究。本文筛选出了防垢剂FBR,再对FBR模拟典型井地层水进行防垢试验,在FBR加量大于25mg/L时,各井的防垢率均大于90%,完全能够满足现场需要。针对塔河油田的腐蚀环境,研制塔河油田专用缓蚀剂是本文的主要研究内容和重点。为了评价研制出的两种缓蚀剂,将它们和另外选取的现场在用的三种缓蚀剂HQ21、DA-1和CT2-1在同样的条件下,一起进行室内试验评价。结果表明:缓蚀剂THA-1和THA-2的缓蚀性能均优于所有在用的其它缓蚀剂;同时,我们对所研制出的两种缓蚀剂与油田生产过程中的其它化学加剂的配伍性能进行了配伍性试验。结果表明:缓蚀剂THA-1和THA-2具有良好的配伍性能。这充分说明,针对塔河油田所研制的缓蚀剂THA-1、THA-2是成功的,这是一项具有重要意义的技术创新。腐蚀在线监测技术是一项十分重要的防腐技术。本文首先对目前国内外在线腐蚀监测技术进行了分析,结合塔河油田的环境特点,选取了线性极化法、快速腐蚀速率测定法与试片失重法进行试验室对比试验。在此基础上,确定采用试片失重法与化学分析法相结合的腐蚀监测技术用于塔河油田集输系统腐蚀监测。利用在线监测网络,我们进行了两次检测分析,结果表明:塔河一厂的腐蚀情况比塔河二厂的腐蚀情况相对严重,尤其是1号联油阀组1。这与理论分析研究的结论和现场腐蚀事件的发生情况是一致的。这充分说明了该监测系统所采用的技术理论与方法是正确的。在线腐蚀监测系统从构思、理论研究分析、设计、建造到试件操作处理及腐蚀产物再试验再分析,是一个十分复杂的系统工程,它不仅涉及监测系统本身,还涉及到地面集输系统的工艺流程、设备、材料生产过程、生产状态等。该系统的建立,是塔河油田地面集输系统防腐工作的一大技术进步。本文中所完成的两次在线检测是在加注了缓蚀剂THA-1和THA-2后进行的,检测结果表明:THA-1的缓蚀率在80%以上,THA-2的缓蚀率接近80%,而国内一般商用缓蚀剂的缓蚀率都在50%~60%。同时,两种缓蚀剂都将塔河油田地面集输系统的腐蚀速率控制在了部颁标准(0.076mm/a)的范围内。这充分证明了针对塔河油田地面集输系统腐蚀环境所研制的缓蚀剂是可靠的,并在其后的现场应取得有了很好的效果。

【Abstract】 A High salinity formation water in Tahe oilfield, Present acid. in Output medium, containing corrosive gas CO2 and H2S. gathering and transportation system in Tahe oil field locaked in salt lick. The corrosion environment is very complex for gathering and transportation system in Tahe oil field.In the past time, many of the corrosion problems of Tahe oilfield has various research, oilfield itself has taken anticorrosion measures, but the effect is poorer, corrosion incidents are increasingly serious trend.The reason, past research is separated from the anticorrosion measures basically, the corrosion and corrosion measures is an organic unity, but not be connected closely. Because of esch oil field corrosion environment and corrosion noumena are different, there is no possible to find one anticorrosion precautiont that is effectual for all oil fiel.therefore, corrosion and anticorrosion study is very necessary, also, is meaningful.it provides ideological preparation through investigation and research on the research outcome of carbon dioxide and sulfureted hydrogen corrosion.A large number of experimental research has been worked out. Firstly,the corrosion experiments for carbon dioxide and sulfide have been finished. For salt and carbon dioxide to the corrosion problems,the experiments in a general conditions, have been finished. Namely, exerperiments of simulation corrosion environment in most block of Tahe oilfied. Then,completed the experiment that salinity effect on corrosion rat.namely, experiment in a extremely salinity condition in Tahe oilfield. That is corrosion text finished with the temperature covereing all transportation medium in Tahe oilfield. after that, the corrosion experiments,under the combined action of salt,carbon dioxide and sulfide hydrogen, have been finished.first of all, the corrosion experiments have been worked out in a general condition and then corrosion rate experiment have been worked out in conditions of salinity and temperature effecting onIn the study of ion composition and content in liquid output in Tahe oilfield, and on the basis of research to study scale formation theory and prediction scaling method, the method of saturated index of calcium carbonate scaling trend is forecasted in Tahe oilfield typical production wells, and based on that, anti-scaling experiments, simulation scene conditions, have been finished.Antiscale agent FBR Screened. For FBR, anti-scaling experiment finished simulation on formation water in typical well whill FBR quantity than 25mg/L, the scaling rate is larger than 90%, can fully satisfy meet the needs. Of the oil field production.To aim at the corrosion environment in Tahe oilfield, developing a corrosion inhibitor for Tahe oilfield is the main research content of this subject, but also the focus of research. In order to evaluate developed corrosion inhibitor THA-1 and HTA-2. evaluated THA-1,THA-2 and Three corrosion inhibitors (HQ21, DA-1 and CT2-1) be used in Tahe oilfield in the same condition. Results show that:the corrosion inhibitors THA-1 and THA-2 have better performance than the others. At the same time, compatibility experiments, for THA-1 and THA-2 and the other chemical additive used in oilfiel, have been finished. The results show that the developed two inhibitor have good compatibility. the study of corrosion inhibitor is successful and is an important significance of technology innovation.Corrosion on-line monitoring technology is an important anticorrosion technology. the methods, linear polarization method, rapid corrosion rate determination method, check bar weight-loss method, have been selected Combine with the environmental features of Tahe oilfield. The contrast experiment,the methods adopted, have been worked out. On this basis, the weight loss method Combined with chemical analysis method, as a corrosion monitoring technology used in Tahe oilfield gathering and transportation system monitoring, have been adopted.Using the on-line monitoring network, two detections have been worked out. Results showed that the corrosion situation of Tahe factory 1 than the corrosion situation of Tahe factory 2 relatively serious, especially oil valve group in the station 1. The theoretical analysis and research results and locale event is consistent. This fully explain that the technical theory and method adopted in this monitoring system are correct.Online corrosion monitoring system from conception, theoretical analysis, design, construction and operation treatment to specimens are analyzed, and then again experiment is a complicated system engineering. It involves not only monitoring system itself, but also involves gathering transportation system of the process, equipment, materials, production process and production status, etc. This system established, is a gigantic technology progress for the system of ground gathering and transportation in Tahe oilfield.Twice on-line detection has been completed after filling corrosion inhibitors THA-1 and THA-2. Test results show that:corrosion inhibitor THA-1 has a corrosion inhibition efficiency over 80% and corrosion inhibitor THA-2 has a corrosion inhibition efficiency close to 80%. But, in china, the corrosion inhibition efficiency of a General commercial corrosion inhibitor is from 50% to 60%。At the same time, using The two kinds of corrosion inhibitors, the corrosion inhibition rates are controlled in the standard (0.076 mm/a) range. This fully demonstrated these two kinds of corrosion inhibitors developed, to aim at the gathering and transportation system in tahe oilfield, is reliable,and have been applied in tahe oilfield.


