

【作者】 蒋义

【导师】 鲁昕;

【作者基本信息】 财政部财政科学研究所 , 财政学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在当今世界,随着经济全球化趋势的不断发展和科技进步的突飞猛进,以经济为基础、科技为先导的综合国力竞争日益激烈。我国作为发展中大国,要抓住和用好当前面临的重要发展战略机遇,振兴我国经济,加快我国经济社会的快速发展,就必须大力培养造就能够顺应时代发展要求、具有开拓创新能力的宏大的高素质职业人才队伍。职业教育是我国教育体系的重要组成部分,担负着培养数以亿计高素质劳动者和数以千万计专门人才的重要任务,是国民经济和社会发展的重要基础。研究职业教育对经济增长和产业发展的重要贡献,对更好的发挥职业教育的经济功能,更好的促进我国经济社会建设具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文主要研究我国职业教育对经济增长和产业发展的贡献,力求能通过搜集、整理、分析我国历年职业教育投入和经济增长、产业发展等相关数据,得到职业教育对经济增长、产业发展具体的贡献率,并基于数据分析结果提出相应的政策建议。全文在结构上共分为七章,每章的主要内容安排如下:第一章“绪论”。本章主要说明本文研究的问题以及背景,介绍本文研究的意义、目标、研究的基本方法和思路、文章的基本框架等,对国内外有关教育对经济增长和产业发展贡献的研究进行较为系统的综述简评,并对研究中可能的创新和不足进行描述。第二章“职业教育概述及理论基础”。本章首先对职业教育的概念进行了界定,对简要介绍了职业教育的基本特征;其次,对国内外教育经济学的主要理论进行介绍,包括新古典经济增长模型、人力资本理论、新经济增长理论、人力资本积累与溢出模型等;再次,分析了职业教育与经济发展之间的关系,对职业教育促进经济发展的路径进行了讨论。第三章“我国职业教育的发展历程与现状”。本章主要回顾了我国自1949年以来职业教育的发展轨迹,通过梳理它的发展历程,介绍我国职业教育发展获得的巨大成就,总结归纳适合我国职业教育发展的各种经验。最后,本章点出当前我国职业教育发展中面临的一些主要问题,这为我国将来进一步改革职业教育、提高职业教育贡献率指明了方向。第四章“我国职业教育对经济增长贡献的实证研究”。本章首先利用有效劳动模型,从总量上核算了人力资本增长对国民经济的贡献率。在此基础上,通过对不同教育程度就业人员比例的估计,计算出职业教育对国民经济增长率的贡献率,并与其它各类教育比较经费投入效率。最后,针对实证分析的结果从多角度对比研究,充分解读结果所蕴含的政策意义。第五章“我国职业教育对产业发展贡献的实证研究”。在第三章的基础上,本章试图进一步分行业研究职业教育的贡献率,并与其它各类教育的行业增长贡献率比较分析。本章选用农林牧渔业、制造业、交通运输仓储和邮政业等三个代表行业进行研究,分别代表第一产业、第二产业和第三产业。针对实证研究的结果,本章从各个角度比较职业教育与其它各类教育对三大行业增长的贡献率,深入挖掘实证结果所蕴含的政策价值。第六章“政策建议:完善我国职业教育经费投入保障体系”。前面实证研究的结果显示,我国职业教育对经济增长、产业发展都具有明显的促进作用,而要进一步提高职业教育对经济增长、产业发展的贡献率,需要多方面政策的共同凑效,其中投入问题是一个关键环节。本章主要从投入角度梳理我国职业教育投入政策历史的演变,在借鉴国外发达国家经验的基础上,论述了我国职业教育经费投入保障体系的完善。此外,本章还从专业设置、办学模式、吸引力等方面提出配套措施,共同促进职业教育的发展。第七章“全文总结及研究展望”。主要是对本文的主要论点进行总结,并就文章中还有待继续深入研究的问题进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Today, with the constant development of economic globalization and rapid technological progress, Competition in overall national strength which based on economic, science and technology become more and more intense. As a developing country, if China wants to seize the currently facing important development opportunities to revitalize our economy, and accelerate economic development, it must conform to the times demand, and make great efforts to train high-quality, pioneering innovative professional talents. Vocational education is the important part of our education system and the important development foundation of economic and society, responsible for training high quality workers and specialized personnel. Explorating the contribution of vocational education for economic growth and industrial development, has important theoretical and practical significance.This paper studies the contribution of China’s vocational education to economic growth and f industrial development. The article is divided into seven chapters:ChapterⅠ, "Introduction." This chapter introduces the main research question, background, significance, the basic approach, the basic framework, and briefly review the past research and the literature. In addition, this chapter will briefly introduce the innovation and inadequate in this research.ChapterⅡ, "Introduction of vocational education and related theory." First, the article defines the concept of vocational education, and simply describes its basic features. Secondly, the article introduces the domestic and foreign education economic theory, including the new classical model of economic growth, human capital theory, and so on. Again, the article analyzes the relationship between vocational education and economic growth, and discuss the ways to promote economic growth of vocational education.ChapterⅢ, "China vocational education development course and the present situation". This chapter reviews China since 1949 vocational education from scratch, and analyzes the development track of its development, introduce the obtained great achievements of vocational education in China, and summarizes the experience of vocational education development. Finally, this chapter point at the problems faced in the future,of vocational education development.ChapterⅣ, "China vocational education’s contribution to economic growth in empirical research." First, by the use of effective labor model, the paper calculated the total human capital contribution rate to the national economy. On this basis, the article estimates the distribution ratio of every education level in employed person, and computes the contribution rate of vocational education on the national economy. Finally, the article analyzes the empirical results from multiple perspectives to fully interpret the results’implied policy implications.ChapterⅤ, "China’s vocational education contribution to the industry development in empirical research." The article selected three representive industries from three sectors to make empirical study. From multiple perspectives, it explore the types of education’s contribution to the industry, and in-depthly mine the inherent policy value of empirical results.ChapterⅥ, "Policy recommendations:improving vocational education investment protection system." According to previous empirical results, the paper proposed to improve the investment system of vocational education. First of all, this chapter analyzes the status of vocational education in China investment. Then, it describes developed countries experience such as the United States, Germany, Australia. In the end, the article puts forward some policy recommendations, including investment policies and supporting measures.ChapterⅦ, "Full conclusion and Prospect." This section summarizes the main arguments of this article, and look ahead the follow-up study.

【关键词】 职业教育贡献率经费保障
【Key words】 Vocational EducationContribution RateEducation Funds

