

The Experimental Study and Signal Inversion of Ground Penetrating Radar for Soil Compaction Detection

【作者】 王萍

【导师】 胡振琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 土地整理、复垦工程中的大量机械作业造成土壤紧实度增加和农作物减产,在使用探地雷达进行土地整理、复垦工程质量无损探测的同时,研究探地雷达对土壤紧实性的测定方法和效果也迫在眉睫。论文研究使用500MHz和250MHz高频探地雷达探测不饱和水分条件下的土壤紧实性,选取容重和穿透阻力两个反映土壤紧实性的因子,分析与水分、有机质、可溶性盐、粘粒四个因子共同作用下探地雷达电磁波传播速度和介质相对介电常数的变化规律。研究揭示了土壤五大特性因子与电磁波传播特性、介质相对介电常数的相关关系,并建立了利用电磁波速度、振幅反演土壤紧实性因子和土壤相对介电常数的数学模型。同时,电阻率仪的结合使用可以提高探地雷达探测的准确度和帮助分析电磁波在介质中传播的衰减系数。总之,使用探地雷达检测土壤紧实性的研究具有较高的创新性、可行性和准确性。

【Abstract】 A lot of mechanical work usually leads to soil compaction increase and crop production failure in the land consolidation and reclamation projects. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) detection, as one of the nondestructive detection methods, is imminent for soil compaction study. Under unsaturated moisture conditions, soil compaction was studied with frequency of 500MHz and 250MHz. Two factors, soil bulk density and penetration resistance, were selected to reflect soil compaction status. The interaction with soil water, organic matter, soluble salts and clay particles finally changed the propagation velocity of radar wave and dielectric constant of soil. The correlation was analized among five soil major characteristics, electromagnetic wave propagation characteristics and media relative dielectric constant. With radar wave velocity and amplitude, methematical models were constructed to calculate soil bulk density, digital compaction meter data and soil relative dielectric constant. Meanwhile, the combination with resistivity meter can improve the dectection accuracy and help analyze the attenuation coefficient of electromagnetic wave. All in all, soil compaction detection with GPR is novel, feasible and accurate.


