

Data Processing Theory and Applied Technology of Surface Subsidence Monitoring Based on DInSAR

【作者】 阎跃观

【导师】 戴华阳;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 矿山空间信息学与沉陷控制工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国煤炭开采沉陷现象十分普遍,地表沉陷监测越来越受到人们的重视。传统的测点监测方法覆盖面小、观测效率低、不能适应生产和研究的需要。差分干涉合成孔径雷达(DInSAR)测量技术具有全天候、全天时、高分辨率和连续空间覆盖的优势,能为矿区提供短周期内空间连续曲面的形变信息,是一种新型监测矿区开采沉陷变形的手段和方法。本文针对DInSAR在矿区沉陷监测应用中存在的相关问题进行了较为深入的研究。通过分析比较C波段、L波段和X波段雷达在监测地表沉陷方面的性能,得出长波段、大视线角和高分辨率的雷达影像可以降低失相干和相位不连续性的影响,有利于进行高精度的地面形变监测。在PSI的基础上,结合DInSAR技术进行了时序DInSAR小数据集数据处理方法研究,有效克服了大气延迟误差和时间失相关的影响。基于最小二乘法原理研究了3D和2D±1D两种分解方法,模拟说明了2D+1D的分解精度高于3D。研究了DInSAR数据与超前影响角的关系,建立了计算修正模型并进行了数值模拟研究。针对ALOS卫星监测周期长,可能会导致动态下沉监测特征点错失的问题,建立了DInSAR和GPS联合加密观测模型。研究表明两个模型可行性高,可以提高数据精度,具有现实的意义。

【Abstract】 The phenomenon of mine subsidence is common in China. The surface subsidence mornitoring is more important nowadays. The traditional mornitoring methods have some disadvantages. For example, the scope of mornitoring is smaller and the efficiency is lower. So it can’t meet the need of production and research. DInSAR technology has some advantages, such as the all weather,24 hours, high spatial resolation and continuous spatial cover. DInSAR is the latest technology for monitoring the ground deformation in mining areas. This thesis is aimed to solve some problems due to mining in subsidence areas using DInSAR technology. With DInSAR technique, comparing the performance of different wavelength of radar single, such as C band, L band and X band. The impact of decorrelation and phase discontinuity can be minimized using SAR satellites with longer wavelength, greater incident angle and finer ground imaging resolution. Based on PSI techmology, the small stack SAR differential interferograms used to accumulate the mine subsidence is researched. The method can minimize the atmospheric disturbances and the temporal decorrelation. Two approaches (3D and 2D+1D) based on the least square method were used to solve the 3D surface deformation vectors. It can be known that the accuracy of simulation results of approach 2 is better than the accuracy of deformation of approach 1. The calculate model between DInSAR results and advanced influence angle is established. Due to the revisit period, the characteristic point of dynamic mine subsidence may not measure. The observation time model of DInSAR and GPS combining mornitoring is established. The two models can improve the data precision and have the realistic meaning.


