

Research on Modeling Methodology and Optimization Theory for Logistics Operation System of Container Terminal

【作者】 罗勋杰

【导师】 马孜; 吕勇哉;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 集装箱码头物流系统优化理论和建模方法,是实现码头系统仿真和生产管理智能优化与自动控制集成实时管理系统的前提和基础;是世界经济危机背景下,港口和码头企业实现经营方式和生产增长方式转变的迫切需要;是完成码头由程序化批量生产向以优化动态集成为特征的现代化生产管理方式的关键技术。为了提高集装箱码头作业过程的效率,降低成本,本研究在深入分析了具有代表意义的集装箱码头物流系统及作业子系统后,结合多年码头生产一线管理经验和现代控制理论中的有关优化算法,提出了评价系统的指标体系和实现指标的系统优化控制整体框架。本研究对集装箱码头物流系统优化理论及应用所做出的主要贡献如下:1.建立了集装箱码头物流系统生产过程模型,提出系统优化性能指标和实现系统整体优化控制的理论框架。2.将优化理论应用于码头物流系统的研究中,针对下述四个子系统和系统整体优化,提出并建立了相应的优化模型:(1)海侧子系统:以船舶在泊时间最短为目标,提出了桥吊配置的动态泊位计划优化模型(DBAP);以船舶船期延误时间最短为目标,考虑桥吊配置和动态泊位计划,建立了船舶准班率优化模型(SRP);以翻倒率最低为目标的船舶配置优化模型(VSP);以船舶作业时间最低为目标,结合桥吊装卸作业路分配和作业顺序安排的船舶作业桥吊调度优化模型(QCDP)。(2)堆场子系统:以船舶作业水平运输距离最短和各箱区作业量均衡为目标的五天滚动动态堆场计划安排优化模型(DYAP);以整体箱区作业量均衡和堆场内翻倒率最低为目标,基于混堆规则的堆场场箱位指派优化模型(YCPP);以工班时期内完成全部堆场作业,其堆场作业机械RTG行走时间最短为优化目标的RTG优化调度模型(YOC)。(3)水平运输子系统:以码头前沿和堆场内交通堵塞最少,和完成船舶作业集卡总运行时间最短的多目标的集卡动态调度优化模型(DTDM);在桥吊“边卸边装”和集卡“重进重出”作业模式下,以完成船舶装卸作业的集卡空载行驶距离最短为目标的集卡最短路径优化模型(TRP)。(4)陆侧闸口子系统:以码头规模和堆场大小为依据的闸口在码头总体平面布局中的优化设置策略;在比较了四种闸口车道数计算数学模型后,以一段作业期内开放的进场和出场车道总数最少为目标的闸口车道分配调度模型算法。(5)系统整体优化:将传统财务成本管理同集装箱码头生产运行管理相结合,建立了码头物流系统基于作业全过程的生产成本管理控制和优化模型。该模型为目前的“节能减排”和走出经济危机阴影,提供了可行的工具。3.将冶金复杂过程全流程优化控制策略应用于集装箱码头物流系统,建立了集装箱码头复杂物流系统全流程整体控制和优化模型。4.为了将整个研究成果投入实际运行,提出了集装箱码头生产智能优化与控制集成实时管理系统框架,同时为将来港口物流管理的物联网发展奠定基础。

【Abstract】 The modeling and optimization theory and technology are playing the key roles in modern Container Terminal Logistics Operation System (CTLOS). Based on the both of technology and theory, the simulation system, the intelligent optimal management system, and real time integrated automation control system can be implemented in CTLOC, so that the produce management mode of part are changed from traditional batch-operation mode to the modern operation mode with the optimal, dynamical and integrated features.For low cost and high efficiency of CTLOS, combining working experiences and the modern control theory, some typical systems of CTLOS are studied, the main contributions are given as follows:1. The model of operation process of CTLOS is established, the optimization performance of CTLOS is presented, and the optimal system frame is designed.2. The following sub-systems about CTLOS are presented.Firstly, the Seaside Operation Sub-ystem(SOS) is designed, to obtain the shortest time at berth as a target, and propose a Dynamic Berth Allocation Problem (DBAP) model in terms of Quay Crane (QC) allocation; to obtain the shortest vessel delay time as a target and build a Ship Reliability Problem (SRP) model in consideration of QC allocation and the dynamic berth planning; to obtain the lowest re-stowing rate as a target and propose a Vessel Stowage Problem (VSP) model; to obtain the fewest vessel operation time and propose a QC Dispatch Problem (QCDP) model in terms of QC work split and work sequence.Secondly, Yard Operation Sub-system(YOS) is designed, to obtain a shortest horizontal truck distance and a balanced operational volume for each block as the target and propose the five day rolling and Dynamic Yard Allocation Problem (DYAP) model; to obtain a lowest re-stowing rate and a balanced operational volume for the entire block and propose a Yard Code Point Problem (YCPP) model based on a mixed stacking rule; to obtain the shortest Rubber Tyre Gantry (RTG) travel time and finish all yard operation activities within one gang time as a target and propose a RTG Yard Operation Controlling (YOC) model.Thirdly, Ground Vehicle Operation Sub-system(GVOS) is presented, to obtain fewest traffic congestion in the yard and water apron and the shortest tuck distance to finish vessel operations as a target and propose a Dynamic Truck Dispatch Problem (DTDP) model; to obtain a shortest driving distance when the truck empty laden under the operational model of QC discharging and loading simultaneously and truck with full laden condition either discharge or load and propose a shortest Truck Routing Problem (TRP) model.Fourthly, Landside Operation Sub-system(LOS) is developed, to obtain the fewest in and out-gate lanes opened within one period of time after comparing four algorithms for gatehouse lanes and propose the lane allocation dispatch model algorithm.Finally, combining with the traditional financial method and terminal operation management theory, the optimization schemes of CTLOS are integrated, it’s an effective tool for saving energy and reducing emission in terminal industry to face up the global economic crisis.3. The optimal processing control strategy of metallurgy industry is applied to CTLOS.4. The above proposed scheme are integrated, the real time management system of CTLOS is implemented.

  • 【分类号】F224;F252;U695.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1495
  • 攻读期成果

