

Grid-rapid-reconstruction-based Three-dimensional Geological Body Modeling and Application

【作者】 王威

【导师】 葛修润;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(武汉岩土力学研究所) , 工程力学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自从经济危机发生以来,国家大规模投入基础建设,使得水利水电工程发展迎来新一轮发展高峰,作为构筑水电工程数字化,可视化设计、施工过程管理、施工过程监测的基础,三维地质建模的基础三维地质建模分析和应用显得十分重要,本文采用基于网格分块的三维地质建模和重构技术、可视化技术、GIS技术、监测数据智能分析技术相结合的研究手段,对三维地质建模信息系统进行了详细的探讨,开发了一个大型的基于三维地质模型、三维勘测设计资料管理和监测数据管理的信息可视化系统,并进行了初步的工程应用,主要研究内容和研究成果概括如下:1、深入研究基于网格重构的快速地质建模。在三维建模方面,基于根据工程勘察数据分布特点,提出了重要区域的分块建模方法,并在分块数据中提供开挖算法研究。在网格快速重构方面,分析了现有勘测资料数据的基础上,提出了基于勘测资料的快速建模和重构方法。2、开展了三维建构(筑)物的建模方法,建立了包括大坝、地下厂房、三维监测仪器等模型。进一步在三维监测仪器建模和分析方面,提出了监测仪器三维图例标准的设计,以及根据仪器的设计资料提出了快速的三维监测仪器的建模方法;并通过图形和数据库关联起来,使得监测数据能够直接和模型进行查询等操作。3、在建立三维地质模型的基础上,基于监测仪器位置信息、三维地质分布情况、监测数据等信息,改进了谢别德(Shepherd)算法,利用改进的算法快速的模拟地下厂房开挖过程中的变形或变形分布。4、采用GPRS通信的方式,将自动化监测仪器采集的数据快速的集成到系统的监测数据库中,并利用监测到的数据,采用常规的基于时间序列的分析预测模型,对这些数据进行分析和预测。5、将GIS技术、三维地质建模技术、三维建构(筑)物建模技术、可视化技术、安全监测技术与水利水电工程相结合,探讨了集成系统的总体设计和开发实现,利用VC++和DirectX开发工具,基于动态链接库和组件编程的思想,开发完成了独立底层、自主版权的三维地质建模信息管理系统。6、以糯扎渡水电站地下厂房监测系统工程和向家坝水电站三维可视化系统工程为实例,对开发的集成分析系统进行了实际工程应用,验证了系统的理论研究意义和实际工程应用价值。

【Abstract】 Since the economic crisis broke, the state has invested a large-scale infrastructure construction, making the development of water conservancy and hydropower projects usher in a new round of development peaks. As the basis of building a digital and visualization design of hydropower project, construction process management and monitoring, modeling and analysis of three-dimensional geological and its applications are very important. This thesis uses the combination of grid-based three-dimensional geological block modeling and reconstruction techniques, visual technology, GIS technology and intelligent data analysis techniques to discuss three-dimensional geological modeling of information systems in detail, and develop a large-scale three-dimensional geological model based on three-dimensional survey and design information management and monitoring of data management, information visualization systems, and conduct a preliminary engineering application. The main research contents and research achievements are summarized as follows:1. Studies grid-based reconstruction of the rapid geological modeling in-depth. For three-dimensional modeling, based on the distribution characteristics of engineering survey data, proposes block modeling method for important region, and excavation algorithm for the sub-blocks of the data is also present. For the grid rapid reconstruction, analyzes existing survey information and data, and proposes fast modeling and reconstruction methods based on survey data.2. Studies three-dimensional modeling methods for building structures, and builds model for dams, underground power houses and three-dimensional monitoring instruments, etc. In three-dimensional modeling and analysis, proposes the designing of three-dimensional illustration standards of monitoring instrumentation. According to the design information of instruments, a fast three-dimensional modeling method of monitoring instruments is present. By associating graphics and databases, it’s possible for monitoring data to directly conduct operations such as query with models.3. Based on the establishment of three-dimensional geological model and the monitoring instruments location information, three-dimensional geological distribution, monitoring data and other information, improves Shepherd (Shepherd) algorithm, and uses it for fast simulation deformation of or deformation of the distribution during the process of excavation of underground powerhouse.4. Using GPRS as communication way, quickly integrates data collected by automated monitoring instruments into the system monitoring database. Uses conventional time series forecasting model to forecast and analyze these data.5. Integrating GIS technology, three-dimensional geological modeling technology, three-dimensional modeling techniques of building structures, visualization technology, security monitoring technology and water conservancy and hydropower projects, discusses the overall design and implementation of integrated systems, using VC++ and DirectX as development tools, based on dynamic link libraries and components programming, develops three-dimensional geological modeling management information system with completely independent ground floor and independent copyright.6. Taking Nuozhadu Hydropower Station Monitoring system engineering and three-dimensional visualization system engineering of Xiangjiaba hydropower as examples, on the development of an integrated analysis system for practical engineering application, verifies the system’s theoretical research significance and practical value for engineering application.


