

The Unified Technology Acceptance Model Based on Task-Technology Fit Theory

【作者】 孙元

【导师】 马庆国;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 信息技术接受研究是管理信息系统领域中的一个重要分支。尽管已有大量的研究文献对信息技术接受行为给出了不同的解释,但是在现实中,由于信息技术和管理任务的多样性,理论模型的现实意义被大大减弱。近年来,信息技术接受模型得到不断的整合和发展,但是在不同模型之间仍然存在很多交叉重叠的概念,并且对技术特征和任务特征考虑不足。这其中一个重要原因是传统的单一实证方法难以获得包含多种技术和任务的大样本,因而难以开展多技术和任务比较的研究。元分析方法擅长综合已有多项定量研究,可被作为一种特殊的实证方法来对假设进行检验,因此可被用以揭示不同技术和任务背景下产生差异的原因。本文尝试将任务技术匹配理论(TTF)引入到整合的技术接受模型中,在任务技术匹配理论视角下整合原始技术接受模型(TAM)、技术接受模型2(TAM2)、技术接受模型3(TAM3)、整合性技术接受与使用模型(UTAUT)、理性行为理论(TRA)、计划行为理论(TPB)、创新扩散理论(IDT)这八大理论模型,遵循“认知信念—行为意向—使用行为—使用绩效”的分析逻辑,构建了基于任务技术匹配理论的整合性技术接受模型。本文深入探究了以下2个紧密相关的研究问题:(1)如何把任务技术匹配理论引入到整合的技术接受模型中?(2)在不同的技术特征和任务特征情境下用户信息技术接受的影响机理有何差异?本文通过ERP使用背景下的实证研究和208篇文献的元分析研究对上述问题进行了分析和解答,结果发现:(1)感知有用性、感知易用性、主观规范、感知行为控制和感知任务技术匹配是影响用户技术接受的关键认知信念因素。(2)使用绩效受到感知任务技术匹配和使用行为共同影响;使用行为受到感知行为控制和行为意向影响;行为意向受到感知有用性、感知易用性、主观规范、感知行为控制和感知任务技术匹配影响。(3)任务复杂性越高,感知有用性和感知行为控制对行为意向的影响越大,而感知易用性对行为意向的影响越小;相对非网络性技术而言,在网络性技术使用环境下,主观规范对行为意向的影响更大;相对于娱乐性信息技术而言,在工具性信息技术使用的环境下,感知有用性对行为意向的影响更大,而感知易用性对行为意向的影响较小。本文的创新点有以下三个方面:(1)将任务技术匹配理论系统地引入到技术接受理论中,建构了新的整合性技术接受模型。回应了现有技术接受模型过于简单的质疑,弥补了整合性技术接受与使用模型(UTAUT)没有引入任务技术匹配理论的缺陷,纳入了使用绩效作为信息技术接受的结果变量;统一了目前最为典型的八大理论模型之间交叉重叠的概念,识别了影响个人用户信息技术接受的关键认知信念因素,并剖析了这些关键认知信念因素对信息技术接受结果的影响机理;阐明了感知任务技术匹配影响信息技术接受的复杂法理路径,解释了技术绩效链模型(TPC)中感知任务技术匹配对使用行为直接影响非常小的原因。(2)详细阐释了不同任务复杂性、技术网络性和技术工具性情境下用户信息技术接受影响机理的差异性。使得整合性技术接受模型对现实中信息技术和管理任务的多样性更具解释力,对企业根据信息技术的技术特征和任务特征采取相应侧重性的干预手段和管理措施有较好的参考价值。(3)采用实证研究和元分析研究共同检验整体理论模型,为管理学研究方法提供了一个崭新的视角。实证研究更具探索性而元分析研究更具普适性和可靠性,并且擅长综合不同研究背景下定量实证研究的结果,从而能揭示不同情境下所得到不同结论的差异性;实证研究为元分析研究提供了研究基础,、而元分析研究为实证研究指明了研究缺陷。所以,实证研究和元分析研究可以相互补充、相互促进,共同推进理论研究。

【Abstract】 Information technology acceptance research has been an important stream in management information system area. Although there are many studies giving different explanation for information technology acceptance behavior, the diversity of information technology and managerial task make these theoretical models less practically significant. Recently, information technology acceptance models have been developed and integrated, but there are concepts of overlapping among these models and inadequate consideration in technology characteristics and task characteristics. One of the important reasons is that it is difficult for traditional primary empirical method to obtain large scale samples acquiring the various technologies and tasks, thus it is difficult to do the comparison study among various technologies and tasks. Meta analysis method is accomplished in synthesizing existed multiple empirical studies, and can be used in confirmatory manner for hypotheses testing like empirical method, so it could be used to reveal the reasons for the difference among various technologies and task background.This dissertation tries to incorporate the Task-Technology Fit Theory (TTF) into the integated technology acceptance model, i.e. to integrate Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2), Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and Innovations Diffusion Theory (IDT) from the TTF perspective, according to the logic of "cognitive belief-behavioral intention-usage behavior-usage performance", and establish the Unified Technology Acceptance Model Based on TTF. The dissertation explores the following two closely related questions:First, how to introduce the TTF into the integated technology acceptance model? Second, how does users’information technology acceptance mechanism play its role differently under different technology charateristics and task characteristics circumstances?The dissertation carried out an empirical study under ERP usage background and a meta-analytic study using 208 empirical literatures to address above questions. The result indicate:(1) Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and perceived task technology fit are critical cognitive beliefs influencing users’ technology acceptance. (2) Usage performance is influenced by both perceived task technology fit and usage behavior; In turn, usage behavior is influeced by perceived behavioral control and behavioral intention; And behavioral intention is influenced by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and perceived task technology fit. (3) The more complexity the task is, the bigger impact of perceived usefulness and perceived behavioral control on behavioral intention, while the smaller impact of perceived ease of use on behavioral intention; Comparing with non-network IT, the impact of subjective norm on behavioral intention is bigger in network IT usage situation; Comparing with hedonic IT, the impact of perceived usefulness on behavioral intention is bigger, while the impact of perceived ease of use on behavioral intention is smaller in utilitarian IT usage situation.The dissertation has there innovative points as follows:(1) Systematically introduce the TTF into the technology acceptance theory, and establish a unified technology acceptance model. Response the criticism for current IT usage models being overly simplistic, remedy for the limitation of UTAUT without introducing TTF, incorporate usage performance as a dependent variable of technology acceptance; Unify the concepts of overlapping among the current eight dominant models, indentify the critical cognitive belief factors influencing users’IT acceptance, analyze the influential mechanism of these critical cognitive belief factors on IT acceptance outcome; Illustrate the complex nomological paths by which perceived task technology fit influences IT acceptance, explain the reason why perceived task technology fit has little direct influence on usage behavior in Technology-Performance Chain (TPC).(2) Amply explore the differenct users’ information technology acceptance mechanism under different task complexity, technology network and technology utility circumstances. This makes the unified technology acceptance model more explanatorily powerful for diversity of information technology and managerial task in reality, and has reference value for the enterprises to take corresponding interventions and management measures according to technology characteristics and task characteristics of the implemented IT.(3) Employ both empirical study and meta-analytic study to test the whole model, thus offer a brand new perspective for managerial research methodology. The empirical research is more exploratory, while meta-analytic research is more universal, reliable and accomplished in synthesizing the empirical study results under different research background, thereby can reveal the differentiation under different scenario. Empirical research provides the research foundation for meta-analytic research, while meta-analytic research points out the research gap for empirical research. Therefore, meta-analytic research and primary empirical research are complementary with each other and can promote each other, thereby can push the theoretical development together.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】F224;F062.4
  • 【被引频次】87
  • 【下载频次】3751
  • 攻读期成果

