

【作者】 成珊娜

【导师】 王欣;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 从1884年清朝在新疆建省,到1950年民主改革之前,新疆南疆社会经历了历史性的激变。这种激变自然影响到南疆维吾尔族社会生活的各个层面,包括从政治体制的变革到经济生活方式的变化,乃至维吾尔族各阶层民众物质到精神文化的细微改变,社会礼仪及婚姻家庭传统模式的承继与发展等。本文力图通过较为全面的资料收集,问题分类和探讨,来观察特定历史时期南疆维吾尔族的整体社会文化风貌及其演变。本文主要包括四个部分,即:近代南疆维吾尔族社会的政治生活、近代南疆维吾尔族社会的经济生活、近代南疆维吾尔族社会的文化生活、近代南疆维吾尔族社会的婚姻家庭。第一章主要论述的是南疆改建行省之后社会体制发生的变化,描述在这种变化之下各级、各类官员的政治生活方式的演变,及其所产生的社会影响。第二章主要从农业、手工业、商业、寺院经济等四个方面,论述近代南疆维吾尔族社会的经济发展状况,进而勾勒出近代南疆社会经济生产的主体——广大的维吾尔族民众经济生活方式发展的轨迹。第三章从物质文化与精神文化两个方面,对近代南疆维吾尔族社会的衣食住行与文化娱乐活动、宗教、教育等方面进行论述,进而探讨近代南疆维吾尔族社会各阶层文化生活的共同点与不同之处。第四章通过对近代南疆维吾尔族社会婚姻家庭的论述,描述了南疆维吾尔族家庭生活的具体情况,并分析近代南疆维吾尔族社会的妇女地位。为达到全面描述南疆维吾尔族社会生活的目的,笔者运用了社会学、民族学、历史学的概念和理论作为基础,以社会调查数据为主要依据,结合民族志等资料对近代南疆维吾尔族社会生活进行全景式描述。本文认为,近代南疆维吾尔族社会的各个阶层,基本生活在传统的社会结构中;其社会结构相对稳定,社会各阶层的流动性不大,缺乏社会革新的推动力。西方社会的物质文明只是对社会上层的日常生活产生了或多或少的影响,并未触及到广大维吾尔族百姓传统的生产与生活方式。

【Abstract】 Southern Xinjiang has experienced the historical development of social upheaval between the year 1884 when the Qing dynasty government founded Province in the Xinjiang, and the year 1950 when the democratic reform took in Xinjiang. This induced changes affected the Southern Xinjiang Uygur nature of social life of all levels, such as the political system, economic model, the material and spiritual cultural life, social etiquette, marriage and conventional family model. This thesis tries to collect more comprehensive data, investigate the Uygur’s social and cultural life in a particular historical period.The article is divided into four chapters as follows:the modern political life of Uygur society in Southern Xinjiang, its economic life and cultural life, its marriage and family. Chapter one discusses the social system changes after the Xinjiang Province founded, described the way of upper ruling class’ political life, and its social impact. Chapter two discusses the Uygur modern social-economic development in Southern Xinjiang,based on agriculture, handicrafts, commerce, economy of temple. Chapter three is divided into two parts:material culture life and spiritual culture life. This chapter discusses the daily culture life in the modern Uygur society, such as its entertainment, religion and education. Chapter four describes the Uygur marriage and family in modern society, discuss the specific circumstances of their family life, and the status of Uygur women.In order to get a comprehensive description of social life in the modern Uygur society, the author applies the concepts and theories of sociology, ethnology and history, rests on a social survey data, combines with modern Uygur ethnographic materials for panoramic description of social life. The author believes that the modern Uygur social structure is fixable, the mobility of all levels of society is very little,being lack of social innovation and driving force. The Western material life only affects the Uygur upper class in modern Southern Xinjiang more or less, but it made little influence on the general life for the most Uygur people.

【关键词】 近代南疆维吾尔族社会生活
【Key words】 Modern TimeSouthern XinjiangUygurSocial Life

