

【作者】 梁海峡

【导师】 周伟洲;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近代新疆南疆司法制度,在短短的一百多年(从1840至1949年)的时间中,发生了翻天覆地的变化,实现了近代新疆南疆司法制度史上巨大的变革,具有划时代的意义。但近代新疆南疆司法制度的变革,并不是一蹴而就,而是几经变革,曲直前进,螺旋式上升。期间不仅有阿古柏伪政权对清朝南疆传统司法制度的彻底破坏,也有清朝在收复新疆南疆后,如何重建新疆南疆司法制度上的争论与探索,更有19世纪末20世纪初,西法东渐,西方资产阶级法制思潮对中国传统法律文化的巨大冲击。加之,辛亥革命成功地推翻了满清王朝在中国的统治,在司法制度方面,推行带有资本主义性质的新式司法制度,这些因素无一例外地对近代新疆南疆司法制度产生了重大影响。同时,新疆南疆地处边陲,民族复杂、习俗各异,尤其伊斯兰等宗教传统势力的长期存在,致使近代新疆南疆司法制度的实际运行,变得更加复杂。本文通过对近代新疆南疆司法制度的研究,不仅揭示了它的时代性特征,更加凸显了其区域性、民族性特点,为新时期新疆维吾尔自治区司法制度的建设,提供历史借鉴。本文的内容,由四部分组成,即新疆建省前(18401884年)南疆的司法制度、新疆建省后(1884——1911年)南疆的司法制度、民国时期(1912——1949年)南疆近代司法制度的建立和发展与近代南疆涉外司法。第一部分中,主要对新疆建省前南疆传统司法制度的运行、废止情形作了一番系统研究,既从静态的角度剖析了清朝南疆传统司法制度的实际运作,又从动态的角度梳理出其废止情形。第二部分,集中阐述了新疆建省后南疆司法制度的运作情形,在突出反映中国司法制度一体化进程的同时,又集中剖析清末新政与南疆近代司法制度萌芽的关系,客观上阐述民国时期南疆近代司法制度的建立和发展做了必要的铺垫。第三部分,民国时期南疆近代司法制度的建立和发展,是本文最核心的部分,也是最能突出反映“近代司法制度”这一时代特征的部分。因此在叙述中用了较多的笔墨去分析,通过大量的史料,来证明新疆南疆作为中国不可分割的一部分,在近代这一大的历史背景下,总是与祖国同命运共呼吸,伴随祖国心脏的跳动而跳动。第四部分,近代南疆涉外司法,之所以将其专门列出,专章介绍,主要基于两点:其一,具有明显的时代性;其二,对于地处边陲的新疆南疆,近代外国领事裁判权在中国的确立,其危害性更甚于内地。纵观全文,在阐述前述四部分内容中,其时代性、民族性、区域性特征贯穿全文,隔离任何一方都不能全面反映近代新疆南疆司法制度的全貌。通过研究不难发现:(一)近代新疆南疆司法制度的发展与内地趋于一体化,深化了中华民族内在核心凝聚力,对于中华民族的统一、繁荣、富强,具有积极的意义;(二)近代新疆南疆司法制度的发展相对缓慢,这既有历史的因素,又受制于现实司法人才匮乏、财力紧张等因素,因此加大对边疆司法人才的培养与引进,提供必要的财力支持,是加快当地司法建设的重要途径;(三)因俗施治与改良习俗并存,因为新疆南疆民族复杂、习俗各异,因此政府在推行相关法律法规中,必须充分尊重当地民族习俗,尊重民族感情,否则适得其反,同时对于那些完全违背国家政策、背离善良风俗的一些成规陋习,必须严厉禁止取缔,甚至予以法律制裁;四、加快民族地区的立法工作,区域的特殊性必须因地制宜制定特殊的地方法律规范,才能做到有法可依。

【Abstract】 Modern judicial system in South Xinjiang has taken earthshaking changes in the past 100 years and achieved a great changes in the history of the modern South Xinjiang judicial system, which has Epoch-making significance. But these changes of Modern judicial system in South Xinjiang are not taken overnight, instead, move hard. During that time, there was complete damage on the traditional justice system in Qing Dynasty in South Xinjiang by Yaqub puppet regime and there were also debate and exploration on how to rebuild the modern South Xinjiang judicial system after the recovery of South Xinjiang sovereignty by the Qing Dynasty. Further more, the ciffa eastward expansion and bourgeois legal ideas had tremendous impact on traditional Chinese legal system.In addition, the Revolution of 1911 overthrew the Qing dynasty. In the aspect of judicial system, the new judicial system with capitalist nature was performed. These factors have an important impact on the modern judicial system in South Xinjiang. Meanwhile, South Xinjiang is located in the border, and has many minorities with different tradition. The implementation of judicial system in South Xinjiang is hard because of the Islamic and other traditional religious’impact. In this paper, by the research on Modern judicial system in South Xinjiang, we reveal its age characteristics and highlight its regional and ethnic characteristics, affording historical reference for the construction of the judicial system in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the new era.This paper consists of four components, namely, the judicial system in South Xinjiang before the foundation of Xinjiang province(1840-1884), the judicial system in South Xinjiang after the foundation of Xinjiang province(1884-1911), the foundation and development of modern judicial system in South Xinjiang during the Republic of China (1912-1949),and the modern foreign administration of justice in South Xinjiang. In the first part, there is systemic research on the implementation and abolishment of the judicial system in South Xinjiang before the foundation of Xinjiang province. It analyzes the implementation of the judicial system in South Xinjiang in Qing Dynasty at a static view and reveals the abolishment at a dynamic view. The second part focuses on the implementation of the judicial system in South Xinjiang after the foundation of Xinjiang province, and highlights the process of chinese judicial system integration, while this part also analyzes the relationship between the new policy in Qing Dynasty and the seeds of modern judicial system in South Xinjiang, paving the way for describing the foundation and development of modern judicial system in South Xinjiang during the Republic period.The third part is about the foundation and development of modern judicial system in South Xinjiang during the Republic period.It is also the most prominent part to reveal the characteristics, namely, modern judicial system. Thus, it proves South Xinjiang is an inalienable part of China via researching a large number of historical data. In modern time, South Xinjiang breathes the same fate as the motherland.The fourth part is the modern foreign administration of justice. The reason why this part is listed specially is as follows:first, it has obvious times; second, the establishment of modern foreign consular jurisdiction in South Xinjiang is more harmful than that in backland. Throughout this paper, the four parts above is necessary for describing the modern judicial system in South Xinjiang. The features of time, nation and region is all through this paper.It is not difficult to find these conclusions. First, the development of modern judicial system in South Xinjiang toward integration with the Mainland, which deepens the Chinese nation’s inner core of the cohesion. It has a positive role for the unity, prosperity, rich and strong of china. Second, the development of modern judicial system in South Xinjiang is slow because of the deficiency of judicial talents and financial stress. So, it should train and introduce talents and give sufficient financial support in order to speed up the building of the local judiciary. Third, it is important to govern according to its tradition and improve some tradition. Due to the national complex and the variance of tradition, it is necessary to respect the traditional custom and national sentiments. Meanwhile, it should ban the social abuses which deviate from national policy and good traditional custom, and even give legal sanctions to them. Fourth, it should accelerate the work of legislation and establish local legal norm in line with local conditions. Thus, there are laws to go by.

【关键词】 近代新疆南疆司法制度
【Key words】 Modern timesXinjiangNanjiangThe judicial system

