

【作者】 张金兰

【导师】 林乐昌;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 关学与洛学是理学创立时期的两大重要学派,但是它们之间的关系却一直是理学研究中的薄弱环节。张载与二程作为关洛学派的创始人,在各自思想体系形成过程中,有过密切地学术交往,而这些交往对两派学说体系的形成产生了哪些重要影响,有必要进行细致梳理。关洛学派关系研究旨在对张载与二程在学派形成中的学术交往与思想影响等做全面系统地论析。过往研究对关洛关系(张、程关系)偏重于对比其异同,而缺乏从时间与空间角度构筑关洛关系的全貌。这其中的缘由,一方面固然是对关洛关系本身的研究不够重视;另一方面则是由于涉及关洛关系的文献比较分散。文献的分散,无疑会影响到全面系统的研究。本文从认真梳理关洛关系的文献入手,以时间为主线,将关洛关系分为两个阶段:一是张载与二程交往与论学的阶段;二是张载去世后,二程批评借鉴张载思想的阶段。将这两阶段涉及的主要问题有机地组合,便构筑起一个全方位的关洛关系。这对于展示理学创立时期学说脉络的内在演变是一种很有效的方法。论文主要包括四部分,共九章内容:绪论部分主要是对该领域在以往研究中的状况予以回顾和总结,并指出目前研究存在的问题,在此基础上,对论文选题的意义、论文结构、研究方法等作简要介绍。第一章到第五章,主要论析张载与二程的生平交往与思想互动。第一章介绍关洛学派创立的文化背景,分别从外因(佛道对儒学的冲击)与内因(儒学自身的觉醒与复兴)两方面展示关洛学派产生的条件及其所面临的理论课题。第二章到第五章,主要以张、程生平的四次重大学术交往为主线,在介绍他们交往的前提下,重点论述其在每一个阶段所探讨的主要问题,以便呈现他们思想的动态发展过程。这一阶段主要的论题有:京师论易,定性问题的讨论,“虚无即气”与“勿忘勿助”,“穷理尽性以至于命”以及“政术”。这些内容不仅反映出张载、二程在工夫论、本体论以及“政术”方面的观点,而且显示他们在各阶段思想体系所达到的成熟程度。第六章到第九章,主要论述的是张载去世后,二程对张载思想的批评与借鉴。第六与第七章分别从宇宙论与心性论两方面阐释二程对张载思想的批评与继承。重点分析了二程批评张载太虚本体思想发展出“天理”本体思想;程颢从张载的“天人合一”思想阐发出“天人本一”思想;二程对张载心性关系论的批评以及程颐对张载心性思想的继承与发展等。第八章单独论述张载《西铭》在关洛关系中所起的重要作用。主要说明二程对《西铭》的表彰与发挥,以揭示关洛学派为理学家构筑起共同的精神家园。第九章简单论述张、程对佛教的批判以及他们的圣贤气象,以展示他们在创立理学过程中的共同目标。最后,宏观概括论文的创新之处;重申了张载、程颢、程颐在思想创立过程中的层层递进关系;并简单介绍了朱熹对关洛之学的继承与发展,以对论文选题的拓展性给予提示。总之,本文的突出特点在于对关洛关系作了全面系统地梳理与论证。一方面对以往经常涉及的老问题,如张载与二程的学术渊源问题,张载与二程对“穷理尽性以至于命”的讨论,二程对张载“清虚一大”的批评等,从新的角度给予分析,使研究更为清晰而深透;另一方面对以往没有引起关注的问题,如张载、二程京师论易,张载、程颐对“勿忘勿助”的讨论,二程对张载心性思想的继承与发展等,给予重视并进行了详细地论证,推进了研究的发展。对关洛学派关系研究而言,本文不但从广度而且从深度拓展了研究的视阈。

【Abstract】 Guan School and Luo School are two major Schools in Neo-Confucianism found period. But the relationship between them is the weak link in the Neo-Confucianism study. Zhang Zai and Cheng Brothers is the founder of Guan School and Luo School, during founding Neo-Confucianism, the three thinkers had close academic exchanges, which had an important impact in the formation of its doctrine system. A Study of relationship between Guan School and Luo School aimed at give comprehensive analysis and demonstration to relation of Zhang and Cheng in thought. In the past, the study on the relationship between Zhang and Cheng emphasis on comparing the similarities and differences, and is lack of comprehensive research from time and space. The important reason, on the one hand, is the ignoring a great deal to relation of Guan School and Luo School, on the other hand, is falling to pieces in historical data of this field. My study began from compiling the historical data, and according to time I depart relation of Guan School and Luo School into two stages. In the first time I mainly introduce communication in thought of Zhang and Cheng. In the second time I mainly analyze Cheng Brothers comment and succession from Zhang Zai. I make up important question and form the thesis’s structure. This is the good way to open out the evolution of Neo-Confucianism in Song DynastyMy thesis is divided into four parts, nine chapters.The prolegomenon reviews and sums up the studying status and briefly point to questions in the field. And I introduce the meaning of the selected topic, the framework and the method of researching,From Chapter I to ChapterV,Ⅰmainly introduce Zhang and Cheng’s communication in thought. The first chapter I mainly introduce background of Guan School and Luo School’s found. This mainly includes two aspects---external factor and inner factor. From chapter II to chapter V, I introduce their four social contact and mainly analyze their discussion question. This mainly includes, such as Discussion Book of Change in the capital,Discussion Ding-Xing, Discussion Relation between Tai-xu and Qi, Discussion Qiongli and Jinxing and Zhiming, and Discussion Politics.These elements reflect not only Zhang Zai and Cheng Brothers in the moral cultivation and ontology and the "political operation" of the view and thinking, but also show their ideology are achieved at all stages of maturity.From chapter VI to chapterⅧ, mainly discusses Cheng Brothers criticize and learn from Zhang Zai’s thought after the death of Zhang Zai.Sixth and seventh chapter explains Cheng Brothers carry out the criticism and inheritance to Zhang Zai’s thought from Ontology and the Mind. This contains their core thoughts.I focus on analysis of Cheng Brothers developed the Li ontology from the critics thought of Zhang Zai’s Tai-xu ontology; Cheng Hao elucidated the Tian-Ren-Ben-Yi thinking from Zhang Zai’s Tian-Ren-He-Yi thought; Cheng Brothers have criticism of the Mind of Zhang Zai, and Cheng Yi contains inheritance and development in Knowledge.Chapter VIII discusses Western Inscription played an important role in relations between Guan School and Luo School. And mainly analyze Cheng Brothers to Western Inscription the recognition and promotion in order to reveal the Western Inscription is the common spiritual home of Guan School and Luo School. ChapterⅨbriefly present on Zhang and Cheng criticism of Buddhism and their saint idea, to demonstrate their common goal.The epilogue sum up my thesis and illustrate the main innovation of paper; reiterate Zhang Zai, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi have layers of progressive relations in the course of ideological heritage; and introduce briefly Zhu Xi has inheritance and development to Guanism and Luoism.It expends the thesis to be prompt.In a word, outstanding feature of my thesis is made on the relationship between Guan School and Luo School and demonstration of a comprehensive system of carding. On the one hand, the old problem of the past often involved, such as Zhang Zai and Cheng Brothers the academic origins, Zhang Zai and Cheng Brothers discussion on the Qiongli and Jinxing and Zhiming, Cheng Brothers criticism on Zhang Zai Tai-xu,,is given a new analysis and argument afforded in terms, and made research a more profound and clear through; on the other hand, no previous cause for concern, such as Discussion Book of Change in The capital, Zhang Zai and Cheng Yi discussion on the Wu-wang and Wu-zhu, Cheng Brothers thinking on Zhang Zai Mind inheritance and development, is given a detailed analysis, advanced research in-depth development. According to study to relationship between Guan School and Luo School, my article will not only expand the breadth and depth of the research from the Perspective.

【关键词】 张载程颢程颐关洛学派关系
【Key words】 Zhang ZaiCheng HaoCheng YiSchool relations

