

【作者】 惠建利

【导师】 马启民;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 社会主义市场经济与社会主义计划经济是两种存在实质差异的经济体制。中国过去的几十年经历了从“计划经济”、“以计划经济为主,市场调节为辅”到“社会主义市场经济”的巨大变革和体制转型。1993年宪法修正案正式确认了国家实行社会主义市场经济。实行社会主义市场经济,首当其冲的是面临如何正确对待公民私有财产权的问题。从社会主义市场经济的内在要求和发展规律来看,在坚持社会主义公有财产权不受侵犯的同时,科学树立公民私有财产权不受侵犯的理念,对建立真正的和健全的社会主义市场经济具有重要的作用。在建立社会主义市场经济的实践中,把公有财产权与公民私有财产权对立起来的观念在干部和群众中有着广泛的影响,很多人仍然认为加强私有财产权的保护意味着社会主义因素的削弱,因而在实践中出现不利于建设社会主义市场经济的行为。如何在社会主义市场经济条件下,对公民的私有财产权进行有效保护,又能够使社会主义公有制为主体的经济基础不受到削弱,促进社会主义市场经济按照其内在的规律健康发展,这是包括马克思主义理论、政治学、经济学、社会学、法学等不同学科面临的重大理论问题和现实问题。当前学界对这一问题的认识并不完全一致,研究尚待深入。鉴此,本论文拟从马克思主义理论、政治学、经济学、法学等多学科相交叉、相结合的角度,特别从马克思主义法学的角度系统研究社会主义市场经济条件下的私有财产权保护问题,深入分析社会主义市场经济条件下公民私有财产权保护不力的原因,系统梳理并发掘社会主义市场经济条件下公民私有财产权保护的理论基础和实践基础,从学理上进一步揭示社会主义市场经济与保护公民私有财产权的内在关联,并针对性地提出具体对策建议。论文由绪论和正文部分共五章内容构成,其基本结构如下:绪论部分主要阐释社会主义市场经济条件下私有财产权保护的选题意义及其研究述评。重点论述研究社会主义市场经济条件下私有财产权保护问题的现实意义、国内外研究现状、具体研究思路、研究方法与创新点。第2章主要阐释社会主义市场经济条件下私有财产权保护的历史演变与实践基础。以中国改革开放为历史起点,从社会主义市场经济与公民私有财产权的相互关系出发,将社会主义市场经济条件下私有财产权保护的历史演变划分为三个阶段。分别为:社会主义市场经济探索时期;社会主义市场经济确立时期;社会主义市场经济完善时期。在科学探讨私有财产权演变的基础上,辩证分析每一历史阶段私有财产权演变的特点与规律。从历史和实践的角度对私有财产权的变迁进行了一次系统的梳理,为论文的后续研究奠定坚实的基础。第3章主要阐释社会主义市场经济条件下私有财产权保护的理论基础和理论发展。马克思关于私有财产权保护的基本思想,以及中国共产党人关于私有财产权保护思想,这些对当代中国公民私有财产权保护政策有重大影响,共同构成今天在社会主义市场经济条件下保护公民私有财产权的理论基础。其中,马克思的私有财产权保护思想,同整个马克思主义学说一样,指导着中国社会主义发展的总方向,有着方法论的意义。毛泽东对待私有财产的态度与建国初期对私有财产的鼓励政策,对中国社会主义的发展和今天建设社会主义市场经济也有着一定的积极意义。邓小平的私有财产权思想一直贯穿中国改革发展历程,对社会主义市场经济的发展有着奠基的作用和长远的指导意义。以江泽民为核心的党的第三代领导集体对私有财产权保护理论的新发展,对社会主义市场经济的建立起到了重要作用。以胡锦涛为总书记的新一届党中央在新世纪、新阶段又相继出台了一系列关于私有财产权保护的新政策,发展了中国特色社会主义理论保护公民私有财产权的理论,这对于进一步完善社会主义市场经济具有重要的意义和作用。改革开放以来党形成的社会主义市场经济条件下保护公民私有财产权的思想、理论和政策,是社会主义市场经济条件下私有财产权保护的理论依据,是中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分,是中国共产党对马克思主义的新发展。第4章主要阐释和解读了社会主义市场经济与私有财产权保护的内在关联。本文认为社会主义市场经济是市场经济的一种,研究社会主义市场经济下私有财产权的保护问题,首先需要分析市场经济的内涵与属性,从根源上挖掘市场经济与私有财产权保护的辩证关系。同时,运用比较研究方法,从横向上比较分析资本主义市场经济条件下的私有财产权保护历史、特点,指出其与社会主义市场经济条件下私有财产权保护性质不同,同时又从市场经济与财产权一般关系分析其对社会主义的借鉴作用。在此前提与基础之上,论证社会主义市场经济条件下的私有财产权保护。认为社会主义市场经济是市场经济的一种,因而社会主义市场经济应具备市场经济的各种属性。社会主义市场经济与资本主义市场经济有着本质区别,社会主义市场经济条件下的私有财产权保护有其自己的特征。第5章主要研究社会主义市场经济条件下私有财产权保护的对策。本文认为改革开放以来,中国的私有财产权保护已经有了明显的进步。但当前私有财产权保护在观念、政策、制度等方面还存在许多问题。本文认为解决社会主义市场经济条件下的私有财产权保护的存在问题,主要需从四点抓起:其一,破除“左”的思想障碍。树立正确的财产权保护思想;其二,克服传统思想束缚。要克服“礼教”、“皇权至上”、“重义轻利”、“无讼”、“儿女无私财”、“重农抑商”等观念对私有经济发展的束缚;其三,指出法治观念的培育是必要的。尤其是政府部门法治观念的渗透;其四,从具体制度改革方面,提出私有财产权保护的具体分析与建议。

【Abstract】 Socialist market economy and socialist planned economy are two substantially different economic systems. Over the past few decades, China has experienced great changes and institutional transformation from the "planned economy" and the "planned economy with market regulation supplement" to the "socialist market economy". In 1993, the constitutional amendment has confirmed formally that the country would implement socialist market economy. To implement the socialist market economy, the most important thing is how to correctly treat the citizen private property rights. From the angle of socialist market economy’s inner demand and the law of development, to set up the idea that the citizen private property rights shall be free from aggression is vital to the establishment of true and sound socialist market economy while insisting that socialism public property rights shall be free from aggression,.During the practice of constructing socialist market economy, the idea which opposes the public property rights with the citizen private property rights is widespread in the cadre and the populace. Many people still think that to strengthen the private property rights means a weakening of socialism factor, thus there are some behaviors that do not favor the building of socialist market economy appear in reality. Under the socialist market economy condition, how to effectively protect citizen’s private property rights, to prevent socialist public ownership based economic basis from being weakened, and to promote sound development of socialist market economy according to its intrinsic rule are significant theoretic and realistic questions confronting disciplines including the Marxism theory, the politics, the economic, the sociology, the legal science, etc. Current educational world is not completely consistent about this question which needs a deeper research. Therefore, the paper plans to study from the angle of multi-disciplinary of Marxism theory, the politics, the economic, the legal science, and so on, especially from the angle of Marxism legal science system, and to research reasons that caused the insufficiency of the private property protection under socialist market economy condition. The paper also makes a thorough analysis of the theory basis and practice foundation of citizen private property protection under socialist market economy condition, and it further reveals the inner relationship between socialist market economy and the citizen private property rights protection, and puts forward some relevant proposals. The paper consists of five chapters, including the introduction and the textual material. Its basic structure is as follows:The introduction mainly explains the significance of topic and research commentary. It focuses on the practical significance of the private property rights protection under the socialist market, current situation of domestic and foreign research, concrete research methods, research technique and innovation and so on.The second chapter is main about the explanation of historical evolution and practice foundation private of property rights protection under socialist market economy condition. Take China reform and open policy as the historical beginning, embark from the relationship between socialist market economy and the citizen private property rights, the private property rights protection’s historical evolution under the socialist market economy condition can be divided into three historical stages. They are:Socialist market economy exploration time; Socialist market economy establishment time; Socialist market economy perfecting time. On the basis of analyzing private property rights’evolution, the paper analyzes the characteristic and the rule of the private property right’s evolution at each historical stage. It carried out a systematic combing to the private property rights’vicissitude from historical and the practice angle, which lays the solid foundation for the paper’s following research.The 3rd chapter is mainly about the explanation about private property rights protection theoretic basis and theory development under socialist market economy condition. Marx’s private property rights protection philosophy and the Chinese Communist’s private property rights protection idea have important impact on the contemporary China citizen private property rights protection policy. They constitute the rationale of protecting the citizen private property rights today under the socialist market economy condition. And, Marx’s private property rights protection thought is the same with Marxism theory, which instructs the China socialism development direction, and it is of methodology significance. Mao Zedong’s treatment about the private property and encouragement to the private property in the early years of the new nation also have certain positive significance to China socialism’s development and the building of socialism market economy today. Deng Xiaoping’s private property rights thought has run through reform and development process of China, and it has important foundation function and long-term guiding sense to the socialist market economy’s development. The party’s third generation Leaders, with Jiang Zemin as the core, have made new development to the private property rights protection theory, which has influential role to socialist market economy establishment. The new session of Central Party Committee, with Hu Jintao as general secretary, in the new century, in the new stage, has produced a series of new policies about the private property rights protection, which promotes the Chinese characteristic socialism theory about protecting the citizen private property rights theory, and they have vital significance and function to further consummate the socialist market economy. Since the reform and open policy, the thought, theory and policy of protecting the citizen private property rights under the socialist market economy condition that the party has formed is the theory basis of private property rights protection, and is the important component of Chinese characteristic socialism theoretical system, and is the recent development of the Communist Party of China to the Marxism.The 4th chapter mainly explained the intrinsic connection between socialist market economy and the private property rights protection. This article holds the idea that the socialist market economy is one kind of the market economy. To study the private property rights protection question under the research socialist market economy, it is firstly necessary to analyze the market economy’s connotation and attribute, and to excavate the dialectical relations between market economy and the private property rights protection from the root. At the same time, the paper analyzes comparatively capitalism market economy condition’s private property rights protection history and the characteristic with comparison research technique, pointing out that the private property rights protection nature is different with the socialist market economy condition. And it also analyzes its function to socialism from the relationship between market economy and property right. On the premise and foundation, it studies the private property rights protection under socialist market economy condition. It is believed that the socialist market economy is one kind of the market economy, thus the socialist market economy should have the attribute of market economy. The socialist market economy is different from the capitalism market economy in nature, thus under the socialist market economy condition, private property rights protection has its own characteristic.The 5th chapter mainly researches the countermeasure about the private property rights protection under the socialist market economy condition. Since the reform and open policy, China’s private property rights protection already has made obvious progress. But the current private property rights protection still have problems in idea, policy, and system. This article holds the idea that in order to solve the problems of private property rights protection under the socialist market economy condition, we should work from four points:first, getting rid of the "leftist" ideological obstacles and establishing a correct ideological and property rights protection; second, overcoming the influence of traditional ideas. To overcome the "ethical code", "supreme imperial power", "Justice & Benefit", "lawsuit", "no private property for sons and daughters", "Restraining Commerce", which have much constraint to private economic development; Third, it is necessary to promote the breeding of the rule of law, especially to the government; Fourth, proposing some specific analysis and recommendations on the protection of private property rights from the specific system reform.


