

【作者】 袁文伟

【导师】 陈答才;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文重点介绍了民国时期西北土匪产生、发展、演变和消亡的历史,探讨了西北自然生态和人文社会的特点,描述了西北土匪所赖以生存的自然条件和社会因素,并对导致西北土匪滋生的乡村危机、政治危机以及文化危机进行详细的阐述,同时对西北土匪的类别、发展阶段、分布概况作了初步的分析。对西北土匪与秘密社会的关系、土匪与民主革命的关系作了深入详尽的探讨。本文运用社会学的方法揭示了西北土匪的生活世界,探讨了西北土匪的日常生活、谋生手段、精神世界以及种种的变态行为。民国土匪是社会危机的产物,土匪的大量滋生又加剧了社会危机,对土匪的治理是社会稳定发展的前提。民国时期西北历届政府采取诸如加强保甲制度、强化基层武装等剿抚兼施的措施来治理土匪,但都未能从根本上消除匪患。陕甘宁边区在中国共产党的领导下创造了新型的治匪模式,一举铲除了滋生土匪的社会基础,消灭了危害多年的匪患。本文分绪论、正文、结语三部分。正文共十一章。第一章主要分析西北的自然生态与人文社会;第二章论述西北土匪的成因,强调乡村危机与土匪滋生的关系;第三章论述政治危机是土匪产生的另一重要根源;第四章论述文化危机与西北土匪滋生的关系;第五章分析西北土匪的分布概况。第六章对西北匪首群体的内部结构进行了论述;第七章对西北土匪与秘密社会的关系进行了梳理,揭示了土匪与哥老会、清洪帮的密切联系。第八章探讨西北土匪的生活世界;第九章’研究西北土匪的政治倾向,对土匪在民主革命中的作用予以分析和探讨。第十章具体论述了民国时期历届政府的治匪措施和陕甘宁边区的剿匪政策;第十一章叙述了民国末年以及新中国成立初期的西北土匪概况,经过历时四年的西北大剿匪,西北土匪彻底覆灭。土匪的覆灭为社会稳定和经济发展创造了良好的条件。

【Abstract】 The keystone of this thesis is to introduce the history of the Northwest Brigands including the origin, the development, the evolvement and the decline. After that, the paper makes a pilot study about the relations of the Northwest Brigands with the rural crisis, the secret society and the democratic revolution. Also, there are something about the social reason that the Northwest Brigands came into being, the general situation of distributing and the behavior mode. The Northwest Brigands of the Republic of China was the outcome of the social crisis, which on the contrary aggravated the social crisis. The administration of the Northwest Brigands is a premise to keep the society developing steadily. Though all previous governments took steps to exterminate and appease the Brigands, the awful situation still did not change at all until the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region took some measures.The paper has eleven chapters which includes the introduction, the text and the epilogue. The first chapter emphasizes the natural ecosystem and humanities society. The second chapter emphasizes the rural and the political crisis are the original causes of the Brigands’ development, and emphasize the relation that the country crisis with bandits. The third chapter treatise political crisis is the bandit creation of another one important source. The four chapter said the relation that cultural crisis and northwest bandit. The five Chapter will tell you the general situation survey of the Brigands distribution emphasizes.The six chapter detailed circumstance of the northwest rebel chief and the society. The seven chapter will talk the relation of the northwest bandit and the secret society. The eight chapter you will know the Brigands’ daily life, life style and classification etc. The nine chapter appraises the Brigands’ positive role in the democratic revolution. The ten chapter discusses the policies which the Republic of China and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region had adopted. The eleven chapter described the Brigands’ collapse created good conditions for the economic development and stability of society in the early days of new China.The exterminate of the bandit will create a good condition and economy for the society.


