

【作者】 秦开凤

【导师】 袁林;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国经济史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 文化消费主要是指人们为了满足自己的精神文化生活而消费精神文化类产品和精神文化性服务的行为,是一种较高层次的消费形式。宋代是一个经济和文化快速发展的社会,文化消费已经成为社会消费领域中的重要组成部分。前人对此已多有关注,但因研究视角和侧重点的不同,文化消费领域还存在一些薄弱环节,仍有许多值得探讨的地方。比如把文化消费作为社会再生产过程的一个环节或者作为一种重要的经济行为,从这一视角对宋代文化消费进行研究的还很少。而且,迄今为止,对宋代文化消费进行专门系统的研究基本没有,还有很大的研究空间,如宋代文化消费具体包括哪些内容?每一类文化产品或服务有哪些消费者参与?各个消费者的具体消费过程如何?每一类文化产品或服务又有什么价格表现?受哪些因素制约?其消费特点如何?产生了什么影响?以及就整体宋代文化消费而言所占地位如何?呈现什么特点?它对宋代社会、经济、文化产生了怎样的影响?在这些问题的引导下,本文从经济史的角度,以文化消费的内容为线索,文化消费的主体即消费者为切入点,着眼于具体的消费过程,钩稽史料,试图对宋代文化消费有一个整体系统的把握。本文内容主要分为以下六个部分:第一部分是绪论,首先对文化消费的内涵进行了界定和廓清;其次对宋代文化消费领域的研究现状作了回顾和总结;在此基础上,又对选题的意义、论文的研究对象、结构及创新之处等做了简要说明。第二、三、四、五部分是论文的正文部分,分别从消费的角度对宋代的文化教育消费、休闲娱乐消费、宗教信仰消费以及艺术品消费等四大类逐一进行专题性质的研究。第一章,通过对笔墨纸砚、书籍及求学教育发展消费三个方面阐述了宋代文化教育消费。作为主要的文化用品,宋代笔墨纸砚的消费达到了前所未有的高峰,不仅种类丰富,而且呈现量大、面广及费用多的特点;在巨大需求的刺激下,不仅生产具有了产区化、品牌化的特征,而且出现了多种促销方法;同时,市场上的产品良莠不齐,价格也相差悬殊,这与产品质量、供求关系及主体偏好有关。对于书籍消费,不仅有大量的藏书购书行为,还有抄书、刻书和兴建藏书楼等一系列围绕书籍消费的其他相关消费。求学教育发展消费也是一项重要的文化开支,其主要用在学费、助学费及参加科举考试的相关费用上。第二章,通过对色情消费、看戏消费、旅游消费及赌博消费的研究对宋代休闲娱乐消费作了较全面的解读。色情消费主要体现在买妾、蓄妓和逛妓院上,具有明显的奢侈性和分层性。看戏消费中不仅受众扩展至社会各个阶层,而且已经有偿化、商业化,其表演的内容和方式更加世俗化、大众化,专业娱乐场所也已出现。旅游消费中的旅游者已经涵盖了社会的各个阶层;游玩的内容也更加丰富多彩;旅游消费主要体现在食宿、交通、门票、购物等项目的支出上。赌博消费尽管会带来不良的社会影响,但宋人的好赌之风盛行,不仅发展了赌博的种类,也具有了娱乐性、市场性和奢侈性的特征。第三章,通过分析宋代社会主要流行的佛教、道教信仰方面的消费及盛行的占卜消费对宗教信仰上的消费作了初步探讨。随着宗教的世俗化和平民化,宋代的佛道信仰得到了更广泛地传播与发展,不仅信徒众多,而且花费也越来越大。佛教方面的支出主要有购买放生物,抄写、购买或刊印佛经,塑造神像,修庙建塔,作佛事,转轮藏以及其他一些布施行为;道教方面的支出主要有供神像、炼丹药、建宫观、作道场等内容;同时,其消费活动都具有了大众性和地域性特征。宋代占卜盛行,不仅求占者遍及各个阶层,而且占卜从业者人数增多并形成一定的专业市场;占卜的价格相差也很悬殊,既与占卜者技艺有关,也受人们的主观好恶影响;同时,占卜消费的功利性明显。第四章,对宋代艺术品领域的消费,本章以书画、奇花异石及古器物等几种具有代表性的艺术品作为研究对象。书画领域中出现题材丰富、品种多样,世俗性加强的特点,而且参与书画消费的群体有扩大趋势,已经由上层贵族扩展至普通的市民百姓。其交易的地点和方式也有所扩展,地点包括店铺、集市和其他一些地方;交易方式不仅有直接的货币交易和以物易物,更重要的出现了中介人即牙人的参与。而交易价格上的悬殊差异,则与供求关系、主体偏好及时代审美风尚有关。奇花异石消费中则分别考察了宋人购买花卉、异石的行为,并关注到价格的变化及影响因素。古器物消费中以宋代文人士大夫为消费主体。因巨大的消费需求而出现了专门的文物市场。古器物的价格一般较高,这与其稀缺性有关,同时也受器物的类型、工艺、品相、历史价值以及买售者的鉴赏能力等多种因素的影响。第六部分为宋代文化消费的综合分析,分别对其地位、特点和影响进行了总体上的分析与总结。

【Abstract】 The cultural consumption mainly refers to consume the spiritual products and services to satisfy the spiritual and cultural demand. It is a form of a higher level of consumption. The cultural consumption has been an important component in Song Dynasty that is a rapid development society in the economy and culture. Though reseached in other areas, the special and systematic study on the cultural consumption of Song Dynasty still has never been appeared. Particularly it is less to be reseached as a process of social reproduction or as an important aspect of economic behavior. Therefore, the field of cultural consumption in Song Dynasty still have a lot of places worth exploring. For example, which contents are they including? Which consumers have participated? What is the process of every consumer’s specific consumption? How is the price of each category of cultural products or services? Which factors influence the price? What are the characteristics and influences and what are the characteristics and influences of the whole field of cultural consumption in Song Dynasty? Under the guidance of these issues, from the angle of economic history, the contents of cultural consumption to be clues, this thesis tries to have a overall systematic grasp of cultural consumption in Song Dynasty, consumers acting as entrying point of the reseach and focusing on the specific process of the consumption.This thesis is mainly divided into six parts.The first part is preface. It defines and clarifies the connotation of cultural consumption, and reviews and sums up the status in the field and briefly introduces the meaning of the selected topic, the framework and some other issues of this thesis.The second、third、fourth and fifth parts are the body of the thesis. They introduce the cultural and educational consumption and consumption of the entertainment、religion and artwork respectively.The first chapter mainly expoundes the cultural and educational consumption by introduing the consumption of writing brush、china ink、paper and ink slab and books and education. The consumptions of writing brush、china ink、paper and ink slab reach an unprecedented peak and show the characteristics of large quantity and wide range and much cost. Due to the huge demand, the production has become the areas of production and brand, moreover, a variety of promotion methods emergence. At the same time, price of products has great gap becease of the distinctive of the product quality、relationship between supply and demand and main preference. About the consumption of books, it shows on collecting and buying books, but also transcribing and engraving books and constructing the buildings for storing books. The consumptions for educational development cost on the tuition and some fees for taking part in the exam. The second chapter mainly expoundes the entertainment consumption by introduing the consumptions of pornography and seeing opera and trip and gambling. The consumptions of pornography show on buying concubines and prostitutes and going to brothel. The consumptions of seeing opera have been commercialized, the customers extend to all sectors of society, and the contents and forms of performance are popularer, and major places of entertainment have appear. The consumptions of trip cost mainly on eating and accommodation and traffic and tickets for entrying and shopping. The consumptions of gambling are fashionable in Song Dynasty, not only types are more and more, but has the features of entertainment and luxury and market, moreover, it will bring adverse social impact.The third chapter mainly expoundes the religion consumption by introduing the consumptions of buddhism and taoism and divination. The religion in Song Dynasty has been more widely spread and developped with the civilian population of the religion. The followers and cost related to the religion are more and more. In the consumptions of buddhism, they cost mainly on buying animals for liberating and transcribing or engraving or buying sutra, shaping the statues, building temples and towers, praying and so on. In the consumptions of taoism, they cost mainly on worshipping for the statues, refining drug, building temples and so on. Moreover, they have the popular and regional features. The divination is also popular in Song Dynasty, divined people have extended to all sectors of society, but also formed the major market. And the price has great gap becease of the distinctive of forecasters’s level and main preference.The fourth chapter mainly expoundes the artwork consumption by introduing the consumptions of the works of painting and calligraphy and different floweres and stones and ancient utensils. The works of painting and calligraphy have rich materials and kinds. The cosumers have extended to the general population from the upper nobility. The places of the transaction have extended to the shop, marke and other places. The pattern of the transaction can be by money and commodities. Moreover, intermediaries have participated in the transaction. And the price has great gap becease of the distinctive of relationship between supply and demand and main preference and aesthetic style of time. About the consumptions of different floweres and stones, the action of purchasing flowers and stones is reviewed, moreover, the price and the reasons that impact the price are studied. The literati is the main body to purchase the ancient utensils. The price of the ancient utensils is usually higher. The reason is related to scarcity and the model, arts and crafts, historical value and the capacity of comsumer or sellers’s appreciation.The sixth part mainly is the comprehensive analysis of the cultural consumption in Song Dynasty by the status and characteristics and influences.

  • 【分类号】K244;G129
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】2339
  • 攻读期成果

