

【作者】 刘思怡

【导师】 杜文玉;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 宗室作为皇帝的家族,在“家天下”的封建帝制下,他们在政治经济等各方面都享有绝对的特权,属于一个特权阶层。由于宗室与皇帝之间天然的血缘关系,宗室问题常常牵涉到政权的存亡、王朝的兴替,宗室的地位与权力相当突出,其政治影响举足轻重。因此宗室问题在历朝历代都是一个引人瞩目的政治焦点。对于这一特权阶层的管理,是宗室问题的一个重要环节,而对于宗室的管理制度的研究,也应是一个重大课题。目前学界对于宗室管理制度的研究总体来看还很不足,而对于唐代宗室管理制度的研究涉足者就更少了,至今关于该课题的系统研究还未见到,因此对于唐代宗室管理制度的深入、系统、全面研究就显得尤为必要和有意义。本文共分六个部分对该命题进行了论述,具体内容如下:第一部分绪论,主要是对本选题的理由、研究内容、研究现状和方法进行了简要的论述。第二部分宗正寺,介绍了宗正寺的职官设置情况及职掌、宗正寺的下辖机构;并从人员身份结构上探讨了唐代宗正寺长官宗正卿和宗正少卿这一管理阶层的特点,发现由于宗正寺长官品高职闲,远离中央核心权力,所以成为唐初皇帝安排皇亲贵戚及功臣名臣的理想位置。开天以后,宗正寺官员清一色为宗室成员,但皇帝更愿意安置那些较疏远的德才兼备的宗室莅任此职,以维护皇权的稳定。第三部分东宫及王府,介绍了东宫和王府的职官设置及职掌以及唐代不同时期的宗室诸王政策;论述了唐前期东宫及王府官对政局的影响,指出东宫和王府的存在是唐前期宫廷政变频仍、政局动荡的体制原因;论述了唐中后期东宫和王府体制的变化。第四部分宗室的相关管理机构,主要介绍了吏部、礼部、鸿胪寺、太常寺以及京兆府等与宗室的管理相交叉的职能部门。吏部负责宗室的封爵之事;礼部负责宗室的礼仪、丧葬赠赙之数;鸿胪寺负责宗室的丧葬之制;太常寺负责宗室具体礼仪的实施、拟定宗室身后谥号,太常寺下辖机构太医署则负责宗室的医疗事务;京兆府则要协助办理宗室的丧葬事务。第五部分宗室的管理制度,从宗室的谱牒编修、宗室的赡养、法律管理、婚姻管理、宗室的教育、宗室的入仕等六个方面对唐代宗室的管理制度进行了系统、全面、深入的探讨。谱牒编修方面,宗正寺须根据皇帝五等亲及诸亲三等的存亡、升降情况,三年一造册,为宗室的谱牒编修做准备,欧阳修所撰的《新唐书·宗室世系表》就是唐代宗正寺工作的一部分,文中还论及了唐宗室世系表中李熙以前部分系宗正寺希皇帝旨而伪造的史实,并根据新出土的唐代碑志资料对宗室世系表做了部分补遗工作。宗室的赡养方面,分东宫皇太子的赡养、诸王及公主的赡养以及其他宗室的赡养等几个方面进行了论述。东宫以及东宫官员的费用均由国家承担,皇太子的膳食、车骆、服饰等费用均由国家列入预算,定期供给。此外,东宫还有皇帝赐给的数额巨大的庄田;诸王公主的待遇方面,诸王公主的田宅费、俸料、常食料、资装费、车服、奴婢、手力费等均由国家承担,除此之外,诸王公主的主要经济来源是食实封的收入。文中对诸王公主食实封的情况进行了细致全面的探讨,在正史资料的基础上,结合天一阁藏明钞本天圣令的资料,对唐代宗室与国家分割封户封物的比例变化情况进行了深入的分析,指出了学界在这一方面存在的模糊甚至错误的观点;皇太子、诸亲王、公主以外的其他宗室的赡养问题,皇太子、诸亲王子孙的经济来源主要是继承其父辈的食封;一般宗室则享受免课役的优待。宗室的法律管理方面,宗室的法律管理机构是东宫三寺中的率更寺,文中根据《唐律疏议》的相关条文,以及史料中关于唐代宗室触犯刑律后总能得到宽大处理的记载,论述了宗室在法律方面享有特权的事实。唐宗室只要不触及“十恶”之罪,那么他们就享有“八议”中规定的议、请、减、免等减免罪行的特权,并且可以通过官当、缴纳赎铜的办法来减轻甚至抵消刑罚。宗室的婚姻管理方面,宗室的婚姻管理实际上是纳入到唐律的框架中去进行规范的,文中还论述了宗室婚姻的特点并介绍了宗室的婚嫁礼仪。宗室的教育方面,皇太子、诸王、公主并无专门的教育机构,但有专门的老师——侍读对其进行教育,其他宗室的教育机构是崇文、弘文馆,宗室子弟接受教育的主要科目有书法、文史经籍等内容,宗室从师入学之前皆须行“束修之礼”。宗室的入仕方面,宗室通过门荫、科举两个途径入仕,他们在门荫和科举两方面都享有特权。第六部分宗室管理制度的运作,宗室的管理本应是皇帝的私人事务,但在“家天下”的封建帝制中,宗室的管理则是被纳入到国家官僚体制中去运作的。此部分主要从宗室管理机构之间的关系,宗室管理制度的具体运作以及皇帝的诏敕所起的作用等三个方面进行了论述。本论文的主要创新之处在于以下几点:1.学界对于唐代宗室管理制度的研究还很薄弱,而关于这方面内容的系统研究目前还未见,本文从宗室的管理机构、宗室的具体管理制度以及管理制度的运作等几个方面入手,全面、系统、深入地论述了这一命题。2.补充了鸿胪寺这一未被注意到的宗室相关管理机构。3.唐代宗室的赡养方面,本文通过对宗室与国家分割封户封物的比例变化情况的深入分析,指出了学界在这一方面存在的模糊甚至错误的观点。4.详细论述了唐代宗室在法律方面享有“八议”的特权。5.文中明确指出唐代宗室的婚姻管理是纳入到唐律的体系中去规范的;正史中除了公主外对宗室婚姻情况的记载很少,文中运用唐代宗室墓志资料,对宗室的婚姻情况进行了整体分析,指出了唐代宗室婚姻的特点。6.在宗室的入仕方面,文中特别提到那些未入弘文、崇文馆就学的宗室子弟,由宗正寺负责简试并推荐进礼部科考的史实。7.对于唐代宗室管理制度的运作情况,本文进行了一定程度的分析和论述,是一个有益的尝试。

【Abstract】 As the Royal family, the imperial clan belonged to a privileged class who had been enjoying some absolute privileges in the political, economic and other areas. Because of the natural kinship between the imperial clan and the emperor, the problems that related to the later often could have an impact on the regime and dynasty’s survival. So the status of the later were quite prominent, and the study in this field was the hot spot in no matter what dynasties. It is an important aspect of the problem for the management of the privileged class. And the research on the Tang Dynasty imperial clan management system is even less so far on the subject of systematic research has yet to see, so the management system in-depth, systematic and comprehensive study is particularly necessary and meaningful.This paper divides into six parts to describe together, the contents are as follows:The first part is preface, the main topics of this are the reasons to study the contents and methods of research are briefly discussed.The second part is ZongZhengSi, It introduces the officials being examined set up and charge, and it’s subsidiaries, Identity from the staff structure of senior official of the ZongZhengSi in the Tang Dynasty, we find because of higher vocational leisure, away from the central core of power, ZongZhengSi becomes the early Tang Dynasty emperor arrangements his relatives and hero minister’s ideal location.The third part is the Eastern Palace and Wang-fu, It is the introduction of Official settings of the eastern Palace and Wang-fu and charge, in different periods of the Tang imperial clan Kings policies, discusses the impact of the political situation in the pre-Tang, pointing out that the existence of the Eastern Palace and Wang-fu are the early Tang Dynasty palace coup frequent causes of political instability of the system, discusses the late the Eastern Palace and Wang-fu institutional changes.The fourth part is the imperial clan of the relevant regulatory agencies. It mainly introduces the Li-ministry, ceremony-mininstry, HongLuSi, TaiChangSi, JingZhaoFu, which are the Cross-functional departments of the imperial clan’s management.The fifth part is the imperial clan management system. It discusses the system from six aspects systematically, comprehensively, such as the genealogy edits, the imperial clan support, the legal and marital management, the imperial clan education and the imperial clan serving as officials.In the genealogy edits’ aspect, the ZongZhengSi have to Compile a register every three years about the life or death, fluctuation of the emperor’ five rank relatives, be ready for the genealogy edits.In the imperial clan support aspect, it discusses the four aspects contents including the TaiZi, princes, princess and other imperial clan’s support. The TaiZi, princes, princess’s support are supplied by empire, some other imperial clan’s source of income is inheritance from their father’s land and other taxes household which formerly emperor having bestowed him. The general imperial clan enjoys exempts the taxation and corvee labor giving favored treatment.In the legal management aspect, ShuaiGengSi is the management organization which subordinates in the Estern Palace. The imperial clan enjoys the very big privilege in the law.In the marital management aspect, the imperial clan’s operation exists in the legal frame of the Tang Dynasty. It promulgates the imperial clan marriage’characteristic and introduces their marriage etiquette.In the educational management aspect, the ShiDu is the TaiZi, princes and princess’special teacher. The other imperial clan’s educational institution is HongWenGuan and ChongWenGuan. Calligraphy, literature, history, Confucian classics are the imperial clan’s study subjects. They must observe respecting authority ceremony which called ShuXiu ceremony from the TaiZi to general student.In the serving as officials, there are two ways for the imperial clan serving as officials, one is through protection accorded due to family prestige and reputation, the other is through the imperial civil service examination. The imperial clan enjoys the privilege in these two ways.The sixth part is of the imperial clan control system’s operation. The imperial clan management is emperor’s private business originally, however, it is integrated into the national bureaucrat system. It is discussed from three aspects in this part:imperial clan management structure relations, imperial clan control system’s operation, and emperor’s imperial edict chi plays role.


