

A Study of Telecommunication Business Model with Win-win Consideration

【作者】 王晓明

【导师】 李仕明;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过文献回顾和总结,指出商业模式是对战略定位、资源与能力以及价值链理论的综合与融合,是电信运营商在信息时代获取竞争优势的重要源泉。随后,本文提炼了商业模式两个基本属性:价值属性和结构属性,并基于这两种属性建立了“要素—结构—功能”的系统分析框架,着重强调了价值结构在商业模式构建中的重要性。在此基础上,本文深入分析了电信运营商基于价值链结构的电信商业模式构建,随后抽取了三个关键的价值环节:运营商、服务提供商与用户,并围绕着上述三个价值环节之间的共赢价值关系的控制与协调,研究共赢的电信商业模式激励与定价策略。具体来讲,本文主要得到了如下的创新性结论:(1)在第三章节中,本文将商业模式的价值和结构属性进行了统一,建立了“要素—结构—功能”的系统分析框架,揭示了商业模式构建的内涵,指出在构建过程中,企业必须清晰的看到价值结构对价值功能的约束,以及这种价值结构和资源要素之间由物理法则和逻辑法则所规定的相互关系。随后,分析了基于价值链结构的电信商业模式构建,并鉴于任何复杂的结构关系是由两个节点和相应的连接边这一基本单元组成,抽取了运营商、服务提供商和用户三个关键价值环节,着重强调了上述关键环节之间和谐的价值关系,是基于价值链的电信商业模式构建和运行关键,在此基础上,进一步提出基于共赢价值关系的电信商业模式构建的观点,并进行了深入探讨。(2)在第四章节中,本文关注于电信商业模式运营系统内部的共赢价值关系的控制。我们在经典的委托代理框架下,引入了反映共赢的价值偏好参数(描述运营商关心自己与服务提供商的程度),并在此基础上,结合服务提供商(代理人)的隐性激励和机会主义行为,深入分析了共赢的电信商业模式激励策略设计。结果证明了运营商与服务提供商之间的共赢的价值关系,可以提升整个电信商业模式性能运行效率,并有助于运营主体间的协同发展。(3)第五章主要研究协调用户与由运营商和服务提供商组成的运营系统之间价值关系的商业模式定价策略。我们在考虑服务提供商和运营商相对市场关系的基础上,围绕着单项业务的定价决策与多项业务的捆绑定价决策问题展开研究,结果表明,运营商与服务提供商之间不同的市场相对地位对业务的支付价格、服务质量以及双方的收入分成具有重要影响,而业务捆绑策略的选择以及支付价格,则取决于被捆绑业务之间的相关性,相对市场规模与风险。最后,我们以移动梦网商业模式为例,对移动梦网商业模式的产生背景,形成历程进行了详细分析,并聚焦于中国移动与各服务提供商之间的价值标准的制定和规范,交易、分成机制的建立和完善,考察了共赢的价值关系对移动梦网商业模式的价值实现,以及运营主体之间的长期发展的积极影响,进而对本文的理论研究的结论与成果进行验证和阐释。

【Abstract】 Basing on summary of the literatures, this paper firstly points out that the business model is integration and fusion of theories about strategic position, resources and capabilities and value chain, also is the important source to gain competitive advantage for the telecom operators in the information age. Subsequently, it refines two basic attributes of business model:value and structural attributes, and establishes a systemic analysis framework of "factor-structure-function" basing on these two attributes, emphasizing the importance of value structure in the construction of business mode. After that, this paper takes a depth analysis about the telecom business model’s construction of the operators basing on value chain structure, then it extracts three key value links:operators, service providers and users, and studies the win-win incentive and pricing strategy of the telecom business model around the control and coordination of the win-win value relationship among the three value links mentioned above. More concretely, we get the following main innovative conclusions:(1) In Chapter 3, this paper unifies the value and structural attributes of the business model, establishes a systemic analysis framework of "factor-structure-function", reveals the connotation of the business model’s construction, and points out that the enterprises must clearly see the constraints of the value structure to the value function and the interrelation specified by the rules of physics and logical between this value structure and factor resources. Subsequently, we analyze the telecom business model’s construction based on the structure of value chain. Since any complex structure is consists of two nodes and the corresponding connection sides, we extract the three key value links:operators, service providers and users, emphasizing that the harmonious value relationships among these links above are the key to the telecom business model’ construction and operation. On this basis, we further identify and analyze the construction of telecom business model with win-win consideration.(2) In the Chapter 4, this paper focuses on control of the win-win value relationship within operating system of the telecom business model. We introduce the parameter (describes the level at which the operators care about themselves and their service providers) reflect the preferences of win-win in the classic principal-agent framework. And on this basis, combining with the implicit incentive and opportunistic behavior of the service providers (agents), we take in-depth analysis about the design of incentive strategy of the win-win telecom business model. The results prove that the win-win relationship between the operators and service providers can enhance the performance of the entire telecom business model’s operational efficiency, and contribute to the development of operational synergies between the main bodies.(3) Chapter 5 major studies the pricing strategy of the business model which coordinates the relationship between users and operating system composed by the operators and service providers. We study the pricing decision of individual business and the bundled pricing decision between businesses. The results show that the different relative market position between the operators and service providers has a significant impact on price, the quality of service and the revenue-sharing between them. While the selection of strategy of a bundle of businesses and the price are depend on the size and risk of the market and correlation between the business being tied up.Finally, we take Monternet for example, and do a detailed analysis on the background and forming process of its business model, and focus on the values standard’s setting and normalization, transactions, the establishment and improvement of the split-level design between service providers and China Mobile, and inspect the positive impact of the win-win value relationship on value realization of the Monternet business model and long-term development between the subjects of operation, thus verify and explain the conclusions and achievements of the research this time.


