

Research on the Capability of Intellectual Property in Firms Based on Competitive Advantage

【作者】 肖延高

【导师】 李仕明; 唐小我;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文立足中国情境,植根企业实践,试图在理论上建立起知识产权、知识产权能力和企业竞争优势的逻辑关系模型,探讨知识产权能力与竞争优势的相关关系及其主要影响因素,并采用规范的问卷调查法和案例研究方法对相应的理论演绎结论予以验证。管理经济学界关于竞争优势的产业定位理论、资源观、能力观和知识观,以及法学界关于知识产权制度的诸多研究成果,为本文的研究提供了深厚的理论基础和研究方法借鉴。研究表明,知识产权是由创造性智力活动形成的、受到法律保护的智力资产。与有形的物力资本不同,知识产权的客体即知识产品的无形性本质属性,以及由此衍生出的专有性、时间性和地域性,决定了知识产权的柔性资源特征。在动态竞争环境下,知识产权的柔性资源特征使得企业能够更好地凭借知识产权适应变化的技术和市场环境,并对变化做出积极的反应,从而获得竞争优势。而知识产权的柔性资源价值的实现,有赖于企业根据自身的经营战略目标,有重点、有选择地创造、运用、保护和组织各种形式的知识产权,如专利、商标、版权、商业秘密等。知识产权能力是知识产权与竞争优势的联结点,提升知识产权能力是企业凭借知识产权获得和保持竞争优势的重要途径。知识产权能力是指企业为了谋求竞争优势,创造、运用、保护和组织专利、商标、版权、商业秘密以及其他知识产权形式的能力。通过解构知识产权能力的静态形式要素和动态行为要素,本文给出了知识产权能力的测度指标和数学表达式。根据知识产权在企业价值创造和经营战略中的实际功能和地位,本文将企业知识产权能力分为负值型、防御型、成本型、利润型、整合型等五种不同的层级。在建立知识产权能力和竞争优势的逻辑关系模型基础上,本文采用问卷调查数据,运用描述性统计、多元统计分析、结构方程模型等方法,实证了企业知识产权能力与竞争优势的相关性及其影响因素,得出的主要结论是:知识产权能力与企业竞争优势具有显著的正相关关系;企业性质、竞争力主要来源、企业规模和市场结构是影响知识产权对企业竞争优势贡献率的主要因素。最后,本文以丝丽雅、二重和长虹的技术发展和知识产权管理为例,探讨和验证了知识产权在企业赢得创新所得、保持竞争优势中的价值及其作用途径,给出了基于不同技术水平的后来者企业的知识产权管理策略。

【Abstract】 This paper tries to establish the theoretic relationship model between intellectual property, capabilities of intellectual property and competitive advantage, and does some researches on the relationship and its influential factors between the capabilities of intellectual property and competitive advantage, based on the context of firms’experiences in China. The paper is also based on the former theoretic fruits in the theory of industrial position, resource-based view, and the theory of core competence and dynamic capabilities, and knowledge-based view. Questionnaire and case study are applied in this paper.Our research indicates that intellectual property is the intellectual assets which are created by creative intellectual activity and protected by law. Different from tangible assets, the nature of knowledge products, which are the objects of intellectual property, is intangible. It is the intangible nature and other attributes, e.g. monopoly, timeliness, and regionality that determines the intellectual property is flexible resource. In the dynamic and uncertain environment, it is the flexible characteristic of IP that enhances the firms to adapt to the changing technology and market situation and react to the changes with their flexible intellectual property and obtain competitive advantage. Anyway, it is necessary for firms to create, utilize, protect and organize their different intellectual property, e.g. patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secrets etc. according to their business strategy. It means that the capability of intellectual property is the link between intellectual property and competitive advantage. It is an important path to develop the capability of intellectual property for firms to obtain competitive advantage with intellectual property.The capability of intellectual property is defined the capability by which firms create, utilize, protect, and organize patent, trademark, copyright, trade secrets, and other types of intellectual property for competitive advantage. This paper deconstructs the capabilities of intellectual property composed of the static type factors and the dynamic action factors and presents the measure indexes and mathematic expression of the capabilities of intellectual property. According to the function and position of intellectual property in the value creation and business strategy of firms, The capabilities of intellectual property are divided into five hierarchies, e.g. negative pattern, defensive pattern, cost pattern, profit pattern, and integrative pattern.This paper also empirically studies the correlation between the capabilities of intellectual property and competitive advantage and its influential factors with the methodologies of descriptive statistic, multivariate statistic, and structural equation model (SEM) based on the data from questionnaires. The conclusions are: the correlation between the capabilities of intellectual property and competitive advantage is strongly positive; equity structure, source of competence, scale of firm, and market structure are the influential factors to the correlation between the capabilities of intellectual property and competitive advantage. At last, this paper verifies the value and influencing path of intellectual property in the process of obtaining innovation revenue and competitive advantage for the latecomer firms and presents the strategies of intellectual property management based on the different technology level in Grace, CNEGC Changhong.


