

【作者】 安志伟

【导师】 刘中富;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 现代汉语指人名词是从意义的角度划分出来的名词小类,指的是表示人的名词,其特点是具有“+[人]”的语义特征。本文立足词汇学和词汇语义学,结合社会、认知因素来探讨现代汉语指人名词指人的途径和方法,并研究现代汉语指人名词在词汇系统中的组织状态、发展和运用情况,是对现代汉语指人名词动态和静态相结合、描写和应用相结合的研究。现代汉语指人名词是汉语有生名词研究的重点。本文的研究既可以进一步完善现代汉语有生名词的研究,也对辞书编纂过程中相关词条的处理和对外汉语教学中的指人名词教学具有借鉴意义。本文共分七章。第一章为绪论;第二章研究汉语指人名词的产生途径;第三章研究指人名词的结构和意义;第四章研究指人名词的词汇类聚,第五章研究指人名词的共时动态运动,第六章研究指人名词的运用。第七章是本文的结语部分。在第一章绪论中,确定了本文的研究对象,与称谓语、称呼语、人名和绰号等相关概念进行了区分,对以往的相关研究从语法学研究、词汇学研究和社会语言学研究三方面进行了综述,并对本文的研究方法、研究意义等进行了说明。第二章首先根据指称对象的不同,把现代汉语指人名词分为三类:亲属类指人名词表示人与人之间的亲属关系,社会类指人名词表明人与人之间的社会关系,认知类指人名词则是从认知的角度揭示人对他人的种种看法。然后从社会、认知和语言三个方面阐述指人名词产生的原因和途径。现代汉语指人名词的产生,与社会交际的需要和人的思维规律密不可分,同时也是语言因素作用的结果。社会制度的变迁、社会生产的发展、社会生活的变化、社会观念的更新、社会心理的转变和中外文化的传播都为现代汉语指人名词的产生提供了充足的社会条件。现代认知科学表明,人类思维的概念化与范畴化,人类思维的隐喻、转喻、转指等思维方式,都在现代汉语指人名词的产生过程中发挥了重要作用。语言规律则决定了指人名词在语言中的最终形式。第三章是对指人名词结构和意义的研究。首先从是否包含指人词素的角度入手,区分了为包含指人词素的和不含指人词素的两种情况。包含指人词素的指人名词,一般把指人词素作为核心词素,其他词素作为特征词素,特征词素义和核心词素义通过各种组合方式来揭示现代汉语指人名词的意义。但特征词素义不等于词义,词义还需要通过特征词素义去进一步揭示。不包含指人词素的指人名词,没有核心词素,是通过特征词素的组合来表示词义的。特征词素义的组合在揭示指人名词词义时,一般不是直接的,而是要通过一个过渡性词义。这个过渡性词义可能是动词词义,也可以是名词词义或形容词词义,然后通过比喻或者引申,才能与指人词义建立联系。现代汉语指人名词的意义可以概括为“……的人”的模式,前面是词的具体意义部分,揭示人的不同特点,后面的“人”是类属词。有的时候,根据词义理解的需要,“人”也可以换成其他表示类概念的指人词语。第四章研究现代汉语指人名词的词汇类聚。现代汉语指人名词中蕴藏着许多大大小小的词汇类聚,有同义词、反义词、多义词等等不同的情况,还包括类属词、同位词、主题义族、对称关系名词、缩并关系名词和逆向关系名词特殊的指人名词词汇类聚。其中同义词和反义词数量最多、也最有特点,指人词素在构成指人同义词和指人反义词的过程中发挥了重要的作用。许多学者设想词汇和语义都像是语音、语法那样是成系统的,只是如何揭示这种系统性有不同认识。许多学者设想汉语中存在“人”这一语义场,但还没有人把现代汉语中的“人”这个语义场完整地揭示出来。本文的研究揭示了一部分指人名词系统的面貌,为揭示“人”这个语义场提供了借鉴。第五章从动态的角度研究现代汉语指人名词。词汇的共时运动形式是动态词汇学关注的重要方面。目前,汉语词汇正处于一个非常活跃的时期,现代汉语指人名词,也在汉语词汇发展的大潮中不断变化。新的指人名词不断产生,同时一些旧的指人名词在慢慢隐退,指人名词的词义也发生了很大的变化。本文还特别对现代指人名词中很有特色的同族词现象进行了研究,认为指人同族词具有很强的能产性,同族词的发展具有不平衡性,大量同族词的产生对现代汉语指人名词系统带来了很大的影响。第六章也是动态研究,探讨了指人名词在语境中的不同情况。在语境中,现代汉语指人名词的词义由静态变为了动态,产生了许多临时性的言语成分,这些临时性的言语成分体现在语音、词义、语法和修辞各个方面。使用指人名词可以起到很好的表达作用,可以表明人际关系,揭示人物心理,显示人物地位,说明人物处境,指明人物角色的转变。但错误地使用指人名词则会给语言表达带来消极影响。第七章是结语部分,简要地概括了本文的主要结论,并提出了今后继续深入研究的思路和方向。现代汉语指人名词研究是一个有待继续挖掘的领域,今后我们将在组合研究、历时研究和比较研究等方面进一步探讨。我们希望能通过对这一领域的研究,充分展示现代汉语指人名词的面貌,并为将来指物名词的研究、对指人的动词、形容词的研究奠定一定的基础。

【Abstract】 Person nouns in Modern Chinese are, in terms of meaning, a subcategory of nouns of the language, with the semantic property of [+ HUMAN]. The present paper tries to discuss the ways in which general nouns enter this subcategory in lexicological and semantic approaches, with some social and cognitive factors taken into consideration at the same time. It also studies the layout, application and development of nouns referring to people in the modern Chinese language. The research methods used in the study are a combination of dynamic and static observation, description and application.The study of nouns referring to people in the modern Chinese language is the focus of human-describing words. The aim of the present paper is not only to make improvement in the study of human-describing words in modern Chinese, but also to provide some insights into entry-processing in compiling lexicographical works and the teaching of Chinese to non-native speakers.The paper consists of seven chapters. Chapter One is introduction, in which the intention of the research, the distinctions of some important concepts like appellation, title, names, and nicknames, literature review in grammatical, lexicological and sociolinguistic dimensions , the explanation of the methodology and the significance of the research are introduced.Chapter Two focuses on the research into the creative means by which general nouns are evolved into those referring to people in the Chinese language. Person nouns in Chinese are divided into three categories: relative-oriented nouns showing the relationships of the kinships among people, society-oriented nouns showing the social relations among people, and recognition-oriented nouns showing how a person recognizes others. The causes and the means by which person nouns are evolved from general ones are approached in social, cognitive and linguistic ways. Without the needs of social communication and the regulation of human thinking, nouns referring to people in the Chinese language couldn’t have come to be recognized. Furthermore, the evolution of social system, the development of human society, the change of social life, the improvement of social doctrine, the transition of social psychology and the spread of the culture both at home and abroad have all provided favorable conditions for the formation of person nouns. As is shown by modern cognitive science , the conceptualization, systematization, and metaphorization of human thinking have great impact on person nouns. It is the linguistic rules that govern the construction of the nouns referring to people in the language.In Chapter 3, the research on the structure and significance of person nouns is done. The study begins with the distinction between the person nouns with and without the semantic component of referring to people. In general, the person nouns with the component of referring to people take the core component of referring to people as the focus, the other components as secondary. The core component works together with the others in different ways to show the meaning of the person noun. In contrast, those without the semantic component of referring to people do not have a core component, and the meaning of a person noun is the result of combination of different components through a transitional feature. This transitional feature may be that of a verb or that of an adjective and a certain relationship is established by means of simile or extension with the meaning of nouns referring to people. The structure of nouns referring to people in the modern Chinese language can be generalized as a“...... person”model, of which the former suspension points is the specific part of word meaning, showing the people’s varied attributes, and the latter one, i.e. person is a kind of word showing the object species. Moreover, in some cases, the person in the model above can be replaced by another one which expresses the concept of object species.Chapter 4 is the research into the vocabulary classification of person nouns. Person nouns in Chinese are classified into many different types such as synonyms, antonyms, polysemants, and many other types as well like generic terms, appositions, symmetric nouns and reverse-direction nouns. Among these types, synonyms and antonyms are mostly featured and constitute the largest proportion of person nouns. This is because the morpheme of referring to people plays a central role in the construction of its synonyms and antonyms. Many scholars believe that lexicon and semantics are systematic in the same way as phonetics and syntax, only with the difference in how to explain this systemization. Many scholars assume that there exists the semantic field of“person”in the Chinese language, yet no one has ever explained it. The present research has provided some reasonable explanations for the system of nouns referring to people and shed some light on the study of the semantic field of“person”.Chapter 5 studies person nouns in a dynamic way. The synchronic study of vocabulary is a major concern of the dynamic lexicology. Currently, the Chinese vocabulary is experiencing an active period, and nouns referring to people vary with the development of the Chinese vocabulary. With new person nouns emerging and old ones dying, there are a lot of changes in the meanings of person nouns. A unique study of the present paper is the homologous person nouns. They are thought to be quite productive and imbalanced in their development. The number of homologous person nouns is so great that they affect the system of person nouns in the modern Chinese language.Chapter 6 conducts a dynamic research as well, discussing different contexts in which person nouns are used. The meanings of nouns referring to people in certain context are dynamic rather than static, resulting in many temporary speech elements which are manifested in phonetics, words meanings, grammar and rhetoric. The use of person nouns plays a positive role in communication. It reveals interpersonal relationship, one’s psychological activity, one’s social status and the situation one is in. It also indicates the change of a person’s role. Misuse of person nouns, however, may lead to some negative effects on communication.Chapter 7, the conclusion, briefs the main research results and makes some suggestions as to the direction and approach of further study. Person nouns in the modern Chinese language are a research field worth further exploration. and will be discussed more in combinative, chronological and comparative ways. It is hoped that the preset study in this paper on person nouns in the modern Chinese language will provide useful insights into further study of object nouns, person verbs and the adjectives.


