

The Value-added Evaluation Research on Senior High School Students

【作者】 张亮

【导师】 赵承福;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 为尽快建立促进学生全面发展的评价体系,教育部于2002、2003下发《教育部关于积极推进中小学评价与考试制度改革的通知》、《教育部关于印发<普通高中课程方案(实验)〉和语文等15个学科课程标准(实验)的通知》。2006年之后,我国省市教育部门逐渐出台普通高中学生综合素质评价方案,建立了促进学生全面发展的综合素质评价指标体系,使我国学生评价由理论向实践迈出了坚实的一步。我国各省市、自治区普通高中学生综合素质评价体系具有一下特点。评价标准突出统一性;评价方法以定性为主,形成性评价为主;评价功能注重激励。但是,指标体系及评价方案自身存在的技术层面的问题的确存在。这突出表现在:评价目标重外在性、统一性,轻差异性;评价方法重定性评价,轻定量评价,重形成性评价,轻诊断性评价;评价鉴定功能缺失。增值评价可作为一种理想的选择。增值评价是发展性评价的具体表现形式,是发展性评价方法的一种。理解增值评价,需要把握以下几点。首先,“增值”是一种内容,指学生各方面素质进步。其次,“增值”是一种理念,它重视学生发展,强调学生各方面素质发展,关注学生过程,是一种较全面、科学、可取的观点。第三,增值是一种标准,指学生自身成就进步幅度大小。第四,增值是一种方法,它侧重量化数据,但也兼顾质性内容。学生增值评价指:在通过接受一定阶段教育后,对学生个体德、智、体、美、劳等方面发展程度进行的差异性价值判断,为学生学习及生活、教师教育及教学、学校教育及管理提供信息,促进每个学生不同程度发展,实现学生潜能发挥的最大化。简而言之,学生增值评价是以学生个体发展为评价目的,以学生个体为评价对象,以学生为德、智、体、美、劳为评价指标,以学生德、智、体、美、劳等领域增值幅度作为评价标准,以学生成长过程作为评价阶段。具体而言,学生增值评价具有以下特点。(1)强调价值研究的基础性。(2)突出统一性与差异性的结合。(3)强调量化与质性模式的相互依存。(4)着眼于学生未来的发展。普通高中学生增值评价四级指标体系是一套系统性强、各级指标内在关系紧密、各项指标之间独立性强的指标体系。普通高中学生增值评价指标由3项一级指标、4项二级指标、12项三级指标、42项四级指标构成。横向联系独立性强,且相互补充,相互依存;纵向联系紧密,具有较强的归属性。评价标准包含三个方面:过程标准、结果标准及增值结果标准。学生增值评价结果主要采用统一的标准---增值幅度---来评价,既可指正向,也可指负向。“增值幅度”大小(含正、负两个方向)统一使用“转化率”来衡量。学生增值评价对象为学生个体。学生增值评价周期为一个学期。学生增值评价主体多元,既包括学校评价部门人员、任课教师、班主任老师、家长,又包括学生,但主要为学校。普通高中学校学生增值评价强调输入、过程、输出指标因素的一致,涉及信息主要为学生基本情况信息(输入信息)、学生过程信息、学生输出指标信息及关键行为事件信息。数据信息收集渠道主要为观察法、调查法、日志法、关键事件法、文献法等。评价结果数据统计计算比较简单,易操作。学生增值评价采用的方法技术的基本思想是:首先,根据收集每学年度(Y1/Y2/Y3)或学期(T1Y1, T2Y1; T1Y2 ,T2Y2 ;T1Y3 ,T2Y3)或高中阶段(Y1,Y3)四级指标日常观察、工作记录、调查问卷和考试成绩等原始数据,其中调查问卷数据统计按学生自评20%、同伴互评20%、教师评价60%计入结果,求出所有学生各项四级指标平均值,然后用每个学生该项指标原始得分减去该指标平均分求得该指标离差(R1, R2);两学期离差相减,即R2-- R1,求得原始增值分(VAR);原始增值分(VAR)与该指标权重系数(I)相乘得到标准增值分(SVA);各四级指标标准增值分之和除以该序列四级指标因素个数,然后乘以三级指标权重,求得相关三级指标标准增值分(SVA);依次类推,分别求得二级、一级指标标准增值分,得出每个学生增值结果。学生增值评价评价过程一般分为十个步骤。(1)数据收集;(2)填写表格;(3)加权统计每个学生各级指标得分;(4)加权统计学生综合评分;(5)形成学生增值评价报告;(6)结果反馈;(7)复议;(8)修改评价报告;(9)结果运用;(10)评价方案调整与改进。本研究将围绕怎样建构普通高中学生增值评价指标体系及评价模型主题。首先,对基于多学科领域“学生增值评价”内涵作一阐述,分析学生增值评价的基本观点。其次,深入考察我国普通高中学生综合素质评价实践领域发展现状,对其特点与不足进行充分分析。第三,在澄清理论认识前提下,探讨如何构建较高质量学生增值评价指标体系、评价量表及测量模型。最后,在上述工作基础上提出评价实施过程策略与评价过程模型。本文共分四章,第一章主要探讨学生增值评价内涵及增值评价的基本观点,即评价观。本章包括两部分内容:第一部分为建立在哲学等学科领域理论研究与实践成果基础上的学生增值评价思想价值体系分析;第二部分对学生增值评价评价目标、评价功能等从多个维度进行剖析,使大家能更深入的认识这种评价的内涵或观点。第二章侧重我国普通高中学生综合素质评价现状分析及应对策略。本章涉及三部分内容:第一部分为我国普通高中学生综合素质评价特点分析;第二部分揭示存在问题,指出在我国实行学生增值评价的必要性。第三章为普通高中学生增值评价体系构建及评价量表的编制。全章共两部分。第一部分研究指标体系建构的基本原则、评价指标选择的依据及内在联系,形成我国普通高中学生增值评级指标体系;第二部分呈现评价量表编制的流程。第四章主要研讨评价实施过程中应注意的事项,包括三部分。第一部分研究评价的方法、周期及使用范围;第二部分主要为评价的过程及步骤,包括分数合成方法技术及测量模型;第三部分对上述内容的总结概括基础上,提出评价过程的基本模型。

【Abstract】 In order to promote the establishment of the evaluation system, the Educational Bureau delivered "the Notice on Promoting the Reform of Evaluation Mechanism and Examination Mechanism Actively in Primary Schools as Well as in Middle Schools" in 2002, and " the Notice about the Curricular Plan (experimental) as well as the Curricular Standards about the 15 Subjects including Chinese" in 2003. Later on, the local educational bureau have made evaluation plans or established the indicator systems in provinces, cities and the autonomous regions. In fact, we have taken a large step from theory to practice.The comprehensive quality evaluation indicator system or the evaluation plan shows the following symptoms in these areas: unity stands out in the standard systems. The quality method has taken the main form, and formative method has been shown emphasis on in the methodology systems. Inspiration has been thought great of in its evaluation function. The assessment mechanism is complete and scientific. Nevertheless, the techniques exist of a few defaults in the ever plans and indicator systems, which are mainly as follows. The evaluation targets system has shown more emphasis on the targets out of the students as well as on too much unity, but less difference. More focus on quality, but less on quantity, as well as more emphasis on formative evaluation, but less on consultative, are the main flow in the methodology systems in the evaluation process. Consultative function been ignored in the evaluation.Therefore, the thus-existed evaluation systems can’t be used absolutely in practice, which needs more systems to evolve in. Value-added method can be an ideal choice."Value-Added Assessment" is one of the many forms in developmental evaluation. To master this methodology, we should think of it in the following ways. First of all, Value-Added is a kind of content, referring to the progress of the all-round qualities of a student. Second, Value-Added is an idea, which emphasizes the students’ development, focusing on every aspect of the students’ qualities and the process of the students’development. Therefore, it is a complete, adoptive point of view. Third, added-value is a standard, referring to the changed rate of each student’qualities. Forth, Value-Added is a method, which thinks greater of quantity, but quality method is included.Value-Added Assessment of a student development is a kind of judgment of value about the development rate in each student’s morals, intelligences, physical characteristics, beauty commitment, and physical labor, etc., in order to provide information for improvement in each student’s study and life, in teachers’ education and teaching, and in school’s education and arrangement. In concrete, it aims to promote each student’s development. It is an assessment of each student. Its indicators are each student’s morals, intelligences, physical characteristics, beauty commitment, and physical labor, etc. Its standard is each student’s value-added rate in every aspect of each student. Its course is the student’s process of study and life. Value-Added Assessment of each student has the following symptoms. (1) Its system of thoughts emphasizes the basic study of value. (2) The combination of unity and differences stand out in its standard system. (3) Its methodological system shows emphasis on the combination of quality method and quantity method. (4) Its function gives an eye to the future development of each student.The value-added evaluation index system is made up of a set of indicators that are correlative strong at all levels and are independent within various indicators. It is made up of 3 first-level indicators, four second-level indicators, 12 third-level indicators, and 42 forth-level indicators. The horizontal linkages are independent and mutually complementary; the vertical indicators are close-knit, with strong attribution. The evaluation criteria for value-added assessment consist of three aspects: the end criterion, the process criterion and the value-added criterion. The results for value-added evaluation are mainly in a uniform standard-value-added -to evaluate, which can be both positive and negative. The size of added-value (both positive and negative) could be united to use "conversion rate" to measure. The object for value-added assessment is the individual student. The evaluation cycle of value-added evaluation for students is a semester. The subjectivities for added-value assessment are multiple, both including assessment department staff in school, teachers, class adviser, parents, and also including students, but mainly refer to the school. The value-added assessment for ordinary high school student emphasize that indicators in its three dimensions as "input-course-output" are of the same ,which are related to the basic situation information for student (input information), student course information, student output information, and key act and event information. Data collection methods are observational method, survey method, journal method, critical incident method, and literature method. The statistical calculation for results is relatively simple and easy to operate. The basic thoughts of the procedures for added-value evaluation are: Firstly, according to the data from observation, work records, questionnaires, which is summed by 20% of self-assessment , 20% of peer assessment and 60% of teacher assessment ,test scores and other in each school year (Y1/Y2/Y3) or semester (T1Y1, T2Y1; T1Y2, T2Y2; T1Y3, T2Y3), or high school (Y1, Y3), produce every average figure for indicators of the four levels, and then get the deviation(R1, R2) using the difference of original scores for each student and average obtained; two semesters deviation subtract, that is, R2 - R1, obtained the original added-value points (VAR); the original value of points (VAR) with the index weight coefficient (I) obtained by multiplying the standard value-added points (SVA); all four indicators of the standard value-added divided by the sequence of four points and the number of index factors, and then multiplied by three index weight, and get three indicators related to sub-standard value-added (SVA); turn and so on, respectively, the secondary demand, a standard value-added sub-indicators, the effectiveness of value-added results obtained for each student. The process of the student Value-added assessment is generally divided into 10 steps. (1) data collection; (2) fill out the forms; (3) weighted statistical indicators for each student scoring at all levels; (4) weighted statistical Student score; (5) the formation of student value-added evaluation report; (6) the feedback of results; (7) the reconsideration; (8) the modification of the report; (9) the use of the results; (10) the adjustments and improvements on the evaluation plan. This research focuses on the construction of the evaluation indicator system and the evaluation model in Senior High School. First, I give a description of the viewpoints of the Value-Added Evaluation of a student from the framework of a few subject fields, and analyze the basic viewpoints about it. Second, I talk about the current status of the all-round quality evaluation of the Senior High School students, analyzing its symptoms and shortcomings. Third, I research on the construction of the Value-Added indicator system, the measuring tool and model. Last of all, the implement plots and the process model are delivered.The thesis is made up of four chapters. The first chapter deals with the viewpoints of this evaluation and its basic viewpoints, that is, the evaluation viewpoints. This chapter is formed with two parts, the first of which talks about its value system in the eye of a few subject areas including philosophy and its achievements in practice. In order to make its viewpoints well understood, the second part analyses its targets, function, and so on. The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the current status on the comprehensive quality evaluation of the senior high school students, which is made up of two parts. The first part deals with its symptoms. The second one talks about its shortcomings and delivers the necessity to carry out the value-added evaluation in our country. The third chapter mainly talks about the construction of the evaluation indicator system as well as how to make the measuring tool, with which two parts are formed. The first one delivers the general principles, the basis for the choice of the indicators, and their inner relations, as a result of which the evaluation indicator system is constructed. The second one deals with the courses of making the measuring tool. The forth chapter mainly talks about the details in practice with three parts included. The first one researches on the evaluation method, the evaluation period, and the scope in evaluation practice. The second part mainly deals with the course and steps in evaluation, including its method and technology to compose the marks, as well as the mesuring model. The process model is delivered in the third part.


