【作者】 周晴;
【导师】 杜贵晨;
【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士
【摘要】 李百川著《绿野仙踪》一百回,成书于清乾隆二十七年(1762)。虽然这部书与它的作者李百川一样,至今名声不高,但是,为此书作序的同时代学者陶家鹤曾把它与《水浒传》、《金瓶梅》并称为“谎到家之文字”的“大山水”、“大奇书”(陶家鹤《绿野仙踪·序》,以下或简称“陶序”),近世著名文学史家郑振铎先生把它与《红楼梦》、《儒林外史》并列为清中叶三大小说,给予了较高评价。然而,此书问世200余年以来,特别是近世文学研究兴盛,除少数文学史、小说史略有论及以外,研究论文不过40余篇,未见有专著出版。这种研究与关注度几近冷淡的情况,与它作为一部近70万字的大书本身的文学价值很不相称,应该有更大的开拓与深化。因此,本文拟在前人与时贤研究的基础上,力求作全面深入的考证与论述。全文除《绪论》外,共分七章。《绪论》对“本文选题的意义”、“本题研究的历史和现状”及“本文研究的内容和方法”作了介绍,就《绿野仙踪》曾备受推崇,但一向研究较少的情况,提出本文选题的意义。对百余年来《绿野仙踪》研究的历史与现状进行了系统的梳理,说明已经取得的成就与存在的不足,进而提出本文研究的内容及方法。第一章《〈绿野仙踪〉的作者与创作》,包括“作者考论”与“成书与流传”两节内容。“作者考论”考证李百川籍贯,述论李百川生平,辩驳“江南人”、“山西人”等说之非;肯定李百川“山东人”说,在郑振铎先生首倡的基础上,以更多新的证据加强了李百川“山东泰安人”说的结论。从李调元诗集中发现诗题称“家丞李百川(源)”者,疑为此书作者。“成书与流传”探讨《绿野仙踪》成书过程及其至今流传的状况,统计其各种流行版本将近百种之多。第二章《〈绿野仙踪〉版本考论》,包括“版本述考”、“关于刻本的若干问题”、“抄本与刻本优劣论”三节内容。“版本述考”综述存世《绿野仙踪》清代各抄本与刻本状况,介绍新发现的民国初年印行刻本系统的《改良绘图绿野仙踪》;“关于刻本的若干问题”对两种版本系统作比勘与评价,认为刻本不是简本,而是改写本,改定者不是李百川,当另有其人。发现北京师范大学、北京大学图书馆分别藏有巾箱本《绿野仙踪》残本,或即胡士莹所称“乾隆巾箱本”;通过对诸刻本的比勘,发现道光十年本错讹最多,当不是最早的刻本。“抄本与刻本优劣论”通对抄本与刻本文本比勘与分析,认为刻本虽有某些优长,但总体上不如抄本,即抄本优于刻本。第三章《〈绿野仙踪〉的主旨与内涵》,包括“主旨考索”、“内涵述论”两节内容。“主旨考索”认为,是书以学道修仙为主旨,以入世修行,渡人救世为成仙必由之路,因而能够比一般仙传小说更加自觉大量地描写和反映现实,有充实的现实生活内容,强烈的现实政治与思想文化倾向。从而虽然全书命意虽是因“绿野”而写“仙踪”,但客观上做到的却是托“仙踪”以写“绿野”,增加了它写现实生活内容的价值。李百川创作《绿野仙踪》有着强烈的反映并干预生活的用心。“内涵述论”认为,是书用小说的形式对现实生活进行反思与评判,以尽其人生在世的责任。这是在特定历史条件下形成的作者具有明显个性化的创作意图。主人公冷于冰驰骋于绿野上的诸类干预现实的善举,则映射出作者思想深处隐藏的东西,对现实的描写,或褒或贬,无不洋溢着作者救民于水火的儒家情怀。第四章《〈绿野仙踪〉之“仙踪”论》,包括“火龙真人”、“修仙者”、“成仙之路”三部分四节内容。本章据“文学是人学”,以人物为中心,考论火龙真人是全书写“仙踪”的总教主与提线人,冷于冰是全书中心人物与中心线索,依次论述冷于冰等七位修仙者的形象。这些人物形象内涵丰富与复杂性,在为本书修仙宗旨服务的同时,也是不同层面或侧面人性的真实显现,对人生有一定启发意义。第五章《〈绿野仙踪〉之“绿野”论》,包括“官场”、“儒林”、“市井”、“女性”四节内容。本章承上章以人物为中心展开论述,认为《绿野仙踪》为主人公冷于冰学道修仙设置了广阔的“绿野”,塑造了官场、儒林、市井、女性等形形色色的人物典型,通过对各类人物形象的论析,认为此书较为全面深入地反映并针砭了明清社会的现实,如其写官场部分胜似后来的《官场现形记》,写市井可追比《金瓶梅》等,蕴含有丰富的社会价值及意义。第六章《〈绿野仙踪〉的叙事策略》,包括“叙事框架”、“情节模式”、“略论‘后幅’”三节内容。“叙事框架”认为,《绿野仙踪》的叙事框架乃至更多人物组的设置暗用“一”与“六”之数理,题材内容大致神魔、世情、历史“三大题材”,纵横交织。“情节模式”认为,是书多以“三极建构”、“三复情节”构造故事,前后呼应,有序推进,构成堪称严密的叙事体系。“略论‘后幅’”认为,是书结末一扫传统章回小说“后幅”不振之弊,而“愈出愈奇”,最为成功,在古代长篇小说中为罕见。第七章《〈绿野仙踪〉的文学承衍》,包括“《绿野仙踪》与‘四大奇书’”、“《绿野仙踪》与前代其它文学”、“《绿野仙踪》与美国童话‘The Wizard of Oz’”三节内容。“《绿野仙踪》与‘四大奇书’”讨论了是书在题材、主旨与叙事方式等方面对“四大奇书”的模仿与借鉴;“《绿野仙踪》与前代其它文学”考论是书某些故事本事,对前代其它文学承袭而又有所超越与发展,具有创新的性质与意义;“《绿野仙踪》与美国童话‘The Wizard of Oz’”认为,美国弗兰克“The Wizard of Oz”汉泽为《绿野仙踪》并广为中国读者所接受,说明二者有某些共通之处。结语:《绿野仙踪》是一部有独特内容与风格的不可忽视的长篇小说,它在清代乾隆年间与《儒林外史》、《红楼梦》、《歧路灯》几乎同时成书,某些方面成就也可以比肩,因此可与其它三部书并称为“乾隆四大小说”。但它在思想与艺术方面的缺陷也是明显的。
【Abstract】 One-hundred-chapter book“The Wizard of Oz”written by Li Baichuan was finished in Qing Qianlong Twenty-seven years (1762). Although this book’s reputation until now it is not high just the same with its author Li Baichuan , Tao Jiahe who wrote preface for this book at the same time once regarded it with“The Water Magin”,“The Golden Lotus”as“great scenery”and“wonderful works”(Tao’s foreword). Modern times renowned literature historian Mr. Zheng Zhenduo assessed it highly and juxtaposed it with“Dream of the Red Chamber”,“The Scholars”the middle period three great novels.However there has not been one book published but over 40 research paper since it was written more than 200 years ago in China’s mainland. With the prosperous of modern times literature research only minority history of literature and history of novel have concerned it. This is not very symmetric with its literary value as a book of over 600 thousand words. The research work should be development deeply. This article plans to make a more comprehensive research and analyze upon the research foundation of predecessor and the eminent scholars.The full text besides“Introduction”, is divided seven chapters.“Introduction”discussed“the topic selecting significance”,“the studying history and the present situation of this article”and“the content and method”. It combed by the numbers the history and present study situation in the century, pointed out the achievement and insufficiency in its study, and this article put forword its study content and method according to the insufficiency.Chapter 1“The Author And Creation of The Wizard of Oz”, it includes“the textual research and analysis to the author”and“the process of writing”. The first part is to research the author’s ancestral home, discourse all his life,refute both of the“Jiangnan”and“Shanxi”standpoints, agree with Zheng Zhenduo’s viewpoint which thought Li Baichuan might be from Taian, Shandong, and provide new evidence for it. The second part is to discusse the writing process and spread of "The Wizard of Oz" , and count its all kinds of edition until now which are nearly one hundred times.Chapter 2“The Textual Research And Analysis of The Edition”, it includes“states and research of the edition”,“study on the block-printed edition”,“the discussing between the handwritten copy and block-printed edition”three contents. The first part summarizes the edition situation of“The Wizard of Oz”in Qing Dynasty. It also introduces a new discovered kind of copy named“The Wizard of Oz With Undefiled Cut And Pictrues Printed in Ealry Years of the Republic of China”. According to the comparative studies the second part draws the conclusion: the block-printed book was the revise book and not the simple one.The revise author was not Li Baichuan, but some one else. In the extant three kinds of block-printed books, the edition of Daoguang decade had the most errors, maybe it was not the earliest block-printed book. The third part draws a conclusion :the handwritten copy was superior to the block-printed book as a whole.Chapter 3“Major Idea And Connotation”, it includes“textual researching of the major idea”and“stating of connotation”two contents. The first part shows us“The Wizard of Oz”regarded learning Taoism as its major idea, casting his bread upon the waters was the only way to be a immortal being. So it described and reflected the reality consciously with enrich real life content and intense political and cultural breath, which increased its value. Li Baichuan had the strong aim of reflecting and interfering life by his works“The Wizard of Oz”.“The connotation states theory”believed that it was the book which carried on the introspection and judgment with the novel form to the real life. This also showed the author’s responsibility and creation intention of the specific historic condition. Leading character Leng Yubing’s helpful interposing in reality reflected the author’s Confucianist mood of caring for and helping the common people.Chapter 4“The Textual Research And Analysis of‘Immortal Trace’”. It includs“Taoist Huolong”,“the persons who were cultivating virtue in order to become an immortal”,“the way to an immortal”three parts of four contents. This chapter according to“the literature is the human study”, takes the character as the center, tests and discusses Taoist Huolong was the the chief founder and archbishop of entire writing“the immortal trace”. Leng Yubing was the key player and the central clue in this book. And then Talks about Leng Yubing and so on seven characters in turn. These characters had abundant and complicated connotation. They not only serviced for the book’s major idea but also were the real appearance of different stratification or the side human nature and had the certain inspiration significance to the life.Chapter 5“The Textual Research And Analysis of‘Green Wild’”. It includs“offical circles”,“scholars’circle”,“ordinary townsfolk”,“female”four contents. This chapter also takes the characters as the center just like Chapeter 4. It concludes that "The Wizard of Oz" gave leading character Leng Yubing wide green wild for his cultivating virtue in order to become an immortal. The novel molded all kinds of figure such as the offical circles, scholars’circle, ordinary townsfolk and female. They reflected thoroughly and comprehensively the Ming and Qing Dynasties social reality, such as the writing of offical circles surpassed "Exposure of the Offical World", the writing of ordinary townsfolk was almost as excellent as "The Golden Lotus", it had rich social value and significance.Chapter 6“Narrative Strategy”. It includes“the narrative frame”,“the plot pattern”,“briefly discusses on‘the half part’”three contents.“The narrative frame”believed its frame and even the more character group’s establishment used“one”and“six”figure. It included god evil spirit, the worldly affairs, the history three parts vertically and horizontally interweaving.“The plot pattern”believed that its“three constructs”,“three duplicate plots”extremely structured stories were the strict narrative system.“Briefly discusses on‘the last half part’”believed that the last half part was guite better than those of the traditional traditional novels. It dispirited their shortcoming but“left it more wonderful”. This was the most successful among the ancient Chinese novels.Chapter 7“Literature Succession”. It includes“‘The Wizard of Oz’and‘four big wonderful books’”,“‘The Wizard of Oz’and other previousgeneration literatures”,“The Wizard of Oz’and American Frank’s novel of the same name”three contents. The first part discussed this novel’s same characteristic with“four big wonderful books”in structure ,theme and so on. The second part tests its certain stories’origin, its development and innovation. The last part founds Frank’s“The Wizard of Oz" was translated to the same name with Li Baichuan’s novel, this showed that they had some similarity. And this also reflected Li Baichuan’s novel had unique influence to the American literature.Conclusion:“The Wizard of Oz”was a noticeable novel with the unique content and style. it was finished at almost the same time in Qianlong years Qing Dynasty with“The Scholars”,“Dream of the Red Chamber”,“Branch road Lamp”. They had certain aspect achievement, therefore it might be called with the other three novels“the four great works in Qianlong”.