

Entered the Literature Game World

【作者】 管冠生

【导师】 魏建;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 迄今,国内出版了大量的作家全集、年谱、编年史、资料汇编等,但还未见一本真正在文学考古挖掘的基础上对某一年的文学进行研究的学术著作。本文要用自己的努力来填补这项研究空白。通过查阅1933年前后的各类出版物200余种,本文发现了一个与现有的文学记忆或文学史叙述不同的文学世界。它充斥着各种各样的文学游戏。创作某部作品,出版或发表之,使之进入流通领域,得读者阅读,从而获得某种利益,这就是典型而完整的文学游戏。本文把文学游戏定义为“文学游戏参与者运用各类资本投资获益的行为”。换言之,无论所谓的大报小报、重要杂志或一般刊物都是文学游戏发生的重要空间(实质是文学游戏参与者可以利用的重要资本);无论是文学史上有名的大作家,还是被遗忘的无名作家,只要他创作发表作品,他就参与了文学游戏,就是要用自己掌握的资本来追求某种利益。因此,文学游戏不再是作家作品、文学流派、文学社团、文学思潮等常规性的研究单位,也不再是文学研究要研究的诸如现代性、启蒙、文学史分期等问题。即,本文要研究的不再是文学游戏的某个环节或某种产品,而是文学游戏的过程。这是一个全新的研究对象,需要新的目光与心智,需要新的理论话语。这里特别强调:我要研究的“文学游戏”不是把文学视为消遣和娱乐的游戏。研究文学游戏将带来如下的认识和方法上的突破:(1)从根本上不再关注作品这一文学游戏的终端,而是关注文学游戏发生时的核心问题——利益,把利益问题引入文学研究领域;(2)“作家”不再被视为抽象的同质的存在,不再被视为纯粹创造精神价值的形而上主体,而是具体化、肉身化为一个个文学游戏的参与者,一个个具有各种各样利益打算的人。文学乃从源头上真正成为了“人学”(如果我们认为作者是文学游戏的发动者,是作品的源头);(3)只有研究文学游戏这个过程,才能釜底抽薪地揭示文学话语体制中无处不在的排斥与压抑的权力结构,即神圣化的话语建构;(4)研究文学游戏可以更正确、更全面地理解文学与政治的关系,用经济学的思维方式取代政治学的束缚;(5)研究文学游戏,可以把创作投资、作品本身、评论阐释作为动态相关的系统过程,揭示其间种种的利益关联,破除本质主义和普遍主义的认识误区;(6)大胆引入经济学的某些术语,借鉴经济学的思维方式,不但契合文学游戏之本性,更有助于更新和拓展文学理论话语;(7)研究文学游戏为文学史提供了一个新的研究对象,一种新的可能性。每一次文学史观念的更新都是在尽力扩展文学史研究对象的范围与数量,以致无所不包。这样,如何界定研究对象可同一研究的起点就成为急待解决的问题。文学游戏形式上千差万别却都是对利益的诉求,可以成为一个理想的研究对象。并且,只有对文学游戏的研究才能提供文学史真实的原生态面貌,只有文学游戏的研究才能反观文学史的写作实践亦是一种文学游戏,亦是出于某种利益的追求。本文第一章是对“文学游戏是文学游戏参与者运用各类资本投资获益的行为”定义的详细阐释。首先,本文借用布尔迪厄的资本概念,认为任何资源,凡是可以作为一种权力的社会关系来发挥作用,都可能成为资本。文学游戏参与者可运用的资本类型中最重要的是文学资本,指游戏参与者积累起来的各种书写资源和书写能力;传媒资本、政治资本、人际关系资本等也是参与者可以充分利用的投资资本。其次,本文认为利益绝不是单指经济利益,而是“人们能满足自身需要的物质财富和精神财富之和,以及其他需要的满足”。文学游戏可以追求到的利益包括经济利益和各种形式的象征性利益。再次,文学游戏参与者进行资本投资的方式也是多种多样,如创办刊物、组织社团、举办文学沙龙或文艺茶话会等。本文着力研究其中最重要、最根本的创作投资,即文学游戏参与者创作发表作品以获利的行为。既然对文学游戏做了比较详细的界说,那么接下来的问题就应该是确认这种行为发生的频率,即文学游戏呈现了怎样的存在状况。本文第二章首先抽样描述了1933年这一时间段内文学游戏的发生状况,突出表现为1933年的文学游戏充斥着各种各样的论争。参与者会根据自己所占据的位置、所掌握资本的数量与质量、所追求的利益而进行创作投资,从而使得游戏的声音复杂而繁复,呈现出自由与无边的特性。接下来就要回答在通常认为国民党的独裁统治下如何会有文学游戏的自由。本文认为文学游戏的参与者所追求的自由并不是伯林意义上的“积极自由”,而是现实“有多少个门向我敞开”的“消极自由”。对文学投资者来说,这类自由的机会和可能性是丰富地存在着并敞开着,表现在:(1)南京政府的政治体制不是自上而下的一体化,以致书报审查权限不清;(2)租界和治外法权的存在造成了一个特异性的生存空间;(3)从事书报检查人员的素质和能力有限,无法有效地完成书报审查的职责;(4)组织社团、出版刊物的门槛相对较低。只要有了运作资本,就可以出版刊物,投资获益。最重要的是自由意志根植于知识分子并未被驯化的肉体之中,并借助于上述种种客观的罅隙与机会共同培育了文学游戏的自由性。通过以上论述,本文认为不应该从政治学而应该从经济学的意义上来理解这种自由性。现代文学市场上没有话语霸权,只有话语竞争,为了自己方面的利益而跟别人争胜。在第一章,本文认为文学游戏可以追求到的利益包括经济利益和各种形式的象征性利益。通过进一步的观察,本文发现经济利益虽是文学游戏获利之一,却是文学游戏的禁忌。这也就意味着文学游戏追求的是最大化的象征性利益,尤其是政治利益和艺术利益。换言之,通过否定经济利益这种琐屑之物,文学游戏完成了自身的神圣化话语建构。实际上,文学游戏时刻在举行着自身的神圣化的话语建构。神圣化的话语建构常表现为通过否定他者而肯定自身的价值,且以“自然”的名义来举行。每一次神圣化都自命是在维护文学市场的纯洁与健康,解放并提高文学的生产力。在此,本文论述了文学游戏的权力结构形式:神圣化本身被构筑为文学游戏的意识之物,而商业化等琐屑之物则成为文学投资的潜意识。潜意识之物被压抑,而意识之物则愈加强化和巩固自己的形象与地位。戴望舒出版《苏俄诗坛逸话》一事即典型地证明了这一点。但是,从另一方面来说,文学游戏的压抑性结构却也凸显了被压抑之物的重要性。那些所谓的琐屑之物其实正是文学游戏发生时的重要构成,影响甚至决定着文学游戏的形态与走向。如朱湘突然自杀、《戏》杂志的停办等,直接是由于琐屑之物而造成了历史的空白。同样,本文第四章揭示了文学游戏参与者之间存在着结构性的不平等。我们通常只关注作家本身文学资本所表现出的差异,而忽视了在占有与利用刊物资源上的不平等。这种可利用资源的多寡优劣对文学游戏参与者、文学游戏秩序产生了重要影响。首先,参与者被区分为最基本的两类:“老作家”与“文学青年”。“老作家”意味着占有更多的资源、拥有更多的发表机会,作品便能够出产得更多。鲁迅1933年日记中多次提及的“文债”便典型地表明了这样一种不对称的供需关系。换言之,占有传媒资本的多寡优劣是所谓作家创造力的决定性因素之一。而人们经常掩盖这种客观的失衡状态,把资源占有与利用的不平等嫁接成为作家自身的问题(如才能低下,创作欲望不高),把占有刊物资源的多少转化成为作家本身文学细胞的多少,以强化人们对文学游戏现状的认同和对游戏秩序的遵守。因而,在此种情况下,文学青年要成名、要被承认就是一个曲折而艰难的过程。得到老作家的鼓励与提携、掌握一定的高质量的传媒资本都是非常重要的。这可以坚定他们对文学游戏投资的信仰,强化对文学游戏的认同感、归属感和使命感。至此,本文得出结论:“作家”这个称谓本身是斗争与博弈的对象和结果,“作家”符号并不是凭空赋予的,而是一场可利用资源的争夺与占用。对文学游戏参与者的考察与分析有助于正确看待创作主体的神秘化。但,资源占有上的这种结构性不平等将在文学游戏中继续存在着、并将继续被掩饰着。既然文学游戏是要投资获利,那么在创作投资过程中投资者是如何进行利益算计,或者说利益算计是如何凝结于叙事、影响叙事的呢?叙事投资是否是完全贯彻了创作者的算计意图呢?产品的利益量到底由谁来决定呢?这是本文第五章探讨的主要论题。首先讨论的是投资者通过各类文学理论书籍和总结创作经验的文章对创作投资所达成的三个基本认识,它们为利益算计指出了大致的方向与总体的目标。分别是:(1)创作投资为目光所统治,不同的目光显示出了不同的旨趣与利益诉求;创作投资被目光所统治就意味着(2)描写成为主要的创作手法,这是一门综合运用目光的复杂技术;(3)用小的成本获取大的利益,即创作投资要“经济”。在具体的叙事投资中,每个投资者对利益的预期不同,算计的形式也千差万别。本章接下来探讨了理性化算计与恋爱化算计两种主要的算计形式。(1)“革命+恋爱”是最常见的一个理性算计的公式,其实质是为困苦重重的现实寻找或设计、指示某种“出路”。如王统照创作《山雨》即是通过文学叙事来寻找农村崩溃的原因,对社会进行分析,指示出路;对大海的描写不同于沈从文与杜衡,灌注了投资者的利益算计,象征着不息的革命力量。众多有理性算计倾向的投资者,并不主张直接的利益指示,而是进行有力的艺术的暗示。如沙汀1933年创作发表的小说常以弱者为意识中心,让事实与真相在无权无势的小人物的目光里展开,更富有艺术感染力。(2)恋爱化的利益算计相对于理性化的利益算计而言,指创作投资展呈的是原生态的客观或人事之“本能”,拒绝对“出路”作僵硬的思考与指示。在此重点分析了表现“本能”的杜衡、施蛰存、沈从文以及吴组缃的作品。本文同时还指出:作品虽然是由作者投资完成的,但作品的利益量并不是由作者一人决定的,其价格是由作者、作品、评论者三方讨价还价达成的。本文进一步的分析则破除了评论与阐释的学理化神圣外衣,认为评论同样是一个利益算计的过程,而不是象人们通常认为的那样是公正地按照所谓的学理来评价一部作品。阐释者在不同的场合、面对不同的对话者选择与自己的利益追求相近的部分而做出各不相同的评论。通过瞿秋白、李焰生、鲁迅对《子夜》以及闻一多、茅盾、梁实秋对《烙印》的诸种不同评价的细致分析,本文证明了评论作为算计主要是确保评论者本人的象征性收益。本文从而提出了对文学经典的新的认识:那些优秀的作品总是具有多种的可能性和阐释空间,可以唤起、经受并容纳各种的利益算计。文学经典就是在各种各样的不断的利益算计中诞生并成长的。综上所述,文学游戏研究为我们展呈了这样一幅文学面貌:琐碎而杂乱,散布着投资下注的自由;“追名逐利”,充斥着为自己争名或正名的冲动,每个投资者都会根据自己占据的位置进行投资、发出自己的声音、巩固或强化自己的独特形象;没有主流、没有主潮,完全不是文学史叙述所呈现的那种清晰和清楚,它的清晰与清楚只是表现在所有文学投资都围绕着利益驱动这个根本的问题;充满了人事的变动、组合与调整,实质是各类型资本在不同利益诉求下的整合。同时,它又展呈了另外一面的风景:充斥着各种各样结构性不平等的权力,如大事件对小事件、重要问题对细小问题、有名作家对无名作家的压抑与遗弃;创作投资的特殊性之一在于对琐屑之事的健忘性,从而完成对自身的神圣化话语建构、对最大化利益的孜孜追求;文学游戏对利益的算计是象征性的而不是现实性的。对文学游戏利益算计的考察与分析,使我们认识到了晚清以来中国文学投资存在着两个普遍的不足:一是过于理性的算计导致了主题先行等投资误区;二是不重积累往往失去了深厚的底蕴。这是文学游戏参与者要引以为戒的。为了使本文的观点与论述有比较强的说服力,本文在行文过程中举列了大量例证。虽如是,在一遍遍的修改过程中,本文自觉尚有许多事项值得继续研究与完善,比如各类资本是如何融入叙事投资之中的,投资方式多样性研究尚不深入,语言货币在创作投资与利益算计中的作用尚未得到充分而明确的认识,等等。恳请诸位专家不吝指教。可以说,本文颠倒了一般论文的做法。这种做法往往借鉴一个理论框架,充实以中国文学的内容,使理论具体化,在此过程中或对之做某些补充与修订。本文则是在共时性文学考古基础上发现了新的研究对象并进行新的理论话语建构的尝试。如此的颠倒,对推动文学研究深入自主的开展定会有所助益。文学考古和文学游戏的研究将持续下去。

【Abstract】 At present, there still no one academic works based on the archaeological excavations and detailed study . By reading a large number of journals, I found a different literature world that full of a wide variety of literature games. What this article studies is the literature games. In other words, regardless of the so-called full-sized newspaper tabloid, the important magazine or the common publication are the important spaces which the literature game occurs; Regardless of being in the history of literature the famous big writer, the nameless writer who forgets, so long as he creates the publication work, he participated in the literature game, is must the capital which grasps with oneself pursue some benefit。The first chapter analysisd the literature game’s concept in detail. The literature game means the participant utilizes each kind of capital to obtain the benefits. The most important capital is the literature capital. It is participant’s each kind of investment resources and the investment ability. The literature game pursues benefit including economic interest and multiform symbolic benefit.The literature investment has many kinds of ways. The creation investment is most important.This article thought that the literature game occured freely in 1933. The participants can carry on the creation investment according to the position which one occupy, the capital quantity and the quality which one grasp and benefit which one pursue. To the literature investor, the free opportunity and the possibility exists richly.We should understand this kind of freedom from the economic significance. This means that the literature investment is more serves for the reader from economic significance , but less serves for the people from politics significance.The economic interest is the literature game’s taboo. What the literature game pursues is the maximized benefit. Its essence is the sanctifying of literature Games. The sanctifying performance for through denies others to affirm own value, and holds by the name“nature”. Each sanctifying from thought that is in the maintenance literature market chastity and healthy, liberates and enhances the literature the productive forces. The sacred literature of the game means trivial things such as the commercialization of repression and abandon. Sanctifying is in itself constructed thing which of the consciousness invests for the literature game, but the commercialization as well as other all trivial matters become the literature investment subconscious. Thing of the subconscious is constrained, but thing of the consciousness even more strengthens and consolidates own image and the status. This article has proven this viewpoint through Dai Wangshu publisheing "Soviet Russian Poetic world Anecdote" the game event. From the other hand, the literature game’s suppressive structure had demonstrated the importance of those constrained things. These trivial thing are the important constitution of literature games .They were affecting the literature game’s shape and the trend. For example, Zhu Xiang commits suicide suddenly, or some publication closes down and so on, was mostly“the trivial matter”has created the historical blank.The fourth Chapter promulgated the game’s structural inequalities between the literature game’s participants. We always know and take difference of the writer’s literature ability, but has neglected the important significance of holding the media capital. The participants were divided into young and old writers. The title "Writer" itself is the object of struggle and results. It is a tortuous and difficult process for youth to become famous and be recognized as a writer.It is very important for youth to obtains veteran writer’s encouragement with and to grasp certain media capital. This may strengthen them the belief which invests to the literature game, strengthens to the literature game’s sympathy, the sense of belonging and the sense of mission. Veteran writer such as Lu Xun, Mao Dun such hold more resources and have more publication opportunities, then they can produce many works. Lu Xun’s Diary of 1933 mentioned“the article debt”then typically to indicate this kind asymmetrical supply and demand relations many times. Further analysis shows that people often cover up this objective imbalances and structural inequalities of resources to a writer’s own problems (such as lower creating ability and the desire is not high).It is order to enhance people’s identity and status of literature on the game and to comply with the game. In other words, how much holds the capital is one of so-called writer creativity’s determining factors.To study participants in the literature game contribute to correct the view of the mystery of creation of investment. However, the possession of such structural inequalitie resources in the literature continue to exist in the game, and will continue to be veiled.Since the literature game is to invest to pursue benefit, then how the investor carries on the benefit in the creation investment process to plan or the benefit to plan is how to affect narrative? This is the main topics of the sixth chapter. Through all kinds of books on literary theory and articles to introduce writing experience, this chapter first discusses three basic understanding of their investing calculations. These are: (1) Writing investment is dominated by eyes, different eyes showed different tendencies and interests purport. Writing investment is dominated by vision means (2) described as a major writing style, which is a comprehensive complexity of using vision technology; (3) with the smallest cost to obtain more profits.The three basic understanding of their investing calculations has pointed out the approximate direction and the overall goal.Investment in specific narrative, each maximizing the interests of investors with different expectations and interests also vary in the form of calculation. It can mainly be divided into rational calculation and the Love calculation. "Revolution+ Love " is the most common formula for a rational calculation,.Its essence is to seek for or design for the poverty-stricken reality and to instruct some kind“the outlet”. Wang Tongzhao’s "Mountain Rain", Mao Dun’s Historical Novel have shown a strong revolutionary rational calculation; performance of "instinct" of Du Heng and Shen Congwen and Wu Zuxiang novels published this year, three people’s narrative deliberately to appeal the calculation of literature.Comment is also a benefit calculation process. It is not according to the so-called scientific fairly theory to appraise a work such as the people usually thinks.In the different occasions or in the face of different interlocutors, explainers will choose to pursue their own interests.Through explaining "Midnight" by Qu Qiubai, Li YanshengandLu Xun, this article had proven the commentary achievement mainly guarantees the elucidator symbolic income. These outstanding works always have many kinds of possibilities of the explanation space.It may arouse, undergo and hold each kind of planning. The literature classics are in various unceasing calculations.In summary, this article thought the literature game demonstrates a trivial and disorderly literature world, spreading the freedom of investing. This world“seeks fame and fortune”, flooding of struggling the name or the rectifying names impulsion for oneself. The participants can carry on the creation investment according to the position which one occupy, the capital quantity and the quality which one grasp and benefit which one pursue. This world also does not have the mainstream and the main trend.It is not completely that kind which the history of literature narration presents is clear and is clear, it clear and clear is only displays in all literature investment revolves the benefit to actuate this basic question. The world is also full of changes in personnel, combined with the adjustment (in essence, the integration of various types of capital). On the same time, it shows the other side of the picture。It filled with a variety of structural inequalities of power, such as large events to small events, important issues on small issues, well-known writer on the unnamed writer of depression and abandonment. The special writing investment is on the trivial things of forgetfulness, thereby to complete construction of its own sacred, the assiduous pursuit of maximizing the benefits. Literary game of the interest calculation is symbolic rather than practical in nature.Studying of literature and analysis of the game makes us understand that investment in Chinese literature since the late Qing there are two common shortcomings: One is the rational calculation theme has led to misunderstandings; Second, has forgotten the study literature inheritance .This is a literary game participants to learn a lesson.The literature game’s research has the following inspirational significance: (1)The literature of archaeological research is the fundamental work of literature study. It should be practicing a kind of literary way of life, a fundamental existence, the inspiration for research and innovation source. (2) a more distant reference and research across disciplines will promote the literature of continuous innovative development. (3) developing a new perspective of literary history research. Every Literary History of the updates are in the endeavor to expand the scope of literary history and the number of subjects. Only literary game studies will provide the true history of literature of the original ecological landscape. The construction of literary history is also a literary game that is also an interest in pursuing.It can be said that this article inverted the common paper procedure. The common paper procedure often draw on a theoretical framework, enrich the content of Chinese literature。On the foundation of literature archaeology ,this article had discovered the new object of study and carries on the new theory words. This is helpful to the impetus literature research.


