

Study on the Socialist People’s Livelihood Construction with Chinese Characteristics

【作者】 王涛

【导师】 高继文;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 民生是人生存和发展的根本问题,不仅事关广大人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益,而且影响到整个国家改革发展的大局,是我们党和政府工作的重中之重。民生问题的解决是当前贯彻落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会面临的重大课题。本论文以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,按照科学发展观的要求,以广大人民群众的根本利益为立足点和出发点,运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,对中国特色社会主义民生建设进行探讨。由于民生问题涉及人类社会生活的方方面面,内容非常广泛,本论文由于篇幅所限,不可能面面俱到。笔者根据胡锦涛总书记提出的“学有所教,劳有所得,病有所医,老有所养、住有所居”的“五有”目标,把当前的主要民生问题概括为上学难、就业难、看病难、养老难、住房难等五个方面,并以解决这“五难”问题为着力点展开对中国特色社会主义民生建设的研究。全文除导论外,正文部分共分为五章。其逻辑结构和基本内容如下:第一章中国特色社会主义民生建设及其重要性。本章主要对民生、中国特色社会主义民生建设等相关概念进行了界定,并论述了中国特色社会主义民生建设的重要性。在充分吸收现有民生研究成果的基础上,结合本选题,笔者从人权的角度对民生进行了界定。从人权保障的角度,民生是广大人民群众的基本生存权和发展权得到有效保障的状况。民生是一种应然状态,即每一个人的基本生存权和发展权都应该得到有效保障。但现实中总会存在人的生存权和发展权不能得到有效保障的状况。民生问题是广大人民群众的生存权和发展权不能得到有效保障的状况。由于社会的发展是无止境的,新的民生需求会随着社会的发展不断产生,民生问题是一个伴随着人类生存和发展全过程的基本问题。当前,我国的民生问题主要表现为“上学难”、“就业难”、“看病难”、“养老难”、“住房难”等五个方面。民生问题解决得好坏事关社会的进步与发展。必须切实有效地解决民生问题,通过不断解决民生问题促进人类社会的进步与发展。中国特色社会主义民生建设可以概括为:以中国特色社会主义理论为指导,立足中国的基本国情,充分运用政策措施和法治保障,关注民生、保障民生、改善民生,使每一个的基本生存权和发展权得到保障的思想与实践活动。中国特色社会主义民生建设的重要性主要表现为:贯彻落实科学发展观的关键环节;巩固党执政地位的重要基础;促进社会和谐的有效途径;加强人权保障的必要条件。第二章中国特色社会主义民生建设的思想基础。本章主要包括四个部分:马克思恩格斯的民生思想,列宁的民生思想,孙中山的民生思想,毛泽东的民生思想。马克思、恩格斯的民生思想主要体现在对人的生存和发展的关注上,主要内容包括:以人的生存和发展为根本出发点;以改善无产阶级的生活状况为现实诉求;以实现每个人的全面而自由发展为最终目标。新经济政策的形成,是列宁将马克思主义的基本原理与俄国具体国情有机结合的结果。列宁的新经济政策蕴含着丰富的民生思想,主要包括:用粮食税代替余粮收集制;重视解决土地问题;发展商业和自由贸易;注重发展国家资本主义。孙中山一生,以“关怀民生”为念。实现民生是孙中山“三民主义”的最终归宿。孙中山民生思想的主要内容包括:平均地权;节制资本;振兴实业;发展教育。毛泽东领导全国各族人民,取得了新民主主义革命的胜利,确立了人民当家作主的国家制度,为彻底解决广大人民群众的民生问题创造了根本的政治前提;提出了“全心全意为人民服务”,为解决民生问题提供了思想保障;非常关注人民群众的基本生活问题。第三章中国特色社会主义民生建设的发展进程。中国特色社会主义民生建设的发展进程大体分为三个阶段。以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体对中国特色社会主义民生建设的开创:强调不断提高人民生活水平是社会主义优越性的根本体现;为民生建设提供了新的理论支持;把实现共同富裕作为民生建设的目标追求;“三步走”的发展战略是改善民生的切实步骤;采取了很多切实有效的民生建设措施。以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体对中国特色社会主义民生建设的丰富与发展:把不断提高人民生活水平作为党的一切工作的根本出发点;从“三个代表”重要思想的高度重视民生建设的重要性;发展和创新了人的全面发展理论;“新三步走”发展战略是新世纪民生建设的基本步骤;在民生政策取向、工作部署等方面提出了一系列新观点、新概括、新举措。以胡锦涛为总书记的新一代领导集体对中国特色社会主义民生建设的全面推进:把改善民生作为社会建设的重点内容;民生建设以科学发展观为根本指针;提出了“五有”民生建设目标;“为民”思想是改善民生的执政新理念;对推进中国特色社会主义民生建设进行了全面的部署。第四章当前我国存在的主要民生问题与原因。本章把当前我国存在的主要民生问题归结为上学难、就业难、看病难、养老难、住房难等五个方面。目前,我国民生问题日益凸显是由多种因素造成的,主要原因包括:人口数量过多且总体素质不高;生产力发展水平相对比较落后;城乡二元结构的影响;收入分配制度不完善;民主法治不健全;发展观存在偏差;社会保障制度不完善。第五章中国特色社会主义民生建设的推进方略。本章主要从立足中国经济社会发展实际、借鉴国外成功经验、促进全社会参与、加强以法治保障民生等四个方面论述了如何进一步推进民生建设。立足中国经济社会发展实际主要包括:坚持以人为本,促进经济又好又快发展;坚持科学发展,促进经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展;坚持和谐共享,统筹城乡、区域发展。借鉴外国有益经验主要包括:借鉴外国保障教育经费、促进教育公平的经验;借鉴外国加强就业服务的经验;借鉴外国强化医疗卫生保障的经验;借鉴外国全民基本养老保障的经验;借鉴外国住房保障制度化、法治化的经验。促进全社会共同参与主要包括:充分发挥政府在民生建设中的主导作用;充分发挥人民群众在民生建设中的主体作用;充分发挥非政府组织在民生建设中的辅助作用。加强民生的法治保障主要包括:民生的法治保障释义;民生法治保障的必要性;加强对民生的立法保障;加强对民生的执法保障;加强对民生的司法保障。

【Abstract】 The people’s livelihood is the fundamental issues that relate to the people’s survival and development. The people’s livelihood problems not only have something to do with the most concerned direct realistic interests of the people, but also influence general situation of reform and development of the whole country. It is the most important work of our party and government. This thesis studies the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics, guided by Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, in accordance with the requirements of the scientific concept of development.This thesis is divided into five parts in addition to introduction.Chapter I is about the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics and its importance. This chapter defined the people’s livelihood and the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics. Based on existing achievement of study on the people’s livelihood, I defined the people’s livelihood in point of view of human rights. In point of view of human rights, the people’s livelihood is the state that the people’s rights of basic survival and development are guaranteed effectively. Everyone’s rights of basic survival and development should be guaranteed effectively, but in fact there are many people whose rights of basic survival and development are not guaranteed effectively. The people s livelihood problem is the state that the people’s rights of basic survival and development are not guaranteed effectively. Because social development is endless, the new people’s livelihood problems will arise continuously. At present, the people’s livelihood problems in our country include difficulty to go to school, difficulty to obtain employment, difficulty to obtain Medicare, difficulty to obtain pension and difficulty to obtain housing and so on. To solve the people’s livelihood problems effectively will advance the progress and development of human society. The socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics is the thought and practice that in the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, according to the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Communist Party of China leads the Chinese people to guarantee and improve the people’s livelihood with a variety of policy and system measures. The importance of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics includes the following parts: it is the key to implementing the scientific concept of development; it is the important basis for the party’s ruling status; it is the effective way to promoting social harmony; it is the necessary condition for strengthening human rights.Chapter II is about the theoretical foundation of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics. The people s livelihood thought of Marx and Engels includes the following parts: the fundamental starting point is based on the people’s survival and development; the reality demand is to improve production and life condition of the proletariat; the ultimate goal is to achieve the all-round and free development of everyone. The people s livelihood thought of Lenin includes the following parts: he substituted food tax for surplus collection system; he attached great importance to the security of land for peasantry; he advocated the development of commercial and free trade for the people’s livelihood; he maintained the development of state capitalism to improve the people’s livelihood. Sun Yat-sen paid close attention to the people’s livelihood for his lifetime. The people’s livelihood thought of Sun Yat-sen includes the following parts: to average land ownership; to restraint capital from monopolization; to promote industry; to improve the development of education. The people’s livelihood thought of Mao Zedong includes the following parts: he provided the fundamental political premise for the solution of the people’s livelihood problems; he provided the ideological security for the solution of the people’s livelihood problems; he paid close attention to the people’s basic living problems.Chapter III is about the development process of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics. The development process includes three stages. First: the initiation of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics by the second generation of collective leadership with Deng Xiaoping as the core. The main contents of this stage include the following parts: the improvement of the people’s livelihood is the fundamental embodiment of the superiority of socialism; Deng Xiaoping theory provides the theoretical support for the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics; to achieve common prosperity is the goal of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics; so-called three-step development strategy is practical steps of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics. Second: the enrichment and development of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics by the third generation of collective leadership with Jiang Zemin as the core. The main contents of this stage include the following parts: the improvement of the people’s livelihood is the fundamental starting point of our party’s all work; the important thought of Three Represents provides the theoretical support for the enrichment and development of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics; so-called new three-step development strategy is practical steps of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics in new century. Third: the comprehensive promotion of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics by the new generation of collective leadership with Hu Jintao as the core. The main contents of this stage include the following parts: the improvement of the people’s livelihood is the important contents of social construction; the scientific concept of development provides the theoretical support for the comprehensive promotion of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics; the so-called WuYou goals is the clear objectives of the people’s livelihood construction; the so-called WeiMin thought is the new idea of the people’s livelihood construction.Chapter IV is about the main people’s livelihood problems and their main reasons of China at present. The main people’s livelihood problems include the following parts: the difficulties of obtaining necessary education; the difficulties of getting appropriate job; the difficulties of obtaining necessary medical treatment; the difficulties of acquiring a good old age life; the difficulties of obtaining essential housing. The main reasons of these problems include the following parts: our country is backward in productive forces relatively; the urban-rural dual structure has a negative impact on the people’s livelihood; the income distribution system is not perfect; the democracy and the rule of law are not perfect; the scientific concept of development is not implemented completely; the social security system is not perfect.Chapter V is about the forward strategy of the socialist people’s livelihood construction with Chinese characteristics. The forward strategy includes four parts. First: based on the reality of China’s economic and social development. The main contents of this part include the following parts: adhere to people-oriented and to promote the economic development well and fast; adhere to scientific development and to promote all-round development, coordinated development and sustainable development; adhere to harmony and share and to plan the urban-rural and regional development as a whole. Second: to use the useful experience of other countries for reference. The main contents of this part include the following parts: to use the experience of to guarantee educational equity of other countries; to use the experience of to strengthen the employment services of other countries; to use the experience of to strengthen the health insurance of other countries; to use the experience of to establish the old-age security for all the people of other countries; to use the experience of to strengthen the housing security of other countries. Third: to promote the whole society to participate in the people’s livelihood construction. The main contents of this part include the following parts: to bring the leading role of government into play perfectly; to bring the main role of the people into play perfectly; to bring the supporting role of NGOs play perfectly. Fourth: to promote to guarantee the people’s livelihood with the rule of law. The main contents of this part include the following parts: the interpretation of to guarantee the people’s livelihood with the rule of law; the necessity of to guarantee the people’s livelihood with the rule of law; to guarantee the people’s livelihood with the democratic and scientific legislation; to guarantee the people’s livelihood with the administration according to law; to guarantee the people’s livelihood with the just judicature.


