

Human-oriented Communism

【作者】 刘芳

【导师】 许庆朴;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文立足马克思的原作,注重从实质上、根本目的上研究共产主义,揭示马克思主义的本真精神,以更好地坚持和发展马克思主义。过去人们因为时代的需要和受历史条件的规约,注重从公有制、计划经济、按需分配等制度层面认识共产主义,往往忽视缺失了一个基本方面,那就是作为主体的根本目的的人。在马克思那里,如《共产党宣言》和《资本论》所预示的,共产主义就是“自由人的联合体”和“以每一个个人全面而自由发展为基本原则的社会形式”。这就是说,共产主义是实体、社会制度或形式,仍处于制度手段层面,自由人是共产主义社会的主体、共产主义的根本目的所在。因此研究共产主义,首要的应该从理论上对自由人予以重点说明。马克思不是凭空设想未来社会的人,而是从现实的个人出发,在分析资产阶级旧社会的人中揭示未来新社会的人的。现实的个人是在一定社会关系中进行生产的、活生生的个人。在当时社会背景下,现实的个人就是马克思所指的现实资本主义社会的人,他称之为异化的个人、偶然的个人。异化的个人相比之前的“自然的人”摆脱了对共同体的依赖,有了某种独立性,但受到自己创造物——商品、货币、资本等的残酷奴役和支配,失去了作为人的尊严。马克思对资本主义社会的异化现象予以道德的谴责,但同时认为“异化的人”是个人发展的一个阶段,只有经过对“异化的人”的扬弃,自由人才能历史生成。马克思把未来社会的理想人称为总体的人、完整的个人、真正个人、自由人,但都可归结为“自由人”。自由人是当时西欧学术界的一个较普遍用语,而马克思对自由人的理解非一般而言,他认为人成其为自由人首先是无产阶级获得解放,而同时要使人人获得解放,包括对资产者这个资本奴隶的解放,最终落脚到每一个个人都成其为人,获得人的尊严,这是马克思思想较之于基督教、人本主义和空想社会主义的独到之处,体现了马克思共产主义理想的现实崇高性;人成其为人还要落脚到人的全面而自由发展上,人的全面发展和自由发展是自由人的内涵和自身存在状态,其归宿是自由个性,自由的人、人的自由是马克思共产主义的落脚点和根本目的,这是马克思思想的价值真谛,体现了马克思共产主义理想的价值无限性和生命永久力。未来社会的人是自由人,但个人不能单独实现自由,必须在共同体中,依靠自由人联合体来实现。因此,在认识理解自由人的基础上,需要对自由人联合体进行分析。自由人联合体也就是未来共产主义社会,马克思也并非凭空设想,而是在批判资本主义旧世界中发现共产主义新世界的。在资本主义社会之前,个人从属于共同体,在那里,个人和社会都不会有自由而充分的发展;在资本主义社会,个人摆脱了对共同体的依附,获得个人的独立性,但又受到货币、资本这些抽象共同体的支配,而且国家等虚幻的共同体假借集体的名义剥夺大多数人自由发展的条件。以资本主义物的依赖阶段为历史前提,在未来社会将由自由人联合而成的共同体即自由人联合体代替过去限制个人自由发展的虚假共同体,成为真实的集体,为每个人自由发展提供条件。自由人联合体到底是怎样的,马克思也作了原则设想。这主要是社会个人所有制、有计划的社会生产、按劳分配和按需分配。其中,关于未来社会的所有制形式,马克思认为是实行共同所有和个人所有相统一的社会个人所有制,而不是人们通常认为的财产归公的公有制。对未来社会这些制度设计,马克思都是与实现个人的自由联系起来探讨的。人的自由是目的,社会个人所有制、计划生产、按劳分配和按需分配这些制度设计是手段,他们是用来保障个人自由的。通过以上对未来社会自由人和自由人联合体的分析,可以看出二者不可分割地统一在一起,自由人和自由人联合体是历史生成的和谐统一。马克思的共产主义就是这样以人的自由为根本价值理念、以一切人的自由为根本价值目标、以“自由人的联合体”为最高社会理想从而才能作为人的历史的真正开始的共产主义。也就是说,从实质、根本目的上讲,马克思的共产主义是以人为本的共产主义。在从理论上说清马克思的共产主义是以人为本的共产主义之后,还需进一步探讨以人为本的共产主义思想是怎样形成和发展的,它在马克思学说体系中具有怎样的地位,它具有什么样的价值和意义,以更完整准确地理解马克思的共产主义。在西方历史上,人本主义、空想社会主义以不同的方式追求人类的自由和解放,马克思继承了这一文化传统,在资本主义经济政治制度的确立既带来了生产力的巨大发展又践踏了人的尊严的历史条件下,继续探讨人类的解放,逐步形成了自己的共产主义思想。从欣赏黑格尔的理性国家,到主张民主制,到提出人类解放,马克思开始对未来社会进行探讨,虽然还没有接受共产主义这一概念,但目标是明确的即实现人的自由。在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,马克思通过对异化劳动这一经济事实的深入剖析,提出了自己的共产主义思想,表明自此之后他接受了“共产主义”概念,而且从一开始他的共产主义就是以实现人的本性的复归和人类解放的面目出现的。随着马克思对经济学研究的深入,他对以前的哲学信仰进行了清算,创立了唯物史观,使对共产主义的探讨建立在科学的基础上。在《德意志意识形态》中,马克思恩格斯揭示了共产主义是确保个人自由实现的真实共同体,以人为本的共产主义思想逐步形成。1848年欧洲革命前夕,马克思恩格斯联合发表了《共产党宣言》,他们运用唯物史观,深刻揭示了资本主义社会产生、发展直至灭亡的规律,指出代替资产阶级旧社会的将是一个自由人联合体,在那里,每个人的自由发展是一切人自由发展的条件。共产主义不仅要实现个人自由,而且要实现每一个个人的自由发展的共产主义核心理念被揭示出来,标志着马克思以人为本的共产主义思想的正式确立。之后的马克思继续深入研究现实资本主义社会和政治经济学,丰富和发展以人为本的共产主义思想。在《1857—1858年经济学手稿》中,马克思以个体自由为尺度揭示了人类由人的依赖性到物的依赖性到自由个性的发展规律;在《资本论》中,马克思以资本为杠杆揭示了现实社会向共产主义发展的趋势和条件;在《哥达纲领批判》中,马克思在批判中有了新发现,走进共产主义的制度设计。以人为本的共产主义思想贯穿马克思一生的理论和革命实践,成为马克思始终如一的奋斗目标。关于马克思的学说体系,列宁的三个组成部分说在传播和宣传马克思主义上曾起到了重要作用。但多年的理论宣传和学术研究将其教条化、凝固化,没有从整体上认识马克思主义。而实际上,马克思一生研究的主题就是共产主义何以可能、如何实现,以人为本的共产主义是其核心理念,其他理论都是围绕着它而展开的。唯物史观和无产阶级政治经济学是探寻以人为本共产主义的实现何以可能。唯物史观揭示了人类的物质生产活动及其实践能力是人类社会发展的最终动因,推动着人类社会从低级向高级发展,一直发展到以人的全面自由发展为基本原则的共产主义社会。而马克思哲学的伟大革命作用不仅在于解释世界,更重要的是改变世界。当历史关系和社会状况成熟时,要求现实的人使现实世界革命化,为人的解放开辟道路。无产阶级政治经济学则是马克思运用唯物史观深刻剖析资本主义生产方式取得的科学成果,其揭示的资本主义发展趋势预示了以人为本的共产主义的到来。唯物史观和无产阶级政治经济学从实质上是一致的,就是关于无产阶级和人类的自由和解放学。马克思是将人类的自由和解放放在经济关系之中、与人的最基本的生存联系在一起的。只有这样去思考,自由才能成为人的生存原则、成为目的本身,并具有现实可能性。这是马克思的哲学和经济学内在的共通的道理,也是马克思学说的独到之处。无产阶级革命和社会主义建设理论是探寻以人为本的共产主义如何实现即实现的现实道路问题。无产阶级负有解放全人类的历史使命,它通过自己的政党共产党发动和组织起来,进行无产阶级革命,夺取政权及利用政权进行经济政治文化建设,其终端目的都是为建立共产主义社会,最终实现人类的彻底解放和一切人自由而全面发展准备条件。可见,马克思一生学术研究的落脚点是实现以人为本的共产主义。马克思学说就是这样以以人为本的共产主义为核心理念,以无产阶级革命和社会主义建设为实现共产主义的现实道路和手段,以唯物史观和无产阶级政治经济学作为论证无产阶级和人类解放的理论基础和工具的一个学说整体。从以人为本的共产主义的价值和意义上论证和认识马克思的共产主义或许是一个更新的角度,更能理解马克思共产主义的价值和生命力。这主要体现在它的理论价值和实践意义两方面。在理论上,以人为本的共产主义有利于显现人尤其是个人在马克思学说中的基础地位,还原马克思主义的本真面目,科学地确定马克思学说在西方思想史和人类思想史中的地位。在实践上,以人为本的共产主义既为人们指明了为之奋斗的价值目标和政治方向,同时也为各国共产党人评判自己的作为提供了价值标准。苏联、东欧社会主义国家之所以发生剧变,从根本上讲是它长期缺失对人的关怀和尊重、权力过分集中的制度造成的,这与马克思所讲的“每一个个人的全面而自由发展”的基本原则不相符合。对中国而言,虽然在建国后在人的发展与社会发展的问题上也没有完全处理好,遭到了很大的挫折,但在改革开放以来努力打破传统僵化的体制和模式,确认人的主体性,不断解放和发展人,尊重人的根本利益,从而调动了人的积极性,取得了令世人瞩目的成就,而以人为本执政新理念的提出更是回归了马克思以人为本的共产主义。在全球化的时代背景下,历史要求我们的党和政府更加自觉地以马克思以人为本的共产主义为指导,推动中国特色社会主义建设。其主要是:利用资本大力发展生产力,但要始终坚持发展的目的是为了人本身的发展;凭借股份制“重新建立个人所有制”,为每个人全面自由发展提供经济保障;建设服务型政府更是为了最大限度地满足人民日益增长的物质文化需要,最大限度地增进人民的经济、政治、文化利益,最大限度地促进人的全面而自由发展。所有这一切,其最终目的是使每一个个人真正成为有尊严的自由人。

【Abstract】 Basing on the texts of Marx, the thesis studies the Communism from the angle of essence and the fundamental goal, that is to reveal the spirit of Marxism and uphold and develop Marxism better.In the past, the people understood the Communism mainly from the angle of social systems, such as public ownership, planned economy, the principle of to each according to his needs, etc. But on the other side, they neglected a fundamental aspect, which is man, as the subject and the fundamental goal. However, In the“Manifesto of the Communism Party”and“Das Kpatail”, Marx said the Communism should be a“Community of Free Individuals”and should be“a form of society in which the full and free development of every individual forms the ruling principle”. That is to say, the Communism is just an entity, just a social system or form, just a tool; it is the free man that is the subject and fundamental goal of Communism society. So it is the very important to explain the concept of“free man”from theory.Marx was not imagining the future society, but rather starting from the real individual. He revealed the people in the new future society through analyzing the old bourgeois society. The real individual is the living individual that produced in a social relations, of which the need is their nature. During the background of that society, the real individual is just the individual of real capitalist society, as Marx said, the alienation of the individual, occasional individual. Compared to the nature person, the alienation individual was free from the community, and gained some dependence, but on the other side, he fell into the cruel bondage and domination of his own creation-commodities currencies and capital and lost the Human dignity. While Marx gave the moral condemnation on the alienation of capitalist society, he thought that the alienation of individual is just a stage of people’s development, and only discard the alienation, can the free man realize his historical generation.Marx called the ideal person of the future society the general individual,the complete individual,the real individual and the free man. But they all can be summarized as“free man”.“Free man”was ever used often in the western European academic term at that time, while Marx’s understanding of the words was of non-general. Marx thought that the free men is the liberation as follows: the first must be the liberation of the proletariat, and then the liberation of every body, including the liberation of capitalist, who was the salve of the capital. The free is the free of every individual, and every individual gained the human dignity. This is the unique characteristic of Marx’s thought different from the Christian, humanism, utopian socialism, which embodied the lofty ideals of reality of the communism. If we want to know the words of free man, we must pay attention to the full, free and comprehensive development of the individual. That is because the full, free and comprehensive development of the individual is the content and existence of the free man, of which the fundamental goal is free individuality. The free man, liberty is the fundamental goal of Marx’s Communism, which is the true meaning of Marxist and reflected the permanent vitality of Marxism.The person in the future society is the free man, but the individual can’t realize the freedom by himself. If he wants to realize his freedom, he must rely on the community; rely on the community of freeman. So, on the recognition of the freeman, we need to analyze the concept of“community of free man”. The community of free man is just the future communism society. Instead of the dream without foundation, Marx found the new communism world by the critique of the old capitalism world. Before the capitalist society, individual was affiliated with the community, where individuals and society there will not be free and gain full development; In the capitalist society, while the individual got out of dependence on the community, gained the individual independence, he was dominated by the abstract community such as money, capital, etc. Also the unreal community such as nation and class deprived the free development condition of the majority of people in the name of the collective. On the historical premise of the stage of the“Personal independence founded on objective dependence”, in the future, the communities of free man will instead of the past false community that always limits the free development of individual, which will be a true collective and will provide conditions for free development of each individual.What really the free community is? Marx also made some imagination of principles. This is mainly“social individual system of ownership”,“a planned social production”, distribution according to work and according to his needs, among which Marx believed that the ownership of future society is just the“social individual system of ownership”, which is the unification of co-proprietorship and individual ownership. This ownership system is different from the public ownership as people generally believe. All the designation of the future society system was applied to the individual freedom. The freedom of the people is the end,“social individual system of ownership”, planned social productions, distribution according to work and according to his need were all measures, which were just protection of personal freedom.Through the above analysis of future“free man”and“the community of free man”, we can see that the two are inseparable and historic generation and harmony unity. Marx’s communism is the real communism of which human’s freedom as fundamental value idea, everyone’s freedom as fundamental value target,“community of free man”as the highest social ideas. That’s to say, Marx’communism is the Human-oriented Communism fundamentally.After explaining Marx’s communism is Human-Oriented Communism, we should discuss how the Human-Oriented Communism formed and developed, its position in the Marxism system and its meanings and importance in order to realize Marx’s Communism more completely and more accurately.In the western history, humanism, utopian socialism all pursuit the human freedom and liberation. Marx inherited this cultural tradition, continue to explore the liberation of mankind and gradually formed his own communist ideology, under the historical conditions that the establishment of the capitalist economic and political system had brought tremendous development of productive forces and trampled human dignity. From the appreciation of Hegel’s rational state, to advocate democracy, to make human emancipation, Marx began to discuss the future of society, although not yet accepted the concept of communism, but the target is clear that achieving human freedom. In the "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844", Marx put forward his own communist ideology, through the deep analysis on the fact of the alienation of labor and since then he accepted the "communism" concept. But from the beginning his realization of communism is to revert to human nature and human liberation. With in-depth study of Marxist economics, Marx liquidated the former philosophy of religion, and then created the historical materialism, which made the study of communism be based on a scientific basis. In the“German Ideology”, Marx and Engels revealed communism would be a true collective to ensure free development of each individual. This marked the preliminary formation of Human-Oriented Communism. On the eve of the 1848 European revolutions, Marx and Engels jointly issued the "Communist Manifesto", they used historical materialism, profoundly the law of capitalist society’s production, development to extinction and pointed out that“In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all”in the“Manifesto of the Communist Party”. Through it the communism core idea that the communism not only would realize the freedom, but also would realize the freedom of every individual was revealed. This marked the formal establishment of Human-Oriented Communism. After that, Marx continued to study the reality of capitalist society and political economy, enriched and developed Human-Oriented Communism. In the "Economic Manuscript of 1857-1858," Marx revealed the law of development of human society from the angle of individual freedom,that is ,the human’s development is a historical process from“Relations of personal dependence”to the“Personal independence founded on objective dependence”and then to the stage of“Free individuality; In "Das Kapital", Marx of revealed the real trend to communism and conditions by the capital as leverage; In the "Critique of Gotha Program", Marx found in critical in a new, more consciously into the design of the system of communism. The Human-Oriented Communism was throughout the whole communist ideology of Marxist theory and revolutionary practice of his life.As to Marx’s theory system, Lenin’s three components of Marxism on communication and advocacy has played an important role. But the years of propaganda theory and research made its dogmatic, solidified, and it resulted in no overall understanding of Marxism. In fact, the study of Marxism-life theme was just why the communism may be and how the communism would be realized. Human-Oriented Communism was the core of the communist idea, other theories are unfolded around it. Historical materialism and political economy of the proletariat is to explore how possible the realization of communism. Historical materialism reveals human activities of material production and practices capability is the ultimate of human motivation and social development, and promote the development of human society, from junior to senior, till the communism,“a higher form of society, in which the full and free development of every individual forms the ruling principle”The great revolution in the role of Marxist philosophy is not only to interpret the world, more importantly, to change the world. When the history relations and social conditions are ripe, the real person require to make real-world revolutionary, opening the way for human liberation. Political economy of Proletariat is the scientific results when Marx analyzed the capitalist mode of production, using the historical materialism, which revealed the trend of capitalist development, foreshadowed the coming of communism. Historical materialism and political economy of the proletariat in essence is the same. The two were both about the liberation of the proletariat and human..Marx connected the human’s freedom and liberation with the most basic human survival. Only thinking in this way, freedom becomes the principle of human existence, as an end in itself, and a real possibility. This was Marx’s philosophy and economics inherent common sense, which was also unique feature of Marxism.Theory of proletarian revolution and socialist construction is to explore how to achieve the realization of communism. The proletariat had a historical mission of liberating all the people, who was launched and organized by his party the Communist Party to carry out the proletarian revolution to seize political power and build the economic and political culture, of which the end goal was to establish a communist society, and liberate all the people and prepare condition for each individual’s freedom.Above all, we can see that the main line of Marx academic life is the Human-Oriented Communism in which the freeman and the community of freeman were united. Human-Oriented Communism was the core idea of Marxism .Marxism is such a theory in which Human-Oriented Communism was the core idea of the communist, proletarian revolution and socialist construction were the real roads and tools for the realization of communism, historical materialism and political economy of the proletariat were theory basic and tools for the demonstration of the proletariat and people’s liberation. Thus, Marxism was a whole.It may be an updated perspective to demonstrate and understand the communism of Marx from the angle of Human-Oriented Communism, which can help better understand the value and vitality of Marxist communism. This is mainly reflected in its theoretical and practical significance. In theory, the Human-Oriented Communism also highlighted the human, especially the individual’s basic position in the Marxism, which restored the true Marxist, helped to better define the Marxism proposition in the Western and Human Thought History. In practice, Human-Oriented Communism not only pointed out the value objectives and political direction, but also provided a value standard for Communist countries. Why the Soviet Union and East European socialist countries came to the drastic changes? Fundamentally speaking, it was long-term loss on the person’s care and respect, concentration of power created by the system; it was against Marx’s basic principle of "each individual’s full and free development". For China, although it met a big setback when dealing with human development and social development issues when it was founded. But after the reform and open-side, the traditional rigid structure and mode was broken, the recognition of people’s subjectivity was confirmed, constantly liberation and development of people was made, and people’s fundamental interests was respected, thus mobilizing the enthusiasm of people and made achievements that attracted worldwide attention, and the new people-oriented governance idea was a return to the Human-Oriented Communism of Marx. Against the background of globalization, the history requires the party and the government more consciously takes the Human-Oriented Communism as the guide theory, take the people oriented and promote the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We will develop the productive forces with capital, while always insisting on the idea that the fundamental goal of development is the development of human himself. We will "re-establishment of individual ownership" by virtue of shareholding to provide full financial security for the free development of each individual. We will build service-oriented government to satisfy people’s increasing material and cultural needs, to promote the economic, political, and cultural interests, to promote the full and free development of man, by the greatest extent, of which the ultimate goal is to make each individual become a free and dignified person.


