

On Marx and Engels’ Peace Theory and Its Practical Significance

【作者】 王兰芳

【导师】 李爱华;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 和平,是人类追求的一个基本理想。千百年来,无数的思想家始终未间断过对理性认识和平、促进和平实现的孜孜探求。马克思主义的诞生,为科学探究和平问题提供了正确的世界观和方法论,为树立科学进步的和平观奠定了坚实的基础。在马克思主义关于和平的探索中,马克思主义创始人马克思恩格斯的和平理论是非常宝贵的思想资源,但学界对此的研究相当缺乏。基于此,本文立足于马克思恩格斯原论,旨在通过系统挖掘和梳理马克思恩格斯的和平理论,拓展丰富马克思主义和平理论研究,以达到为中国和平理论的发展与和平实践的开展提供理论基础和方法指导的目的。马克思恩格斯和平理论是在19世纪欧洲特定的社会条件下,适应当时革命形势的要求而产生的。欧洲资本主义的发展与内在矛盾的凸现、欧洲和世界战争与和平交织的现实以及无产阶级解放运动的深入开展是马克思恩格斯和平理论产生的历史条件。马克思恩格斯和平理论具有深厚的思想渊源,近代资产阶级思想家(但丁、格老秀斯、卢梭、康德、黑格尔、边沁等)的和平思想以及莫尔、康帕内拉、圣西门、傅立叶、欧文等空想社会主义者的和平思想对马克思恩格斯产生了很大影响。尽管这些和平思想具有历史和阶级的局限性,但为马克思恩格斯和平理论的产生奠定了基础。马克思恩格斯和平理论本身有一个形成与发展的过程。总起来看,马克思恩格斯和平理论的形成与发展经历了四个阶段:1848年之前,是马克思恩格斯和平理论的孕育、萌芽阶段;1848年至1852年,是马克思恩格斯和平理论的确立阶段;1853年至1869年,是马克思恩格斯和平理论的发展阶段,1870年至1895年是马克思恩格斯和平理论的深化阶段。马克思恩格斯怎样理解“和平”的内涵?他们是在怎样的语义下运用“和平”这一概念的?综观马克思恩格斯的论述,他们主要从以下五个方面理解的和平内涵:和平是人类社会不同利益主体间一种通常的关系状态;和平是不同利益主体间一种非暴力的交往方式;和平是处理民族间、国家间关系的重要原则;和平是人类社会进步的重要保障条件;和平是人类历史发展的一个辩证过程。马克思恩格斯对影响和平的基本因素进行了分析。这些因素主要包括:第一,生产力和交往形式。它们之间的矛盾是影响和平的根本性因素;第二,生产资料私有制和阶级关系。相比较而言,生产资料私有制对和平的影响更为深远、更起决定性作用,阶级关系对和平的影响则更为直接、更为显露;第三,民族与民族关系。民族内部和民族之间的关系状况尤其是矛盾状况,是影响和平的重要因素;第四,国家与国家关系。国家间的关系对国际和平与战争产生着重大影响。如何看待资产阶级统治下的和平,是马克思恩格斯必须面对的一个重大现实问题。对此,马克思、恩格斯采取了辩证分析的立场。他们一方面看到了资产阶级统治下的和平客观上具有积极的一面,另一方面着重对资产阶级的虚假和平进行了揭露批判。马克思恩格斯揭示了在资产阶级时代不可能有真正和平。这是因为无产阶级和资产阶级之间没有和平;资本主义列强对弱小民族的侵掠绝非和平;资本主义列强的争霸斗争不会导致和平。马克思恩格斯主要通过对早期贸易和平论与国际和平和自由同盟的批判,揭露批判了资产阶级的和平主义论调。马克思恩格斯分析指出,资本主义社会非和平的根源,从经济的角度看是资本主义的基本矛盾;从人自身的角度看是资本主义条件下人的异化。在分析资本主义和平现实的基础上,马克思恩格斯对实现和平的条件与途径进行了探索。他们从无产阶级的根本利益出发,科学地指明理想和平的实现条件是生产力的充分、高度发展;生产资料所有制的根本变革;阶级、国家的消亡;每个人全面而自由的发展。现实和平的实现条件是国内民主;消除霸权主义和军国主义;消除民族摩擦,实现各民族、国家的独立自主。实现和平的途径主要是通过无产阶级革命争取和平;以国际法约束和调节国家行为和国际关系;使“道德和正义”成为至高无上的国际关系准则。恩格斯晚年为指导各国无产阶级开展反对帝国主义大战、争取世界和平的斗争做出了卓越的贡献。在当今时代,马克思恩格斯的和平理论仍然具有极为重要的现实指导意义。主要体现在:马克思恩格斯在进行和平研究时所持的世界观和方法论对正确认识当前世界和平问题具有指导意义;马克思恩格斯和平理论提供了科学的分析准则,对辩证评析当代西方各种和平主张具有重要指导意义;马克思恩格斯和平理论对指导中国争取和平国际环境具有重要现实意义;马克思恩格斯和平理论对指导中国以和平方式处理国际关系具有重要现实意义;马克思恩格斯和平理论对指导中国推进世界和平进程,致力于构建和谐世界具有重要现实意义。

【Abstract】 Peace is a fundamental ideal of human being. For thousands of years, numerous thinkers have never stopped the pursuit of rational understanding of peace and the realization of peace. The emergence of Marxism provided a correct world view and methodology for scientific exploration of peace, and laid down a solid foundation for establishing a scientific and advanced view of peace. As the founders of Marxism, Marx and Engels’peace theory is a very valuable intellectual resource in the Marxist exploration of peace. However, there has been relatively little academic research on this point. Therefore, based on the original theory of Marx and Engels, by digging and arranging Marx and Engels’peace theory, this dissertation aims to enrich Marxist study on peace theory and provide theoretical foundation and methodological guidance for China to develop her peace theory and put it into practice.Marx and Engels’peace theory came into being to meet the needs of the revolutionary situation under the specific social conditions in Europe in the 19th century. The development of capitalism and prominence of internal contradictions in Europe, the reality of war interweaving with peace in Europe and the world, and the development of the proletarian liberation movement were the historical conditions for Marx and Engels’peace theory to come into being. Marx and Engels’peace theory also had profound ideological origins, modern peace ideas of some bourgeois thinkers (Dante, Grotius, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Bentham, etc), and the peace ideas of Moore, Campanella, Saint-Simon, Fourier, Owen and other utopian socialists, became important nutrition sources for the formation and development of Marx and Engels’peace theory. Although these peace ideas have their own historical and class limitations, they have provided the foundation for Marx and Engels’peace theory.Marx and Engels’peace theory had a process of formation and development. On the whole, the development of Marx and Engels’peace theory experienced four phases: The period before 1848 was the first phase, during which Marx and Engels’peace theory was germinated. The second phase was from 1848 to 1852, during which Marx and Engels’peace theory was established. The the third phase was from 1853 to 1869, during which Marx and Engels’peace theory was elaborated. And the fourth phase was from 1870 to 1895, during which Marx and Engels’peace theory was deepened.How Marx and Engels understood the meaning of“peace”? and how they used the concept“peace”? Make a comprehensive view of Marx and Engels’discourses, we can see that they mainly understood the meaning of peace in five aspects: peace is a kind of normal state of relationship between different stakeholders of human society, peace is a kind of non-violent way of communication between different stakeholders, peace is an important principle in handling relations between different ethnics and states, peace is an important security condition for human society to progress, and peace is a dialectical process of the development of human history.Marx and Engels analyzed the fundamental factors affecting the peace. The first factor is productivity and contact form, the conflict between which is the fundamental factor affecting the peace. The second factor is private ownership of means of production and class relations. In comparison, the impact of private ownership on peace is more far-reaching and decisive, while the impact of class relations on peace is more direct and obvious; The third one is national and ethnic relations. Internal relations and Ethnic relations, especially the contradiction between them, is an important factor affecting the peace; The fourth is national relations. Relations between countries have a profound impact on international peace and war.How to look for peace under the rule of the bourgeoisie? This is a major practical problem that Marx and Engels had to face. In this regard, Marx and Engels adopted the position of dialectical analysis. On the one hand, they saw the peace under the rule of the bourgeoisie that has the positive side;on the other hand, they severely exposed and criticized the false peace of the bourgeoisie. Marx and Engels revealed that there could be no real peace in the bourgeois era, because there was no peace between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie; the aggression and robbery of capitalist powerful countries to weak nations was no peace; and the struggle for supremacy between capitalist powerful countries could lead to no peace. By criticizing the early theory of mercantile peace and international peace and freedom alliance, Marx and Engels exposed and criticized the bourgeois pacifism. Marx and Engels pointed out that from the economic point of view, the root causes of non-peacefulness were the basic contradictions of capitalism in the capitalist society; while from the perspective of people themselves, the root causes of non-peacefulness were human alienation under capitalist conditions.Based on the analysis of bourgeois peace, Marx and Engels explored the conditions of peace and ways to achieve peace. By analyzing reality of peace in the capitalist world, Marx and Engels put forward the vision about conditions of peace and realization of peace. From the fundamental interests of the proletariats, they scientifically identified that the conditions of achieving ideal peace are the full development of productive forces, fundamental change in the ownership of the means of production, the demise of class and state, and the full and free development of everyone. The conditions of achieving peace in reality are internal democracy, elimination of hegemony and militarism, elimination of ethnic conflicts and achieving independence of every nationality and country. Peace can be achieved mainly through the proletarian revolution, applying the rules of international law to regulate the behavior of state and adjust international relations, and making“morality and justice”the supreme criterion of international relations. In his later years, Engels made outstanding contributions to instructing the struggle of international proletariat against imperialistic war and fighting for world peace.In the present era, Marx and Engels’peace theory Still has very important practical significance. It mainly includes: Marx and Engels’s world view and methodology has instructive significance in correctly understanding the current issues of world peace; Marx and Engels’peace theory provides a scientific criteria of analysis to dialectically evaluate varieties of contemporary western peace advocates; Marx and Engels’peace theory has great practical significance in guiding China to fight for a peaceful international environment for China; Marx and Engels’peace theory has great practical significance in guiding china to deal with international relations by peaceful means; Marx and Engels’peace theory has great practical significance in guiding China to promote the process of world peace and commit to building a harmonious world.

【关键词】 马克思恩格斯和平战争
【Key words】 Marx and EngelsPeaceWar

