

The Shed Optimization on Silicone Rubber Composite Insulators

【作者】 谢从珍

【导师】 张尧; 郝艳捧;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 硅橡胶复合绝缘子在我国已经有20多年的使用历史。其优异的防污闪性能在我国防治电网大面积污闪事故、提高电网运行可靠性方面发挥了重要的作用。与复合绝缘子伞裙密切相关的老化、污闪及界面击穿等问题是制造商和运行单位迫切希望解决的技术问题,本文系统研究了复合绝缘子伞裙配方、结构优化及界面粘接性能的无损检测,研究成果对改善复合绝缘子运行可靠性有重要的意义。本课题分别从伞裙配方、伞裙结构、伞裙与芯棒粘接界面无损检测三方面对硅橡胶复合绝缘子伞裙进行优化研究。运行经验表明不同厂家(配方)的绝缘子老化寿命差别较大,有的甚至运行一两年就出现了明显的老化。本文采用正交法在9组配方中筛选出机电性能优异的3组硅橡胶优选配方,通过紫外老化、盐雾老化、湿热老化、转轮老化四种老化试验方法以及扫描电镜、傅立叶红外光谱分析,全面系统地研究了硅橡胶配方在不同老化条件下的老化特征和机理,提出了提高硅橡胶使用寿命的优化配方方案。复合绝缘子伞裙结构影响绝缘子自然积污,本文通过风洞试验对不同风速下的复合绝缘子干燥条件下的积污特性进行了模拟研究,通过粒子成像测速试验对绝缘子周围的空气流场进行了可视化研究,试验结果与数值模拟的结果进行了对比,找出了影响绝缘子积污的关键伞形参数,提出了伞裙结构优化方案。本文首次将空气动力学的方法用于复合绝缘子的伞裙结构研究,该方法可对不同材质、形状绝缘子干燥条件下的积污特性进行快速测试,为绝缘子包括悬式瓷、玻璃及棒瓷、支柱绝缘子的伞裙结构优化提供了新的试验方法。目前尚无有效检测复合绝缘子界面粘接质量的无损检测方法。本文提出了在空气中对伞裙护套与芯棒粘接界面进行超声无损探伤的新方法。该方法用于在绝缘子挂网运行前对复合绝缘子的粘接质量进行评估,对绝缘子生产过程监控和运行事故预防具有重要的作用。

【Abstract】 The use of silicone rubber composite insulators in China has been more than 20 years. Its excellent anti-pollution flashover performance plays an impotant role in preventing the pollution flashover accident in large-scale power system and improving the reliability of grid. The technical problems about aging, pollution flashover, breakdown in the interface of insulator sheds are urgently needed to solve both for the manufacturers and users. By optimizing the formula of composite insulator sheds , structure and interface bonding properties, we can improve the reliability of transmission lines.This paper focuses on the formula optimization and structure of sheds, nondestructive testing on the adhesive interface between shed and core.The operating experience shows that the insulators with different formulations have different service life. Some insulators which just serviced a year or two have a clear feature of aging. First, three preferred SIR formulations of better mechanical and electrical performance were filtered from nine SIR formulations by orthogonal experiment. Based on four different aging tests including ultraviolet aging, damp-heat aging, salt-fog aging, and wheel aging and two different microscopic analysis method including SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope) and ATR-FTIR(Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infrared), the aging performance and mechanism of silicon rubber with different formulations in different aging conditions are systematically studied. Also, the optimal configuration of silicon rubber formula to improve its life is given.Insulators with different type of shed have different natural pollution deposition performance even in the same operating conditions. Shed optimal simulation studies were carried out by Wind Tunnel Testing and PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry); Visualization research on airflow field of composite insulator at different wind speeds were carried out as well. Based on the comparison of test results and numerical simulation, this paper found out the key parameter of shed which influences the pollution deposition and gave an optimal scheme of shed. In this paper, the method of aerodynamics is used in composite outdoor insulation research for the first time, by this method, pollution deposition performance of insulators with different materials and different shapes in dry conditions can be quickly tested. It is a efficient and reproducible method. This is a new idea of shed optimization for porcelain, glass, composite and station post insulators.At present there is no effective non-destructive testing method detecting the quality of interfacial bonding. This paper illustrated a new ultrasonic nondestructive testing method to test the bonding interface between housing and core in the air. This method is used to evaluate the quality of bonding between housing and core before insulators running, and it plays an important role in composite insulator production process monitoring and accident prevention.


