

Research on the Form and Evolution of Urban Public Space in Guangzhou (1759~1949)

【作者】 周祥

【导师】 孙一民;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 城市设计以城市的公共空间作为研究对象。区别于一般的城市空间,城市公共空间以其公共性为特征,在形态上表现出一定的文化、结构等特征,具有复杂的场所意义。因此,从一般层面上对城市公共空间的理解必须建立在特殊的文化环境条件基础上。而且,城市空间的形态学研究也包括历时性与共时性两部分内容,这就促使我们以特殊时段条件下特定城市公共空间为个案,研究其历史形态及演变情况并得出相关结论,并希望能够以此为契机,为下一步研究城市公共空间创造可能。广州城有着2000多年的历史,国际贸易一直是广州城市发展的直接动力,从1759年开始的一口通商贸易政策促使广州城市公共空间向更大范围的西关地区迅速拓展。1759年至1949年的190年间是近世社会文化转型时期,这个时期广州的城市公共空间形态具有典型的岭南地域特征,其演进也代表了中国社会的变化。在认清城市公共空间的概念以及内涵的基础上,本文运用历史的方法、类型学的方法和结构联系的方法,从城市设计与形态学的角度研究广州城市公共空间的形态及其演变过程。将城市公共空间看作是各部分相互联系的结构,并采用类型学方法,注重物质实体空间的精神内涵,结合广州城市空间的地域特点,将城市公共空间分为自然山水、整体形态、商业街道、滨江空间等几个方面,总结建筑、空间和街块的类型。研究的主要内容包括广州城市公共空间的宏观与微观、二维与三维形态,即形态结构的描述以及拼贴、中心、网格等特征的全面分析,努力还原城市公共空间的历史本来面目及其带给当时人生活的真实意义。在这个分析的基础上,对广州城市公共空间历史发展的渐进演变过程进行综合研究,结合政治经济环境,注重演变与社会文化思想要素的关联,揭示转型期形态的深刻文化内涵与内制因素。最终,总结广州城市公共空间历史形态特点,以及演变规律,得出研究结论。论文在广州城市公共空间的形态描述、类型分析以及城市公共空间深层内涵方面提炼出具有创新意义的观点,为全面研究广州城市公共空间发展和城市设计打下基础。

【Abstract】 Generally, urban public space is the study object of urban design. Being different from normal urban space, urban public space characterizes publicity and presents certain cultural feature with complex spirit of place for its form. Thereby, the normal understanding about it must be based on special cultural environmental situation. Besides, the morphological research on urban space includes synchronic and diachronic aspects. All these above reasons make us take the urban public space of a particular city during a particular period as a case not only to study its historic form but to seek to draw some further conclusions about its existence and evolution process.Guangzhou city has a history of more than 2000 years, during which world trade was always the motive force of urban development. The trade policy of“unique trading port”beginning from 1759 resulted in the rapid expansion of urban public space to a larger area of Xiguan to the west of Guangzhou. The public space form of Guangzhou showed a typical characteristic of Lingnan area and its evolution process represented the change of Chinese society from 1759 to 1949, a 190-year history, which was the social cultural transition period. On the base of understanding the concept and connotation of urban public space, the methods of history, typology and structure are used to study the form of urban public space and its evolution process in Guangzhou. The urban public space here is recognized as a structure interrelated by several inner parts. Paying more attention to the spiritual meaning of the physical space and the feature of Chinese traditional city, connecting the local geological features of Guangzhou, the urban public space is categorized as natural hill and river, overall form, commercial street and space along river, etc. The building, space and block is analysed typologically. The research mainly includes the description and analysis of macro and micro, two-dimension and three-dimension form, which is the structure of Guangzhou urban public space, in order to reduce the real historic situation of the urban public space and the true meaning of it to the life of that time. And then, stressing the relationship between evolution and social cultural thought, the political and economic condition, the progressive evolution of urban public space of Guangzhou city is comprehensively studied and the profound cultural meaning and inner decisive factors of space form in transition time is revealed. At last, the historical formal feature and evolutional rule was sumerized as a conclusion. The formal description, typological analyses and profound meaning of public space was the creative idea, which lay a foundation for the further research on urban design.

【关键词】 广州城市公共空间形态演进类型
【Key words】 GuangzhouUrban public spaceFormEvolutionTypology
  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2548
  • 攻读期成果

