

Study on the Traffic and Traveler Information Services Platform and the Key Technologies Application

【作者】 李晓斌

【导师】 徐建闽;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展,城市化水平的提高,交通问题也日趋严重。公众对交通信息的渴求,催生了交通信息服务产业的蓬勃发展。目前无论是政府部门主导还是企业主导的交通出行信息服务平台的建设如火如荼,在这股建设热潮中,迫切需要系统的理论指导,以及实用化的关键技术突破。本文依托系列相关的科研项目和平台建设实践,比较系统地对平台建设所涉及的技术体系进行阐述,并对其中的关键技术进行深入的研究,力求能够以实践为基础,寻求关键技术的理论突破,为今后平台的研究和建设提供参考。本文首先对平台的框架结构进行研究。根据平台的服务需求,本文从总体框架、软件体系结构、工作数据流、主要关键技术等多层面、多方位分析和设计了层次化的平台框架体系。本框架采用SOA架构技术和分布式组件构建,从服务内容和技术手段上均强化了“服务”的概念,向用户提供多元化的交通信息和配套的GIS服务,具有先进性、开放性和可扩展性等特点。交通地理信息(GIS-T)技术是平台建设的关键基础支撑技术之一。为了解决目前WebGIS应用中存在的响应速度慢等不足,本文研究、设计和开发了一种基于Web的地图服务引擎,该引擎实现了全国栅格地图服务、海量业务数据的全文和空间的搜索以及完整的客户端API。另外本文在分析比较了多种交通信息位置参考方法后,根据国内交通信息服务的应用现状,提出了一种实用、可行的位置参考方法。这两项平台所依赖的关键GIS-T技术都取得了良好的实际应用效果。交通信息采集是平台的数据源头。数据采集技术分为固定和移动型采集技术两种。本文首先对多种固定型采集技术进行了对比分析。对于移动型采集技术,则对满足采集精度要求所需的浮动车数据的采样周期和样本量进行了分析研究。交通信息处理是平台建设中最重要也是最难的一部分。本文首先提出了交通信息处理的总体技术路线,然后选择其中的关键技术进行了重点研究,包括:(1)浮动车信息处理。针对城市大规模长间隔浮动车信息处理的复杂情况,本文提出了一种综合地图匹配算法和行程时间估计算法。在地图匹配算法上,解决了反向平行路匹配、同向平行或重叠路匹配、复杂交叉口匹配、匹配道路不连续时的路径搜索、候选道路的快速提取等系列技术难点,并使用了多项增强鲁棒性的技术措施。在行程速度估计算法上,采用多浮动车加权平均融合方法,减小了估计误差。(2)行程时间的短时预测。针对统计预测方法和神经网络方法的不足,本文采用支持向量机(SVM)对行程时间进行了预测,仿真结果表明SVM可以实现对行程时间的有效预测。(3)动态路径规划。本文研究了路径规划中常用的A*算法,并提出其优化算法(排序和双向搜索),在此基础上研究了大规模路网环境下的启发分层组合式最优路径算法,解决了由于使用Dijkstra算法作为区域搜索算法、网络层次划分不当、层切换标准设置不当而造成规划绕路问题,最后将该算法应用于实际的服务平台的在线规划服务中。交通信息发布技术常常被研究者所忽视,工程实践中也缺乏可行的理论和标准指导。本文提出了一个基于LINK的面向移动终端的交通信息发布协议。该协议为交通信息服务标准化作一些技术上的铺垫和准备,并应用于工程实践。交通信息发布质量决定了能否进行有效的交通出行诱导。目前国内对发布质量的研究比较少。本文根据工程实践,探索性的提出一个交通信息发布质量测评体系,主要内容包括参与质量测评的交通参数、评测要素、测评标准、测评流程、路测方法等。本文通过一个实例验证了所提出的交通信息发布质量体系是可行的。在本文的最后,介绍了作者总体负责研究和开发的面向全国服务的Rocent商业交通出行信息服务平台。该平台应用本文提出的平台框架设计思想和系列关键技术,对交通出行信息进行采集、处理和发布,信息发布渠道包括:互联网站、手机、导航仪等。本文对交通出行信息服务平台的技术体系进行了深入的研究,得到的绝大部分研究成果在平台建设中得到了验证,这些研究成果对今后平台的研究和建设提供重要的参考和借鉴,对于促进交通信息服务理论体系的建立和实际系统的建设具有重要的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of economy and the exaltation of urbanization level, the traffic problem is also gradually serious. People hope earnestly to obtain Traffic&Travel Information (TTI) and this urges the booming development of TTI services industry. The Traffic&Travel Information Services Platforms (TTISP) which predominated by the government or the business enterprises are quickly constucting. At this construction stage, the theories of the system and the breakthrough of the practical key technique are urgently needed. This paper relies on the series related research projects and actual TTISP construction practice, firstly carries on elaborating to the technical architecture of TTISP systematically, and then carries on a thorough research on key techniques of TTISP. Based on the foundation of the construction practice, some theories of key technique will be breakthroughed and be verificated in the construction practice, this will provide reference for the following TTISP research and construction.This paper carried on a research to the architecture of TTISP first. This paper analysis and designs the architecture of TTISP at many levels and in many ways, such as the service contents, general architecture, software architecture, working flow of data and key technique etc. The architecture is built by SOA and distributed component. The concept of services is enhanced by services content and services techniques.The platform provides diversified TTI and releated GIS services, and have adcanced, opening and expandable etc. characteristics.Geogaphic Information System for Transportation (GIS-T) is one of the key foundation techniques of TTISP. In order to overcome the shortage of slow response speed of the WebGIS currently applied, this paper designs and develops a map service engine based on tile map. That engine provides national raster map services, full text and spatial searching services and carries out a complete set client end API. Moreover after analyzing more various location reference method, according to the applied present condition of local TTI service, this paper puts forward a kind of practical and viable location reference method, and be applied to TTISP. These two key GIS-T techniques all obtained good application effect.TTI’s collecting is the data source of TTISP. The data collecting techniques are divided into fixed types and mobile types. This paper carries on analysis and contrasts to various fixed types collecting techniques firstly, then analysises and researches the sample period and quantity requirement of floating car which must meet the estimating accuracy of traffic parameters.TTI processing is the most important and difficult part of TTISP. This paper first puts forward the general technique solution route of TTI processing, then chooses some key techniques to study particularly. Include: (1) Floating car information processing. Aim at the complicated circumstance that the large-scale long partition floating car information processing, this paper puts forward a comprehensive map matching algorithm and travel time estimation algorithm. The map matching algorithm solves several techniques difficult points, such as oppsited direction parallel road matching, same direction parallelism road or overlapped road matching, complicated cross matching, road searching of discontiguous matched road, quickly withdrawing of the candidated roads etc., and uses much techniques measure to strengthen the robutstness. The travel time estimation algorithm adopts muti-FC weighted average fusion method, and reduces the estimate error. (2) Short time of travel time prediction. Aim to make up the shortage of statistics prediction method and neural network prediction method, the support vector machine (SVM) was applied to carry on travel time prediction and the simulation experiment express that SVM can carry out the effective prediction to travel time. (3) Dynamic route-planning. This paper researches the common used route-planning algorithm-A* firstly, and studies its optimization method (sorting and double direction searching), based on this foundation, then reasearches the comprehensive route-planning algorithm which combined heuristic and hierarchical road network algorithm. The algotithm solves several detouring problems in the route-planning, such as using Dijkstra as the district route-planing algotithm, divided network layer not appropriate, layer switch standard not appropriate. It is applied to the on-line route-planning and navigation in TTISP successfully.Publication technique of TTI is usually neglected by the researcher and also lack viable theories and standard instruction in the engineering practice. This paper puts forward one practical and high-efficiency terminal TTI publication protocol based on LINK. This protocol turns to make some cushion and the preparation of techniques for the TTI services standard, and be applied to engineering practice. The TTI publication data quality decides whether can carry on an effective route guidance. Currently there has little research on TTI publication data quality in the domestic. This paper puts forward a TTI publication data quality measurement and evaluation system exploringly, the main content including: the parameter, element, standard and process etc. This paper conducts a solid example and verified that the TTI publiucation data quality measurement and evaluation system is viable.At the end, the paper introduces the Rocent business TTISP serving the whole country; the author is responsible for research and development of this platform. The architecture and series key technique which put forward in this paper is applied in the platform. The platform carries on collecting, processing and publishing TTI. The information publication terminal include: website, mobile phone and navigation devices.This paper carried on a thorough research to the technique system of TTISP. The majority research result were applied and verified in the engineering practice.This will provide important reference to the research and construction of TTISP and have important theories and realistic meaning to the development of TTI service industry of our country.


