

Study on the Synergy of Structural Art and Architectural Creation

【作者】 苏朝浩

【导师】 何镜堂;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 专业的长期分化,建筑专业人士对结构技术及其理论知识的贫乏认知,导致了在当前出现的非理性结构现象面前失去了立场与思辨依据;现实建筑创作中建筑与结构专业之间有效协同的缺失,结构沦为纯技术角色而未能开发其艺术性潜能。专业协作与结构技术运用的落后及差距,构成了当代中国建筑创作实践走向国际大舞台所面临的困境与挑战。如何在建筑与结构学科之间建构科学合理的协同创作理念,以提供客观思辨与评判各种结构现象及本质的理论参考,并具有指导现在与未来建筑创作实践的现实意义,正是本文企求回答的问题。本文以系统科学作为新的研究视角,开拓性地将结构作为建筑系统的子系统进行研究,从而为结构艺术与建筑之间的协同分析奠定了理论基础,进而从系统方法上建立与论证结构艺术与建筑的协同关系并析出规律性与启示意义。在此基础上,从学科交叉的角度提出了结构艺术与建筑创作的协同创作理念,分别从其现实意义、目标定位、内涵、协同创作内容、协同创作方法等方面进行理念建构与阐述。最后,通过协同创作内容与协同创作方法之间的交叉结合,构成了协同创作方法论研究的主体框架,企求在较广泛、较深入的层次上实现结构艺术与建筑创作的现实协同。论文共分以下几个部分进行阐述:第一部分为课题提出:在第一章绪论中,针对当前大型公共建筑创作中结构运用的普遍问题,确定“大型公共建筑”作为主要研究对象,结合对前人研究成果的整理和思考,把新的研究视角定位于“从系统科学、学科交叉的角度研究结构艺术与建筑创作的协同”,并介绍了本研究的目的、意义、方法与论文框架。第二部分为理论分析:第二章首先对“结构艺术”理念的核心思想与特殊性作出归纳与诠释,并以系统科学理论为基础,分别从理论分析与实证分析(历史考量)角度建立与论证结构艺术与建筑之间的协同关系,从中梳理与析出规律性及启示意义,为下文协同创作理念的提出作出铺垫。第三部分为理念建构:在上述分析的基础上,第三章提出结构艺术与建筑创作的协同创作理念,并从其现实意义、目标定位、具体内涵等方面进行认识论层面的理念建构。而在协同理念的实现方法上,结合建筑创作的普遍创作内容与环节,确定以建筑创作为主导的协同创作内容;并以结构系统的内部关系为依据,从结构艺术提供的形式动力出发,提出“力与形的关系调度”、“力与构的关系调度”作为协同创作的基本方法。第四部分为方法运用。第四章、第五章、第六章分别从结构艺术与适用空间、结构艺术与视觉空间、结构艺术与建筑造型的协同创作内容中,以结构形态、结构构型调度为切入点提出与研究较为具体化的协同于建筑创作的结构调度方法,这部分形成本文的重要研究内容。最后结论部分总结研究的成果,指出本研究的不足并展望了研究前景。

【Abstract】 The poor knowledge of the structural technology and theories, resulting from long-term speciality differentiation, leads to architecture professionals’loss of standpoints and references for speculative philosophy about the current non-rational structure phenomenons. In addition, structures are reduced to pure technical roles with their artistic pontemcial undeveloped, because of the absence of efficient cooperation between architecture and structure. Therefore, the backward situation of structural technical application and cooperation between the two specialties constitutes unprecedented challenges and predicament of architectural practice in China on its way to the international stage. Accordingly, in order to give out theoretic references for speculating and estimating structural phenomenons and its essence, and provide guidance for current and future architectural practice, how to construct scientific creation concepts and theories of synergy of architecture and structure specialty becomes the key questions to which the dissertation tries to give answers.The dissertation is based on the theory of System Science, defining structure as a sub-system of architecture system in a new research perspective, then providing theoretical basis for the analysis of the synergetic relationship between structural art and architecture. With systematic methods, the synergetic relationship between structural art and architecture is established and demonstrated, from which the synergetic rules and enlightening significance are concluded. On the basis of previous analysis, the concept of synergetic creation of structural art and architectural design is put forward in a view of inter-disciplines, with its epistemological theoretical construction including practical significance, ideal targets, connotation, synergetic creation contents and methods etc. Finally, through crossed binding of creation contents and methods, the research framework of methodology is set up, and the practical synergy of structural art and architectural design is expected to be achieved in more extensive aspects and at deeper levels.The dissertation is divided into the following parts:Part one: Question and subject. Starting with the common problems in the recent architectural creation of large-scale public buildings, large-scale public buildings as the main research objects are determined in the first chapter. After an overview of the existing research and writing, the chapter defines the research subject as the study on the synergy of structural art and architecture with viewpoints of System Science and inter-disciplines . It also introduces the purpose, significance, method, and structure of the dissertation. Part two: Theoretical analysis. Chapter 2 starts with the core ideas of structural art and its particularity sum up and annotated; then based on systems science, the synergetic relationship between structural art and architecture is established and demonstrated by theoretical and empirical analysis, from which the synergetic rules and enlightening significance are concluded.Part three: Theoretical Construction. Based on previous analysis, the concept of synergetic creation of structural art and architectural design is proposed in chapter 3, with its epistemological theoretical construction including practical significance, ideal targets, connotation and contents and so on. Subsequently, the synergetic creation contents are determined by the leading role of architectural design, according to its universal contents and steps. Meanwhile, based on the inner relationship of structural systems, operation of the relation between force and form and operation of relation between force and pattern are proposed and determined as the basic synergetic creation methods with a view to the forms dynamics of structural art.Part four: Methods application. Within the three parts of synergetic creation contents which include the synergy of structural art and fitting-space design , the synergy of structural art and visual space design and the synergy of structural art and architectural shape design , Specific and actually applicable methods of structural operation are set forth and studied with a view to structural forms and patterns, so as to fulfill the synergetic idea with architectural design.Part five: Conclusions and prospects: The concluding chapter summarizes the results of the research, points out the inevitable inadequacies, and proposes possible advanced topics for future research.

【关键词】 结构结构艺术系统科学协同
【Key words】 structurestructural artsystems sciencesynergy

