

The Research on the Affection of Network Structure Characteristics to Enterprise Innovation and Performance

【作者】 彭光顺

【导师】 蓝海林;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着经济全球化和科学技术的发展,中国经济走过了飞速发展的30年,改革开放使中国企业的经营环境也发生了急剧的变化,一方面竞争加剧,一方面合作盛行。竞争加剧使企业面临威胁,合作盛行形成的创新网络又为企业创造了许多机会。知识经济、现代科技发展趋势、经济全球化和现代信息技术革命,构成了企业创新网络形成和发展的时代背景。因此,从网络的视角研究企业的创新问题,具有重要的理论价值和积极的现实意义。在企业组织网络化发展和企业创新范式网络化的背景下,“网络结构特征如何影响企业创新和企业绩效”是个令人感兴趣的研究课题。笔者在相关研究的基础上,通过理论分析,实地调研、人物访谈和问卷发放等研究方法,力图深入剖析网络结构特征对企业创新和企业绩效的重要影响。具体而言,本文逐层深入地探究了以下几个研究问题:(1)网络结构特征、组织学习和知识管理之间的关系和机制是怎样的?(2)网络结构特征、企业创新和企业绩效之间的关系和机制是怎样的?(3)组织学习、企业创新和企业绩效之间的关系和机制是怎样的?(4)知识管理、企业创新和企业绩效之间的关系和机制是怎样的?为了解释上述研究问题,本文采用理论研究与实证研究相结合、文献研究与调查访谈相结合、定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法,通过对161家企业的问卷调研和统计分析,本文得出如下主要结论:(1)网络结构特征对组织学习有正面影响,网络结构特征对知识管理有正面影响,组织学习对知识管理有正面影响;(2)网络结构特征对企业绩效没有直接正面影响,而是通过企业创新这一中介变量起作用的;(3)组织学习对企业绩效没有直接正面影响,而是通过企业创新这一中介变量起作用的;(4)知识管理对企业绩效没有直接正面影响,而是通过企业创新这一中介变量起作用的;纵观全文,本文基于网络、学习、知识管理和创新等相关理论,围绕网络结构特征如何影响企业创新和企业绩效这一基本问题,在以下几个方面进行了创新性研究:(1)社会网络分析可以分为两种基本视角,微观层次的自我中心社会网络和宏观层次的整体社会网络。自我中心社会网络是以个体为中心,探讨其对外的关系连结所建立起来的社会网络。整体社会网络则关注所有节点之间的关系,分析整个网络的结构。本文选取微观层面的自我中心社会网络中的网络结构特征这个独特视角来研究企业创新,并将企业网络结构特征划分为网络密度、网络强度、网络规模、网络居间性、网络互惠性和网络稳定性六个维度,研究视角较为新颖。(2)基于网络、学习、知识管理和创新等四大领域的研究成果,综合理论分析和实证研究,辨析了网络结构特征、组织学习、知识管理、企业创新与企业绩效等相关概念,把网络、学习、知识管理与创新理论系统化地联系起来,打开了网络结构特征作用于企业创新的机制的黑箱,指出组织学习和知识管理是网络结构特征影响企业创新的关键中介变量,建立了“网络结构特征-组织学习-知识管理-企业创新-企业绩效”的关系脉络和理论框架,对相关的理论研究做了重要补充。(3)剖析了处于创新网络环境中的企业在进行技术创新和管理创新的过程中,组织学习和知识管理的深刻内涵与重要作用,拓展了组织学习和知识管理的应用范围。网络结构特征是组织学习和知识管理的重要前置变量,而组织学习和知识管理则是企业创新的重要前置变量。随着技术复杂性的提高,单个企业不可能具备所需要的各个领域的技术能力,因此,为了有效的实现企业创新,必须借助创新网络所提供的资源,逐步形成技术协同效应和技术组合优势,实现创新网络内协作伙伴的范围经济。而在这一过程中,组织学习和知识管理无疑是企业创新的关键影响因素。(4)实证分析了在中国这一经营环境下,以中国企业为对象的网络结构特征影响企业创新和企业绩效的机制。这一创新在于“实证”和“中国”,即实证研究了在“中国”这一特殊经营环境下、以中国企业为对象,网络结构特征、组织学习、知识管理、企业创新和企业绩效之间的关系,中外研究的结果并不完全相同,说明中国环境下的企业网络组织中的创新具有一定的特殊性,这一研究为我国的理论界和企业界在网络环境下通过组织学习和知识管理来提高创新能力和绩效提供一定的指导和借鉴。

【Abstract】 Chinese economy has fleetly developed over 30 years along with the economy globalization and the progress of science and technology, in the mean time, the reform and open policy also make management environment changing sharply. On one hand, competition is becoming fiercer; on the other hand, cooperation is widely accepted. Competition brings much more business threat, cooperation creates many business opportunity. The developing knowledge economy, contemporary science and technology, economic globalization, and modern information technology revolution, jointly constitute the research context. So it is significant theoretically and practically to do research on enterprise innovation and enterprise performance from the perspective of network.Under the background of networking of firms’ organization and innovation pattern, how network structure characteristics affects enterprise innovation and enterprise performance is an interesting question. Based on the theory analysis, we adopt the research methods of field discussion, questionnaire and case study, and explore how network structure characteristics affect enterprise innovation and enterprise performance. Our research mainly concerns the four topics:(1) How about the relationship and mechanism among network structure characteristics, organizational learning and knowledge management?(2)How about the relationship and mechanism among network structure characteristics, enterprise innovation and enterprise performance?(3) How about the relationship and mechanism among organizational learning, enterprise innovation and enterprise performance? (4) How about the relationship and mechanism among knowledge management, enterprise innovation and enterprise performance?In order to interpret these questions, the article uses the methods including theory study and empiric study, literature study and investigating study, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. We use 161 samples and draw on main conclusions as follows:(1) Network structure characteristics have direct effect on organizational learning and knowledge management, and organizational learning has direct effect on knowledge management;(2) Network structure characteristics havn’t direct effect on enterprise performance, enterprise innovation is mediated variable between network structure characteristics and enterprise performance; (3) Organizational learning hasn’t direct effect on enterprise performance; enterprise innovation is mediated variable between organizational learning and enterprise performance;(4) Knowledge management hasn’t direct effect on enterprise performance; enterprise innovation is mediated variable between knowledge management and enterprise performance;As a whole, focusing on how network structure characteristics influences enterprise innovation and enterprise performance, based on network theory, learning theory, knowledge management theory and innovation theory, this dissertation conducts some theoretical innovations as follows.(1) Society network analysis is divided into two kinds of basic view, the micro network view of the selfishness society and macro network view of whole society network. Selfishness society network take individual as center, as study relation of society network. Whole society network concern all of node of relation, as analysis the whole structure of network. This text is in the micro view of selfishness society network, it select network structure characteristics tas a special view to research enterprise innovation, and divide six dimension of the network structure characteristic into network density, network intensity, network scale, network center, network reciprocal and network stability, research view be more novel.(2) Based on network theory, learning theory, knowledge management theory and innovation theory, combining theory analyzing and empiric studying, through discriminating the concept about network structure characteristics, organizational learning, knowledge management and enterprise innovation, building up linkages among theories of network, learning, knowledge management and innovation, opening the black-box of how network structure characteristics acts on enterprise innovation and enterprise performance. This dissertation prove that organizational learning and knowledge management are important mediate viable among network structure characteristics and enterprise innovation. We establish the relation path and theoretical framework of "network structure characteristics-organizational learning- knowledge management- enterprise innovation- enterprise performance", which uncovers the gap of relative theory.(3) Analyzing organizational learning and knowledge management’s deep sense and important function for technical innovation and management innovation in the network environment, expanded application scope of the organizational learning and knowledge management. The network structure characteristics is vital foregoing variable of organizational learning and knowledge management, organizational learning and knowledge management is vital foregoing variable of enterprise innovation. Along with the increasing of technique complexity, It is impossible that firm have the necessary technique ability of each realm, therefore, for realizing enterprise innovation, we have to search innovation resources provided by network, gradually to form the technique cooperate effect and technique combination advantage, and to realize scope economy of network colleague in the innovation network. But in this process, organization learning and knowledge management undoubtly are key affect factor of enterprise innovation.(4) The article empirically analyzes the mechanism that network structure characteristics affects enterprise innovation and performance in China. The relationships among network structure characteristics, organizational learning, knowledge management, enterprise innovation, and enterprise performance are different between China and Foreign countrys. The innovation is especially discussed in network environment of China. This research can provide a substantial evidence support for knowledge management and innovation’s qualitative study and quantitative study in network environment. The study provides that organization learning and knowledge management are important for enhancing innovation and performance in network environment in theory and practice.


