

Research on the Foundational Theory and Key Techniques of Coordinate Signal Control in Urban Traffic Network

【作者】 卢凯

【导师】 徐建闽;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着城市交通量的增长与路网密度的增强,交叉口之间的相关性日益明显,如何从整个系统战略角度出发,进行有效的交通信号协调控制设计,已成为城市交通控制发展的新要求。本文针对现有交通信号协调控制理论方法的不足,结合现代城市交通信号控制的发展需求与技术特点,在交通控制子区的动态划分、绿波协调控制模型的建立、停车延误协调控制模型的建立、交通信号协调控制关键技术的实现等方面进行了相关研究与探讨,完成的主要科研工作与取得的重要研究成果概括如下:1.通过分析相邻交叉口间距、路段交通量以及交叉口信号配时参数等因素对相邻交叉口关联性的作用影响,提出了一个定量化描述相邻交叉口之间关联性强弱的交通参量——相邻交叉口关联度,并对其计算方法与科学合理性进行了相关论述,进一步给出了多交叉口组合关联度的定义与计算公式,实现了交叉口之间相关性要素的有效综合;通过将各控制子区划分方案映射为相应字符解、设置基于交叉口关联度的子区划分约束条件、选取评判子区划分方案优劣的评价指标,建立了一套基于交叉口关联度分析的控制子区划分模型,设计了一套完整的最佳控制子区划分方案获取流程,采用子区划分层扩散算法实现了对控制子区划分方案的综合性分析评价,并通过算例分析对基于交叉口关联度分析的控制子区划分方法进行了详细阐述与有效性验证。2.改进了进口对称放行方式下的双向绿波协调控制经典数解算法,提出了基于公共信号周期允许变化范围的理想交叉口间距取值范围确定法则,给出了基于偏移绿信比概念的绿波带宽度计算方法,建立了最大偏移绿信比最小化的最佳理想交叉口间距选取原则;设计了进口单独放行方式下的双向绿波协调控制数解算法,实现了公共信号周期、信号相序组合以及相位差的优化设计,并通过理论与算例分析有效验证了进口单独放行方式下双向绿波协调控制数解算法的适用范围特点与正确有效性;建立了进口混合放行方式下的通用双向绿波协调控制模型,设计了一套基于协调控制模型的信号配时优化流程,利用混合整数线性规划方法实现了控制模型的优化求解,并给出了不同带宽需求下的双向绿波协调控制目标函数通式,为干道双向绿波协调控制设计提供了一种适用面广、实用性强、准确度高的新方法。3.分析了上游交叉口信号相位设置对下游交叉口获取理想停车延误协调控制效果的影响,针对未饱和与过饱和两种不同交通状态,根据行驶车队头车到达下游交叉口进口道的不同时刻,利用交叉口进口道车辆停车延误分析图,分别建立了相应的停车延误协调控制模型,得到了行驶车队停车延误与相邻交叉口相对相位差之间的函数关系,并设计了基于停车延误协调控制模型的信号配时优化流程,给出了信号相位绿信比与交叉口相位差的优化方法;通过公式推导与仿真分析验证了未饱和与过饱和两套基准阻滞停车延误模型的一致性和准确性,从基准阻滞和随机与过饱和阻滞两个方面分析比较了不同控制方式与不同交通状态下的交叉口进口道停车延误。4.通过对比现有交通信号控制系统的结构框架,提出了一种动态分层式区域交通信号控制结构,构建了控制系统的物理框架与逻辑框架,描述了控制系统的硬件组成与功能模块;建立了交通信号控制系统的路网实时信息数据库,设计了控制子区快速动态划分流程,研究了交叉口关联度大小与协调控制方式选取之间的对应关系,确定了协调控制最佳信号配时方案的选取依据,给出了一种协调控制方案快速平滑过渡算法;以东莞市虎门镇连升路交通信号协调控制系统设计为例,依次介绍了单交叉口的信号配时设计、控制子区的划分步骤流程以及最佳信号配时方案的计算选取过程,并通过交通仿真分析与实际系统运行,综合有效地验证了本文所述控制子区划分理论与协调控制模型方法的科学合理性。

【Abstract】 Under the influence of increasing traffic volume and density of road network, correlation among intersections has become increasingly evident. How to design traffic signal coordinated control efficiently from a system point of view, has become a new requirement for the development of traffic control. Considering the defects in existing theory and method of traffic signal coordinated control, combining with development needs and technical characteristics in modern urban traffic control, this dissertation has researched and discussed in the following areas, including dynamic division theory of traffic control subareas, green wave coordinated control models, stop and delay coordinated control models, and implementation of key technologies in traffic signal coordinated control. The main scientific research and research results in this dissertation include:1. Analyzing the influences of distance and traffic volume between neighboring intersections, and signal timing parameters of connected intersections, neighboring intersection correlation degree, as a new traffic parameter, is put forward to quantitatively describe the degree of correlation between two neighboring intersections. The corresponding calculation method and scientific rationality are proposed. Then, the definition and calculation formula of multi-intersection combinatorial correlation degree are presented. The intersection correlation degree realizes an effective integration of influencing factors. After that, by translating division scheme into corresponding character solution, setting constraint conditions and evaluation criteria of division scheme, a division model of traffic control subareas based on the theory of correlation degree is established. The whole division process which is used to get the optimal scheme is proposed. Under this condition, the subarea division schemes are analyzed and evaluated with the layer diffusion algorithm. An example is presented to test and verify the division method of traffic control subareas based on the theory of correlation degree.2. First of all, the algebraic method of bidirectional green wave coordinated control for symmetry phase design has been improved. The value range of ideal intersection distance is determined by allowable value range of common signal cycle, a new calculation method for green wave bandwidth based on bias-split is presented, and a new selection rule of minimizing the maximum bias-split for optimal ideal intersection distance is established. Then, an algebraic method of bidirectional green wave is presented which can be used for arterial road coordinate control in the signal design mode of one-phase-one-approach. This method can optimize common signal cycle, phase sequence of each intersection, and signal offsets. Analysis in theory and applications have demonstrated that the character of application scope and effectiveness of the method. Finally, a general coordinated control model of bidirectional green wave for different traffic released mode is proposed. Signal timing optimization process based on the control model is designed. The control model can be solved by the method of mixed-integer linear programming, and a general object function of bidirectional green wave coordinated control for different bandwidth needs is established. It is a widely used, practical and accurate method for arterial road coordinate control.3. The effect of upstream intersection signal setting on platoon’s stop and delay at downstream intersection has been analyzed. With the different time that platoon reaches downstream intersection and the cumulative arrival-departure diagrams, this dissertation proposes corresponding stop and delay coordinated control models for under-saturated and over-saturated traffic conditions. The functional relationship between platoon’s stop and delay and neighboring intersections’offset is obtained. Signal timing optimization process based on the coordinated control model is designed, and the optimization methods for split and offset are also given. Then, uniform stop and delay models for under-saturated and over-saturated traffic conditions are proved to be consistent and accurate by formula derivation and simulation. This dissertation analyses the stop and delay at intersection approach for different control modes and different traffic conditions from uniform and stochastic resistance.4. Initially, the dynamic hierarchical structure, physical architecture, and logical framework for area traffic signal control system are developed by contrast to all existing systems. Hardware components and function modules are described. Besides, database of network real-time information for traffic signal control system is established. The fast dynamic division process of control subareas is proposed. Relationship between intersection correlation degree and coordinated control style is discussed. Basis for the selection of optimal signal timing scheme is presented. A signal timing scheme transition algorithm which can transfer from one scheme to another quickly and smoothly is given. Eventually, take traffic signal coordinated control systems on Liansheng Road, Humen Town, Dongguan City, as an example, signal timing for each intersection, division process for control subareas, and the process to calculate optimal signal timing scheme are introduced. Scientific rationality of the division theory of control subareas and the method of coordinated control are verified by traffic simulation and practice.


