

Study on the Mei Hua City of Nanyang in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 李炎

【导师】 吴庆洲;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 南阳,位于我国中原地区的西南部,汉水的中游,古称“申吕之国”,早在春秋初期,楚国就在此地置邑,称“宛”。后因其位于伏牛山之南、汉水之北,又被称为“南阳”。自古以来,这里西通关中,东达江淮,南蔽荆襄,北控汝洛,为“用武之国”,“天下有事,受祸最烈”,是历代兵家必争之地,素有“楚豫雄藩”、“中原冲要”之称。自先秦建城至今延续了两千多年的历史,虽历代有兴衰之别,但始终没有被废弃,可谓是我国古代城市文明的又一例证。特别是在城市发展的前期—秦汉之时,南阳宛城一度与长安、洛阳、临淄、邯郸、成都等历史名城相齐名,成为全国性的商业都市,享有“南都”、“帝乡”的美誉;隋唐时期,南阳又为东西京畿与江南地区交通联系的驿道所在;明清以来,南阳地区的市镇经济有所发展,形成了以府城为中心的城镇发展格局。清代中后期,农民起义军纵横南北,南阳再次受到战火波及,当地军民为保城卫家,修筑了“梅花城”的多重城防体系,堪称为我国城市建设史上的一朵“奇葩”。纵观南阳的城市发展历程,在不同的历史时期,城市的地位和作用迥然有别,城市的发展跌宕起伏。对于其城市发展的区域背景、阶段特征及城市空间形态演变等方面的解读,将为我们深入了解豫西南及汉水流域城市发展、城市空间形态的演变提供“实证”支持,进而成为研究中国内陆地方城市历史发展的又一案例。清代南阳为防御军事战争,修筑了“梅花城”的城市防御工程,是我国数千年城市防御体系发展的又一硕果,在城市形态与城市功能方面具有十分特殊的地位与价值,对于清代南阳“梅花城”这一集防御兵患、防洪减灾、修城技艺为一体的大成之作的考察与研究,赋予了研究南阳城市发展的“典型”意义。论文以历史文献、地方志书以及实地普查为研究基础,借助今人在古代城市研究方面的重要理论,对南阳城市历史发展和空间形态的演变进行了历时性考察与独特性研究。其中历时性的考察主要包括对各历史时期的城市发展状况进行了纵横比较,初步判断出其兴衰的历史分期:秦汉之兴盛期、三国至宋之衰退期、元明清之稳定期,并着重交待了城市兴盛时期的内在表现。在此基础上,从城市形态的角度,研究了清代“梅花城”以前的各历史阶段城市空间形态的演变过程,梳理出其前后历史发展的传承关系:即南阳古城主要经历了两汉时期的大、小双城,唐宋时期的小城,明代的唐王府城以及清代的“梅花城”。其中汉代的双城在城市空间的历史演进中地位非常重要,奠定了后代城址演变的基础,此后城市的发展基本都是围绕汉代的“小城”进行的。独特性方面的研究分为两个方面,首先是城市选址的特色,主要从军事、交通、环境的角度,明确了历史时期南阳城市在区域层面的重要地位和作用,即为军事必争之地、交通绾毂之地和环境形胜之地。另一方面就是重点对清代南阳“梅花城”这一体现古代人民的造城智慧的典型代表进行了多方位的剖析与探讨,以清代的社会历史背景为前提,归纳分析出清代南阳“梅花城”在营建的历程;城池的防御体系;城市的空间结构;城内的各功能建筑四个方面的主要特点与个性内涵,其中城池的军事防御和防洪减灾以及城市的空间结构特点是清代南阳“梅花城”独特性的最主要体现。

【Abstract】 Nan yang locates in the south-west of central china, it was called the Shen or Lv country in ancient years. During the the Spring and Autumn Period, the state of Chu built the city of Wan. Later,it was called Nan yang because it was in the south of the Fu niu mountains and the north of the Han River. Since it was the important place for military in ancient time, it was called Chu yu xiong fan and Zhong yuan yao chong. It had a history of 2,000 since the Qin Dynasty. Though destroyed and flourished in different period, it was never discarded. Thus it is an instance of the ancient urban civilization. Especially in Qin and Han Dynasties, the early stage of the city as Wan was as famous as Chang’an Luo yang, Lin zi, Han dan and Cheng du. It was a national commercial city and called the south capital and homeland of emperor. During Sui and Tang Dynasties, Nan yang became the connecting point between the east and west capital cities and Jiang nan area. From the Ming and Qing Dynasties, local economy in Nan yang was developed and patterns of urban development on the outstanding city was formed. In the late Qing Dynasty, Nan yang was attacked by the army. The citizens built the Meihua city with a Multiple defense system and a wonderful work in the history of Chinese urban construction.Throughout the history of development, the status and function of the city differed in various period. By reading the region’s background, phase characteristics and evolution of urban spatial form can provide the evidence to understand the urban development and evolution of the Han River basin and southwest of Henan, and become another historic sample of inland areas in China. In Qing dynasty, the Meihua City was built for defense. It was a result of developing defense systems for thousands of years in China. It contained special places and values in the urban form and function. The researches on the Meihua City with defense forces, flood control and city construction, will give typical meaning of the development of Nan yang.The paper focuses on the history records, local documents and field surveys. Following the research theory of ancient cities, the paper studies the historical development and evolution of spatial patterns of Nan yang in two aspects. The diachronic study includes the history of urban development in the regard of its strong and weak period. It rose in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and decayed from the Three Kingdoms period to Song Dynasty. Finally, it was stable from Yuan to Qing Dynasty. On this basis, the paper studies the evolution of urban form before the Meihua city was built, and reviews its historical relations. There are two twin cities in Han dynasty, the small city in Tang and Song Dynasties, the Tang king city in Ming Dynasty and the Meihua City in Qing dynasty.The research on unique facilities includes two aspects. Firstly, it is about the location feature, especially in terms of the military, communication and environment. It determined the important status and role in historical period. Secondly, it is about the multidimensional analysis and discussion on the Meihua city. Based on the background of social history in Qing Dynasty, the paper analyzes four aspects: construction procedures of the Meihua city, urban defense system, urban spatial structure and buildings in the city. The defense facilities, flood control and urban spatial structure are the main expression of the uniqueness of the Meihua city.

【关键词】 城市史城市形态南阳梅花城
【Key words】 urban historycity conformationNan yangthe Meihua city

