

Study on Multicast, Routing and Location Management for Wireless Sensor Networks

【作者】 李熠

【导师】 马建;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络是一种新型的网络和计算技术,它可以将客观世界中不断变化的信息持续高效地传递给人们,为人们提供各种形式的数据与服务。这种网络的自适应性、抗毁性、易部署性和低成本,使得它在环境监测、多媒体服务、医疗卫生、智能家居、军事等领域有着广泛的应用前景。而随着应用的深入,如何提高无线传感网络中的多播路由的性能,保证网络的可用性和对故障的容错性以提高网络的整体性能是一个重要的研究课题,本文围绕这一主题展开了研究。同时针对间歇性连接移动传感网络的路由问题也提出了自己的思考。本文的侧重点在共享树多播算法、间歇性连接移动传感网络路由算法、位置管理和与其相关的Quorum构造算法。论文的主要贡献包括:(1)基于双向筛选的共享树多播路由研究提出了一种在无线传感网络下的基于MAODV算法的双向筛选多播路由算法。首先,在源节点路由的过程中,通过对请求报文(RREQ)的筛选和反馈报文(RREP)的优化选择,只对满足业务需求、性能较好的链路进行转发,这种方法减少了请求报文和反馈报文的转发数量,降低了通信代价;第二,在报文转发和路由建立过程中,考虑链路的稳定性因素,把邻居节点变化率作为路径稳定因素加以考虑,增加了动态环境中多播路由的稳定性和路由成功率。(2)基于QUORUM系统的多播共享树路由修复机制研究多播过程中由于接收节点的移动,容易造成链路中断而脱离多播树,而一些实时应用则要求能够马上修复并重新建立到多播树的路由。本文提出了一种基于Quorum系统的多播共享树路由修复机制。这种机制下Quorum系统能够为移动节点快速查询可用汇合节点,并为其选择合适的汇合节点,建立到多播树的路由以保证数据的连续提供。本算法首先建立一个遍布于网络中的虚拟骨干网络,并在每个虚拟骨干节点建立位置数据库,这些位置数据库存储了汇合节点的相对位置信息。然后将骨干节点上的位置数据库组建成两两相交的Quorum系统。接收节点通过查询Quorum系统内的位置数据库能够快速知道汇合节点的位置信息并与之建立路由。仿真结果显示,该算法在切换时间和耗费代价上均比同类算法有明显提高,同时还具有一定的冗余容错特性。(3)基于非规则网格Quorum的位置管理位置管理是移动环境下无线传感网络中需要解决的一个重要问题,它能为移动节点提供快速的路由选择。建立在虚拟骨干网上Quorum系统能为WSN环境下的位置管理提供了良好的解决办法。本文提出的非规则网格Quorum构建算法,将虚拟骨干网节点组织在非规则网格中,按照一定的规律构成Quorum,并使得Quorum系统的规模最小,效率最高,提高了位置管理的效率。通过仿真对比,非规则网格Quorum的位置管理算法在切换时间、网络耗费和网络容错性上比同类的算法均有明显提高。(4)基于K任播的对数网格Quorum系统的位置管理及优化基于Quourm的位置管理系统要求在系统的建立初期就形成固定关系的Quorum。位置更新和位置调度的报文必须转发给Quorum预先定义的节点。这种预定对象的转发机制在移动的节点和不稳定的链路环境下常常会效率低下甚至不能执行。本文提出的基于K任播非规则网格Quorum系统不需要维护固定结构的Quorum,而是以K任播的方式按照非规则网格Quorum的规则从不同组中选择最快响应节点进行更新或调度。仿真结果显示比固定Quorum系统性能上有较大提高。另外本文也对非规则网格的结构进行了优化,提出了一种对数网格以满足K任播机制。(5)间歇性连接移动传感网络中的基于兴趣域的消息转发模式间歇性连接移动传感网络中的节点活动一般具有“小世界”的特性,其活动范围具有一定的“兴趣性”。本文提出了一种基于“兴趣域”的消息转发模式IRBD (Interest Region-Based Delivery),该算法先通过扩散算法将消息副本投递到能力效用值较高的域中,再通过兴趣牵引算法将副本从兴趣值低的域向兴趣值高的域转移。仿真实验结果验证了在确定性路由模式下,该算法在投递率和延迟性能等方面优于其它同类算法。

【Abstract】 Wireless sensor network (WSN) has been a new research area for some years. WSN consists of a large amount of wireless sensor nodes integrated with sensing, computing and communication modules. It senses information from physical world and transmits the messages to the users. The features of self-adaptive, ruin-resistant, easy deployment and low cost enable WSN to conduct many special applications, such as environment surveillance, multimedia service, smart homing and military application. To improve WSN’s multicast performance, ensure its availibility and guarantee the fault-tolerance is. an important issue for mobile WSN. This thesis focuses on multicast routing, location management, quorum construction algorithms and delivery in ICWSN (Intermittently Connected Mobile Sensor Networks). The main contributions of the thesis are as follows:(1) A shared tree algorithm for bilaterally filtering multicastA bilaterally filtering multicast routing algorithm for multicast service is proposed for wireless multi-hop ad hoc networks, satisfying constraints such as end-to-end latency, bandwidth limit and node-stability. The proposed algorithm is based on MAODV, a shared-tree multicast algorithm, and can reduce the routing cost through bilaterally filtering the invalid and inefficient routing path. The simulation results show that the improved protocol reduces average routing cost and increase the stability for mobility of nodes.(2) A quorum based route repair for shared tree multicast in mobile WSNThe mobility of recipient in multicast process is easy to break away link between it with multicast tree. Some realtime applictions, however, require quick route repair to link recipient to multicast tree. We propose a quorum-based route repair for shared-tree muliticast. This scheme provides a mechanism of quick looking-up rendezvous point for recipient and establish route between it and multicast tree. Results obtained through simulations demonstrate that the algorithm reduces switch time and average routing cost.(3) Irregular Grid Quorum Based Location Management for Wireless Sensor NetworkLocation service provides position of mobile destination to source node so that position based routing can be applied. Several quorum-based location services have been proposed. We propose a novel irregular grid quorum based location service. In the proposed scheme, location databases are stored in the network nodes themselves, which form a self-organizing virtual backbone network. Quorum system is constructed on the virtual backbone network in conformity to irregular grid rule. Every mobile node will notify its location update information to irregular grid quorum system so that other hosts can obtain the other node’s location through irregular grid quorum system. The simulation results show that our proposed location service leads to low switch time, and low control cost.(4) K-Anycast Quorum-based location management in wireless sensor networkWe present a novel algorithm for location management in wireless sensor network, which called K-anycast-based irregular grid quorum location management. K-anycast irregular grid quorum doesn’t require the quorum construction process in initialization, but choose the fastest nodes as quorum elements according to irregular grid rule in routing phase. The simulation results show that KLGQ can not only reduce the cost of location service, but also support more failure on quorum systems.(5) Interest Region-Based Delivery in Intermittently Connected Mobile Sensor NetworksThe mobility of nodes in Intermittently Connected Mobile Sensor Networks is normally with "small world dynamics",and its movement is restricted with some "interest".This paper propose a interest region-based delivery mode,named IRBD (Interest Region-Based Delivery,which first deliver message duplications to regions with high spread utility value, and through intrest-oriented algorithm, drag duplication to regions with higher interest value. Our results show, with respect to both message delivery ratio and delay, our scheme outperforms others in deterministic rouging enviroment.


