

Researches on All-optical Functional Devices of Microstructured Fibers

【作者】 赵乃峰

【导师】 任晓敏;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文工作是围绕以下项目展开的:以任晓敏教授为首席科学家的国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“新一代通信光电子集成器件及光纤的重要结构工艺创新与基础研究”(项目编号:2003CB314900);国家863计划项目“光子晶体光纤及器件的研制与开发”(项目编号:2007AA03Z447);教育部科学技术重大研究项目“基于微结构光纤的新一代光通信器件及系统”(项目编号:104046)和教育部“高等学校学科创新引智计划”(简称“111计划”)(项目编号:B07005)。微结构光纤(Microstructured Fibers, MFs)以其特殊的色散、非线性特性向人们展示了一个充满想象的应用前景。近年来,关于微结构光纤的设计、制造以及应用已成为研究热点。同时,随着全光通信概念的提出,基于全光的中继再生、信息处理、波长变换、码型变换以及色散补偿等已经成为全光通信的核心技术。本文的主要内容就是围绕利用微结构光纤的优异特性来完成全光通信中的几个核心技术展开的。微结构光纤中微米量级的可控结构使得基于微结构光纤的全光功能器件在高度集成中占有极大优势。本论文的主要工作有以下几个方面:1.全面研究了微结构光纤(MFs)的损耗、色散、偏振、非线性等特性,与单模光纤的耦合、熔接,以及微结构光纤的分类和分析方法2.实验完成了基于MF中自相位调制(SPM)效应的全光2R再生。对10Gb/s的脉冲光信号进行了高质量的全光再生,信号消光比从3.0dB提高到12.0dB,峰值抖动从0.8降低到0.05。同时实验研究了一路光信号向20nm波长范围的光组播。此外还设计了两种分别基于概率运算原理和光折变效应的全光时钟提取方案,这两种方案都可以克服大随机时延抖动。3.实验研究了基于MF的全光NOLM型光开关,该开关消光比达到21.3dB,开关速率达到10Gb/s,插入损耗为4.7dB。4.实验验证了基于MF中的超连续谱的DWDM光源的可行性。对于1525nm到1575nm范围内,几十个特定波长分别滤波,得到良好的光源信号。在1562nm处,调节滤波带宽,观察到了信号从脉冲向连续信号的演变过程。5.完成了基于四波混频(FWM)效应的全光波长变换实验,转换带宽为1558nm-1574nm,转换效率在-19.8dB到-28.7dB之间。完成了基于MF中的四波混频(FWM)的全光波长变换和码型转换实验,将波长为1550.1nm、传输速率为10Gb/s的NRZ光信号成功转换成了波长为1561nnm的RZ光信号。分析了WDM信号向OTDM信号的变换,理论上推导出了WDM+OTDM复用方案中的波长利用率限制。6.实验上完成了基于MF中的SPM效应的四进制信号向二进制信号的全光转换。将10Gb/s的四进制光信号转换为20Gb/s的二进制信号,转换信号的消光比约3.2dB。7.与他人合作,完成了基于微结构光纤的宽带色散补偿。对优选的MF进行了色散测量,测量结果表明:在120nm(1520nm-1640nm)范围内,该光纤可补偿其自身长度70倍的标准单模光纤,残余色散率在-2%-6%之间。完成了44nm (1523nm-1567nm)范围内的多处光信号的色散补偿实验。

【Abstract】 The research works of this dissertation are supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Project, Grant 2003CB314906), the National 863 High Technology Project of China (2007AA03Z447), the Foundation for the Key Program of Ministry of Education of China (Grant 104046) and "111 Project" (B07005).Microstructured fibers (MFs) show us an amazing and promising application potentiality for their novel properties, such as flexible and controllable dispersion property, controllable nonlinearity, and high birefringence. In recent years, the design, fabrication and application of MFs have become hot research tropics. With the conception of all-optical telecommunication, the all-optical technology based 3-R regeneration, optical information processing, wavelength conversion, pattern conversion and dispersion compensation have become core technologies of all-optical telecommunication. The content for this dissertation focuses on how to realize the key technologies in the all-optical telecommunication system by applying unique properties of MFs. The superiority of MFs based implementation scheme in the high integration results from the controllable sturcture of micron order of MFs.In this dissertation, MF-related all-optical functional devices are studied both theoretically and experimentally. The main contents and achievements are as follows.1. Comprehensive research on the properties of MFs, including loss, dispersion, polarization, nonlinearity, coupling and fusion to signal mode fiber, and the classification and analysis methods of MFs.2. Extensive study on all-optical regeneration. The 2R all-optical regeneration scheme based on SPM effect of MFs. High-quality regeneration (amplitude jitter reduction and extinction ratio enhancement) of a 10Gb/s optical data stream is achieved. The extinction ratio is enhanced from 3.0dB to 12.0dB, and the amplitude jitter was reduced from 0.8 to 0.05. One-to-multi wavelength conversion was achieved based on the SPM in MFs too, and the 10Gb/s optical data is conversed to four wavelengths between 1555nm and 1570nm simultaneously. At the same time, two clock recovery technologies based respectively on probabilistic computation and photo introduced refractive index change effect which can overcome large stochastic time jitter were put forword.3. NOLM structure all optical switching based on MFs is discussed. The extinction ratio of this all optical switching is 21.3dB, and the response rate is 10 GB/s the insert loss is 4.7dB.4. The feasibility of applying the supercontinuum (SC) of MFs into DWDM light source is verified. Clock pulses can be filterred out at different wavelength between 1525nm to 1575nm from the SC. At 1562nm, the changing process from clock pulse to CW light was observed after adjusting filter bandwidth.5. The wavelength conversion between two CW lights based on the FWM in MFs is achieved and discussed. The conversion bandwidth is 1558nm-1574nm, and the conversion efficiency is-19.8dB--28.7dB. The wavelength conversion and pattern conversion is completed simultaneously based on the FWM in MF. A 10 GB/s NRZ signal at 1550nm was conversed to an RZ signal at 1561nm. The wavelength utilization limitation of WDM+OTDM multiplexing scheme is derived theoretically.6. The all-optical quaternary-binary conversion based on SPM effect of MFs is put forward theoretically. A 10Gb/s quaternary optical signal was conversed to a 20Gb/s binary signal with extinction ratio of-3.2dB.7. The wideband dispersion compensation scheme based on MFs is completed with colleague cooperation. The dispersion compensating MF is carried out the dispersion measurement experiment within the range of 120nm (1520nm-1640nm), meanwhile is the dispersion compensation experiment of multi-points light signal within the range of 44nm (1523nm-1567nm).


